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ZetaTalk: Being Human

Page 15

by Nancy Lieder

  hand to native peoples throughout the world. This is not a necessary step, and in fact clutters the communication, but has caught the fancy of many in drug cultures who look for any and every excuse to support a habit they have come to

  rely upon as an escape.

  To speak to the incarnating spirit most effectively, removing oneself from the social demands of others is imperative.

  A walk in the woods, or in the meadow or along the beach, where the artificial and often unnatural demands of human

  society are removed. Eliminating imperatives such as extreme hunger or the press of urgent sexual demands assist in communication with the spirit, as does arranging for the isolation to be in a setting where distractions such as weather

  extremes or physical dangers do not occur. In cultures where distractions cannot be eliminated due either to ever-present hunger or sexually repressive rules or the ever-present proximity of others, the individual seeking to commune

  with their spirit may meditate under the stars at night, when others are sleeping, or alter their diet to in essence put

  their body to sleep. The starving body shuts down.

  Drugs or natural hallucinogens are not needed, and in fact create confusion when hallucinations induced by the humans

  psyche are taken as a reality outside of the human psyche. The human mind is fractured into separate brains, the result of numerous genetic engineering maneuvers that superimposed a conscious intelligence on top of an underlying

  subconscious. These two brains communicate during dreams, and the hallucinogenic state is akin to the dream state. It

  can be utterly nonsensical, having meaning only in the past experiences recorded in the subconscious of the human, as

  interpreted by the highly selective conscious! Thus, hallucinations are not removing the human body from the

  conversation between the mind and the soul, they are imposing the selectivity of the conscious as a director.

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  ZetaTalk: Premonitions

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  ZetaTalk: Premonitions

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Almost everyone knows of an instance where a premonition came true. These instances are common enough that the

  process is not doubted. But what is the process? If the future has not yet been written, how can someone have a

  premonition of the future? Premonitions are misunderstood, and are judged on their results rather than the process, and

  thus are seen as fortune telling. In fact it is a high degree of common sense combined with the ability to weigh many

  factors at once. Those subject to premonitions are not shallow, they are deep, and they listen to and trust their

  intuition. Where all humans have the capacity to have premonitions, few trust their intuition enough to let them form.

  An example where a premonition could have formed, but did not, would be the following. A mother has an

  adventurous child, who has in the past been found climbing high on furniture or creeping out to the edge of drop-offs.

  The child rushes into things, with enthusiasm, and seems to never hesitate. The child has lately been allowed outside,

  alone but within a fenced-in yard assumed to be safe. One day the child is found in a neighboring yard, close to a busy

  street, and everyone is alarmed.

  Should the mother have been prone to premonitions this tale would change. About the time when the child was to be

  freed in the yard, presumably safe, the mother has a premonition that the child is to be beset by danger on all sides. She is so fearful that extra checking and fussing are put into place, yet the child escapes and is in danger, close to a busy street. The extra checking brings this to everyone's attention, so the child is not harmed, but everyone marks the

  moment - this was a premonition. What occurred was a combination of the mother's knowledge of her child's nature,

  the agility the child displayed, and perhaps past familiarity with children that age who are anxious to demonstrate to

  themselves their independence. The mother mulled all this around and the result was a hunch that the child might

  break out of the yard and go exploring. Rather than dismiss this as merely a possibility, the mother gives her hunch credence, and plays these scenarios over and over again in her head with new factors recently learned. She plays with

  combinations and nuances, and has great trust in her innate judgment. Thus, she vocalizes her concerns, where another would dismiss this concern as only a mother's tendency to worry.

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  ZetaTalk: Poltergeist

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  ZetaTalk: Poltergeist

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  A phenomenon long known but little understood by humans is what is termed poltergeist, or ghost knocking.

  Researchers have correctly identified that it is not caused by spirits but by the living. Is this a deliberate act? Most definitely, and the fastest way to locate the perpetrator is to scan for the angriest person, as intense rage is the engine by which poltergeist activity is run. Intense and unremitting anger sets the brain into Theta waves, and this builds over time until another offshoot is possible. What humans take to be their physical surroundings are what they can see,

  hear, feel, and observe to have substance as it moves, has color, or has a physical effect that can be observed. Humans

  understand that air is a substance as the action of wind is felt and observed, and airplanes, operating on this unseen

  substance, can lift and fly. Can't taste it, see it, or put ones hands about it, but know it's there.

