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Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces..

Page 63

by P. G. Van

  "Ma, you called a meeting and you are just chilling. What's the plan?” Nick asked curiously.

  "Nick, this is not one of your business meetings to have a plan and an agenda,” his mom teased smiling at him.

  Nick looked at her in surprise and asked, "So this is not one of your 'I am going crazy' meetings?”

  "When did I ever tell you I was going crazy?” Nick's mom glowered at him.

  "Oh that’s right; that never happened. Right guys?” Nick said laughing as he looked at Ann and Sam, and they laughed nodding in agreement.

  "You know what they say about being extremely stressed or traumatized that you forget what actually happened at that point?” Sam offered winking at his mom.

  "That's enough, moms enjoy the chaos during their daughter’s wedding,” she declared hissing at Nick and Sam.

  "I know, I love you Ma,” Ann said getting up to sit next to her mom.

  "So, why aren’t you freaking out now? Sam is getting married in less than forty-eight hours,” Nick asked laughing.

  "That’s because I don’t have to worry about anything for the wedding except to figure out what I am going to be wearing tomorrow and the day after,” she declared winking at me.

  "Nice job not freaking out Ma. I am so glad to hear that,” Nick said smiling at his mom.

  "Thanks to the girl sitting next to you, I have nothing to worry about. I have no idea how she pulled everything together in just three weeks,” Nick's mom said glowing with joy.

  "Mom, the wedding coordinator took care of everything, and Sam and Reetu had no preferences at all so it was easy for me to make the decisions and have the wedding coordinator’s team execute them,” I said smiling back at her.

  Nick's mom said in a soft voice, "And she won’t even take credit for all the work she has done.”

  Nick turned to look at me with pride in his eyes and asked in a teasing tone, "Really, this pretty face got everything under control?”

  "Yes, and I don’t know what we would have done if she hadn't fallen for you,” Nick's mom teased and Nick laughed and added pulling me to him by my waist, "I know, I wonder the same every day.”

  "Stop it, Nick,” I said smiling as I pulled away from him.

  "Where are your drinks, girls?” Nick's dad asked looking at Ann's and my hands decorated with mehendi and added, "We need to toast Sam before he gets sucked into this new phase in life.”

  Everyone laughed, but I saw Ann and Paul freeze not knowing what to say and looked at each other. I laughed and said giggling, "Dad, we are saving up our alcohol quota for the reception.”

  Nick leaned over and whispered, "I love you and your pretty little lies.”

  I smiled as he brought his lips to mine. I closed my eyes enjoying the tickle from his facial hair on my sensitive skin.


  Most of the guests arrived on Friday morning from all over the country and headed straight to the hotel that was reserved for friends and family who arrived for the wedding. My mom and stepdad went to spend the day with Nate and Srini, and I would get to see them at the Sangeet. Everyone had a suite reserved at the hotel and the plan was to check into the hotel for the weekend.

  The Sangeet was planned for Friday night, followed by the wedding Saturday afternoon and reception later that night.

  It was a few minutes after one in the afternoon when Ann, Nate, and I arrived at the hotel salon where the wedding and reception were scheduled for later that day.

  “What time is Reetu coming?” Nate asked as we settled down for our hair and makeup for the wedding event.

  “Her hair and makeup appointment is at two, and she should be ready by four,” I said as the hairdresser started to work on my long hair.

  “Why didn’t she stay at the hotel last night?” Nate curiously asked as everyone who attended the Sangeet ended up staying overnight and joined the group for brunch.

  “She said she wanted to sleep in her bed for the last time as a maiden,” I said smiling and added, “I felt very sad last night that we thought ill about her because last night she told me that she could not wait to be part of a family because she never had a family. She grew up in an orphanage in India until she was old enough to live on her own. Her uncle’s family is the only family she has.”

  “Oh no, what happened to her parents?” Nate asked with compassion in her voice.

  “She told me that her dad had abandoned her mom when she was a toddler, and her mom passed away in an accident when she was six,” I said as I felt a lump forming in my throat.

