Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2)

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Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2) Page 12

by Alora Kate

  Chapter 14

  Rocco had lost track of time because the bar was busy. He wasn’t able to check his phone until after ten, which meant it was after midnight in New York. No messages from Madi had him worried. He had no help that night, so he sent another quick message but had to get back to work. Within two hours, he only had a few customers, all locals, so he walked outside and called her.

  “Hello?” a woman’s voice said throwing him off. “Rocco?”

  “Who’s this?” he asked, the wind picking up and whipping him in the face.


  “Steph?” he questioned. He knew he didn’t have the wrong number.

  “I make her dresses,” she stated and it clicked.

  “I remember, but why are you answering her phone?”

  “She’s sleeping.”


  “She fell today, hurt her ankle.”

  “What!?” He pushed through the front door, he had enough of the fresh air.

  “She’s fine. Just a sprain, has crutches, and some good pain pills.”


  “She’ll be okay but it’s going to be a few weeks, maybe a month, before she can wear her shoes again,” she said with a chuckle and put Rocco at ease. Madi loved her shoes as much as she loved her dresses. “She asked me to call you hours ago, but she passed out before I could get the pin code to unlock her phone. I saw messages pop up but I couldn’t reply.”

  “I appreciate you being there for her.”

  “She’s a good person. I’m so happy that we were able to meet and actually like each other.”

  “She’s an amazing woman,” Rocco said walking behind the bar, where he was summoned to serve another beer to waiting customers.

  “That she is.”

  He heard her yawn and thanked her again for staying with Madi. He told her to get some rest, and asked Steph to have Madi call him when she was awake.

  Rocco let the men finish their beers and even played a game of dice with them before he closed up. His bar didn’t connect to the apartment upstairs, so he had to exit the back door and climb up the metal stairs to his apartment door.

  Madi wouldn’t be able to come to his place with her sprain, so he’d be spending a lot of time at her house.

  He made a mental note to talk to Ian tomorrow and started looking up flights to New York City.

  Chapter 15

  “So you don’t know when you’ll be coming home?” Rocco asked and I swung my leg up on the bed. It was worse today and I wasn’t sure how that was possible. The swelling hadn’t gone down at all and the last time I took the wrap off, it was a mix of purple and black. I wouldn’t be able to wear any heels for the foreseeable future.

  “No, but Jane called this morning to check on me.”

  “That was nice.”

  “I’m sure they don’t want me to sue them.”

  He laughed and I closed my eyes picturing him in his kitchen laughing, with just a pair of boxers on. I had no clue what he was wearing, but it was a nice picture in my head.

  “How bad is the pain?”

  “Bad enough I need more pain pills.”

  “Is Steph still there?”

  “Yes. She’s making something for us to eat.” As if she heard me, she walked in and put a plate on my nightstand. Toast and eggs. Two pills.

  “She seems like a nice person.”

  “Oh! She’s going to visit us in Aster Lake.”


  “She’s not-”

  “I don’t want her flying alone!” Steph yelled loud enough for Rocco to hear and then flopped down on the bed next to me.

  “Shit,” he growled.

  “What’s wrong?”


  Now he sounded pissed.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  Steph popped up on her butt and stared at me while slowly eating a piece of toast. I rolled my eyes at her and realized Rocco hadn’t answered me yet.


  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “So are you mad at me?”

  “No, Madi. I got distracted.”

  “Oh, I’ll let you go.”

  Steph started leaning closer to me and I smiled when she crossed her eyes at me.

  “No,” he shot back, “not yet.”

  “I need to eat so I can take my pain meds.”

  “Right. Do me a favor?”

  “Sure,” I said swatting Steph away.

  “Let me know as soon as you know if you’re leaving after the finale.”

  “Of course.”

  “I hope you feel better soon.”

  I laughed. “Give me about thirty minutes and I’ll be high as a kite.”

  He laughed at that and we said our goodbyes. I ate, took my pills, and made sure my foot was elevated before I passed out again.


  Steph left while I was sleeping, but left a note saying she’d be back for dinner. Steph left a bottle of water, the pain pills, and two granola bars on my nightstand so I was set until she came back. Besides visiting the bathroom, I didn’t have faith in my skills to venture anywhere else in my apartment except when Felix and Jefferson stopped by. Even though they only stayed for a few minutes, it was awkward since Felix barely said a word to me. I knew he felt guilty over my fall and I tried to lighten the mood, but I couldn’t say or do anything to ease his mind, so I stopped trying.

  We were going to win. That would help his mood and he’ll forget about the spill he made that has me using crutches.

  Rocco and I texted all day when I wasn’t sleeping. I was now able to say the word boyfriend without cringing. This is good, considering I couldn’t do that in front of him. I wanted to date him, I wanted to spend more time with him, and even though I’ve known him my whole life, I still needed to know the basics. What was his favorite color? Favorite band? How many women has he slept with? Okay, maybe I don’t want to know the answer to that question. It didn’t matter because I trusted him and I knew he wouldn’t cheat on me. He was also very adamant that I was the one and only for a long time. For years. Now that I knew he hadn’t slept with anyone but me in years, I felt better. He always did make me feel special when we hung out, even though I always bolted afterwards.