  Think of the substance that supports poltergeist activity as a type of air. When Theta waves reach a certain level, they

  support a transmission across this substance just as electrical arcing can cross an air space when the opposing charges

  reach a certain level on either side. Are opposing charges involved in poltergeist? In a manner of speaking, yes. The

  human causing poltergeist cannot control the effects, as this is a random discharge. They ramp up and things go bang.

  Windows break, knickknacks fall off the shelf, a chair moves, and internally the perpetrator is smiling as they made

  the object of their hatred distressed once again.

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  ZetaTalk: Hauntings

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  ZetaTalk: Hauntings

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

  We have stated that spirits cannot manipulate the environment, except to effect a sense of coldness in those humans

  they are attempting to contact. The stuff of souls incarnates bodies, and has many points of influence during

  incarnations, but cannot move furniture or slam doors. The souls incarnating bodies work via the body to effect change in the physical world. Thus, much of what is described as haunting, other than the sense that a spirit is present and a

  communication soul-to-soul of what that communication is, is not from disembodied spirits. It is from humans, living in the vicinity and most often in the very house, using a brain wave generated by anger. This is commonly known as

  poltergeist activity, and is ascribed correctly to angry teens in the vicinity. Specialists can identify the human causing this, and advise the parents on how to reduce the anger, get it out in the open so it does not have these misdirected

  effects. Telekinesis has been registered, scientifically, so this is no longer a mystery.

  Where ghosts appear on video images, these are in essence a chemical reaction, such as affecting the flow of light
r />   particles, and thus can truly be a spirit imprint! Levitation, done by aliens in 4th Density, is done by manipulating

  gravity particles. Thus, we float a paralyzed contactee into our ships, or float ourselves at will. A visiting spirit might attempt to affect gravity particles, to levitate objects, but will not manage this. However, humans who temporarily

  levitate objects are doing so, as they do when the slam doors, by other means, not gravity particle flow. Air pressure, magnetic manipulation, electrical particle charging, are in effect. Movies often portray levitation or poltergeist as being able to lift a heavy table, but in reality this is not what hauntings find. The chair moves a couple inches, a cup jiggles off the edge of a table, a paper lift and floats off the stack. Hollywood has exaggerated, as usual.

  But where humans see something misty, a shape, or think they see a human appearing and then disappearing, this is

  most often a mind-trick of their own when they are aware they are talking to another spirit. Likewise, a spirit can leave an imprint on physical matter, in the same way they can make the room feel cold. To have a chemical effect like this

  requires the right chemistry, to be affected for instance by a lack or increase in heat particles. Heat particles are not the only particle flow a spirit can affect, but is the particle flow humans are most attuned to, thus notice. For instance, a human quickly feels cold when stepping outdoors without adequate clothing, but scarcely notices that the magnetic

  field has increased nearby. Thus, the division line is where large movement of objects, slamming doors and the like, this is human generated. Where there is a sense of presence, or a shadowy figure, or a sense of heat loss, this is most

  likely visiting spirits.

  As with viewing a temporary manifestation of someone you knew, or a shadowy figure, hearing their voice or the musical chime, is also something your mind is doing to you, in response to a visiting spirit. Thus, this is a type of suggestion, which you willing go along with if this is a spirit you know, and wish to communicate with. The mind

  often does this, filling in the pieces in events that lack the whole. This is why there is such a strong different, often, between what witnesses report. Each has filled in the missing pieces to make sense, to form a whole, and is describing

  the whole. If the visit is from a recently deceased uncle, beloved, and the mind wishes to record the messages as from this uncle, then it might insert an image of the uncle as he looked. Thus, during visits from spirits, there are some in the room who hear and see them, and others are unaffected and call them liars!

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  ZetaTalk: Psychics

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  ZetaTalk: Psychics

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Humans in the main do not have a great deal of psychic ability, which is simply a combination of telepathy and

  common sense. A small percentage, perhaps less than 10%, have some psychic abilities, and a very few are

  significantly psychic. Most humans are personally acquainted with a situation that had overtones of psychic interplay,

  or have a close friend or relative who relays such a story. Someone knew that revenge was being plotted and the means

  being planned. Someone knew that a package was in the mail and what it contained. Someone sensed that an airplane

  was in danger and warned a potential passenger to change their plans. Psychic ability runs in families, and for a simple

  reason. Telepathic ability as well as common sense are based on the structure of the brain, and this is for the most part genetic.

