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Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces..

Page 44

by P. G. Van

  “This adamant and silly side of yours is very intriguing now, but I found it totally cute when we were younger,” Nick said in a husky voice.

  I looked at him without changing my expression, as I wasn’t entirely sure if he was being sarcastic or was taking this on as some kind of challenge to show that I was being silly and overly sentimental.

  Nick got off the couch and stretched out letting out a low grunt that made my body quiver. I took a deep breath calming my nerves as everything about Nick was turning me on. I wondered if he was doing anything specific as part of his challenge that he took on this morning, or if I was more sensitive to his masculinity knowing I have a self-imposed lovemaking curfew.

  “I am told that we have to leave at nine o’clock tomorrow to get our marriage registered with the city so I am going to go sleep,” Nick said looking down at me with a sneaky expression on his face.

  “Good night, Nick,” I said in a cool tone and blankly stared at the show that was playing on TV. He slowly but steadily bent down and brought his lips to my cheek. I closed my eyes as I fought back my need to reach out and run my fingers through his hair. Instead of taking his lips to my cheek, he took them to my outer ear and dug his teeth into my outer ear sending waves of dirty pleasure through my body.

  “Nick!!” I said furiously as he stepped back and headed upstairs to my room laughing hysterically.

  I shook my head and wondered how many of his so-called seduction styles I would have to sustain. The thought of being distant from Nick was painful, but that seemed to be the only way of eliminating my own guilt. I wondered if it was just a matter of days before I let go of my guilt. I hoped that moving to the family residence would make Nick’s parents happy, and that would help alleviate my guilt and fear of all things that could go wrong.

  After thirty minutes of going back and forth on all kinds of thoughts, I finally decided to get some sleep. I turned off the TV and all the lights and went gingerly upstairs, as I was the only one up at that time. I gently opened the bedroom door and heard Nick’s steady breathing. I was relieved that he was fast asleep. I had managed to get some sleep the previous night, but I wondered if he slept at all after our heated argument.

  I quietly changed and got into bed without making too many movements. I lay in bed on my side turned away from Nick as I tried real hard to sleep. His steady breathing that normally lulled me to sleep was mocking me, and I lay next to him unable to sleep.

  I was annoyed at myself when I realized how addicted I was to his touch and felt like kicking myself that Nick was my husband, but I didn’t want to do anything with him.

  I inched delicately towards Nick hoping that the warmth from his body would help. I moved closer and closer to him but nothing seemed to help. I took a deep breath and slowly turned to my side to lie on the bed facing Nick. I looked at his beautiful face in the dim light from the streetlight that was right outside my room. I smiled at the peaceful face that was only a few inches away from me, and was overcome by my love for the man sleeping next to me. I placed my palm on his cheek and whispered, “I love you, baby.”

  Almost instantly, Nick’s eyelids flew open, and I felt his arm burn into my waist as he pulled my body against the length of his body and brought his lips to mine. I was taken back and was caught completely off guard. I felt his tongue dig in between my quivering lips as I moaned objecting to Nick’s sudden invasion. I moaned against his lips and as he moved his lips to my neck, I shuddered when I felt his need for me against my thigh and felt him dig his fingertips into my back.

  “Just get yourself to say stop, and I will stop,” he said in a muffled voice against my neck as he flickered his tongue along the length of my neck setting my being on fire. I ran my fingers through his hair gripping it as he brought his lips to mine with intense pressure that made me feel like my lips were going to burst. I took a deep breath as he took my lower lip between his lips and caressed it with his tongue.

  “Nick…,” I said and he made my voice trail off by bringing his hungry lips back on mine and pushed me flat on the bed and said in a ragged voice against my lips, “Sameera, I am the luckiest guy in this world. I love you and will love you forever.”

  My body reacted to what my ears heard, and I automatically arched my back towards him and pulled myself to him by tightening my hold around him. He tore away his lips from mine making me moan objecting to the separation. He made his way down my neck towards my chest and buried his face in my chest rubbing his face against the soft cotton nightshirt.

