Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2)

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Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2) Page 13

by Alora Kate

  “We went and saw it also,” Felix noted and reached for a bag. “The van is here.”

  The guys grabbed all the bags, and I swung my purse around my neck and got my crutches in place. I was halfway to the van when I heard someone calling my name. I stopped a few feet from the van and watched Steph run to me in her gray sweat pants and winter coat. She was out of breath by the time she got to me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You… can’t… leave,” she panted, glancing around like she was looking for someone.

  “I know you’ll miss-”

  “Hold on,” she said and ran to the van. She flung open the front passenger door and quietly said something to the driver. I couldn’t hear her, but the driver’s face twisted into a deep grimace.

  She ran back to me. “We’ve got a few minutes.”

  “A few minutes for what?”

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Steph, you didn’t have to.”

  “Well,” she said bobbing her head from side to side, “I assisted.”


  She kept glancing around. “With the surprise.”

  “We can’t be late, Steph,” I reminded her politely. “I need extra time because of my foot.”

  “I know!” She pulled out her phone. “That’s just it.”

  “What? I’m so confused, Steph. Just give it to me.”

  Felix and Jefferson were waiting in the van. They were smart, because it was warm in there. Damn me and my dresses, but God did I love them.

  “Okay,” she said putting her phone back in her pocket. “Close your eyes, Madi.”

  “Seriously?” I laughed.

  “Do it. Do it now.”

  “Fine.” I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of New York one last time.

  It was the busiest time of the day and people were everywhere. Talking, walking, and running to catch the bus or a cab. I could hear sirens off in the distance and knew it’d be a long time before I’d hear those again.

  I felt someone touch my arm and felt the faintest warm heat against my ear. “Hey, beautiful.”

  My eyes popped open. This couldn’t be real.

  “Rocco!” I cried and grabbed onto him, slamming my lips to his. I missed this. His kiss, his touch, and the way he held me in his arms, like I was his one and only, had everything fading away until it was just us on this sidewalk. I soaked up the moment. Here. Now. On this crazy New York sidewalk, with Rocco. He was really here. Again.

  I pulled back, breathlessly. “You’re here.”

  “Yes,” he whispered not letting me go.


  He nodded.

  “I can’t believe you came again. For me.”

  “I wasn’t going to let you fly alone,” he whispered into my ear and I held on tighter. He was here. He came back for me just to help me with the plane ride home. I started crying, who wouldn’t?

  “This is crazy.”

  “I’d do anything I could for you.”

  I pulled back. “I would have been fine.” He reached up and wiped my cheeks and I continued, “No carry-on bag Rocco, just my purse.”

  He looked pointedly to my side. “And the crutches,” he added.

  “I would have managed.”

  “I didn’t want you missing your flight home.”

  The driver of the van honked the horn and Steph reminded us we needed to go. I gave her one last hug and thanked her again, and then Rocco helped me on the van. The driver didn’t care when he climbed in after me and buckled up. We were all going to the same place anyway. If he was upset about it, he said nothing and pulled away from the curb, slowly merging into traffic.

  “They shouldn’t have put you on this late of a flight,” Rocco commented while I leaned into him and kissed his cheek.

  “Probably trying to save money.”

  He turned his head, kissed me hard on the lips, and then grinned at me. I was more than happy, like a piece of me had been filled. My poor heart was still racing and I was overwhelmed with so many feelings.

  “Is this our first date?” I asked.

  He thought about it for a minute. “If you’d like that.”

  “I would.”

  “It’d be a nice long date, with plenty of times to get you naked.”

  I laughed and snuggled into his side. “Just hold me.”

  Felix and Jefferson made a comment from the back and I had forgotten they were even there. I introduced them and they joked about having to step up their game when it came to impressing their ladies. We all got a good laugh at that. I kept glancing at Rocco to make sure it was really him and not some kind of a dream. While waiting in line to get to the airport doors my phone buzzed, it was a picture from Steph. She had taken one of us kissing. It was perfect and our official first couple picture.

  “You are my boyfriend, right?”

  “Stop asking and don’t ever doubt that,” he said and I showed him the picture on my phone. “We should try to frame that.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He gave me a light kiss on the lips and before I could snuggle into his side, the driver yelled, “We’re here.”

  We all piled out of the van, grabbed out bags, and headed in. We were all in separate lines but had to go through the same security, so we decided to wait for each other and go have something to eat before our flights.

  “I could just carry you,” he offered when we were still in line, only two people were in front of us.

  As much as I liked that, it would draw to much attention. “I’ve had enough attention the last few weeks.”

  “They filmed pretty fast.”

  “They did, but its spread out when it actually airs on TV.”

  Our eyes locked and I swear our hearts were beating at the same time. I could feel it flowing through our hands that were tightly holding each other at our side. I hoped I was the only one he’s ever looked at this way. I wanted to be the only woman that Rocco ever made feel this way.

