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Losing You (Stars On Fire #4)

Page 10

by Ryleigh Andrews

  The force of his thrust had Mia falling into the arm of the sofa. If she needed to forget, he could do that for her. He’d make her think of nothing but him. He’d consume her.

  Wrapping an arm around her chest, Tom pulled her up. With his thumb to her chin, he made her face him. “Keep your eyes on me. You got it?”

  Her teeth captured her lower lip and she nodded her head emphatically, snaking an arm around his neck.

  He was relentless in his fucking, making her feel it all, until all she could think about was him. Tom didn’t know what it was about Mia that brought out this dominant side in him. Part of it was that he sensed Mia needed the direction. Not to say he didn’t enjoy it—he did—immensely. He liked having her do as he said, liked seeing her turned on by his commands.

  “Let it go, baby girl,” he murmured, staring into her dark as night eyes. “I’m here . . . I’m here.”

  He saw the instant when whatever had hold of her slipped away. She whimpered and her body slumped forward. With his fingers digging deep into the flesh of her ass, he concentrated on fucking the dark out of her and when she came, she came harder than he’d ever seen anyone come—her whole body spasming beneath him.

  Tom fucked Mia until she collapsed on the sofa. He followed her, his heart hammering against her slick back, but after a few minutes, he stood up and lifted her in his arms. After he brought her to his bedroom, he laid her face first on the bed. Sliding his hands up her toned legs, he stopped at her ass where he kissed the bright pink hand marks.

  “You okay?” he asked. He’d never hit her like that . . . maybe a few playful slaps but this—she kept asking for it and this had been so intense. For both of them. He’d never seen her come so hard, be so wet, scream so loud.

  “Mmmhmm,” she mumbled against the blanket. She sounded content. His kisses covered all the pink and when he got close to her pussy, the minx raised her hips to him. A sweet little moan escaped her mouth when he moved away from that addicting pussy of hers.

  “You want more?” ‘Cause he did.

  “Break. But feels good.”

  He laughed at her short, exhausted sentences. Flopping on the bed next to her, he mimicked how she was laying and felt his heart miss a beat when an honest-to-goodness smile broke out on her face.

  “So, Mia . . . what do you want to do for the rest of the night? You hungry?”


  “Gonna say anything besides that?”

  “After dinner. Conserving energy.”

  “Well, I can make you a PB and J sandwich or I can order a pizza.”

  “Pizza . . . with breadsticks,” she added in an afterthought.

  “Don’t you know it.”

  “Thanks,” she said, letting her chocolate eyes close for a moment before she literally rolled out of bed, landing on her feet. “Bathroom?”

  “Through that door,” he answered, gesturing to the closed door to his left.

  “Be right back,” she said over her shoulder as she sauntered to the master bath.

  Grabbing his cell phone, Tom quickly made the pizza order. He was putting the phone on his nightstand at the same moment she walked back into the room. The phone fell from his hand as he took her in—she was fucking gorgeous.

  Thirty minutes, he thought as he regarded her breasts swaying as she crossed the room to him, his dick very much liking what he was saw.

  “Come here, baby girl.”

  She climbed on the bed and crawled on her hands and knees over to him. When she got to his side, she leaned back on her calves, her hands resting on her lap, awaiting his next order.

  “On top,” he said. Without hesitation, she threw a leg over his lap and situated herself on him before sliding her arms around his neck, burying her face in his throat.

  Then she sighed.

  And he knew without a doubt that he loved her. Those feelings he had for years finally had a name—love. He fucking loved this sweet, beautiful, and complicated woman.

  “Feeling better?”

  Her head burrowed into his neck a little more before she pulled back and looked at him, a smile flirting with her lips. “Yes, thank you. My ass hurts though,” she said with a chuckle.

  He laughed along with her, happy that she was cracking jokes and feeling more like herself instead of what he found earlier that evening on her roof. He felt fear there. Now he didn’t—not at all.