  He slowly went lower to find my navel with his lips and in a sudden flash, took a bite of the skin through the soft t-shirt and when I groaned in pure pleasure, he raised himself up to look into my eyes. I lay paralyzed and mesmerized by the intensity of the moment and complied as he reached the hem of my t-shirt and removed it over my head. He looked at my bra-clad chest adorned by the yellow thread that he had knotted around my neck the previous night.

  Nick took his burning tongue to my freezing chest and as he moved south with his tongue threatening to conquer my desire, the chain around his neck slipped out through the V-neck of his t-shirt and hit against my navel.

  The feeling of metal hitting my skin shook me out of the pleasure whirlpool bringing me back to reality, and I was washed over by my own acidic guilt.

  “Nick…baby...stop,” I commanded with affection in my voice.

  Nick froze instantaneously taking me into his arms and gently wrapped his arms around my bare waist. I felt his heart pounding against my cheek as he stroked me into a deep and peaceful sleep without uttering a single word.


  “Are you ready to wake up,” Nick asked planting a kiss on my bare shoulder from behind. I felt the warmth spread over my body and was glad to have woken up in his arms feeling loved after many days.

  “Yes,” I said smiling and turned to lie on my side and face Nick who was looking at me playfully. He ran his thumb on my chin before moving his lips towards mine. He brought them close enough that I could feel the warmth from them on my lips but held his position looking into my eyes. I smiled making his eyes darken and took my lips to his to close the few millimeter gap that he had left. I giggled against his lips as he ran his fingertips along the length of my almost bare upper back barely touching my skin.

  “How is it that you can kiss me but I can’t?” Nick asked against my lips in his sleep soft voice.

  I pulled back to look at him and said in a cool voice, “Remember, you are my husband, but I am not your wife yet.”

  “That’s very convenient, for you,” he grumbled as he took his lips to my forehead to plant a kiss and got out of bed.

  “Nick, no more bad behavior like last night,” I said as he walked towards the bathroom.

  “Why didn’t you say ‘stop’ sooner?” Nick asked looking at me mockingly and disappeared into the bathroom.

  I hated it when he pointed out things like that and since I was the one expiating for my own sentiments, I should have been stronger.

  Nick emerged from the bathroom a short while later clad in a towel at his waist and water dripping from his hair. I grabbed a towel and the clothes I had set aside to wear that morning and quickly moved towards the bathroom door before I lost control of myself. As if Nick realized what I was trying to or trying not to do, he suddenly cut in front of me and stood tall blocking the entrance to the bathroom. I took a deep breath looking into his dark wicked eyes and said, “Nick, we are going to be late. You need to move out of my way.”

  “Push me aside then,” he challenged me his voice filled with mockery.

  I shook my head and tried to slip past him from one side but ended up with my back flat against the wall right next to the bathroom door with Nick in front of me blocking my movements with his palms pressed against the wall on either sides. I took a deep breath looking at his muscles flex as he trapped me inside the circle of his arms.

  I stood still refusing to react to his actions as he tried to mess with my head.
He brought his face to be at the same level as mine and shook his head to splash my face with tiny droplets of water from his wet hair. I winced but did not budge and closed my eyes tightly and turned my face to one side.

  As I stood still with my eyes closed, I hoped that he would give up and let me go, but Nick stayed in the same position for what seemed like an eternity before I felt his warm breath on my temple. I shuddered as I realized that he was so close that I could feel the dampness from his body. He blew on the droplets of water on my face and then went lower to my neck. I felt the cold metal of the chain around his neck on my chest teasing me.

  My desire was brewing with the smell of his masculine cologne dancing in my nostrils and with the expert tease that Nick was exercising without touching me. I took multiple deep breaths as my heart started to rattle my rib cage, deafening me. My hands gave way, and I dropped the stuff I had in my hands, as Nick continued to set my being on fire inside and out. I clasped my hands tightly and held my breath refusing to reach out and touch Nick’s well-built velvet smooth chest.