  “Madi,” he started, his voice was low and rough, his eyes were warm and I knew what that look was. He wanted me. “I want to-”

  “Next!” the counter representative yelled and we moved forward. Rocco had to buy a ticket for my flight and I was happy he was able to get a seat on the plane. But he didn’t have one with the connecting flight, so we’d have to figure that out when we landed in Minneapolis.

  The attendant took my bags behind the counter and tagged them before putting them on the conveyor belt.

  Rocco didn’t have any bags.

  “So you just jumped on a plane? Like the minute I said I was coming home.”

  “Something like that.”

  We slowly made our way to the security line and were able to get through it in record time. Felix was waiting for us and we saw Jefferson was standing in the security line so we waited for him.

  “I still can’t believe you flew here just to fly home with me.”

  “I missed you, Madi.”

  “I missed you also.”

  “So you’re not moving to New York?”

  “Why would I?”

  “You loved it.” He stated the truth; I did love it.

  “I did and do, but I’d never move here. We need to come back to visit and stay for a few days,” I told him leaning into his chest, holding out the crutches so he could wrap his arms around me. “I’ll show you around and you’ll love it just as much as I do.”

  His beautiful mouth formed a smile. “A vacation?”


  “That means you’re not dumping me anytime soon?”

  “I have no plans to do such a thing.”

  “I knew you liked me.”

  God, I missed his grin.

  “Just a little,” I said softly, leaning up on my good foot in which he leaned down and brushed his lips to mine.

  “A little is better than nothing.”

  Someone coughed behind us and I slowly pulled myself together.

  “Do you want a wheelchair?” he asked, looking around the corridor.

  “My arms do hurt.”

  He wasted no time swopping me up into his arms while Felix grabbed my crutches.

  “This is much better than doing it myself.”

  “I’m sure the guys would have helped you to your gate.”

  “See,” I said, “I would have managed.”

  “This is better, isn’t it?”

  “Hell yes.”

  He grinned and I laid my head on shoulder as we made our way to our gate. Felix and Jefferson’s gate was passed ours and they had an earlier flight, so we couldn’t eat dinner together. We exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes, and Rocco and I went to get something to eat. I needed to take a pain pill and couldn’t on an empty stomach.

  Rocco never asked about the finale. Did he not care? Why wouldn’t he want to know? Technically, I wasn’t supposed to tell him, or anyone, but he knew I just finished the finale yesterday and it wasn’t like I kept anything about the show from him. I’m glad I never got caught.

  “Does your foot hurt?”

  It did but I didn’t want to talk about that.

  “Why haven’t you asked about the show?”

  “I don’t need to.”

  “Why?” I chuckled. “You’re psychic now?”

  “No, you’re easy to read.”

  “After all this time apart, I’m easy to read?”

  He leaned forward on the table and lowered his voice. “I’ve known you your whole life.”

  “So?” I pushed on.

  “So…I know you won. You look high on-”

  “High!” I hissed back, I hadn’t even taken a pill yet.

  “Let me finish.”

  I sat back and crossed my arms across my chest.

  “You look like you’re high on life. Happy. You seem to have a glow about you. That’s how I know you won.”

  I thought about his words for a few minutes and something about it bothered me even though it shouldn’t have.

  Chapter 17

  Rocco watched Madi’s face turn white as she slid out of the booth and grabbed her crutches.

  “Did I say something wrong?” he asked standing up next to her.

  “Need to pee.”

  He started to follower her. “Do you want help?”

  “I’ve got this, Rocco,” she hissed and scurried away quickly on her crutches out of the restaurant. He lost track of her once she was around the corner.

  Rocco leaned back in the booth, frustrated that he upset her. He wasn’t sure what he did or said.

  Was it because he said she looked high?

  Or because he figured out she won on his own?

  He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, never. Not on purpose. He lost his appetite and desperately wanted a beer. He couldn’t sleep on the plane on the way to New York earlier this morning, and was exhausted from his travels. He kept an eye on the spot where he lost Madi. Even with her bum ankle, she was a sight to be seen. Still wearing dresses but this time she was wearing a tennis shoe on her good foot, which was the first time he’d ever seen her wear those. It didn’t matter what she wore, she was always beautiful.

  Rocco had been so temped to tell her that he loved her while they were standing in line earlier, but he was interrupted. The temptation was gone now, he needed to figure out what he did that upset her. He also wanted a shower, a shower he’d love to share with Madi since she needed help and all. He had her house cleaned now that Ian and Leyton had moved out. He stocked the fridge and already had a bag of his things at her house. She couldn’t say no if his stuff was already there.

  He was happy she won. She deserved to win. She could probably build her own house if she wanted to.

  Rocco sat and watched all the people running around and was a little overwhelmed by it all. He’d visited Billings, Montana, and that was large enough for him. He liked the slow pace and easygoing lifestyle he was accustomed to and was happy Madi didn’t fall in love with New York and want to move.

