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Unnatural Lover Boxed Set #1

Page 2

by Flynn, Mac

  It tore her away from the safety of the bed and out a few feet into the center of the floor. She clawed and squirmed in its grasp one last time, but the darkness was elastic. The more she pulled the larger the thing stretched out. Out in the center of the room, the creature pressed itself up against her back and pushed her up off the floor. Amanda was forced to stand up onto her legs and caught a glimpse of the floor beneath her feet. The dark pool bubbled like a rancid stew and the tendrils toppled over one another in their eagerness to touch her.

  Amanda screamed her terror when a longer, thick tendril shot out from the floor and wrapped around her arm. Her fingers became trapped in the ooze and the black thing directed her hand so that her arms were pinned to her sides. Then another sprang from the black depths and trapped her other arm in the same fashion. More of those tendrils came out from the small puddle of ooze and wrapped themselves around her trembling, squirming body. She shrieked and cried out for help, but there was not a soul within a dozen miles. She was all alone and slowly being consumed by this terrifying creature.

  Amanda felt her heart beat frantically inside her chest as the long, black arms locked her legs in its strong, stiff embrace. They were not pinned together, but rather were spread apart nearly a foot at the feet. Her feet were firmly engulfed in the darkness and strapped to the floor. Other tendrils climbed higher and slid beneath her loose shirt. She looked down and saw her clothes press out as the arms traveled their way up toward her chest. Tears of frustration slid down her cheeks when she felt the cool, soft ooze slide against her bare, shivering skin. She unconsciously sniffled and the arms suddenly paused.

  One of the tendrils gently reached up to her face and softly wiped away the tears. She jerked back at the affectionate touch made by such a grotesque creature. However, it was the first time the thing had shown a deep sentience, and she was in a momentary wonder at the strange, dark creature which had wrapped around her body. The tendrils beneath her shirt slowly shifted and meandered upward toward her bra.

  Amanda let out a sharp gasp when one of those arms brushed against her covered breasts. The creature paused, judged her reaction, and tried it again. She jerked back a little and bit her lip. She couldn't admit to herself that the sensation felt pleasurable. This creature could not cause her physical joy of any kind. Instead she twisted and fought once more for her freedom, but the thing dashed her hopes by tightening its grip around her body. She felt as though she were on the verge of losing the ability to breath, so tight was its hold. To try to keep back the panic she so desperately wanted to succumb to, Amanda closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on her shivering body.

  "Please don't do this," she softly pleaded. If the creature was sentient, perhaps it had a conscience she could reach. She let out a sob when it squeezed her body in reply. Her voice was shaking so badly even she was having a hard time understanding her words. "Please let me go. I don't know what you want, but please just let me go."

  Amanda winced when a few of the shadows along her stomach moved in a circle across her belly. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized the creature's meaning. It was a bitter irony that it sought her out of all people with which to procreate. She almost cracked a sad smile at the creature's utter failure in choosing her out of a world full of fertile people.

  "I-I can't have babies. My body won't let me," she explained to the thing. It continued to circle her belly, but in gradually slower, more erotic motions. The rest of the tendrils stirred to life and slid across her entire body. It brushed aside her hair behind her head and massaged the nape of her neck. It even crawled into the small space between her pants and her legs. The panic in her mind was overpowering her last sane effort at stopping the thing. "You don't understand. I can't do it! I can't have kids!" She writhed in its horrible grip, but still it persisted in its advancements.

  Amanda watched helplessly as one of the dark, thick limbs stretched itself out from the floor and stopped in front of her face. The tendril stretched out and flattened itself to resemble the hood of a king cobra. From the depths of the dark skin she could see a gas rise into the air, and the black arm leaned toward her frightened eyes. The young woman jerked her face away from the tendril, but she could not move far enough to escape the thing. The tendril flattened itself over her mouth and nose, and she was forced to inhale the unknown substance. She gagged at the wretched smell and flavor, but the terrible mask did not linger for long.

