Knocked up, by her best friend's dad.

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Knocked up, by her best friend's dad. Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Trust me, if you know you’ll be pissed too. Adam is…” I shook my head. I’d never seen Adam as angry as he had been when he’d come upon Jamie and me. I thought he was going to beat up his own son. He hadn’t spoken to Jamie, and I knew I had to get him to, but I was scared. I’d never been scared of Jamie in my life, I never thought in my wildest of dreams, that I would have a reason to be. Adam had to talk to his son though, but I couldn’t even think about Jamie without getting sick. “Let’s just say he didn’t something I didn’t want.”

  She shot me a look before focusing back on the road, but she must have gotten something from me since she nodded. “Your face says it all. Let’s talk about something else. So, you’re with Adam, and having triplets?” Kate blurted it out as though we were talking about the raining coming in on Thursday; like it was no big deal.

  I groaned. This wasn’t an easy subject either. “I think. Yes.” I should just tell Kate, she always listened and gave advice even if I didn’t want it. “Look, I’m worried he’s with me because I’m pregnant, and not because he wants this to work with me.”

  The car was quiet for a moment before laughter echoed through it. “Oh, God. You’re hilarious. Anyone with eyes can see that man has had a hard on for you for years. He undresses you with his eyes anytime you walk into a room. I’m surprised his family hasn’t noticed and said something to you.”

  I looked at Kate to see if she was serious, or just trying to convince me. She was laughing, but her face spoke that she was telling the truth. “You never said anything.”

  “You wouldn’t have believed me. It was Lucy who pointed it out me and then it became obvious. It's why I helped you. I told you to wear his shirts tied at the waist and sexy panties. I was the one who pushed you to find him at the house party.”

  “Ha, look how that turned out. Thanks.” I rolled my eyes heaven wards because she had been the one to push me into making a move and it had gotten me pregnant with triplets.

  “You’re welcome. Trust me when I say this is right for you. I’d bet my closest including my shoes that you and Adam will work out, be deliriously happy, and have a football team worth of babies.” The smile that spread over Kate’s face was contagious, I wanted what she said to happen. A football team of little Adam’s would be my idea of heaven.


  DAMN, I WAS ONE LUCKY man. I watched as my beautiful woman came into the lounge room her face shining with happiness, and her arms loaded full of bags. I got up out of the chair to take the bags she shouldn’t be carrying. She radiated love as she beamed at me, when I came towards her. Her stunning green eyes shined brighter the closer I got her.

  “Angel, you should have yelled out and I would have carried these. You shouldn’t be lifting anything.”

  “They’re not heavy just clothes and oh…” She jumped up and down with excitement and I chuckled as she dropped the bags and then bent and rummaged through one pulling out a tiny onesie. “Look at this. Isn’t it just the cutest?” Her cheeks turned red. “It’s true too.”

  I looked at the onesie, it was green and white striped but in black writing it said, ‘My mommy loved my daddy so much that they made three babies with one try.’ I read it twice just to make sure I wasn’t seeing what I wanted to, and not what was really there. My heart soared and I gathered Hannah into my embrace. “You love me?” She nodded, but I wanted the words. “Angel, I want to hear the words.”

  “I…I…” she gulped. I tilted her hand and brushed my thumb over her lips.

  “Do you need me to say it first?” Her yes went wide, and I’ve never seen happiness shine so brightly from someone. In that moment, I realized I would do anything to see this face before me for the rest of my life. Caressing her cheek, I gazed into her loving eyes and gave her what she needed. “Hannah Wright, I love you.”

  She threw her arms around me, and I stumbled back a step. “I love you, too. I have loved you for so long. You love me,” she sobbed out the last part.

  Capturing her lips to my own, I showed her just how I felt.

  “What the fuck is going on? Dad why are you kissing Hannah?” Easing away from Hannah, I buried her face against my shoulder and turned my gaze to my son. The look of utter anger and betrayal on Jamie’s face had guilt washing over me.

