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ZetaTalk: Being Human

Page 19

by Nancy Lieder

  confiscate the technology. If the technology simply offers a higher standard of living, then those in the establishment,

  corporate giants, will use every means at their disposal to reap profits from mankind's eager adoption of the

  technology. This is usually masked as a joint arrangement with the inventor, but should one scrutinize the record, most

  often the inventor is barely rewarded and the takeover artists become wealthy. The price for any new invention is then

  placed at what the market will bear, to maximize profits, so mankind in the end does not benefit as the inventor had


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  ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

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  ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The medical needs of your country have been increasing, but this has been in response to the medical advances made.

  As you learn how to keep the human body alive, when born younger as in prematurity or aging far past the point of no

  return, the philosophy of the medical community has been that all life at all costs must be saved. Of course, the cost is to be born by someone else, and they are at least indirectly the recipient, so the philosophy is not without self interest.

  The philosophy, Hippocratic Oath, is such that this will not change overnight. Legalizing suicide and making common

  sense determinations on when to pull the plug on a comatose geriatric case and when to go to heroic efforts to save a

  tiny premature baby who will in all likelihood be brain damaged will not be forthcoming anytime soon. The conflict

  will continue.

  The medical community will be caught, in our opinion, between opposing forces over the next decade. On the one

  hand the trend we just described will continue, as medical advances are going to keep coming. On the other hand are

  the tight budgets experienced on many levels. The tax payer finds himself increasingly out of a job and finding

  employment only on the basis that he provide himself with benefits, which usually equates to no medical benefits. The

  federal and state governments toss the issue of who is responsible back and forth, all the while letting the big boys who run the corporations off the hook. Socialized medicine will eventually arrive in the US, and common sense will

  eventually prevail not as a changed philosophy but as procedures where delays are such that patients held from death

  by a thread will die before treatment arrives.

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  ZetaTalk: Career Choices

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  ZetaTalk: Career Choices

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

  Lifelong endeavors, contrary to the usual assumption, are not typically career choices. Humankind, struggling to

  survive in most places, is forced into activities by either their physical location, their sex, or their native abilities.

  Primitive groups hunting and gathering left the females out of the hunting party so as not to distract the males.

  Physical strength in farming communities presses the young men into service, using their bodies, not their minds.

  Young women likely to become pregnant are pressed into activities that pregnant women can handle, in anticipation of

  their future state. Leadership falls to tall, large men almost invariably, as tradition has established them as the winners in physical contests, precursors to the verbal politics of today. Thus, most humans do not choose their occupations, they make the best of what they are presented with.

  However, where a leisure class has developed or industrialization has provided food without the constant necessity to

  farm, choice is possible. Choice usually runs into tradition, with tradition winning, and this is much played out in the

  media. Given that an individual is indeed free to make a choice, is not required to take the best paying possibility in

  order to support dependents or is not threatened with loss of family or community support if they make an independent

  choice, then another drama ensues. Depending on their orientation, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, they will

  choose in the following manner.

  If leaning toward Service-to-Self, the individual will seek a position that gives them power and control over

  others. This may be disguised as serving others, as for instance joining the religious elite may be disguised as

  saving souls, but in fact is an opportunity to dominate others while intruding into their personal lives, a power

  trip. They will seek positions of power where few can resist, such as teaching the young in a military school, or

  acting as warden over a prison colony. Power and the desire to control others will take precedence over wealth

  and comfort, but this is the second priority.

  If leaning toward Service-to-Others, the individual will ponder what the needs of those around them are, and

  how their talents might best serve. Since those in the Service-to-Others are not without self interest, the

  occupational choice will undoubtedly include those activities that the individual enjoys. This is not a conflict of

  interest but a merging of interests, a win-win situation. Where there is a conflict, due to strong need in the

  community, the budding Service-to-Others individual will sacrifice his comfort and enjoyment, becoming the

  one to repair the sewer mains to prevent infection in the community if no one else is filling this need, for

  instance. Meeting the needs of the community takes precedence, where a choice is to be made.

