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Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces..

Page 35

by P. G. Van

  Nick groaned in pleasure and encouraged by the intensity in my responses, he gently took off my athletic pants and with it my undergarment. I felt a sudden wave of cold air hit me, and Nick saw me shudder and asked, “Are you cold, baby?”

  “Nick, I need to tell you something,” I said in a shaky voice.

  He pulled up the sheets on the bed and urged me to go under the sheets. He joined me a few seconds later his body steaming hot and ready to warm up my entirety. He kissed me on my forehead and asked, “What is it Sameera?”

  “Nick, I stopped taking the hormones that I have been taking to regulate my cycle,” I said and when Nick looked at me with a perplexed expression, I smiled and added, “The hormones also served as a birth control. I stopped taking them right after I reached India to…” I paused looking at Nick’s expression. He was looking at me in a daze as he was just not following what I was saying.

  “Nick, I am ready to be the mother of your children,” I said in a bold voice and saw Nick’s face glow with happiness and pride.

  “And you didn’t tell me?” Nick asked complaining.

  “I was going to tell you in a week when you arrived but here you are,” I smiled and planted a kiss on his lips.

  “Could we possibly make a baby now?” Nick asked his voice tender.

  “Maybe,” I said blushing.

  “We should start then, don’t you think?” Nick said teasing me.

  “Nick, stop it. You and I have a lot of responsibilities for the next few months, and we need to use another form of protection until then,” I said in a flat voice.

  Nick laughed and said, “That’s a problem, I object.”

  I smiled and he looked at me smiling and asked, “So, when do we get married. Do you want to get married on the same day as Srini and Nethra?”

  “Nick, we can’t do that. It’s their special day,” I said whining.

  “How about the day after then?” Nick persisted.

  “Nick, relax,” I said smiling at him and added, “traditionally older siblings are supposed to get married before the younger ones.”

  “So…Nethra is getting married in a few weeks. We can go right after,” Nick said his voice flat.

  “Nick, really?” I asked teasing him. “Let’s get married after Sam gets married.”

  Nick looked at me with surprise and said smiling, Hmm...interesting. So did you have any inkling about my proposal?”

  “I did not. Who else knew?” I asked surprised.

  “Well, I asked your dad for your hand in marriage when I met him a few months ago,” Nick said smiling at me.

  “What? That’s what you told him when you guys were on the balcony?” I asked in shock.

  “Yes, I did,” Nick said running his finger along my cheek and asked, “Did you not think I would ask you?”

  I took a deep breath and said smiling, “I didn’t know how you felt about marriage, and you freaked me out further by talking about kids.”

  “That’s because I am already married to and here.” Nick said in a soft voice, pointing to his temple and his chest and added smiling, “The only reason I held out is because I promised to you that I would take it slow. Marriage for me is a more cultural and social celebration of a couple’s love and to unify two souls. We technically don't need that because we are already one, and you know I am not big on the ceremonial stuff. I will do the ceremony for you because I know you like it.”

  Tears of joy ran down my cheeks listening to what Nick just said, and as he rocked me in his arms, nothing else in this world mattered to me. I put my arms around him as he gently stroked my body and whispered in his ear, “I love you Nick, and I missed you so much.”

  Nick tightened his hold on me and said, “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

  I smiled and looked at him with desire in my eyes and challenged him, “Show me how much you missed me.” I felt his body shudder to my challenge, and his breathing hissed and fanned my cheek as he held me to him lying on his side. He very gently pushed me flat on my back and took my fingertips to his lips, “I missed these palms that caress me with utmost tenderness and also know how to make my masculinity explode.” He left a flurry of kisses along my hand as he moved to my neck and said against my neck breathing heavily, “Ohh, your neck.” Nick dug his chin into my collarbone and added, “Your neck started it all.”

  I giggled as his chin tickled the delicate skin on my collarbone and said, “Nick, I get it.”

  “Don’t stop me, baby,” he said and moved lower to my breasts and planted tender kisses between my breasts and said with a muffled voice, “I missed these soft peaks that know how to dig into my chest to tantalize my heart.” With every word he uttered my body generated a reaction that was very foreign to me. It was as though my body was reading more into his words than what was purely experienced by the ears. I arched my body as he trailed lower continuing to kiss the path down to my navel. My body twisted under his invasion, and he held me down with pressure from his lips and said against my navel, “your waist is shaped perfectly for me to hold you as you add life to me entirely with just your touch, and your dancer structure will make any man jealous of me.”

  I took a deep breath in and arched my back further as he took his lips to my most delicate part and pushed his tongue through the lips over my pleasure cavity and teased me by flickering his tongue.

  “Nikhil,” I cried out in a strained voice, and as he continued to flicker his tongue, I felt the heat radiate from my body. I reached for his thick mat of hair gripping it and held my breath. As he continued his excursion with his warm tongue, I felt a sweep of pleasure over me. I moaned complaining about not having his lips to mine and as if in response to my moan, Nick came up to put his lips on mine and continued to stroke me to take me to new heights of thrill and enjoyment.

