Book Read Free

The Wild Interview

Page 9

by K. A Knight

I lean back and get comfy, clearing my throat. “We can read a chapter each,” I say before flicking to the first page and begin reading out loud. Kingston leans back next to me, his eyes closed as he concentrates on the words.

  We take it in turns and I lose myself in his rough deep voice, silkily rolling over the words, even the dirty scenes. It’s a huge turn on and might be my new favourite thing. I don’t know what chapter we’re at but my eyes start to close, his voice lulling me to sleep curled up next to him, the book between us.

  We fall into a rhythm, work during the day with teasing texts, and at night we just be ourselves until Wednesday morning. I’m overseeing a rehearsal, and the door opens to reveal the board members with expectant looks on their face. I freeze, straightening my posture and blanking my face, and only then do I realise how each day I’m gradually letting go of that rigid manager role. I think back over what we have achieved in a week and a half, and I wonder if that’s such a bad thing. The guys need a kick in the backside sometimes, and someone to organise them, but we have achieved all of this because they respect me and listen to my advice and feedback.

  None of this would have happened if they didn’t and they would have carried on the same as they were. However, I can’t let the board know that, I doubt they would like the fact that I’m living with the stars of the show or how the guys tease and flirt with me.

  I send the guys a look, warning them to be on their best behaviour before I turn to greet the board members, professional smile and clipboard in place.

  “Mr. Jones, welcome. I didn’t know you and the other board members would be coming down today. Never mind, perfect timing actually as we are just about to run through the new set. Would you like to watch?” I inquire politely, I don’t want them to know their visit has thrown me.

  “I did warn you that we would be watching closely, Gabriella,” Mr. Jones comments lightly, but I feel an undertone there, like they don’t actually believe I can do this, and the fact he’d call me my first name rather than a professional greeting makes me grit my teeth, they wouldn’t do that with a man. My face tightens, but I try to stay professional and not let them get to me.

  “Of course Mr. Jones, won’t you take a seat?” I gesture him towards the seats at the front, so he has the best view of the stage.

  “Yes, yes.” He bustles past me with the rest of the board members and they take their seats, ignoring the guys on the stage completely. Turning to address me again, he questions, “I trust that you have all the accounts under control? And the rehearsals? The boys are pulling their weight? What about the stage crew? It must be tough being a woman surrounded by men.” He chuckles and I can feel my blood boil at his implications. Come on Gabs, keep your cool, you need this job, you can’t tell your boss to suck a hairy dick. “You have also been spending quite a lot of money on new props and a considerable amount on a new choreographer. I hope that it’s worth the expenditure.”

  How dare he question me like this! I’m the manager of the troupe, of course I’m going to make changes. The whole show needed an overhaul and they knew it. I’m starting to get the feeling that they didn’t want the show to succeed, and that they hired me because they thought I would run screaming once I realised I was surrounded by guys. Well, these arseholes have another thing coming. I’m just about to give them a piece of my mind when someone jumps down from the stage and steps up next to me. I turn to see who has come to support me and nearly fall over when I realise it’s Blake.

  “What an unexpected pleasure Mr. Jones.” Blake turns on the charm, holding out his hand, and shaking theirs with a cocky self-assured smile. The atmosphere instantly changes and I see Mr. Jones’ eyes light up as Blake greets them.

  “Blake, my boy. How are you getting on? How are you getting on with Ms. Menro? No issues?” The way he asks the question makes it seem like he’s expecting problems, not to mention the little look he throws my way. That rat bastard really doesn’t want me to succeed here. Maybe it’s because I told him to shove the job up his arse in the interview, oops. I’m about to say something to defend myself and then I stop, glancing over at Blake. I want to see what he has to say about me and I’m half expecting him to throw me under the bus.

  “Ms. Menro has been an asset to this team.” No one is more shocked by Blake’s comment than I am, and I have to fight my shocked expression from showing on my face. “She’s a hard worker and has put more into making this show work in the one week that she has been here than any other manager we’ve had before.” He glances at me and gives me a subtle nod as I stare at him wide-eyed. “We don’t always agree, but she has the best interests in mind for the whole group.”