  A few minutes later, I heard him chuckle and I opened my eyes to looked at him with fire spitting out of my eyes. I fumed at the mockery in his eyes as he burst out laughing.

  His laughter subsided when he caught my expression, and he gently reached forward and brushed his lips against mine and said, “I am impressed, my love. That is some determination.”

  I took a deep breath relieved that he was done with his tease and said with displeasure, “Nick that was very evil of you.”

  “I know. You need to go shower or we are going to be late,” Nick said and coolly walked away from me.

  Thirty minutes later, I was all set to go in a traditional magenta tunic that I paired with comfortable leggings. As I approached the staircase to go downstairs, I heard Nick’s voice as he spoke with displeasure in his voice. I went downstairs wondering whom it was addressed to, and I saw him standing with his back to me. He stood tall with his arms folded in front of him and was looking at someone, and I couldn’t tell who it was yet.

  “You guys can tell Sam that I am not going to do it and ask him to think like a brother first and not as a lawyer, and this is not the kind of advice I expected from the three of you,” Nick said as I approached him from behind.

  I was surprised to see that he was addressing Ann, Srini, and Nate, and he turned around when he realized that the three of them were looking at me.

  Nick turned to look at me with a grim expression and as soon as our eyes met, I saw his anger crack and he smiled at me with deep affection in his eyes.

  “What’s going on guys and where is everyone else?” I asked as Nick put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

  Ann, Srini, and Nate stood rooted to their spots and looked at Nick with a puzzled expression as he looked at me and said, “The senior citizens just left so they could get started with the application process for the marriage registration. We have enough time for you to eat breakfast and then we need to go too.”

  “Okay,” I said and looked at the three of them who were very quietly and asked Nick, “What is going on?”

  Nick smiled at me and said, “Nothing to be worried about and we are done talking about it.”

  “Nate, what is going on?” I asked in a firm voice.

  “Sameera, it’s just usual work stuff, and we should get going now,” Nick urged.

  I wondered how Nate got sucked into a work-related item, but I had too much on my mind at that point so I made a mental note to bug Nate later that day for more information.

  Chapter Ten

  “Your bags are checked all the way to San Francisco, and you are all set to go, Mr. and Mrs. Bhatia. Have a pleasant trip home,” the guy at the airline check-in counter added in a polite tone. I stood staring blankly at him for a second taking in the way he addressed me. It was probably the first time someone addressed me as Mrs. Bhatia.

  I looked up at Nick to find him looking at me with pride in his eyes and said chuckling, “That sounded nice.”

  “Your mom and dad are Mr. and Mrs. Bhatia, we are Mr. and Mrs. Nick,” I said giggling.

  “I am sure Mitch will agree with that,” Nick said attempting to take my computer bag from me.”

  “Nick, I can carry my stuff. Let go,” I said annoyed at his overbearing concern for me.

  “It’s two in the morning, and you are only half awake,” Nick said looking at his watch.

  “That’s true, but I am fine. I will sleep on the plane,” I said suppressing a yawn.

  “It’s not just the sleep deprivation; the emotional scene before we started from your grandparents’ house was pretty intense. You did well in spite of all the tears in every one’s eyes,” Nick said putting an arm around me.

  “I know, and I get it why my grandparents were in tears, but did you notice how my mom and stepdad were out of control and Nate, I have no idea why Nate was sad that we were leaving,” I said in surprise.

  “I think I know why,” Nick said in a cool tone.

  “Really?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yes and if I am not mistaken, it’s the feeling of giving away a loved one to the groom’s family and a sense of disconnect you feel when your sister or daughter is leaving with her new husband,” he said smiling taking me by surprise.

  “That is very interesting and how do you know that?” I asked curiously.

  “Remember, I have a sister who got married not long ago,” he said mocking me. He added, “And in spite of the fact that Ann and Paul were going to be living at the family residence, my entire family washed her away with their tears when she was leaving to go to her in-laws place for the weekend after the wedding.”

