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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

Page 4

by McCoy, SJ

  Ben grinned. “I know that, bud. Sorry. Maybe I am being nagging old Uncle Ben after all. I'd just hate to see you screw it up.”

  Michael looked him in the eye. “This is about mistakes you already made, not mistakes I might make, right?”

  Ben shrugged. “Maybe. Have a great night. I'll catch up with you tomorrow.”

  Michael caught up with him as he walked back down the driveway. “Sorry, mate.”

  “It's okay. You're probably right.”

  Michael felt bad. “What do you say, want to help me work on the old Cadillac tomorrow afternoon? I want to get her all tuned up and ready to roll again. It'd be like old times, you and me spending a Sunday afternoon under the old girl's hood.”

  Ben smiled. “Sure, why not.”

  Chapter Four

  Megan ran back upstairs to check the mirror one more time. She was tempted to change back into her jeans before Michael arrived. She felt comfortable in her jeans. Safe. The skirt she was wearing went all the way down to her feet, skimmed the top of her boots, but still she wasn't sure. Missy had loved the outfit they'd put together. She wore a plain white peasant top with the full, tan-colored skirt and cowboy boots. She was all covered up, but she felt exposed. Missy had wanted her to leave her hair down, but that was just too much. She'd conceded a little by fastening it into a looser bun than she normally wore, even letting a few wisps escape around her neck, but that was as far as it went. She picked up her glasses from the dresser and put them on to inspect herself.

  She had to smile. She looked...pretty! She really did. She'd put on a tiny swipe of mascara and a smear of the only lipstick she owned, the one Kenzie had bought her two years ago. She'd also fastened those big gold hoops to her ears, another gift from Kenzie. She wondered what her sister would think if she could see her now. She'd probably tell her she looked like a wild gypsy girl. She shook her head. As if! She, Megan Reid, could never be considered wild. But for this one night, this one date, with the handsome Michael, she could at least dream. Heck, if she could just manage not to stutter she'd be doing well.

  She jumped when she heard a knock on the door. How on earth had that happened? Where was Ollie? He never let anyone get through the front gate before he started his barking and threatening. She ran down the stairs to find him whining and wagging, pawing at the front door. What the heck was going on with him? She opened the door and heard herself gasp. Michael stood there holding a beautiful bunch of cream colored roses. But it wasn't the flowers that made her gasp, it was the sight of him. He was wearing a white shirt and faded blue jeans. He looked totally...what? Cool! That was the word for him. He was just cool. Like the boys in high school. The ones who had never even noticed that little bookworm Megan was alive. Michael was certainly noticing her though, and apparently liking what he saw. That dimple sat next to a broad grin as he held out the flowers.

  “I hope you like them.”

  “I...I...I.” Oh no! Was she really going to ruin this by not being able to speak to him? She took the flowers and a deep breath. “Thank you. I do. They're lovely.”

  He winked at her. “Lovely flowers for a lovely lady.”

  Her cheeks felt like they must match her lipstick. She quickly turned away. “I'll just put them in some water.”

  He followed her through to the kitchen with Ollie still wagging around his legs. “Hey, Ollie. It's good to see you too, mate. Not much of a guard dog though, are you?”

  Megan turned back to him as she filled a vase with water. “I can't believe he didn't bark when you came through the gate. He never lets anyone get to the front door before he goes crazy.”

  Michael grinned. “I told you, he's making an exception for me. He's trying to lead by example.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He's letting his guard down, 'cause he likes me. He's letting me do things he wouldn't let anyone else get away with. He's hoping that you'll do the same.”

  Megan stared. What did he mean?

  He was still smiling at her. “And so am I.”

  What things was he talking about?

  Water spurted everywhere as the vase filled up and overflowed. She put it down and turned the faucet off. Michael grabbed a towel from the rack and came towards her. She snatched it from his hand as he reached out, about to dry her down.

  “I...I...I.... Thank you. Sorry.” She busied herself with the towel so she wouldn't have to meet his eye. Maybe he'd just leave now. He could see what a dork she was. Surely he wouldn't want to waste a whole evening with her.

  “No, I'm sorry. I'll try to behave myself, okay?”

  She said nothing as she dabbed herself with the towel, still not daring to look up at him.

  “Meggie?” His hand came down on her shoulder, making her want to lean against something for support.

  She slowly lifted her gaze to meet his. His smile was warm and encouraging.

  “It's okay, little one. Just relax, huh?”

  She nodded. Not trusting herself to speak.

  The dimple was back, as was the mischief in his eyes. “I think we're both a bit nervous here. So how about we start out with an icebreaker?”

  “What kind of icebreaker?”

  He held both his arms out to her and jerked his head. “Come here and give me a hug.”

  She froze.

  He held his arms wider, smiling that smile that would be so hard to say no to. “Come on, just a friendly hug. It'll make you feel better.” He winked. “It'll make me feel better too.”

  She couldn't help smiling as he came towards her. She looked up into his eyes as he closed his arms around her. Oh, that felt so good. It had been so long since she'd hugged anyone but Ollie. She slipped her arms around his waist and relaxed as she breathed him in. He smelled good.