  In a minute it pulled away and she was free to breathe the dusty air of the cabin. She coughed and her body shook as she felt the strange gas travel down her throat. It spread out through her shaking, quivering form and infected every part of her being. She shuddered and tried to focus her vision on escape through the door in front of her, but she found herself unable to concentrate on the details of the room. Her eyes became heavy and she was finally forced to close them. The space around her faded into the background like a soft, drifting echo and what came to the forefront was the creature sliding over her body.

  Amanda felt every push and pull of the tendrils as they rose and ebbed across her skin. She had enough of her own mind left to realize the thing had given her a strong dose of some sort of aphrodisiac, but then that thought slipped away. The gas clouded her mind even as her physical sensors exploded with activity. Her lips parted in a slow pant while the creature's arms explored every part of her body. She felt the seams of her pants rip open as the thing pushed more of itself up against her legs.

  There was a physical change over her, too. Amanda groaned when she felt her breasts breasts swell to where her bra stretched to the breaking point. The muscles on her hips, too, strengthened and expanded. The waist of her jeans became unbearably tight until one of the tendrils snapped off the button. Her pants zipped open from the strain and she breathed a sigh of relief when the pressure lifted. She squirmed beneath the writhing mess of tendrils, but now no longer out of disgust or fear.

  Each graceful touch by the creature caused her heart to skip a beat in growing ecstasy. No bit of skin was neglected as the hundreds of tendrils big and small flowed over her body. Some of them reached around back and released the clasp on her bra. The shadow arms even cut away at the straps and the piece of clothing, now ruined, fell to the floor and was eagerly swallowed by the pool at her feet. Her large, bulging breasts were freed from those confines only to press against her tight shirt.

  However, the creature was not content with just her bra. Small tendrils pushed their way out of the seams of her jeans and tore every larger holes along the sides. She heard a loud ripping noise when one whole side completely opened up to reveal the thing pressing against her skin. It purposefully ripped open the other side and then went for the interior space between her legs. The soft, smooth arms slid up her thighs and touched the seams of her panties. They were soaked with her juices and she couldn't help the shudder which rippled through her body when one of the larger tendrils pressed up against her folds.

  At the same time the creature was working on her shirt. Its arms peeked out from the collar while the cloth itself had the appearance of a slow wave. The tendrils pressed out against the shirt even as they wrapped themselves along her heaving chest. She groaned when the things drifted across her full, naked breasts. The creature took courage with her sounds of pleasure and the tendrils at the collar pressed down upon the shirt. The arms were sharper than they appeared as they cut through the cloth without any difficulty. Her shirt fell open to reveal her glistening breasts with their dark, hardened peaks.

  Her entire body was covered in thick layers of sweat and dark tendrils. The sleeves of her shirt were likewise cut away and the rags followed the path of the bra into the bottomless pool. Her pants, too, were torn away and fell in two perfect slices to the floor. All was consumed by the thing, but she didn't care. Amanda could only focus on the wonderful sensations caused by those countless, teasing arms. All that remained was her panties, and these the creature deliberately assaulted.

  Amanda groaned when one
of the long, thin arms dug into the depths of her panties. It stretched out the already fragile waistband past the breaking point, and she felt the seams on both sides tear away. Now she stood completely naked, and the creature eagerly washed over every inch of her body. She writhed still, but now for completely different reasons.

  Gone was the terror and fear she had known, and in its place was a pleasure she had never realized existed. Every part of her body was sensitive nearly beyond comprehension, and the creature brushed up against her trembling skin with an almost sadistic glee. She was teased and tortured with soft squeezes along her buttocks. The tips of her breasts were suckled and pinched by the large, hooded tendrils. The one spot she desperately wanted touched, however, was that which was expressly avoided.

  Her core burned for attention. She could no longer deny her need for the creature. She longed for the feel of those soft tendrils pushing in and out of the hot space between her wet walls. Every fiber in her body wished for it to take her again and again. She fidgeted in the creature's grasp, but not to escape. Instead she sought to direct the arms toward her attention-deprived center. The thing did not heed her unspoken calls, however, and instead made to pleasure her through every other means.