  Mr. Jones looks shocked and shares a couple of glances with the other board members. Some look happy with this new revelation, and the others appear like they need some convincing. Okay, we can do that. Straightening in my seat I smile at Blake before turning to face the board.

  “Excuse me Mr. Jones, I just need a quick word with the guys,” I explain with a polite smile before gesturing for Blake to follow me onto the stage. The guys instantly gather around me, a mixture of concern and pissed off expressions on their faces.

  “What’s going on?” Leo asks, a frown marring his perfect features.

  “The board has come to check up on us, to make sure all the money I’ve invested in the show is worth it. I need you to prove all the hard work and effort you have put into this show. It’s our one shot of convincing them to keep your group going and the scheduled tour.” They all nod their heads, even Blake. “Knock ‘em dead.” I give them a little wink, making sure my back is to the board. I’m sure they will use any excuse right now to shut us down.

  Climbing down the steps on the side of the stage, I make my way back over to the seats by the board, my trusty clipboard in hand.

  “Enjoy the show, gentlemen,” I say with a smile, hoping the guys can pull this off, they have worked really hard and deserve the company to support and trust them again.

  I see Mark standing to the side of the stage with his head torch on, waiting for my signal to start the music. I glance at my clipboard to check I have everything set up before nodding at him. The house lights drop and a single spotlight appears on the stage, the music filling the theatre. I’m on the edge of my seat, there is so much riding on this performance.

  The rehearsal goes off without a hitch, and the guys looked amazing. The hard work on the choreography is really paying off, the dancing was smooth and entranced you into the story like I imagined. As the lights go down and the guys take a cheeky bow, I stand up and clap politely. Internally, I want to whoop and holler, those guys were fucking hot, but in front of the board I have to keep my reactions with them completely professional. Mr. Jones and the other’s are standing and talking with each other in loud animated voices, shaking each others hands and patting each other on the back like they were the ones who had just performed.

  Mr. Jones, and a man in a smart suit that I don’t recognise, come over to me, their smiles wide, this makes me nervous.

  “What did you think of the changes?” I ask with my polite smile stuck in place, I feel like my face is going to split in two.

  “Marvelous! I have to say Ms. Menro, I had my doubts about you, and I wasn’t sure how you would manage here. But you have turned these boys around.” He looks at the other board member for confirmation. “So, it recently came to our attention that you have been staying in the house with the boys.” My mouth drops open at his words, how the fuck did he find that out? Shit, I’m done. Toast. Fired. I go to defend myself when Mr. Jones holds up his hand to stop me.

  “We were not happy at first, part of the reason we came today was to check up on how things were going. We thought you may have succumbed to the guys and were being unprofessional… If you know what I mean?” he quips with a wink. I want to vomit, but I nod and give him an uneasy smile. “But we can see that you have whipped them into shape in the short time you’ve been here. So, we would like to request that
you move into the house for the duration of your contract. You will need to keep tabs on them both in and out of work, you know the type of reputation they have. Hopefully with you there, you will help improve that reputation,” he continues, and I get the feeling he’s telling me rather than asking me. Thankfully, I had already planned to be there for a while until I got back on my feet, but I’m not sure how I feel about living there permanently. I take a deep breath and glance over at the guys, who keep glancing our way but are trying not to make it obvious.

  “That’s a very kind offer Mr. Jones, I will have to think about it, can I get back to you by the end of the day?” I ask. I don’t exactly have a lot of options for where else I would go, but I don’t want them to know that. Besides, if I jumped on the offer then they might suspect there is another reason I want to live there.

  “Of course, of course. Let me know,” he mutters absentmindedly, before wandering off to the other board members who are all still congratulating themselves. I turn back to the stage and roll my eyes, board members are always the same. “Oh! Before I forget, we want to move the tour dates. You will be on tour starting next week. Good luck!”