  “I feel bad that we kept looking at how she communicates and failed to see why she spoke that way,” Ann chimed in.

  Ann, Nate, and I chatted away as the stylists continued to prep us for the wedding of the year. Nate and Ann chose to wear grand saris for the wedding and lehengas for the reception, and I had picked out two lehenga for the events.

  “Hello ladies!!” Rhea cheered as she walked into the hotel suite around two that afternoon with the jewelry for Reetu, Ann, and me.

  “Rhea, how are you girl?” Nate cried out and added hugging her, “I have not seen you in ages.”

  “I am good, Nate. Congratulations on your wedding,” Rhea said blowing a kiss on Nate’s cheek.

  The girls continued to chat as I called Reetu for the third time within ten minutes, and I kept getting her voice mail. I left her a couple of voice mails and sent her a few texts, but I was sure that her phone was out of battery.

  “Nick, baby where are you?” I asked in a strained voice over the phone.

  “I am in Sam’s suite, love. Everything okay?” Nick asked instantly picking up the tension in my voice.

  “Could you please check with Roger when he will be bringing Reetu to the hotel?” I asked and added, “She was supposed to start with her hair and makeup at two, and it is almost two-thirty and I don’t want her to feel rushed on her wedding day.”

  “I will check on the status and come see you. Where are you girls?” Nick asked in a cool voice.

  “We are in Ann’s suite,” I said trying very hard to stay calm as the ceremony was supposed to start at five.

  “Can I come by the suite? Are you girls decent?” Nick teased.

  “Yes, you can. We are in our robes and almost done with makeup,” I said giggling.

  A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I called out and Nick stepped in and closed the door behind him.

  “Nick, why are you still in your t-shirt and shorts. Aren’t you planning to change?” I teased as I walked towards him and asked, “What is Reetu’s ETA?”

  “We are not sure. Roger has been waiting outside her uncle’s house for the past hour and she is not back yet,” Nick said shaking his head.

  “Back from where? Why is she not at home?” I asked as concern built up inside me.

  “Nothing to be worried about. She left around eleven in the morning to go to a temple and was supposed to be back by one. I am guessing she is stuck in traffic,” Nick said in a cool voice as he scanned me from top to bottom.

  “Stop looking at me like you want to eat me,” I teased.

  “That’s exactly what I want to do and can’t wait to do it later tonight,” he teased back.

  “Nick, I am worried that Reetu won’t have enough time for hair and makeup. I want her to look her best today,” I whined.

  “We all want that Sameera, but that is not the most important thing now,” Nick declared.

  “Okay, can you please go change and get out of these clothes?” I said nudging him towards the suite entrance.

  “You know I am going to be uncomfortable in the traditional clothes so I am going to wait until the last minute. I just need five minutes to change unlike you ladies,” he said laughing and left the suite.

  Thirty minutes later, I paced around nervously in Ann’s suite as Nate and Ann sat on the couch with Rhea on a chair next to them waiting for Reetu. It was past three in the afternoon, and there was no word from Reetu. T
he priest arrived and was getting ready to start the ceremony.

  The trinkets on my traditional skirt jingled every time I turned around to walk back to the other end of the suite. Nick had contacted her uncle who was equally worried about Reetu. They contacted the temple that she was visiting to have an announcement made for Reetu with no luck of getting hold of her.

  “Why can’t she just call from a pay phone or any stranger’s phone?” Ann said gritting her teeth.

  “What if she doesn’t remember the phone numbers,” I said defending Reetu and added, “I am really concerned for her safety now.”

  “Meera, if she wanted to call, she can look up the hotel phone number from any yellow pages and call the front desk and ask to be transferred to the wedding suites,” Nate said softly.

  “Stay put guys, I am going to go check on the guys and will be right back,” I said as I lifted the heavy skirt of my outfit to walk freely.

  “We are going with you,” Ann said and the three of them followed me as I hurried towards Sam’s suite.

  Mitch was standing outside the suite entrance and smiled at me as I approached the suite and held the door open for us.

  I stepped in to find Sam, Srini, and Paul sitting on the couch all dressed up for the wedding ceremony while Nick paced around in the living room of the suite still in his shorts and muscle-t.