  Amanda felt her body tighten and rippling waves of rapture flowed through her. The tendrils pressed and squeezed her pert breasts. They ran along her inner thighs and massaged her tense limbs. Her breaths came out in quick, short pants. She felt the orgasm well up inside her until it exploded in bright, flashing lights which clouded her vision.

  Still she was not satisfied. She knew so much more could be experienced if the thing would only fully take her. The tendrils had paused to observe her convulsions in the thralls of the orgasm, and she squirmed in its grasp. She wanted more movement, more pleasure. It couldn't end like this. Not when her center ached for its soft touch.

  "Please," she hoarsely whispered. Her voice was soft and airy, and she was thrilled when the tendrils twitched in response.

  One of the thinner arms reached up and brushed itself against her cheek. She leaned in against the soothing tendril and found herself purring in delight when the creature shifted all across her body. Her attention was most fixed on the wet, heated area between her legs, and she was very pleased when she felt one of the larger tendrils snake up her leg. A small smile crept across her lips even as the thick arm brushed against the side of her inner thigh.

  Amanda leaned her head back and groaned when the tendril brushed against her folds. She jerked back when it grazed her small nub, and a thrill of pleasure shot up her body. A moan escaped her parted lips when the creature penetrated her. Her hands fidgeted at her sides as they ached to touch and hold her lover. They could not comprehend that the thing was intangible. It poured into her hot folds and pushed back the walls to fit into every wrinkle and space. She'd never felt such fulfillment inside of her. The thing fit perfectly, and when it began to pull out every part of her was touched.

  The creature pushed back inside her, and Amanda dragged her tongue along her wet lips at the delicious, erotic feeling. The thing knew what to touch, and each push and pull made her hips shift in unison. She whimpered when the creature continued to restrain her, but it was unyielding. It demanded, and received, control over her, but as compensation it increased the depth and speed of their love-making.

  The creature's other tendrils were not idle. Her full, swollen breasts were touched and massaged. Their weight was enormous, and her lover reveled in lifting them and pressing them together. Her thighs were given ample attention as the dark, shadowed arms stroked and caressed her hot, wet skin. Amanda panted for air at the overload of sweet ecstasy, and the creature was soaked in her hot juices. She bit her lip to keep from crying out when her lover moved faster inside her. Smaller tendrils push out from the larger source and press themselves against her nub. She bit her lip and tightly shut her eyes to keep from screaming out her pleasure.

  Then it suddenly pulled back, and Amanda opened her eyes. She cried out in frustration and disappointment. The tendril slowed and she felt the orgasm slip from her body. She squirmed and whimpered, but her lover was unmoved. It wanted to feel the vibrations as she screamed out her fulfillment to the heavens. Amanda parted her lips and moaned at a particularly deep thrust of warning. Her lover pulled back and pushed harder, and her cries grew louder. The speed increased, and with each new pleasure she grew more bold in her cries of joy. She could feel the end coming again, rushing up on her. It promised bliss, but not eternally. Just a taste of heaven, of flying above clouds wrapped tightly in a warm embrace.

  This time of pleasure was even greater than the first as her muscles tightened. Wave after wave rolled up her body, and Amanda plead for release.

  "Oh god yes! Faster! Oh god!"

  At the last cry her vision was blinded by an indescribably bright light. Her whole body convulsed in a sea of rolling orgasm. Her lover kept pushing in and out, and pressing against her stimulated nub. Just at the last when she sensed the bliss slipping away, Amanda felt something pour from the tendril inside her. The young woman was too exhausted to be alarmed. Her body was sore and tired, her head lolled down onto her chest.

  Amanda felt herself slowly lowered to the rug in front of the fireplace. She heard the crackle of the fire as though from a great distance, and she couldn't find the strength to open her eyes. Instead she felt herself drifting off to a deep and comfortable sleep. The creature still covered her body like a warm silky blanket, and she felt infinitely comfortable in its arms. In this way she fell into slumber.