  He figured Madi would need a few extra minutes in the bathroom so he wasn’t going to panic just yet. Instead, he cleaned the table off and put Madi’s food in a bag, then walked to the entry of the restaurant where he last saw her. He looked for a bathroom sign and found one on the other side, about half a block down. He looked around the area and didn’t see her anywhere. He didn’t think she’d still be in the bathroom this long. He also didn’t want to leave the spot and then miss her coming back to the restaurant.

  Maybe she fell in the bathroom?

  No. There would be some kind of commotion.

  He kept his eye on the entrance to the woman’s room until she finally exited. She wasn’t glowing anymore. She wasn’t smiling either. She had been crying. He saw that her makeup was messed up the closer he got to her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked trying to take the crutches away from her.

  “I hit my foot on the wall.”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “Get on my back.” He kneeled down in from of her and she laughed.

  “I’m not getting on your back.”

  “Do it. Get off your foot, Madi.”

  “People are staring!”

  “Who the fuck cares? Get on my back, woman.”

  She slowly clung to his back and he stood up and made his way to their gate.

  “People are still staring at us,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Because you’re beautiful.”

  She kissed his neck and then laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Do you need a pill?” he asked as he lowered himself in front of a chair. She slid off his back and sat down.

  “Took one,” she said dropping her eyes to her purse where her hands were fiddling with the silver latch on it.

  “Are you sure nothing is wrong?” he asked propping the crutches up on a chair and then sitting next to her.


  She leaned into him and closed her eyes. He waited but she said nothing else. He decided to let her rest. They’d have a lot of time to talk when they got home.

  He was able to buy a ticket for their flight home from Minneapolis. When they landed in Billings, his truck was there and he drove them home the rest of the way. It was early in the morning by the time they got to Madi’s house and she let him stay the night. It was probably because she was exhausted and didn’t want to fight with him, but he was happy regardless.

  Chapter 18

  “They x-rayed me, Mom!”

  “Honey, don’t yell at me.”

  My mom sat down next to me on the couch. My couch. I was home and it was fabulous. As much as I loved New York, Steph, and Sam, Aster Lake would always be my home.


  That’s what Rocco said. That one word had my mind spinning out of control. I’ve heard that word and used it a lot in the past two weeks with Adalyn, and it immediately had me questioning myself. I couldn’t remember my last period.

  I was so tired and exhausted last night that I let Rocco stay. I wasn’t going to fight him considering he already had his packed bag at my house. He said he was going to stay with me until my foot was better. Plus, this was an important step; to make sure we could actually sleep in the same bed together. I slept on my back, which I normally don’t do, but my foot was still too tender and any other position bothered it. I woke up to him cuddling me with an arm around my waist and his head in the crook of my arm. I liked it. If I’m being honest, I more than liked it.

  Now Rocco was gone, off to work and my mom was here. Adalyn wasn’t feeling well and was coming over later if she could get out of bed.

  “We’ll go see John later.”

  She was talking about Dr. John White; the only doctor in town and his clinic was only two blocks away from Rocco’s bar. The last time I saw him was when Adalyn was hit in the face by some guy at Rocco’s bar and passed out.

  “If I go in there, everyone will know!”

  “They’ll think it’s for your foot, honey

  “I can’t believe this,” I muttered.

  “Why not?” she said putting her coffee mug down. She drank coffee all day long. She loved it. “You’ve had sex with the man, haven’t you?”

  My mom knew Rocco had stayed the night and that led into the conversation that we had been hanging out before I left for New York.

  “Jesus, Mom, I’m not talking about this with you.”

  She laughed and turned towards me on the couch. “Like mother, like daughter.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was six months along with you.”

  I let out a frustrated moan. “How did you not know?”

  “How did you not know?” she shot back.

  “I don’t even know if I love him.”

  “I felt the same way about your father.”

  “But you married him a few days after you found out you were pregnant.”

  “I sure did. And I lived happily ever after.”

  “You still are, Mom.”

  She waited a few seconds and then said, “Things happen for a reason, Madi.”

  “I drank alcohol!” I spat back.


  “A lot of alcohol,” I added.

  “I drank while I was pregnant with you.”

  “I’m already a bad mom,” I whined, thinking of what I could do to offset the bad things I’ve done. If that was possible. No. It wasn’t.

  “I also smoked weed while I was pregnant with you.”

  My jaw dropped. I never knew this.

  “I’m a pothead baby?”

  “You turned out just fine,” she said patting my arm. “Besides, I quit as soon as I found out. It wasn’t that much anyway. A few hits here and there. Now, let’s talk names.”

  “I can’t do this, Mom.”

  “It’ll get better after you tell Rocco.”

  I didn’t even want to think about that. Just because he’s liked me forever, doesn’t mean he wanted kids. We haven’t even talked about kids. We were barely even a couple. I was pregnant the entire time I was in New York and didn’t know it. I had no symptoms. No morning sickness. And I could have sworn I had my period last month.


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