  “Son, I can—”

  “Don’t.” His hand slashed through the air. “You know, I came around to apologize and make peace so tomorrow wouldn’t be so uncomfortable.” His eyes shot back and forth between me and Hannah. You couldn’t miss that we weren’t a new couple, not with the way she clung to me, and my hand resting protectively over her stomach. “She’s preg…please, tell me it not yours?”

  “Jamie, I was going to—” Hannah tried to answer, but Jamie didn’t let her.

  “Hannah don’t. I want to hear it from him.” Jamie pointed his finger at me. “I told you. I told you how I thought I felt, and you said nothing.” My son stared at me and his voice was guttural when he muttered, “How could you?”

  I hated what I had to do especially in front of Hannah, but I needed it all to be said. “Jamie, I agree with you I should have said something to you, but just wait a minute and answer this. How do you feel about Hannah now that you’ve kissed her?”

  Glancing down at Hannah, I noticed she still hadn’t turned to look at Jamie. It was then I felt it, her whole body shook. She was scared. Fuck, she was scared of my son. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed gently. I leaned down and whispered, “I promise you’re safe. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  “Fuck!” Jamie’s yell had her jumping and a squeak left her lips. “I’m so sorry, Hannah. Don’t be scared of me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Jamie cried.

  I didn’t want to do it, Jamie was my son, but what he’d done to Hannah was not okay and I needed to make sure the woman I loved, the woman who carried my babies and my son's siblings, came first. “Jamie, you need to leave.”

  “I don’t, Dad. I thought I was in love, but I’m not in love. I just love her, like a sister, um…” He looked at the two of us and shook his head. “Er, friend. A best friend. Hannah, I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I felt nothing when I kissed you. Please forgive me. I was drunk and confused. I know that’s no excuse, but please, Hannah. I would never hurt you, I will never hurt you again.”

  It must have been the utter pitiful sound of Jamie’s voice that had Hannah turning in my embrace. She gripped my hands that rested over the swell of her stomach where our children rested. I could feel her trembling, but I knew she needed to do what she needed to. “I forgive you, but I’m not living with you.” Jamie nodded and she continued. “I forgive you, but Jamie you lost my trust, and I don’t know if you’ll ever get it back, at least not fully.” She took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. She squeezed my arm and rested her head back against me. “I should have told you about your father and me. For that, I’m sorry.” She straightened and wiggled out of my embrace, taking a step towards Jamie. “I don’t want what happened, and me and your father being together, ruining the fragile relationship we still have.” Hannah reached out her hand and threaded her fingers through mine and I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my face. “You’re going to my babies’ big brother.”

  “Babies?” Jamie stumbled back.

  I took over for Hannah. “Yes. We’re pregnant with triplets.” I brought Hannah’s hand up and kissed her knuckles. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to tell you so we’re straight. I love Hannah. I’m in love with Hannah. I have been for long time. I’ve battled with worried over how you felt, and how the family would take this. I spent months after the party nit-picking all reasons why I shouldn’t be in love with her, but Jamie, you know Hannah, she’s so easy to love. I can talk to her for hours, and most of the time it’s just about silly stuff like, movies, food, cars and clothes. Do you know that until I didn’t have you living with me, I didn’t realize how much time I spent wi
th Hannah just the two us? Did you know she talked to me about work or asked me about it every day she stayed over? She watched Stargate, Doctor Who and Star Trek, all the geeky shows you didn’t watch with me. She played with my hair as we watched and muscled my shoulders when I was sore. She may not be a morning person, but did you see she made my lunch for work anytime she was around? That’s just things I can think of now—”

  “You made my dad lunch? You massaged him?” Jamie asked like I was bullshitting.

  Hannah shrugged. “Who do you think made the lasagna, spaghetti, and roast? Your grandma and great Grammy taught me how. And as for massaging your dad, Adam, I took any chance I could get to put my hands on him.”

  I gathered her to me and leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Minx.” She shivered and I knew this was a good one as she leaned back against me and turned her face up to me with a cheeky grin.