  Next week? Shit. I run my list through my head and think of all the things I’ll need to change and check. I fire off a few emails, contacting the tour bus, venues, and ticket sites. Making sure to jot down any notes I need to sort out on my clipboard like hotels, travelling, making sure the guys have everything they need, costumes, exposure… the list is endless. I’m going to have to work double-time to pull this off.

  I spend the next hour sorting a few issues backstage with Mark and the stage crew, mostly little problems with lighting and music cues, while the guys continue practicing in the rehearsal space. My phone keeps vibrating in my pocket, so I know they’re trying to get a hold of me, but I ignore it for now, I have too much to sort out if this show is to be ready to tour next week. The rest of the crew are brilliant and take the change of dates in stride.

  Next fucking week, shit, is it bad I’m going to miss rehearsing here all day before going back to the house?

  Yes, yes it is.

  My desk is covered in paperwork and my head feels like it’s about to explode with all the new preparations I need to do. The board sent me an email with a new venue for the next show, at least that took one thing off my plate. It’s the least they can do after throwing that bombshell at me. My phone has been going nonstop, but I need time to think about the board’s offer and also, I’m swamped.

  Groaning, I pinch the bridge of my nose before forcing myself to get back into the nitty-gritty shit that comes with a tour. My door bursts open, but I barely lift my head. I keep staring at the array of hotels laying in front of me, trying to figure out our best option for the first leg of the tour.

  “Earth to Gabs,” comes an amused voice, and I arch my eyebrow before picking a hotel. With a sigh, I lean back to see an amused Emmett and Liam. Shit, they look happy, which they deserve after today, but the twinkle in their eyes tells me I’m not going to like what they have to say.

  “So, we were thinking we could go out to celebrate and obviously the board said you had to go where we do so—” Emmett says before Liam jumps in.

  “Get yo sexy ass ready, we’re going out to party!” he shouts, dancing on the spot.

  Leaning back, I cross my arms and eye them, some of the excitement dies and they slump. “I thought we had a rule about no parties?” I tease, knowing I’m going to give in. They deserve to go out for a night for all the hard work they’ve done, but it’s nice to make them work for it.

  “Yesss, but we thought, seeing as though we had passed the board’s tests and saved our booties, we could go out?” Emmett pleads, giving me puppy dog eyes.

  Liam goes one step further, pushing his hands into a prayer position and sticking out his bottom lip. “Pretty please, Angel? We could really use a night out. We promise to be good!”

  I snort at that. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” Sighing, I rub my head, looking at everything I have left to do, but maybe a break is just what I need. I can pull a double tomorrow, but tonight I’m going to celebrate with the guys. “Fine.” I hold my hand up when they start to celebrate. “But, we’re back by three AM and you will not get so intoxicated that we have to carry you. No arrests, no fights. That’s the rules or we aren’t going. We have worked too hard on your reputation to fail now,” I warn, being deadly serious.

  They share a serious look. “You got it boss lady. I’ll let the others know. Better pack up quickly, we need to get ready and god knows how long that will take,” Emmett mutters.

  “Hey, I can get ready in ten minutes,” I defend and he laughs, so does Liam.

  “I know Angel, he was talking about Blake,” Liam says, as Emmett winks and slips out the door.

  I laugh and start to pack up, shutting my laptop and grabbing my phone. Rounding the desk, Liam passes me my jacket and I smile in thanks as I slip into it.

  His grin is infectious and I can feel his excitement. Shutting my office behind me, he links our arms and starts skipping down the corridor until I’m forced to do it with him.

  “I can’t wait to see you dance, Angel!” he gushes and I groan.

  Tonight is going to be a bad idea, I can just feel it. Alcohol, plus strippers that I’m attracted to? Yep, bad idea.

  Staring into my wardrobe, where my clothes are all hung up—not by me, by the way. I came back from swimming the other night to find them all there, someone had even put my panties away. Shifting from foot to foot, I hesitate in nothing but my red lace underwear and matching bra. I know no one is going to see them, but I can’t help myself. I love the way the colour looks against my golden skin and it shapes my curves amazingly.