  “There, see. Didn't I tell you this would help?” His voice sounded husky. It sounded good.

  She nodded her head against his chest and was surprised how loudly she could hear his heart beating.


  Michael closed his eyes and shifted his hips to the side. He was sure that if she could feel the effect she was having on him she wouldn't be this relaxed. She felt so small and fragile, she was working all kinds of crazy on him. He held her a few moments longer than he knew he should, then stepped back with a smile.

  “So, the ice is officially broken. Now can I tell you how gorgeous you look?”

  She lowered her eyes, but he could see the shadow of a smile. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

  He grinned. She needed to loosen up, and he was the guy for the job. “If you're not going to tell me how gorgeous I look, then I suggest we get going.”

  She looked up at him, shaking her head with a smile. “You don't need anyone to tell you how handsome you are. You already know it.”

  He nodded. “I sure do. And no, I don't need anyone to tell me. But I want you to.”

  Her eyes glimmered gold and brown as she smiled. “Then I suggest we get going.”

  He'd been right about having the back patio of Giuseppe's to themselves. It wasn't cold, but now that the season was over, not many people ate here at all, let alone out back.

  He'd been surprised when Megan had asked for a beer. He'd kind of assumed she'd be a water drinker. He looked her over while she studied her menu. She'd made an effort, that was obvious. He'd half expected her to be in jeans and another shapeless sweatshirt. She was still all buttoned up, but at least her skirt and that top confirmed his suspicions that she was hiding one hell of a figure under there somewhere. Her blonde hair was still all tied up, but even it looked more relaxed, looser.

  “What do you want to eat?” she asked.

  He had to bite back the immediate, 'you', that sprang to mind. That would no doubt undo any little progress he'd made in getting her to relax around him. “I don't know. Do you feel like pizza? We could split one if you like.”

  She smiled at him and nodded. She had one hell of a smile. She was wearing just a tiny hint of makeup, and still she was so mu
ch more beautiful than any woman he'd ever known. Blimey! Was that true? He thought about it for a moment and had to admit that it was.

  “What toppings do you like? I'll eat anything.”

  “What would you have if you were by yourself? We can have that. I'm easy.”

  Michael raised his eyebrows and bit his lip. How he wished she was! Once the immediate, obvious joke had receded though, he wasn't sure he did. If she were easy, he wouldn't be so intrigued by her. Although he'd let the joke slip by, he couldn't become someone else completely for her. He was dialing it back, but he couldn't help winking as he asked, “Do you like sausage?”

  Her eyes widened, but she smiled. “I...I...I....”

  Now he felt bad. The poor little darlin' had that stutter going again. He smiled and waited patiently. Although people generally tried to help, by supplying words when someone stammered, Michael knew that what helped most was letting them get there themselves, without pressure. He watched her take a couple of deep breaths before she tried again.

  Then she surprised the hell out of him when she winked back and said. “I haven't had any for a long time.”

  Jesus! He knew he was grinning. “Then I think we'd better change that! Sausage it is!”

  Her cheeks were flaming, but she was smiling. He was thrilled. She did have some spirit to her!


  Oh good grief! She really had said it out loud. It seemed that around Michael she either struggled to speak at all, or her thoughts came spilling out of her mouth before her brain had time to filter them. He was grinning at her. She knew she was smiling back at him and instead of feeling ashamed of herself, she was quite pleased. Maybe Missy was right and even she could have fun around Michael, just for tonight.

  Their server came out, and while Michael ordered the pizza, Megan dared to take a good look at him. He was so very attractive. He was more handsome than any man she'd ever met. Even the few movie stars she liked were nothing on him. It wasn't just his looks though. It was his manner, so confident, comfortable in his own skin. Unlike her. Even as she reached for her beer, she almost knocked it over. She was so clumsy. Always had been. She gave herself a little shake. She might have come up with one little comment that made him smile, but she had to be realistic. She would enjoy this evening for what it was—her one chance to hang out with a charming, handsome man. She wasn't under any illusions that it would be anything more than that. She was bound to bore him, or mess up somehow. He'd be glad to see the back of her by the end of the evening.

  “So,” he smiled at her after the server had left. “What brought you to Summer Lake? How long have you been here?”

  Oh dear. She hadn't thought about having to tell her story. She went for the easy question first. “I've been here for three months now.”

  He nodded and waited for her to continue.

  What to say? Stick with talking about her job would be best. “I'd been applying for jobs at libraries anywhere I could. I was lucky that Summer Lake had a vacancy for a while. It seems no one else wanted to move out here.”

  Michael smiled. “Yeah, it's the kind of small town people dream about leaving, not moving to.You didn't fancy the idea of the bright lights and big city libraries then?”

  She shook her head. “I've had enough of big cities to last me a lifetime. Summer Lake is a much better fit for me.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “I was born in Florida, but growing up we were always moving. I came here from LA.”

  “Were you a military brat then?”

  If only. That would be easier to explain. “No.” Well, this was stilted conversation. Even she felt it. Maybe they should just leave now, before the pizza came. Or maybe he could take it home with him. She slowly raised her eyes, hoping to sneak a peek at him and check how bored he looked. He met her gaze, his smile soft and encouraging.