  “Argh, yeah. I’m going now. I’m okay with you two being together, but it’s gunna take me a while to get used to it. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to that look you both have now.”

  Neither of us answered my son. I just picked my woman up, she wrapped her legs and arms around me as I carried her down to our room. “I need you. Let me show you how much I love you and then I promise to take you out to dinner. I’ve booked your favorite too, Mexican. What do you think?”

  Her lips smashed against mine and she ground herself against me. I knew she’d given me my answer.


  WE DIDN’T MAKE IT TO the Mexican restaurant, but the good thing was, I didn’t get sick last night. I wasn’t sick right now either, but was ready to fake it. Adam had tricked me by saying he was taking me to the Sunday markets, but we were now parked in the quiet, industrial streets. Adam stopped the car and said he was going to give me a driving lesson. I wasn't not happy because we’re in his manual truck.

  I shook my head. “No. We talked about this already. I’m learning in an automatic.”

  I didn’t miss his loud sigh, before he stopped getting out of the car to turn to me. “You haven’t tried a manual. No one is around give it a try.”

  I had tried it and I hated it. I couldn’t stop the car from going backwards on hills no matter how fast I was, and I stalled at a bunch of lights. No. I like automatic. It was easier and I was more conformable. “Yes, I have, and I hated it. I told you no.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at Adam.

  Adam got out of the car and I knew he was ignoring me. I was starting to get angry. He needed to listen to me. My car door opened and he came to help me down, but I wasn’t getting out. “Just give it a try.”

  I gripped my seatbelt and narrowed my gaze at him. “I’m not going to say it again. We had this argument already, and if you push I will get out of this car, but it sure as hell won’t be to get in the driver’s seat. It will be to call an Uber or Kate to come and pick me up.”

  He threw his hands up in the air. “How the hell are you ever going to learn to drive, if you won’t let me teach you? I only own manual cars.”

  My anger was rising because I'd told him I couldn’t afford a car or lesson,s so I’d do without. “I thought you listened when I talked to you.” I clicked my buckle and eased out and down off my seat and stood staring up at Adam. I could see his jaw was clenched and his eyes were a so dark they looked black. “I’m not arguing with you over this.”

  He took a step toward me, letting go of the door. “I do listen. I just don’t think you’re doing the right thing. You need to think of our babies now. It’s not easy to get an Uber or even a bus with triplets. I understand you couldn’t afford a car before, but you can now. I will be getting one.”

  I knew what I was about to do was childish, but I didn’t want him spending his money on me. I wasn’t with him for his money or the fact he could teach me how to drive. I stomped my foot. “I don’t want you to buy me a car. I don’t need expensive things like that bought for me.” I walked by him ready to walk of some steam. I wasn’t his child, and he wasn’t my sugar daddy.

  His hand snaked out and held my arm stopping me. “I know you don’t need me to buy you things, but I want to. No, I need to. You will be responsible for our children. I need to know you can drive them to the doctor if they need it, or even just to grandma's house.” He pulled me to him and I didn’t resist. I hated to admit it but he had a point. “Fine. You don’t want to drive a manual I won’t get you one. We’ll get you an auto. Will you let me teach you then?”

  I wanted to say no, but he was compromising, so I could too. “Yes. But, I want to pay you back for the car.” The deep chuckle and the shake of his head had me stomping my feet again. “I haven’t spoken to Jamie yet, but once he finds another person to rent with I’ll have that money and I’m sure if I make your lunches and bake dinners and clean the house, I could help out and give you a little less money for the mortgage, so you can take some of that as car money.”

  His laughter stopped at what I said and he tilted my chin up so I stared into his eyes. “You are not, nor will you ever give me money for my mortgage. I don’t need or want your money.” He growled when I crossed my arms over my chest ready to argue. “I know you’re stubborn, and won’t give up until you contribute to something, so how about from here on out, you pay for the groceries.”