  Nick looked into my eyes and I saw his lips part. His eyes deepened as I approached him worried sick about Reetu. He took a few steps towards me and put his arms around my waist and said smiling at me, “You look beautiful, Sameera.”

  I smiled back weakly and whispered, “I am really concerned about Reetu.”

  “Sweetheart, did you not hear what I said? You look beautiful, and I absolutely love this outfit on you. The worry on your face is ruining it for me,” Nick said smiling at me and looked up as Ann, Nate, and Rhea approached us.

  “Looking great my sisters,” Nick said to Ann and Nate and added looking at Rhea, “Nice job with the jewelry, Rhea.”

  Rhea smiled and asked softly, “How is Sam doing?”

  Nick looked at Sam as he sat on the chair looking at his phone and said, “Surprisingly very calm. He has made peace with the fact that his bride may be in jeans for their wedding.”

  “I am okay with that too as long as she is here before five,” I said trembling inwardly.

  “Nick, do you think she is in trouble?” I whispered and added, “I can’t stop thinking about her being in trouble especially after the episode we had with the carjackers.”

  Nick took a deep breath as he put his arms around me, and I was sure that the thought had crossed his mind too.

  We kept calling Reetu every five minutes and all the calls were redirected to voice mail. The wedding coordinator kept texting me updates of the preparations every thirty minutes, and everything was going on as planned except for the bride.

  I heard a phone beep at a distance, and it was so faint that I thought I imagined it. I looked around the room not knowing whose phone beeped and asked out loud, “Whose phone beeped in the last few seconds? Check your phones.”

  I looked around the room as everyone pulled their phones out, and I looked at Sam and saw his expression go from the cool demeanor to rage in his eyes and then sadness as he slowly sat on a chair.

  “Sam, what is it?” I asked as I walked towards him.

  He did not react for the first few seconds and as if unable to speak, he handed me his phone. I read the message as I felt my heart dive into the pit of my stomach. The message was from Reetu and it read, “Sam, I am sorry, I can’t do this.”

  “Nick call Reetu right now,” I called out hoping her phone was turned on as she was able to send Sam the message.

  “Sam, this may not mean anything. Please don’t look so dejected,” I said touching his shoulder looking at Nick and waved him over.

  Nick came up to me looking at Sam and said, “Her phone is still turned off. Did she call Sam?”

  I handed Sam’s phone to Nick without uttering a word, and I immediately saw Nick clench his teeth and tighten his fist.

  Ann and Nate came up from behind to check on Sam, and I told them about the message that Reetu sent.

  “That bitch,” Ann hissed and said, “How dare she do this to Sam.”

  “Ann, please. We don’t know what she is going through so let’s not jump to any conclusions,” I said trying to pacify her anger.

  “What could be her problem, Meera? She didn’t have the basic decency to call Sam to tell him,” Nate snarled at me for defending Reetu.

  “Nate, remember my wedding episode? We all go through phases for various reasons so I don’t want to jump to any conclusions about her decision,” I said in a calm voice.

  “Meera, stop giving her credit. You were present at your wedding and got married to Nick. It’s not like you were a runaway bride like Reetu,” Nate said in an elevated voice.

  I hushed Ann and Nate and begged them to be calm while Nick talked to Sam. Sam looked so happy just a few minutes ago and in a flash, everything had changed.

  “Sam, I am going to call off the wedding,” Nick declared and Sam nodded without looking at Nick.

  “Nick, please let’s think for one minute. How do we let people know that the wedding is off, most of them are probably on their way here as we speak,” I said shaking my head and asked, “Should we hope that Reetu will come within the next thirty minutes?”

  “She is not coming. She never wanted this. I was the one who wanted this, and now she decided to tell me that she cannot do this over a text message,” Sam said in a grim voice.

  “Sam, look at me,” I commanded and he looked into my eyes as he fought back tears, and I added in a firm voice, “There is always a strong reason behind why things happen a certain way and in most cases, it is for a good reason.”

