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ZetaTalk: Being Human

Page 17

by Nancy Lieder

  Hand Maiden: This archetype is shy and obedient on the surface, but aware within. She is charged with attending to a mistress, who is almost invariably sarcastic and selfish. The Hand Maiden is dressed demurely, no flashy colors, and

  has her brunette hair tied back. She stares at the floor, not meeting gazes. She has access to secrets, as she is not seen as a threat by anyone. Consequently, in folklore and reality, she frequently has a role in conspiracy situations. True to the situation in real life, where men in particular assume any dependent woman must give them full loyalty, the Hand

  Maiden is assumed to be loyal. She knows the conspiracy, having overheard the plot discussed openly. She knows the

  secret passageways. She has access to garments or tools that can assist the cause of justice. In modern days, this

  archetype is shown as a hired maid, or secretary to an important personage.

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  ZetaTalk: Werewolves

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  ZetaTalk: Werewolves

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

  Werewolves exist, but not in the form portrayed in the media. The media image portrays a change in form under the

  influence of a full moon, and this all quite out of the control of the human infected by a bite. A dramatization of the

  real situation, which happens rarely and is indeed an infection, the result of a bite - rabies.

  What happened in the past when a rabid animal, most often a wolf, tangled with and bit a human. Wolves normally

  avoid human contact, but when wildly irritable with an infected brain, they savage anything that disturbs them. The

  infected human first finds insidious changes setting in - irritability, snapishness. During the course of the disease the afflicted human would become unkempt - hair and nails growing long. And in the final stages of the disease, madness

  and extreme irritability set in - the man having become the wolf. Why does the legend tie the madness to the full

  moon? Even unaffected humans grow a bit wild during the full moon, but a human in the final stages of rabies, wild

  eyed and howling with pain, snarling at all who come near, would be more noticeably affected. The full moon become

  the point where it was all too much, and quiet suffering became anguished howls. Tormented in the villages, rabid

  victims often sought the quiet of the woods to soothe their hyper-irritable nerves. Thus, the legend.

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  ZetaTalk: Cultural Influences

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  ZetaTalk: Cultural Influences

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The culture indeed affects how the human relates to its environment. This culture begins prior to birth, when the fetus

  anticipates how human emotions will be accepted within the human culture. The infant in the womb is not unaware of

  discussions, arguments, resolutions, and any resentment the mother may feel in these matters. The infant stands in his

  mothers shoes, truly. Thus even before birth the infant anticipates how its persona will be accepted, how its emotional

  tone will be received, when it is safe to assert the self, and under what situations true fear for the safety and security of the individual arises.

  In some cultures the individual is allowed true expressions. No matter what the mind-set of the individual, this can be

  expressed. This is not to say that actions against another, which would hinder the free progress of others or harm

  others in their innate right to be, are allowed. We are talking here of honesty, in expressing one's true impressions and mind-set. In these cultures the individual feels secure in his or her person, and as the majority of conflict situations involve the perceived repression of free expression, much energy is freed to attend to the common good. These cultures

  therefore become more secure in general, and there is less emphasis on trying to dominate the environment.

  In other cultures much anxiety exists because those parts of humans which are quite natural are not accepted. A battle

  begins even before birth, in which the individual buries those parts of itself not acceptable, but has buried the un-dead.

  As in a nightmare, the un-dead parts of itself arise, and must be dealt with. There is rage at the necessity for this. The individual fights with itself, and therefore there is little energy to attend to the common good. Thus not only is the

  individual insecure, due to the lack of consideration perceived from others, but the community is insecure, from the

  lack of concern for the common good.

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  ZetaTalk: Heaven's Gate

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  ZetaTalk: Heaven's Gate

  Note: written on May 15, 1997

  Scarcely anyone believes, as the leader and follower of Heaven's Gate did, that a UFO was indeed following what was

  billed as the comet Hale-Bopp, or that they as human beings would be selected out from among the billions for special

  treatment. What shocked the nation and the world was not so much the absurdity of their beliefs but the extent to

  which they would go to adhere to them. Incidences such as suicide bombers and soldiers going into battle and even

  into certain death are not unknown, but behind these actions is something concrete, such as home and family or actual

  politicians and laws one is in rebellion against. Many church-goers prate the belief they supposedly espouse, but would

  hesitate to put even their time and discomfort behind them, much less their lives. And those who would discomfit

  themselves for a belief are sure that their belief is not as silly as Heaven's Gate.