  “See, now you know what I mean?” I asked with excitement in my voice.

  “See what, I thought I was the one who gave you the information and the facts,” Nick said in a confused tone.

  “I am sorry, I didn’t give you the context,” I said giggling and added, “The girl leaving with the husband after getting married is actually a big ceremony where the girl’s family gathers and does an official hand off of the bride to the groom’s parents. Since your mom and dad have not accepted me as their daughter yet, you have no wife.”

  “Wow, it’s just amazing how you make good use of every possible conversation to drive your point,” Nick said looking at me in disbelief and added sounding annoyed, “I get it now why you have a husband, and I don’t have a wife.”

  “Yet,” I added, smiling at him as he started to walk ahead of me. We passed through security and got to the boarding gate, and sat waiting for our flight to Dubai. We barely sat down for a few minutes or so and I drifted off into a very deep sleep. The last thing I remembered was that I had found a comfortable position on Nick’s shoulder to catch a nap before we boarded the early morning flight.


  I heard voices and sounds of endearments in my sleep. I could feel Nick right next to me, and I felt feather light and relaxed. I smiled to myself, as I was sure I was dreaming.

  As time progressed, I started to be more aware of my surroundings, and it suddenly hit me that the last thing I remembered was that we were at the airport. I wondered how I could be sleeping in my bed next to Nick. I opened my eyes letting out a squeak and said, “Nick, what are you doing? Put me down now.”

  He laughed as he set my feet on the floor gingerly, and I realized we were almost at the door of the airplane. He had his computer bag and my tote on his shoulders.

  “Nick, you could have hurt your back. How hard was it for you to wake me up?” I hissed at him under my breath as the cabin crew directed us to our seats.

  “Welcome to the flight to Dubai. My name is Sarah, and I will be taking care of you during this flight.” The flight attendant said smiling at Nick and he responded cheerfully, “Nice to meet you, Sarah.”

  I rolled my eyes looking around and saw another crewmember approach me. She was nice enough to take my bag and put it away.

  “May I
take your bag and jacket?” Sarah asked smiling at Nick

  “Thanks Sarah,” Nick said casually.

  “Hope you had a great time in India,” the flight attendant said smiling at him.

  “Yes, I did,” he said smiling at her, and I realized that I was annoyed by the simple conversation.

  “Did you have time to party at all?” she asked as if she didn’t want to end the conversation.

  “I did, just enough,” Nick said smiling at her and added, “May not be as much as you guys do.”

  She blushed and excused herself to help another passenger.

  After the flight attendant left, I growled under my breath, “Nick, why do you encourage the flirting?”

  He was visibly surprised, and asked, “What flirting?” and immediately burst out laughing and said, “Someone is jealous.”

  I shook my head and did not say anything. I was surprised that it annoyed me that Nick was nice to a stranger when Anika openly pursuing him didn’t bother me.

  It didn’t take me long to realize that I was jealous, and it was because the flight attendant didn’t realize that Nick was my husband. I did not see the need to announce that he was mine, but I felt compelled to do something and then it hit me that Nick did not have a wedding band on his finger. We got married in such a hurry that we didn’t have a chance to pick our wedding bands. I knew I needed to get him a wedding band as soon as possible.

  “Nick, we need to go shopping,” I whispered in his ear.

  ‘What do you need baby?” Nick asked genuinely.

  I paused for a second and said, “We both need wedding bands.”

  Nick nodded and then as if something clicked inside, I saw his eyes widen and he gave me his wicked smile and said, “I don’t really need a wedding band because I don’t have a wife yet. I will get one when I have my wife. We can go get one for you if you would like one.”

  I took a deep breath and felt waves of irritation sweep over me when I heard the sarcasm in Nick’s voice. I realized that the road to happiness was going to be a very bumpy roller-coaster ride especially when Nick was finding innovative ways to make me burn with jealousy.


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