  The next morning sprung bright and early. The rays of the sun filtered in through the broken glass and empty space which made up the east window. Amanda frowned when a beam of light struck her in the face, and she reached out to pull the blanket over her face and block out the hated sun. She was very confused when her hand met only empty air, and she cracked open an eye to see where the cover had gone.

  Much was Amanda's surprise when she realized she was on the floor in the cold cabin, and she was stark-naked. The young woman shot up and covered herself with her hands, but that did nothing to alleviate the creeping horror in her mind. She recalled perfectly the attack and seduction by the creature, and her scared eyes scanned the room looking for the thing. Nothing was left of the darkness to prove to her it was not all a horrible dream, not even a wider gap in the floorboards. However, she had enough proof for herself in the form of her naked body and the broken window above the bed. Those coincided with her story, and the vivid memories would not be forgotten.

  Amanda moved a few inches toward the bed and then stopped. She waited for the thing to pour forth from the floor. Nothing came. She looked around one more time, and then shot over to the bed. This time she didn't look back as she crawled over the mattress and through the window. The glass fiercely cut her again, but she still pulled her way out of the small hole and into freedom. The ground was a few feet below her, and she crashed into a pile of dry dirt. She wheezed and coughed as she dragged herself through the cloud of dust which spilled out around her

  Amanda didn't stop moving until she'd reached the trees which surrounded the desolate cabin spot. Then and only then did she dare cast a glance back over her shoulder. Nothing followed her out of the gloomy window. Nothing moved in the deep shadows within the doorway. Blood dripped from the glass wounds, but the pain only reminded her that this was real. She had made it out of that cabin alive. She wanted to hug herself, to cry out for joy and toss some choice words at the creature that had abused and tormented her.

  However, she did none of these things. Amanda's mind was not easy. The air was muggy and hushed. No birds sang their sweet songs nor did a squirrel chatter for silence. A voice in her head told her to flee. It was instinct calling her to panic and run from the horrifying building and never return. The practical part of her thoughts told her to ignore that voice just for a little while. Just long enough to dress remove her things from the hold of the dark cabin.

anda rose from where she sat, naked and filthy, and she carefully moved toward the door. It was closed still and she abhorred the thought of opening it. She needed her shoes, though. Ten miles of rough trail could not be done on bare feet, not with shoes so close at hand. She swallowed some of her fear and opened the door. It swung into the cabin and revealed all as how she'd left it just moments before. Her bag was on the floor beside the fireplace. The charred remains of the fire were silent witnesses to her terror as she stepped inside. She avoided the spot where the thing had poured forth, and managed to quickly and quietly grab her bag. Now she had to find her shoes, and she saw they were beside the bedpost.

  With a wary eye on the floor, Amanda stepped back against the wall beside the mantel and slid along the logs. Splinters bit into her bare back, but she didn't heed the cries of her tender skin. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears as she swung her bag onto the bed and crawled up onto the mattress. She first tossed her bag out the window and then she leaned over the edge of the bed. The shoes lay there perfectly oblivious of her struggles to rescue them from the horrors beneath the floorboards.

  Her fingers edged closer. The tongues were almost in reach. She tapped on the backs. The shoes kicked up and lifted their toes into the air, and then fell back down onto the floor with a dull thud. Amanda stiffened, listened. She heard none of the creaking from the thing. Her fingers were close enough now. She snatched the pair of shoes and sat up. Still nothing happened. She began to wonder if the creature slept during the day and emerged at night.

  Then there it was. That hideous scratching sound called out from the great, dark depths of the earth. Amanda's eyes widened and she scrambled to escape out the window. She dropped to the ground, grabbed her bag and ran down the trail. There was no looking back for a hundred yards, not until her feet began to protest the abuse of rock and thorn. Then she slowed down, paused, and ventured a glance over her shoulder. Save for the silence, everything was as it should be. There was no oozing darkness seeping from the ground and giving chase. She was alone.


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