  When the doorbell rang, announcing the pizza, he hated that he had to move her, but she climbed off him and said, “Food.”

  He threw on a shirt and jeans, grabbed a hat, and headed down to pay. When he returned, Mia had thrown on one of his shirts and looked fine as hell in it. He flipped on the TV, popped the box open, and they dug into the pizza. After they finished eating, he brought her between his legs, her head resting back on his chest, as they watched the movie.

  “Mia . . . I need to say something to you . . .”

  “What?” she asked, lifting her eyes to his, the content look still on her face.

  “I love you,” he said, the words feeling so right as they passed his lips.

  Her reaction wasn’t what he’d expected. Mia scrambled away from him, her easygoing smile gone, replaced with shock. “You love me? Wh-why do you love me?” she stuttered.

  “Why?” he repeated, confused by doubt, her disbelief.

  “Yes, why. I’m far from lovable.”

  “I beg to differ. You are beyond lovable. For one . . . that big heart of yours. Still can’t believe you stuck with all us guys for so many years. Then there’s your sweet voice. I could listen to you quote all your history books and never grow bored. Let’s not forget your sense of humor . . . you find humor in all kinds of situations. And that brings me to the next item—your laugh. You laughing is one of the best things I’ve ever heard,” he said, his finger tracing the elegant outline of her jaw, his eyes on hers, watching them fill with emotion with each word he said. He didn’t want tears from her. He had enough of those from her today. “Oh . . . then there’s your ass—oh my God!” he exclaimed, letting his head fall back against the pillows.

  “You really love me,” she said in wonderment.

  “Yeah, baby girl. I really love you. For a long time now. It probably began when I first met you.”

  A sweet smile played with her lips. “That’s when it started for me too. When you had me sit on your lap and then proceeded to feel me up.”

  It took a moment but Tom realized what she’d said. “Mia.”

  Her head rose and her dark eyes found his. “I love you too.”

  She loved him. He knew Ethan meant a lot to her. Just like he knew she was still getting over that relationship, despite the fact she didn’t speak about it. Tom saw her struggles—today probably one of those days where she struggled mightily.

  Tom hadn’t expected the turn of events tonight . . . the way they’d fucked, how emotional she’d been, the smiles she’d given him, and then the exchange of their feelings—their love for each other.

  Leaning in, he kissed her, a soft, lingering kiss to her lower lip. Mia latched on to his upper lip, arching her body closer to his. He wanted that—he really did, but he needed one thing first.

  With a quick peck to her nose, he situated her in between his legs yet again. “I have a request.”

  “Hmm?” she asked as her head fell back to his shoulder, the movement making her breasts rise in the air.

  “Let me take a picture of us.”


  “You didn’t let me finish.”


  “Then let me make love to you,” he added, his mouth hovering by her ear.

  “Can’t we flip the order of those things?” she asked, her hands kneading his thighs.

  “Baby girl, do you need to be fucked again?” he asked, his roaming hands going under the shirt she wore and finding her hard nipples. Rolling his thumbs along each bud, he waited for her answer. She tried to turn, but he held her in place. “Answer me.”


  “Picture first,” he said, cupping her soft breasts.

  “Fine,” she acquiesced. His hands reluctantly left her skin and he reached over to grab his small digital camera from his night stand drawer. After turning it on, he took a test shot.

  “That is a sucky picture,” Mia commented as she looked at the result. It really was.

  “Practice shot.”

  “Uh . . . okay,” she said with a laugh.

  “Let’s see if I can do this,” he said, adjusting the position of his camera then clicked the button a few times. “Okay.”

  “I hope you got a good one this time,” she said as he turned the camera around.

  “Are you doubting my skill?” he asked, tickling her with his free hand.

  “Maybe,” she replies, laughter coating her gorgeous voice.

  “Hmpf. Maybe I need to demonstrate my awesome skills right now.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” she replied.

  “Shh. Now look at the camera and smile.”