  What's going on here, within the psychic, to allow them to be aware of existing situations and seemingly to foretell the

  future? For those situations where the psychic simply had to be aware of an existing situation, one known to other

  humans, the answer lies in telepathy. Any fact known to another human can be sensed by a telepath. Psychics are most

  sensitive to those they know, or those who may be thinking about situations they care about, or those who may be

  thinking about the psychic themselves. This accounts for the majority of psychic situations, where a personal

  connection of some kind is present.

  Where psychics seem to be foretelling the future, common sense has entered in. Here the psychic senses facts known

  to a number of humans, and puts them together in logical probabilities. The pending airplane crash is in fact known to

  several humans - the airplane mechanics who are ordered to overlook maintenance because the financial condition of

  the airline is dire; the pilot who notices, however subconsciously, that his instruments are not lining up as they

  normally do; the scheduling clerks, who regret assigning aging airplanes to busy flights, knowing the risks involved.

  These humans send forth their thoughts for psychics to capture and ponder. For every situation where there is a

  successful foretelling of the future, there are literally thousands of situations where the psychic was wrong. The

  successful occurrences are so dramatic that the story gets widely told. Failures rarely get a mention.

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  ZetaTalk: Telepathy

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  ZetaTalk: Telepathy

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2002

  Telepathy is both specific and general. As someone who has telepathic ability can tell you, it can also be voluntary or

  visited upon one. We will use the analogy of a radio, which can be tuned to various radio frequencies or turned off

  entirely. A radio also requires a broadcasting station, from which many radios as receivers can listen. Radio waves go

  long distances, as do the brain waves responsible for what humans call telepathy. If someone with telepathy ability can

  receive, theoretically, from all broadcasting brains, how to the receiving brain sort it all out, and not get overwhelmed?

  The receiving brains are in essence busy with their own business, so the incoming is treated as noise in the main.

  Where the incoming strikes a cord with the receiving brain, such as a familiar scene or mutual concerns, the receiving

  brain may decide to listen. When this occurs, it is as though the dial on the radio were being turned, and the volume

  turned up likewise. The receiver concentrates on the inbound signals, not allowing itself to be distracted by internal

  concerns of the self.

  Thus, a telepathic person in listening mode may seem distracted, though other functions can proceed. In tune

  with the inbound message, the receiver's heart will beat in tune with the sender, and their brain be activated in

  similar places, so they are acting as much as possible as a single brain. During these modes, it is possible for the receiver to start sending, as they are in sync, on the same wave length, so to speak.

  In general, and to a high degree, telepathy is something your DNA supports. Be aware that only a small segment

  of humankind can utilize telepathy to any degree. A small percentage of the population has an occasional

  telepathic experience, rare, sometimes once in a lifetime. Of this small percentage, a smaller yet percentage,

  perhaps only 2% of the whole population, have any ability that they can muster at will. In that they share DNA,

  share brain wave hardware, so to speak, family connections are the most common. Twins and family also share

  experiences, which also increases occurrences.

  Telepathy also occurs during sleep, highly common, which is why many humans conclude they have prophetic

  dreams. They are merely reaching out, during sleep, when they are breathing slowly and not highly oxyge

  and chatting with others who have knowledge. Prophecy is often simply a logical guess, based on many facts not

  generally known to the public. The prophet may be simply putting together information gained from many

  others, and arriving at the logical conclusion!

  Holding your breath, to increase Carbon Dioxide levels, helps, which is why the Hindus prefer mountain tops for

  meditation. Carbon Dioxide suppresses interference, noise, from other body and brain functions, so the body and

  brain is in essence drugged. Likewise, learning to trust your senses, if you think you are in contact, rather than reject them as silly thoughts, can help you make full use of what ability you have. Practice with some friends,

  and compare what you received with what they have sent or written down, to gain confidence.

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  ZetaTalk: Sleep

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  ZetaTalk: Sleep

  Note: written on May 15, 2002

  Life on Earth sleeps, due to many factors not present on other worlds where life that has evolved does not necessarily

  sleep. What are these factors, and how does life that developed elsewhere cope without sleep? Almost all worlds that

  evolve life rotate, as rotation occurs in planets with liquid or molten cores, which are warm and not cold, a

  requirement for life. Thus, these worlds have a night and day, and a night alone does not dictate the need for sleep.

  The factor on Earth that nudged evolving life into regular sleep is the carnivores, huge and voracious and savage.

  Where today you have big cats and wolf packs and large bears and sharks in the oceans, in the past life on Earth was

  more precarious. Look to the age of the dinosaurs, T-Rex and the Saber Tooth Tiger. Life that was not a carnivore could expect a short and not too sweet life, on the run, relying on mass production of eggs or young in order to


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