  “I need to pay for more than that. What about water, electricity, and gas to name a few?”

  He reached out and uncrossed my arms bringing my hands up and kissing them. “I can handle all of that. How about if I let you do some of my paperwork? Will that help? I’m not letting you pay for anything else. Your money is no good for me. I don’t need or want it. Keep it, spend it on the babies or just spoil yourself with it. You deserve it.” He caressed my cheek, and I tried not to melt against him, but it was futile.

  “Arggghhhh, fine. But you have to promise if you have any trouble or ever need any you’ll ask me.”

  The smile he gave me was panty melting and I was so in trouble if this was how it was going to be, I’d never win a fight. He lifted me and placed me back in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on and shut the door. He came around and got in. “Lucky I got you up early. We have time to do an hour or so at the markets and then we can drive by some car yards.”

  My groan only had him chuckling.

  WE’D WALKED AROUND THE MARKETS, I’d bought some fresh fruit and he’d bought me some gypsy style silver bracelets. We’d stayed at the markets for a little over an hour, and then he’d taken me car shopping. I now stared out the front window. In the driveway, sat an automatic blue demo model Ford SUV. I’d tried to argue that I didn’t want, or need a new car, and he argued back that it wasn’t new, it was a demo model. It was true and I hated that he was right. I would never tell him, but I loved the car. I’d hidden my love as best I could, but the ahh, and oohs and wow didn’t convince anyone.

  Arms wrapped around my waist, and I felt his lips against my head. “You know now we have the car you have to do the lessons.”

  I leaned back against him. “Yes. You do know I didn’t need a new car. I would have been fine with a cheapy. I’m only a learner. I don’t need a fancy car.”

  “I want my children in a safe car.” He whispered in my ear and I shivered as his lips touched my skin. Turning in his embrace, I gazed up at him. God, he was so sexy with his dark eyes, mocha skin, and his big thick kissable lips. I was so lucky. Not only was this man hot, but he was sweet, caring and all mine.

  “Thank you. Thank you for the car. Thank you for being just you.” I caressed his cheek and ran my thumb over his lips. "I don’t know if you know this, but you make me feel like the luckiest woman on earth. How I feel about you and what you do for me, just day to day makes me fall for you a little more. I may buck and resist some of the things you want to do for me, but I want you to know you could stop doing things for me and I would still love you. I would still—”

  His lips smashed against mine and I gasped then moaned when his hands explored my body. It fel
t like it had been years since she’d been touched. The pregnancy hormones had my body coming alive as soon as Adam touched me. My body was more sensitive. He lifted me up and carried me to the dining room and placed me on the edge of the table. I spread my legs apart and leaned back. Adam smirked down at me before stripping his clothes. I giggled as he attempted to make it into a show. He turned and wiggled his arse. I laughed as he shook his stuff and spun around to face me.

  “Are you going to take your clothes off or do you want me to help, angel?” I wiggled so my dress hiked up and then I eased up and pulled my dress off throwing it onto the floor. “Oh, angel, you’re so damn sexy. You look amazing.”

  I wasn’t. I felt fat and so unsexy, but as soon as I looked into Adam’s eyes he made me feel just what he thought I was. His gaze smoldered, and he strutted towards me settling between my thighs. His hand trailed up my legs and he hooked his fingers into my panties, I lifted up as he pulled them down and off. His hands rubbed up and down my thighs and I held my breath as his fingers brushed over my pussy lips. He knelt and I wiggled to the edge, eager for what I knew was to come. I shivered as I felt his breath before a thick, callused finger entered me and moved in and out. I moaned as he licked me from top to bottom and then sucked my clit in. He knew what he was doing, and I loved that he knew what I liked. I’d been a virgin before Adam, but since getting back together we’d fucked like bunnies. Adam had made sure he gave me pleasure and I came every time. When he went down on me I never lasted long. He added another digit pumping them in and out until I was burning, flying so high I was going to cum. I started moving with him now, searching for the bliss I knew he could give me.


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