  I lay in his arms out of breath, my damp hair spread across the pillow, and Nick’s lips on my cheek.

  “Nick, what did you do to me?” I asked my voice barely audible.

  He smiled and whispered, “Showed you how much I missed you and how much you missed me.”

  I moaned reaching for his hardness and as I stroked him, I said in a teasing tone, “Why are you not in me yet?”

  I heard him groan internally, and I looked at him as he reached up to come on top of me, putting his weight on me. He gently spread my knees apart and tantalized my explosive pleasure spot with his fingertips before coming in to me with sheer hunger. He brought his lips to mine with a deep longing and as he pulsated to the sound of the rain droplets hitting the puddles outside, I felt the ripples of pleasure through my body with Nick’s every stroke. As he increased the pace and the strength, I heard the bed creak, my anklets jingle, and I dug my nails into his arms and moaned against his lips. He released my lips and took his lips to my ear leaving me to relish on his shoulder with my teeth. As he pounded deeper into me, we peaked, and I gave him what he longed for with my teeth digging into his shoulder.

  Nick and I lay on the now quiet bed and calm surroundings. The rain had ceased to splash against the window, and I could hear Nick steadily breathing next to me. I lay in his arms as he dozed off into his own state of bliss.

  I gently got out of bed to use the restroom and put on the clothes that my grandma had sent to the farmhouse earlier. I ran my fingers through my hair, and went back and sat down next to where Nick was now in a deep sleep. I looked at him and gently pushed the hair on his forehead backwards admiring the ring that he slipped on my finger. Surprisingly, the ring fit was perfect, and I finally noticed the size of the diamond. I smiled to myself accepting the fact that extravagant gifts were part of the package with Nick.

  Almost forty-five minutes later, Nick uttered my name in his sleep and immediately shot his eyes open. I sat next to him waiting for him to wake up, and when his deep eyes met my brown almond eyes, I smiled at him and said, “I am right here Nick. Go back to sleep.”

  He shook his head and sat up with the bed sheet draped on
his waist.

  I put my arms around him and said, “Let’s go back to the main house. You have not eaten anything all morning. You must be hungry.”

  He smiled at me without saying anything, and I blushed realizing what he was thinking of. I gave him another cup of not so warm coffee from the thermos. He took the coffee from my hand, took a sip, and asked casually, “Do you have my bag here?”

  “Yes, right here. No option for a shower at the main house, but there is a shower in the bathroom here. Do you want to shower?” I asked.

  Nick laughed and said, “No silly. Open the bag and pull out the cloth bag on the very top.”

  I did as he instructed, and I pulled out a white rectangular flat drawstring cloth bag and held it in my hands.

  “Open it, love. It’s for you,” Nick said taking another sip of the coffee.

  I released the drawstring and looked inside the bag. Wrapped in a light tissue paper was a bright colored fabric. I gingerly pulled the item wrapped in the translucent tissue paper placing it on my lap and looked at him.

  “I picked it myself without any help,” he said with pride.

  “What about this one?” I asked showing him the beautiful ring on my finger.

  “All by myself, and you and I are the only ones to have seen it so far after I purchased it.” Nick said and asked mocking me, “Aren’t you going to open the tissue to see what’s inside?”

  I unwrapped the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful bright pink Kanjeevaram silk sari, adorned with a printed thread work floral border and woven rich flowers embellished and decorated across the body. I looked at him in awe, unable to believe that he picked the sari for me.

  “Nick, I love it. It’s beautiful,” I said fighting back tears.

  “I want you to wear that for the wedding,” Nick said smiling at me.

  I took the sari to my face to feel the beautiful silk against my cheek and took in the beautiful smell of the mulberry silk threads.

  “I can’t wait to wear the sari for our wedding Nick,” I said with excitement.

  “Sweetheart, I thought you wanted a sari for Nethra’s and Srini’s wedding, but we can get married the same day if you want that to be your wedding sari,” Nick teased.

  I blushed and looked at the sari unable to believe my eyes.

  “Thanks Nick,” I said smiling at him.

  Nick smiled back and said, “That one smile of yours just melted away weeks of pain that had built up in me,” and he reached out to put his arms around me and said, “I cannot go back home without you, Sameera. Please tell me you are coming back with me.”

  “Nick…” I paused and bit my lip wondering how he would react to what I was going to tell him next.

  “Sameera, please. The only thing I want to hear is that you will get on that plane with me after the wedding.”

  I took a deep breath pulling out of his embrace, wrapped the sari back in the tissue, and put it away in the cloth bag.

  I took Nick’s palms in mine and said in a steady tone, “I need to be part of a Rajput ceremony in a few weeks, and I will come back home right after that is done.”

  Nick’s expression changed from a cool and relaxed one to a grim expression. “What are you talking about, Sameera?” Nick asked his voice rough with anger.