  If of a mixed orientation, undecided, the spiritually immature individual will tend to focus on comforts and

  status, seeking lucrative occupations with lots of leisure time and where one can be on center stage getting

  applause. If the choice happens to give the individual control over others, they scarcely notice except that this

  may allows them to foist work onto others and increase their leisure time. If the choice happens to allow the

  individual to help the community, they are happy to take bows and applause, and may even seek such activity

  for this reason alone. However, the priority is to enjoy life and avoid discomfort.

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  ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

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  ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  Human society, as most 3rd Density societies, is rift with status symbols - big cars, big houses, titles after the name,

  designer clothing, the right neighborhood, membership in elite groups, and name recognition. For many, the status

  symbol looms more important that any underlying meaning, because the status symbol represents power.

  Those with money have more power than those without, almost invariably, as money can buy cooperation. Thus,

  most status symbols denote money. Where it is difficult to put on the facade of big money without the actual

  prop, those masquerading as well-to-do manage to do so surprisingly well on occasion by dressing well, acting

  arrogant, and getting others to foot the bill. This is usually a short run affair, with the perpetrator remaining on

  as a pet of the wealthy only happening in the movies. The perpetrator is almost without exception resented for

  crashing the gates and prosecuted.

  Those with membership in elite, exclusive groups have more power than those without, as the membership

  cooperates with each oth
er, doing favors, and thus each member has a larger reach. Thus, those with such

  memberships almost invariably advertise them in any introduction or brief biography they provide. Rarely are

  those without actual memberships able to assume this facade. This is not due to any difficulty in making up

  counterfeit certificates or cards, but due to the clubby way members communicate with each other. Phone calls

  on a first name basis, and introductions from someone known before a stranger is allowed into the midst. This

  ploy, claiming membership one does not possess, is not tried often as it is invariably counterproductive.

  Those with name recognition have more power than those without, as others are afraid of offending them for fear

  of the incident becoming widely known. Thus hotel accommodations or fast and often free service is provided as

  everyone suspects the cameras may be running in some manner. Scams where the power hungry assume the

  name of someone well known are usually short running, though all humans can have look-alikes and some of the

  famous have many. A certain dress, a little make-up, practice the voice and posture, and voile, one can walk

  about and pick up the perks at a party or convention. The counterfeit personage, emboldened by success, tends to

  use this routine more and more often and linger, thus eventually getting caught and dealing with a lot of disgust

  and venom thrown their way, outweighing any benefits gained.

  However, the easiest status symbol to attain, and the one most often used by the power hungry, is a title after the

  name. Doctor, Judge, CPA, Representative, Director, Manager, Esquire, President, Captain, General - how often

  are the titles verified as genuine? Almost never, unless the personage is applying for a job and even then this

  type of checking is seldom done if the personage has the proper demeanor. Thus, the power hungry can assume

  a title and get away with it in the main, winning deference and rapt attention at a minimum, entry where the

  doors were formerly locked, an audience where the message was formerly dismissed, and as any good salesman

  knows, getting the foot in the door is half the battle! They are home.

  Thus, when one finds status symbols in the form of titles after a stranger's name, particularly nebulous titles, one

  should not instantly assume they are dealing with a person who has earned the title, or any title for that matter.

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  ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

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  ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

  Money may not buy love but it certainly covers a lot of fronts - good nutrition, housing, the ability to travel, hand

  servants, sexual gratification, life in a good climate, and a good view from the top of a hill. More significantly, money is a way out - out of having to work, having to do chores that hirelings can do, out of having to be polite to employers and bankers, and the possibility of a way out of any troubles with a quick cash settlement. Money can also allow the

  vision to be attained, and make the difference between embarking on a visionary path or languishing. It is not

  surprising, then, that get-rich- quick schemes are popular and make a lot of money for their promoters, who are

  themselves trying to get rich.

  In dealing with these assertions, that the secret is this or that, one should bear in mind that if it were all that easy, then everyone would be rich. Is this a closely held secret when it is for sale? Is anything being revealed that is special

  knowledge? These schemes generally include a lot of self confidence builders, which in and of themselves are

  calculated to make a difference in the lives of those who buy the packaged scheme. The shy man who stood by while

  others took credit for his ideas becomes assertive and now gets credit, and attributes his improved standard of living to the get-rich-quick scheme. The steady saver, who clings to solid and sure bonds and savings accounts, takes more risky

  investments and, until they lose big as well as win big, thinks their life transformed.