  Tom took the picture, a happy smile on his face. When he turned the camera around to see what he got, he was pleased. Mia looked perfect. A big, wide smile—her hair properly messed. Just like he wanted her.

  “That’s—” she began.

  “Perfection,” he finished for her before she had a chance to belittle herself. He placed the camera back on the table and turned his attention to her. He needed her. “Kneel for me.”

  With a stuttering sigh, Mia did as he asked, facing away from him. As coolly as he could, he removed his jeans, his hard cock saluting the air.

  “Remove the shirt,” he demanded, his hand lightly stroking his cock. He couldn’t see them but he could picture the way her breasts hung as her breathing became heavier as he made her wait in anticipation of what he was going to do.

  “Tell me, Tommy,” she pouted, her voice tinged with exasperation. She wanted to be fucked.

  “Ride my cock, baby girl.”

  When Mia started to turn around, he stopped her. “No, face away from me.”

  “Okay,” she said, slowly bringing that ass closer to him, only stopping when the tip touched her ass. Thumbing his cock down, he guided it to its prize and she pushed back, enveloping him.

  “To the tip and back down again,” he groaned. She did and he thought he’d come right there, it felt so fucking good. “Take it, Mia.”

  And she did.

  As she glided along his dick, her wet pussy made his cock glisten with her arousal. “Ah, hell, baby girl.”

  He was so wrong. Mia didn’t want to be fucked—she wanted to be the one to do the fucking.


  Lacing his fingers in between his woman’s, Marc couldn’t help the happy grin that came to his face as he and Lizzie took an evening stroll to work off the amazing meal she’d made. She’d wanted to make the meal special because tomorrow she was leaving on another business trip.

  He was going to miss her like crazy when she was gone. Earlier this week she’d just returned from a rather long trip. She was supposed to be home for a while but something came up that had her flying out again tomorrow morning. To say he wasn’t happy with this development was an understatement. Marc didn’t want to come off as needy but he needed her. Lizzie kept him sane. Her work schedule was becoming hard to handle. Not because he was jealous of the time she gave to her job. He was proud as hell of her career. Marc was just finding it harder and harder not to take a pill or to light up a joint to make the thoughts of his dad putting a gun to his head go away. He wanted to be strong.

  He could be better for her. But when she was gone . . . the struggle to stay sober became increasingly difficult. He worried that a time would come when the drugs would be in front of him and he would break and wouldn’t be able to stop.

  But right now, he had her. He was sober and had to hold on to that.

  As they walked aimlessly around the neighborhood, Marc noticed that they were on Tom’s street. “Want to give Tom a visit?” he asked.

  The smile that lit her face was a kind of high he didn’t want to let go.

  “Yes! It’s been forever since I’ve seen him. He’s been so busy lately.”

  “Maybe you’ve been the busy one.”

  “While that is partially true, I’ve tried to reach him but he’s not been responding.”

  “Hmm . . . that doesn’t seem like him,” Marc agreed, wondering what had Tom so preoccupied.

  Drawing near to his home, they both noted his bike in the driveway.

  “He’s home,” Lizzie said, squeezing his hand.

  When they approached the door, Marc heard a noise that definitely indicated that Tom may not be alone. “Whoa . . . did you hear that?” he said, his raised fist stopping mid-knock.

  “What?” Lizzie asked, curiosity pushing her closer.

  With their heads to the door, Marc heard the noise again . . . a woman moaning. His eyes found Lizzie. She heard it too, her eyes widening in shock.

  “Ahh . . . fuck, baby girl . . .”

  Baby girl?

  No, Marc thought, it can’t be. Not their baby girl. Not the woman who’d been like their younger sister . . . for years.

  He needed this woman to speak so he could confirm his suspicions. This moaning was nothing to go by.

  Then it happened. The woman spoke, confirming Marc’s suspicions.

  “Please, Tommy . . . please!”

  That voice . . . Mia and Tom. Holy shit!