  “Nick, remember the Rajput family that was looking for Nate and me?” I asked and when he did not respond and just looked at me, I added, “They contacted me as soon as I reached India.”

  “What?” Nick asked in shock and added, “How did they know you were here?”

  “I don’t know. The family head came to meet me at the airport. I was escorted by the immigration officer to meet the elderly man, and I talked to him a few days later and that’s when he told me why they were looking for Nate and me,” I said still managing to be calm.

  Nick looked at me in shock and said, “There will be no ceremony until that Rajput family head comes and talks to me about my fiancée.”

  I hugged him and whispered, “Nick, the Rajput family that has been looking for me is actually your extended family.”

  End of Part One

  Destiny Embraces..


  P. G. Van

  © 2016 P. G. Van

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Re-edited May 2016

  Chapter One

  “Nick, please. We should wait to get married,” I pleaded looking at Nick.

  “Sameera, what are you talking about?” Nick asked in an irritated tone looking at me with a confused expression on his face and added, “We are halfway through the wedding rituals and you want to stop now?”

  “This may sound ridiculous but please, let’s stop,” I whispered as we sat next to the priest in front of three thousand wedding guests.

  Nick looked into my eyes and said in a stern voice, “I am not going to embarrass our family members by stopping the ceremony at this point,” and added, “Don’t make it sound like you were forced to get married to me. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No, Nick. I love you and want to be your wife. It’s not right for us to get married tonight,” I whispered.

  Nick took a deep breath looking into my eyes and asked in a calm tone, “Wasn’t it your idea to get married tonight?”

  I looked at him and nodded unable to find my voice.

  “I am not going to stop the ceremony, whatever the reason.” His voice was firm and he was clearly angry with me. I knew there was no way I could reason with him or my own family about why I didn’t want to get married that night.

  I took a deep breath and fought back tears of anger, and felt the anger engulf my body in reaction to Nick’s words. I wondered what he would do if I stood up and left the ceremony. I knew what would happen, and I shivered at the thought of hurting everyone I loved, including Nick. I sat next to Nick, unable to move, as he continued on with the wedding rituals.

  My heart revolted against my decision, and I felt lonely in spite of being surrounded by family and being inches away from the love of my life. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was burning inside and out about the fact that Nick didn’t attempt to understand my feelings and sentiments. He didn’t bother asking me why I wanted to stop the ceremony halfway into it knowing how much I respected and valued the traditions.

  I looked at Nate and Srini, as they performed their wedding rituals as a happy couple. Nick followed the instructions given to him by the priest while I sat in a frozen state with no excitement as a million things ran through my mind.

  The anger subsided, and I started to feel a sense of fear and guilt take over my body. I wondered how I got myself into that situation when I had a plan. The plan was to perform the ceremony for the Rajput family, enjoy Nate’s wedding, and then get married to Nick.

  A few days ago…

  “Nate!!” I called out and waved vigorously at the soon-to-be-bride as she stepped out of the baggage claim area of the Hyderabad International Airport. Srini was right behind her, and their faces lit up with joy when they saw Nick and me in the waiting area. I left Nick’s side and ran to Nate to give her a tight hug.

  “I missed you so much, sis,” I said smiling at her.

  “I missed you too Meera,” Nate said affectionately.

  I turned to my sister’s fiancée and my soon-to-be brother-in-law giving him a hug and said, “It’s so good to see you Srini.”

  “Good to see you too, Meera,” Srini said smiling and added looking at Nick, “Hey, dude.”

nbsp; “Nate, you are glowing in spite of the twenty-four-hour flight. Is this the bridal glow?” I asked cheerfully.

  “Not really, Meera. Thanks to Nick, what I have is a glow from being able to sleep in the first-class cabin,” she said smiling at Nick.

  “That’s very thoughtful of my fiancée,” I said to Nick with a wink.

  Nick smiled and did not say anything. I could tell that he was still upset with the conversation we had a week ago about the Rajput family ceremony. He agreed to let go of the topic until after Nate and Srini’s wedding, but I could tell he was not being himself.

  I hoped that Srini’s arrival would help ease the tension that had developed between us after I told him about the Rajput family that had been searching for Nate and me. The only thing I had told Nick was that the family looking for Nate and me were Nick’s extended family and they were no threat to us.

  I could tell that he did not like the determined side in me that surfaced that day when I told him I had to perform a ceremony for the Rajput family. He had looked at me with his eyes filled with anger and irritation. When I did not budge, he stood in silence for a few minutes as if he was controlling his anger from within.

  “Yes, very sweet fiancée,” Nate said smiling and interrupted my thoughts.

  As we stood waiting for our cars that would take Nate and me home and the boys to Srini’s place, Nate said in disbelief, “I can’t believe that the person from the Rajput family was able to come into the baggage claim area. The area seemed pretty restricted and has very high security.”

  I saw the annoyed expression on Nick’s face, and I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I hushed Nate and told her to switch topics in our mother tongue, Telugu. I didn’t want to discuss the latest hot topic with Nick standing just a few feet away.


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