  To the extent that the packaged scheme gives solid advice and encourages the shy and constrained to live life more

  fully, these schemes do no harm. Where they take money from those who are poverty stricken on false promises, they

  are only making the promoters rich.

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  ZetaTalk: Politics

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  ZetaTalk: Politics

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Those who go into politics, like those who go into upper management, want to be able to wheel and deal, to be able to

  have cards that they can play, and are anxious to come out on the top of the pile. They are not concerned, no matter

  what they say, about the average citizen because the average citizen cannot give them backing. This has always been

  the case throughout human history, and is a heavy factor in all 3rd Density cultures. Politics is a way of disguising the lust for power over others. When one says politics, they hope this lust will not be noticed, and some other motive,

  such as the general welfare or leadership in troubled times, will be assumed. Few are so misled. Nevertheless,

  politicians are not deflated when exposed, nor put off by the frank disgust of those they purport to serve. Those who

  wish to be on top will use sales techniques, bribery, a loud mouth, wheeling and dealing and making partnerships or

  whatever it takes.

  Early leadership goes to those of a massive or powerful build. There is no mystique here, as the caveman image of a

  massive giant with a club says all. In a confrontation between tribes, the giants with their clubs rumbled forward, and

  whomever survived the bludgeoning wins. Not much has changed. Politicians in the main are men, large and ruthless,

  who show an early propensity to destroy their opponents without conscience. There are, of course, exceptions, but

  these are few and far apart. When it suited the strong tribal leaders to group, then qualities other than brute strength

  counted. Nevertheless, the motive was for the self - the leaders of the tribe seeing the tribe as an extension of the self.

  Now the ability to negotiate gained in importance, to trade off something of little value for another thing sought. But

  have the motives changed? Not at all. So politics is basically a way of having tribal wars and conflicts over resources

  in a polite, bloodless way.

  Politics steps in when bloody battles would be counterproductive, but politics is discarded when frank war will win the

  prize more readily. One should not be fooled simply because the claws of the politicians are retracted. They are still

  there, and the hunger is still there. This will be the case on Earth, during the Transformation, as long as 3rd Density

  cultures remain on Earth. Depending upon what part of the Earth one lives in, who the neighbors are, there may be a

  rapid transition during the Transformation to a different type of politics. The Council of Worlds is elected by true

  elections, not by an electorate arrangement which is a percolating-up method that can be controlled, not by a method

  whereby only those the power structure has already chosen are presented to you as candidates, but by a true election

  such that the type of individual that all desire to see as candidates and all admire are in administrative positions. Our administration goes smoothly because they are highly respected, often directly elected by the individuals that they are


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  ZetaTalk: Taking Responsibility

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  ZetaTalk: Taking Responsibility

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Many times those who would take a responsible position in life have mixed feelings. Should they step to the helm, be

  the one on call, make promises - and then find they lack the leadership or are at a loss for ideas or cannot deliver? At

  what point is it safe to offer? Many hesitate, fearing failure not only for themselves but for those who would be the

  brunt of their failure - those whom promises were made to. On the other hand some promise blithely, with never a

  thought that they may be required to deliver, enjoying the appreciation they receive in advance. And then there is the

  other side of the equation, the recipient, who may trust blindly or be guarded, may find themselves delighted at the

  results or waiting forever for any results.

  Think of the child, whose father has turned his back without any thought of how the child and its mother will survive.

  These men are often the most free with slavish promises stated boldfaced to the women they charm. In many cases

  they may even believe their own words and be horrified at their behavior, living afterwards with a deep sense of

  dismay and shame.

  Whichever side of the equation one finds themselves on, how to know when to step up to the plate and how to know

  when to trust. This is one of the major lessons of 4th Density in the Service-to-Others orientation. Entities find

  themselves on both sides of the equation, disappointed, dazed, confused, and trying not to blame the other for the

  mess. Endless discussions sometimes ensue over what went wrong and who should shoulder blame. In the Service-to-

  Others orientation, more often than not, both sides of the equation want to take the blame, and this becomes just another issue - who will be allowed to take responsibility for what went wrong.


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