  However, if one looks at just a few examples from Christian belief - that of the Rapture that many Christians cling to,

  or the Ascension where Jesus supposedly rose from the dead, or Baptism where splashing a bit of water is supposed to

  make the difference between a tiny babe going to heaven or hell - one sees that the Heaven's Gate crowd was scarcely

  alone in their silliness. These beliefs and the actions they generate have no more rationale than the beliefs that the Heaven's Gate crowd held. That said, why did the Heaven's Gate crowd arrive at such an absurd conclusion, and what

  led them to take the steps they did?

  When looking to understand why cults do as they do, one should first examine the leaders. Cults are characterized by

  an isolationist life style, with the flow of information coming only from the leader and this slanted to fit his needs. The psychology that occurs is simply an extension of what goes on in the average family - what father says goes, and he

  has ownership over his wife and children. Dictated rules seem absurd when one only sees the devotee slavishly

  following them, and make sense only when one examines the leaders. They are, after all, his rules, created by him to further his comfort and reduce his distress. The sense of possession that prompts a cult leader to order his followers to follow him in death is a factor present in the average household, where it is not unheard of for the husband to threaten

  to kill his wife if she even thinks about leaving him.

  The leader of the Heaven's Gate cult was beset with personal anxieties, which are no secret. Ashamed of his

  homosexual yearnings, he had himself castrated. Guilt often leads one to think of eminent death, the ultimate

  punishment while simultaneously the ultimate escape, and this too was a theme throughout his life. Riddled with

  sexual conflicts, he compulsively structured his life to avoid any tempt
ations, and thus the rules against personal

  interaction and the silly rules about how to slice apples and the like. Had the cult leader espoused the beliefs of an

  organized religion, where their death was to take them to heaven, they would not have astonished many. That his

  heaven was a space ship rather than a nebulous place in the clouds put him at odds with what the church teaches, and thus he was considered a kook instead of a deeply religious man!

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  ZetaTalk: Right Religion

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  ZetaTalk: Right Religion

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The major religions of mankind, now and throughout the history of mankind, have almost invariably fostered an

  impression of selectivity - a theme that those holding to the beliefs taught, or those strictly adhering to the practices required, will be selected for special treatment both before and after death. Of course this is entirely false, and

  purported only to secure and hold adherents. Christians are told that a few words spoken by a member of the religious

  elite, along with a sprinkling of water blessed by these same religious elite, is the ticket to heaven. We are speaking

  here of baptism. Absence of these steps damns non-Christians to hell. What nonsense. Does the entity not earn their future path by the steps taken? Whom does such a belief benefit? Look to this to understand why this falsehood is

  promulgated. Those most insistent on holding out false hopes of an easy road in the future are those who benefit most

  directly from widespread belief - the religious elite, who in most cases are charging for their services.

  Just so, throughout history, religious elites have required that their enemies be persecuted and eliminated, their bed be feathered, their followers submit to sexual advances, and their coffers be filled - all in the name of a glorious future for the faithful followers.

  There is no right or wrong religion, only ignorant or enlightened practices.

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  ZetaTalk: Holy Wars

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  ZetaTalk: Holy Wars

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Many religions based on the same concept of consideration for others and fair play have come to see each other as

  rivals and do anything but practice what they preach. The Christians during the Crusades set out to eliminate rival

  religions, and cared not how much murder and mayhem resulted. Islam has become so intolerant of western religions

  that to reveal one's religious affiliations to be anything but Muslim in some countries is tantamount to a self imposed

  death sentence. The basis for such polarity is strictly rivalry for territory, followers, and the subsequent control of

  wealth. To dissuade loyal followers from veering from their path, alternate religions or the countries predominantly

  influenced by these religions are dressed as evil gluttons, liars, and most certainly not to be trusted. Thus the followers cannot verify the truth of these warnings, as distance must be maintained.

  An old ploy, still much in use today.

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  ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

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  ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Many agendas are ascribed to racial hatred when the cause is something different. Why do people war with each other?