  Okay. What to wear, do I go slutty? Do I go classy? Somewhere in between? I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, but I really want them to notice me as something other than their tight laced boss. Not that I should want that...

  “Are you ready to party?” Emmett shouts, as he saunters into my room without knocking, two beers in his hand and his feet bare. He peruses me from top to bottom and grins. I don’t bother to cover myself, I should be used to them barging in by now.

  “Hot darling, but I think you might get us arrested if you go out like that. Now, I’m not saying the guys would mind cause you look hot as fuck, but still.” He grins and passes me the beer.

  I take it and swig it back, grinning at him. He looks nice, the girls are going to go wild tonight. His button-down is white and tight to his skin, and paired with his tight blue jeans, his hair is styled and looking good. He looks like a mix between ‘good boy next door’ and ‘I’ll fuck you in the back of my truck.’

  “You look hot,” I comment and he grins, spinning to show me the full effect.

  I giggle and look back at my dresses before turning to him with a pout. “Help,” I beg and he laughs. He passes me his beer, and I step back as he sticks his head into my wardrobe and starts rooting around.

  “You ready? Blake isn’t, but I figured if we… fuck me,” Damon says, and I grin over at him as he gapes at me. His eyes are locked on my skin and he can’t seem to figure out what to stare at, my ass or tits. I watch as he swallows hard and shifts uncomfortably. I take him in as well. Fuck, I’m going to get arrested tonight, aren’t I?

  He’s wearing tight leather pants, with a white shirt unbuttoned halfway to show off his muscles. His hair is messy and he even has on eyeliner. Definitely a rocker look, and I’m seriously debating whether I need this job, because fuck. I really want to sit on his face.

  “What about this?” Emmett asks, oblivious to the sexual tension as me and Damon eye fuck each other.

  Turning with a cough, I watch as he pulls out a red dress and I grin. Fuck, how did I forget about that? I’ve always looked great in that dress. I drop the beers on the side table and grab it from him. I step into it and turn so Emmett can do the buttons. He does and steps back with a whistle. Grinning, I look in the
mirror, damn I look good.

  The dress is a deep red, almost blood coloured, and frames my skin so it shines. The material is like silk and shimmers when I move. The dress is backless and so low that I frown, shit I can’t wear a bra. It’s tied at the neck like a choker and the front has a massive diamond cut out, dipping low to show off my tits. It’s tight all over until it cascades down my legs, one side longer than the other.

  “You can’t wear the bra,” Emmett comments critically, eyeing me again.

  I nod in agreement and I hear Damon choke. Grinning, I hold his eyes as I reach back and unhook the clasp, and shimmy it out of the dress. Holding it in one hand, I throw it at Damon and he catches it automatically, his eyes turning molten when he grips the lacey material.

  “Let me grab my shoes and I’m ready,” I declare as Emmett laughs.

  Picking my black peep toe boots, I slip into them before turning to see Emmett holding my beer to me.

  “Better drink up,” he toasts, obviously expecting me to sip it. Giving him an evil look I tilt the bottle back and down it in one. When I’m done, I wipe my mouth on my hand and grin as he stares at me open-mouthed.

  “Shit, why was that so hot?” he asks, looking over at Damon who’s just staring at me.

  “Fuck. We are in deep shit,” he mutters before striding away, my bra still clutched in hand.

  I look at Emmett and we both burst out laughing. At least if I plan to go down in flames, I’ll do it having fun.

  Emmett helps me down the stairs where all the others are waiting. Liam has on a silk shirt, I shit you not, a lavender one with only one button done and it hangs loosely off him, showing off all his skin. His jeans are jet black and painted onto his skin.

  My eyes run to Leo next, to see he’s wearing a black polo shirt and jeans. Kingston looks good in his jeans and shirt combo too, but when I reach Blake, I have to swallow hard.


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