  That was a fucking bombshell . . . Marc hadn’t even known that there were any feelings between them. Tom and Mia were always joking around. Never romantic . . . or had Marc missed that? Even still, he didn’t know what to make of this development. He knew how much Mia had loved Ethan, how much being without him had crushed her.

  Lizzie backed away from the door, her face flushed. “Tom’s having sex!” she exclaimed in a hushed voice.

  Marc fought not to laugh at Lizzie’s reaction.

  “Yeah, he is. I’m sure it’s not his first time,” Marc added as Tom continued coaxing the orgasm from Mia. Let it go, baby girl . . .

  “Don’t laugh at me,” Lizzie said, hurrying down the stairs.

  “Why you running away, baby?” Marc asked, stepping towards her and grabbing her hand, pulling her back to him.

  “Tom is having sex,” she repeated. “I can’t hear that—he’s my best friend.”

  “He’s mine too. I’m not as conflicted as you.”

  “You’re weird,” she said, but a smiled played with her gorgeous mouth.

  “Maybe you’re the weird one? Ever think about that?”

  “I just don’t want to listen.”

  “Tell me why,” he pushed. She looked away, her gaze on something over his shoulder.

  “Because it was hot,” she admitted.

  “Um . . . why . . . why was it hot?” he asked, totally not expecting that answer from her.

  “I can’t say,” she responded, the flush on her face growing.

  Zoning out the background noise of his friends fucking, Marc focused on his girlfriend and what she thought about what was happening on the other side of that door.

  “Elizabeth . . . tell me. I won’t judge. Promise.”

  With a sigh, she turned her head back to him, though her eyes were still downcast. “I wish it was me.”

  Uh . . . what? Did she like Tom? “Excuse me? You wish it was you and Tom?”

  That got her eyes up to his. “No . . . no! Sorry, that sounded bad. I wish that we were on the other side of that door and people could hear us, what you do to me.”

  Both his heads lifted at her words. “Oh . . . you want someone to watch us?” he asked.

  “No, more like the thrill of getting caught more than someone watching us.”

  Hmm . . . never thought his girl would have a fantasy like that. Interesting.

  “Any other fantasies with me?”

  “All of them,” she said quietly . . . adorably. He couldn’t help but kiss h

  “I love you so much,” he said with his lips still against hers.

  She smiled, but the shyness still lingered in her mannerisms. “Do you, ah, have any fantasies about me?”


  “Yeah,” he answered.

  “What are they?” she asked, looking at him through her long eyelashes.

  “To spend my life with you exploring them.”

  The smile she gave him was worth putting his heart out there for her. She was worth anything and everything.

  “You sure know how to make a girl swoon.”

  “Just you,” he said quietly. Marc then took her hand and led her back to his house. When they got to his front door, Lizzie stopped him.

  “I love you, Marc,” she said, lightly kissing his cheek, her breath tickling his ear.

  “Wanna start on a fantasy right now?”

  “The kind where you let me do whatever I want to you?”

  “Funny . . . that’s one of my fantasies,” he said, opening the door and pulling her inside, intent on making both their fantasies come true.


  May 2008

  When Mia had been in the studio, Tom had been busy working on the furniture she’d wanted made. He had a lot to get done and had needed every moment away from her to complete it. Now it was finally done and delivered to her house. When she got home tonight from the studio, it’d be a surprise for her.

  Tom had one more surprise in store for her.

  One night, as the two of them sat in the family room, chilling for the night and watching a home makeover show on HGTV, she saw a wall full of photos and mentioned how cool it was and that she’d like to do that, but it wouldn’t look as awesome as the one on the show.

  “I’ll do it for you,” he had blurted out. “Just get me the pictures you’d like to have and I’ll give you the coolest photo wall you’ve ever seen.”

  She hadn’t believed him at first but when he’d told her that he was serious, she flew from her spot against his side to get her laptop. The rest of that evening they’d continued watching television while she went through her pictures.


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