  No more leaving.

  I was ready for something serious.

  I wanted to be happy like Adalyn and Rudd were.

  I wanted to be happy like my parents were.

  Jane called, said Matt would talk to me before filming and that the show was paying for all my medical expenses. I had insurance, but I figured the show would cover it since it happened on site. They were worried about me but I told them not to be. It was just sprain. It’d heal soon enough.

  Later that night, Steph and I started watching some reality TV show about ten women trying to date one man. I had heard of it before but never watched it until now. I wasn’t sure what I thought about it but it was something to pass the time and take my mind off tomorrow.


  “Everyone in their places,” Matt yelled and people started to move. I was in the spot I needed to be in so I wouldn’t have to wobble around on my crutches and be in the way. The family had already seen the kitchen and they filmed that part prior to us arriving. They loved it, hugged the three us, and then we went our separate ways. We still had to visit and film the other two houses, do more confessionals, and then go back to the junk yard later tonight to film the finale and find out who the winner was.

  Matt and Cole brought back the remaining contestants to view the houses yesterday after the crews cleaned everything. They voted, not knowing who designed each house. Their score sheets would be added to the judges. After I saw the other houses, I could continue to either panic or relax a little. Our counter was unique and I hoped no one else had anything close to what we had done.

  We filmed on and off for about an hour and then headed to the first house. We weren’t told whose team had which house. The first house was very similar to o
ur house, but the layout of the kitchen was different. It had one long wall with a small island. I could tell they had to replace the counter on the island because it didn’t match anything else. It was a dark cherry wood, and the other cabinets were light in color. The counter tops must have been fake granite because there was no way they could afford it, and there was no way it was in the junk yard. They used pure white on the walls, which wasn’t bad, but they would show dirt easier and it looked somewhat boring to me.

  The second house had a layout similar to ours, but the fridge was on the same side as the stove. I found that odd but we couldn’t move them around. They used bright blue on the walls, which was distracting to me. Their cabinets were also painted, but the paint job was not well done. It looked like it dried wrong. Excitement bubbled up in my stomach; our kitchen was definitely going to win. Everyone did a great job, the kitchens were almost brand new and looked a lot better than before I’m sure, but I really wanted to do a happy dance right now. I was feeling really good.

  As soon as we got into the van, Felix and Jefferson erupted in hoots and hollers, already celebrating.

  “We didn’t even need the special countertop to win this thing,” Jefferson said.

  I grinned and said, “But it’s awesome.”

  “Hell yes it is!” Felix yelled from behind me.

  I twisted in my seat. “Feel better?”

  “Not really, but this helps.”

  “I’m glad to see you smiling again.”

  “Don’t get girly on me.” He rolled his eyes.

  I sat back in my seat and checked my phone. I was so happy they never filmed us or randomly checked out phones, or they would have eliminated me a long time ago.

  I had a message from Adalyn, Rocco, and Steph all wishing me good luck.

  Still nothing from Isaac. After the show wrapped up tonight, I was going to ask Matt about it. I needed to know he was okay.

  We got to the junk yard and ate dinner in the cafeteria while waiting for everyone else to show up. It took about forty minutes and we all sat around and chatted, but we couldn’t talk about anything to do with the finale. They even filmed us while we were eating, which was different and I made sure the cameras weren’t on me while I ate.

  Jane poked her head in telling us it was time to get to the judging area. Felix swooped me up into his arms and Jefferson grabbed my crutches so I wouldn’t have to do it on my own. My foot had been hurting but I wasn’t about to take my pain pills until all the filming was done.

  Normally we stand for the judging but this time we all had chairs, all colored so we would know where to sit. I’m sure they did it because of my foot, and even though I don’t like special treatment, I really didn’t want to stand for the judging.

  “Welcome everyone,” Cole said standing in front of us, alone. I was happy Nicole wasn’t there but it just reminded me that Isaac wasn’t either. “Your judges are behind me. They’ve been to all three house and their scores, along with the families and the previous contestants’ scores, have been tallied.”

  My heart was racing so fast I started to feel lightheaded. I took a few breaths in and out as slowly as I could, because I wasn’t about to hyperventilate on national TV. Not until I won, of course.

  “The judges will go over their score sheets with each team. Then we’ll let you know what the families score was along with the remaining contestants’ scores. We kept the designers confidential to them, so no one knows who designed each kitchen. All the scores will be added together for a final number, which will show up on the board behind the judges, giving us our winner.”

  My ears started ringing and it was hard to pay attention. I kept looking at Cole’s nose and focused on my breathing. The grand prize was one hundred thousand dollars. I hadn’t yet made a list of things I would do with the money, mainly because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I got a good deal on my house, and that money could pay my mortgage off. I could get a few dresses also. Maybe some new shoes once the sprain healed. Without having a mortgage, I could save for some vacations. I wanted to visit New York again when I wasn’t on the show so I could do more things and visit more places. I was hoping that Rocco and I could also take a vacation. Even if it was still inside the state of Montana it’d be fun to spend time alone, outside of Aster Lake.