  For territory, resources, sexual prize, booty, slaves, a sense of conquest, a sense of power, greed, hunger, fear of the

  other, ignorance - there are many reasons. When warring occurs between people of different races, everything is

  ascribed to racial hatred. Take note of what happens when there is scarcely any difference between groups. Warring

  still occurs, but now it is ascribed to bad chemistry, a long standing feud, or a disagreement over boundaries.

  Is this to say that there is no racial hatred? Certainly not. Racial hatred has the same base that hatred in general has, so here again we will point to the generic base. Empathy counters hatred, and empathy is strongest where the entities find

  themselves in similar circumstances. People of similar backgrounds, same sex, same upbringing by parents of similar

  personalities, same life situation, same religion, same schooling and exposure to the same media - these people will

  sympathize with each other and forgive each other trespass, temper flares, theft, and rivalry. People with dissimilar

  backgrounds will react entirely differently, flaring into arrest and lawsuits over a trivial affront, because the other is received with suspicion and a lack of understanding.

  Therefore, see racial hatred in the same light as other hatreds - as one more factor posing a challenge to entities

  developing toward the Service-to-Others orientation. Empathy seeks to transcend differences, finding the common


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  ZetaTalk: United Nations

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  ZetaTalk: United Nations

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  We, the Zetas, feel the United Nations is the best hope for the world to experience a firm and reliable governance

  during the tumultuous times ahead. The United Nations we speak of is not the United Nations you see today, it is the

  United Nations that may be if it grows to meet our hopes. Without such a body the world will crumble into fiefdoms

  and the sharing of technology and skills, so needed during the dark and fearsome times ahead, will take place little if

  at all. The United Nations represents a body that is supranational, and as such can approach any of the world's

  governments not as a threat but as a friend. Guards are let down and eyes are turned toward the horizon for the long

  range view. It is our sincere hope that the recent surge in strength and prestige given to the United Nations will

  continue unabated and increase steadily.

  Many see the United Nations as interfering, and many see too little interference. Several factors are at play here. Those who long for the world of the future, where all consider the needs of the other and artificial barriers such as country or race or religions are ignored, wish for the United Nations to grow in influence and breadth. But those who would exert

  supreme control over peoples and lands under their dominion see the United Nations as a threat to their powers. These

  opposing forces play off against each other, with various rouses as excuses. Money given to the United Nations is

  squandered or unfairly spent. Tasks undertaken are not equally shouldered. Whatever. Support may be promised and

  then suddenly withdrawn, or crucial votes withheld for trivial reasons. All these are ploys to weaken what individual

  power mongers consider a threat. Consequently the actions of the United Nations should be viewed not from their

  actions alone, but by the many countervailing actions designed to weaken and destroy the United Nations.

  Those who would see the United Nations reach its potential should support it regardless of any individual actions

  taken. This is a body pulled in many directions, and those who would see it pulled in the right directions should not

  stop pulling.

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  ZetaTalk: Capitalism

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  ZetaTalk: Capitalism

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the avarice and greed of the few. Proponents

  point to the United States or other western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still reigns for the masses. Is your United States any

  different, in truth? How many citizens are starving on the streets, in increasing numbers? How many tiny school

  children sit with hollow eyes because their bellies are cramping in an insistent demand for the breakfast they never

  seem to get? How many families try to make moldy, bug ridden quarters cheerful, with not much more than a plucked

  dandelion or two. Children playing in the mud because this is their only toy. This is Capitalism's outcome. In point of

  fact, these statistics would be a thousand times worse if Capitalism were allowed to run full course. It is held in check by your laws.

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  ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories

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  ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories

  Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

  Humans like to believe that they do not give credence to any theory that cannot be verified in the labs or in some other

  manner. This is just not true. Children are taught that evolution developed man, but what is called the missing link has

  never been discovered. Astronomers work on the premise that a Big Bang started things going, but most certainly have

  never viewed this or reproduced this in their labs. The wonders of electricity are extensively utilized in human society, as are the wonders of magnetism, radio waves, and light, but the theories guiding these wonders are plastic and forever

  under adjustment by humans. Humans in fact use their theories as guidelines, during their search for a more perfect


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