  Sam shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t see any good in any of this, and this episode will become the trending topic for the next I don’t know how many years.”

  “Sam, I need you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. I never thought she was right for you anyway,” Ann scowled from behind me as she walked towards Sam and added, “The only reason I was nice to her was because I thought she loved you.”

  “Ann, easy. He doesn’t need to hear all this now,” Nick said in a calm voice and added looking at Sam, “I will take care of communicating this to everyone. I need you to go home with Mitch, and we will see you later tonight at home.”

  Sam looked at Nick and said, “I will tell mom and dad about Reetu.”

  “No, you will not or at least not yet,” I said and added, “It will be too much for them to handle.”

  “Sameera, I understand what you are saying but it’s less than an hour before the ceremony starts, and we have to let people know that the wedding and the reception is not happening,” Nick said in a stern voice and added as he tuned to leave, “I will make up a different story of why it’s not happening today.”

  “Nick, hang on!!” I said reaching out grabbing his wrist and added, “Let’s get married.”

  Nick looked at me with a puzzled expression and within a split second, I saw that expression turn to relief and joy as he realized that there would be minimal damage if a wedding happened irrespective of who got married.

  “That’s brilliant love and yes, I would love to get married to you,” Nick said laughing as he put his arms around my waist and lifted me off the floor and twirled around holding me in his hands.

  “Wow! That is the best thing to do,” Ann cheered and added laughing, “People probably won’t ask too many questions as long as someone gets married.”

  “Sam, Mitch will take you home, and I need you to cut off all communication for a day or two,” Nick declared.

  “I have a better idea,” I said cheerfully and added, “We can’t let people see the limo or any of the wedding cars leave the premises, so Rhea should take Sam home.”

  “Sure, not a problem,” Rhea said smiling at me and added
, “If you and Nick are going to have a ceremony, then you will need the bridal jewelry to go with your outfit.”

  “Look at Nick, Rhea. He is still in his shorts, and I have made peace with the fact that I will be performing the ceremony with him in this attire.”

  “I can fix that,” Ann chimed in and added, “Nick, you and I are going to go tell mom and dad that Reetu had a minor accident and that that Sam left to check on her and that in the meantime, since we have people arriving and everything is set up, you and Meera will get married tonight, again.”

  “Ann, you are good at making up stories,” Nick said smiling at her.

  “Rhea and Nethra, get my brother’s bride ready for the wedding, Srini and Paul take care of Sam while Nick and I go talk to mom and dad.” Ann instructed and added smiling at me, “and then I will make sure my brother changes into his traditional clothes and make you drool all over him.”

  I turned crimson and smiled looking at Nick. He smiled back putting his arms around me and whispered, “I can’t wait to get married to you.”

  I smiled looking up at him as my heart pounded away in my chest in response to the pure joy I saw in his deep eyes. He brought his lips to mine and brushed them gently setting my entire being on fire. He released and planted a kiss on my lips and looked at Rhea and Nate and said smiling, “Take care of my bride and Rhea, no limits. Bring out everything you have to deck up my soon-to-be-wife” and added looking at me, “I am going to give your phone and my phone to Mitch. No texting and no spoilers.”

  “Nick, ‘no limits’ is good for business,” Rhea teased as Nick left with Ann to talk to their parents.

  “Let’s do this and guess what, I do have the black beads chain that you set aside the other day. Don’t ask me why I brought it here, I just did,” Rhea said as we headed back to Ann’s suite to change my attire to be more bridal. Rhea had her security team bring out more jewelry from the armored truck and lay them in front of me for me to pick and choose from a wide variety of necklaces and ornaments that were worn as part of the hairstyle that adorned the forehead.

  “Rhea, I don’t want to go overboard with the jewelry. I just need you guys to find me a grand dupatta or scarf that I can drape over my head that compliments my outfit and transform it into a bridal outfit,” I said as I stood looking at myself in the mirror. The lehenga, a flared skirt that I had on was a variation of a bridal outfit in a deep maroon and gold combination, and the bridal lehengas are usually multilayered skirts adorned with heavier handwork and embellishments.


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