  Felix grabbed me, hugged me, and snapped me back to reality. “Congrats, Madi!”


  Balloons and confetti dropped from the ceiling. The balloons were pink, my color. People were hugging me and congratulating me, and I finally looked up at the board. I won by six points! I’d won a few challenges before, but never by that many points.

  Holy shit.

  I won!

  “Congrats, Madi Buckle!” Cole said shaking my hand. “I loved your countertop.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered, glancing around at everyone clapping and smiling at me. I wish I could walk around and hug everyone! I was crying before I realized it.

  I won.

  Feelings washed over me, so many of them it was hard to control.

  I did it.

  I left Aster Lake. Took a risk. Went off on an adventure. I loved it.

  I was proud of myself.

  I wished my parents were here, along with Adalyn and Rocco. I wasn’t sure why they weren’t, but they didn’t do it for the first season either. If I remember correctly, they did a follow up show and had family and friends present along with all the contestants. If they did that this year, maybe I wouldn’t be going home so soon.

  After a couple more minutes, Matt yelled cut and all the cameras stopped. I got up on my feet when Felix and Jefferson came over.

  “Totally called it,” Felix boasted.

  “We all did,” Jefferson said, reaching out and giving me a hug. “You did well. Obviously.”

  “We all did. You guys were easy to work with.”

  “How’s the ankle?” Felix asked, dropping his smile and getting all serious.


  “You should sit and elevate it,” he told me pulling a chair over and putting it in front of mine. I decided to sit back down since it was throbbing uncontrollably. I really needed a pain pill but would wait until I was back at the apartment.

  Felix and Jefferson sat on each side of me.

  “Anyone know if we can go home after this?” I asked when I saw Matt and Jane glance our way.

  “I hope we can,” Jefferson and Felix said at the same time.

  “I love it here,” I started, “but I miss home. I miss my bed and friends.”

  Felix nodded his head in agreement.

  “Any plans for your winnings?” Jefferson asked, leaning forward, his elbows propped on his knees.

  “Probably pay my mortgage off.”

  “Thank God you said that,” Felix replied. “You’re young, but not stupid.”

  I laughed. “Thanks, Felix.”

  Matt and Jane headed our way; I had my fingers crossed they would tell us we’d be going home soon.

  “Congrats, Madi,” Jane said standing next to Matt.


  “So,” Matt started, “we’ll come by the apartment tomorrow morning, sign some papers, make arrangements for your winnings, and then you can go home. We’ve got you all booked on a later flight so you have time to pack and get to the airport. The van will come and get the three of you around five p.m. We haven’t decided if they’ll be a follow up show this year but we’ll be in touch about it.”

  Jane shifted at his side. She glanced at me and then dropped her eyes back to her iPad.

  “Thank you for letting us go home,” I told him, reaching out to shake his hand.

  “You’re welcome. Just remember the agreement you signed. You can’t tell anyone you won until the entire season has aired.”

  We all agreed and then Matt informed us that we had to do one more confessional in the car. Our last one and then we could leave.


  “Congrats Madi,” Jane said as soon as
I settled into the car, which was harder than normal because of my ankle, but I made it work.


  “How do you feel?”

  “On top of the world!”

  “Everyone loved the countertop idea, how’d you think of that?”

  I couldn’t help but grin, thinking about Rocco. “A friend.”

  “A friend?”

  “If you ever visit Aster Lake, stop by The Can.”

  “The Can?” she asked and I noticed she was taking notes.

  “It’s a bar,” I said into the camera. “The best bar in Aster Lake.”

  Chapter 16

  Everything was done.

  The papers were signed.

  My bags were packed.

  The money would be in my account within a week, minus the taxes that I had to pay on it, but it was still a huge chunk of money.

  I said goodbye to Steph and Sam earlier today over lunch. They brought a few large pizzas, and Felix and Jefferson joined us. Sam was doing better, more concerned than anything about Isaac and just hoped he was okay. I cried when I said goodbye to them, but we were making plans for them to vacation in Aster Lake as soon as they could.

  Felix and Jefferson came and got my bags while I was taking a few pictures of my apartment for my scrapbook before I left. I took another one from the window view and a few of the living room before shoving my phone in my purse. I’d taken a lot since I’d been here and couldn’t wait to go through them all when I made my scrap book.

  I made my way down the hall and to the elevator, and went to the front doors where Felix and Jefferson were waiting with our bags. We were a few minutes early but we didn’t want to miss our ride. I heard the cab rides to the airport were expensive.

  “I love it here, but I’m so ready to be home.” I put my crunches against the wall and then leaned into it.

  “We all are,” Jefferson said, still staring out the doors, watching the people walk by.

  “New York was a blast. I loved that I got to see the State of Liberty, even if it was just from the ferry,” I told them, reminiscing about that day when Isaac was still here. It had been closed the day I went with Steph, Sam, and Isaac, so we viewed it from the ferry but it was still amazing. I probably took a hundred pictures of it.


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