  “I'm okay to wait till you're comfortable enough to tell me about yourself. No pressure. So what do you want to talk about, Meggie?”

  Why did he keep calling her that? She'd spent her whole life correcting anyone who corrupted her name. It was the one thing about herself that she stood up for. Yet now Michael kept calling her Meggie—and she liked it! “Let's talk about you. You're much more interesting than I am.”

  He frowned at her. “Not as interesting as you are to me. I'm intrigued. I want to get to know you.” His eyes were roaming over her as he smiled. “We can do it as slowly as you want.”

  Oh! The thought of getting to know Michael in the way that look implied, the thought of ‘doing it' slowly with him, made her brain freeze—and her body heat up. Surely that couldn't be what he meant?

  “I'm just teasing you darl'. You're going to have to get used to it.”

  She was already getting used to his encouraging smile.

  She knew her cheeks were bright red again, but it had to be said. “I...I...I...” Oh for goodness sake! She took a deep breath. “I'm not very good at teasing, or joking. I'm no fun at all really. Perhaps we'd better just go home now, before I waste any more of your time.”

  All the laughter left his face as he reached across the table and took her hand between both of his. “I'm sorry, darl'. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I don't want to go anywhere. I want to sit right here with you, have dinner together, get to know you. We can leave, if you want to.” He squeezed her hand. “But even if we do, I'll be back around tomorrow, asking you to hang out with me again. So can we just stay? I'll try to be good.”

  He didn't want to leave? And he wanted to hang out again? She watched him reach for her other hand and engulf both of hers in his own. She looked him in the eye. “I...I...I don't know what to say.”

  “Then say you'll stay, Meggie. Stay, relax, and have fun with me.”

  She would love to, but he seemed to be confusing her with someone she wasn't. She had to make him understand that. “My name is Megan, not Meg, not Meggie. No matter what cutesy little name you come up with for me, I'm still just straight-laced, uptight, no fun, Megan. Get it?”

  “Get it? I've been wanting to get me some Megan since I first laid eyes on you. I want to unlace you, loosen you up, and show you just how much fun you can be.”

  What could she say to that? Some part of her mind was screaming, yes, please! But no way was she about to let that slip out. He was still holding her hands, still smiling his disarming smile, and it told her he did understand.

  The server came out with their pizza. “One large sausage,” he said as he placed it on the table.

  Megan couldn't help it, maybe it was just a way to release the tension. She started to laugh.

  The guy smiled at them. “I'll leave you to it, unless you need anything else?”

  Michael shook his head. “We're great thanks. We've got everything we need right here.” Once he had gone back inside, Michael squeezed her hands before he let them go. “I'm glad you didn't want a large Hawaiian. I'd be jealous.”

  That made her laugh again. “No, I'd rather have some of your large sausage.” Oh no! She'd done it again, but she couldn't help it. She had the giggles now, and Michael was laughing with her.

  “See, now we're getting somewhere. You can have my sausage any time you like, darl'. You just say the word.” He took her plate and served her a slice. “Here you go. The first piece of sausage I've ever given you.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at her. “But it won't be the last, and it certainly won't be the best.”

  She couldn't stop giggling as she took the plate from him. “Promises, promises.” It was something Kenzie said all the time, and it seemed quite appropriate.

  He grinned at her. “And you'd better believe I'm a man of my word, Meggie.”

  She stopped laughing. He was still calling her that?

  He shook his head at her. “You said Megan is no fun. You're starting to relax and you are fun, so you must be my Meggie.”

  Oh, my goodness! His Meggie? Now, that could be fun!

  He was still smiling. “You know th
is is the first time I've heard you laugh.”

  “I only met you last night.”

  “I know, but I normally get people laughing within the first few minutes.” He shrugged. “Intentionally or not.”

  Megan knew it was always intentional. He was fun, funny, and he probably wouldn't understand, but she wanted him to. “Fun wasn't really allowed in our house when we were growing up. And when you've done a lot of crying it can be hard to remember to how to laugh.” Oh, that sounded miserable! She took a peek at him. She wasn't looking for sympathy. She'd hate that. She just wanted him to understand. How did his smile always look so encouraging? “I'm sorry. That wasn't a fun thing to say, was it?”

  “No, it was better than fun. It was honest. Want to tell me some more?”

  She shook her head. She really didn't. He looked disappointed, so she said, “Another time, maybe.”

  “Great.” The dimple was back as he grinned. “Another time it is. How about tomorrow?”

  “You're sure you want to do this again?” She was starting to believe that he really did like her, though why, she had no idea.

  His eyes were shining with mischief. “Maybe not exactly this, but something, yeah. We're just getting started, darl'. Here, have some more of my sausage.”

  That made her laugh. It felt good to laugh with him.

  His face grew serious as he watched her. “Can I tell you one thing I've learned though?”

  “What's that?”

  “You've got to laugh like you've never cried, Meggie.”

  She shook her head. That was easy for him to say. He'd probably never had reason to cry. She'd like to believe he was right, but she wasn't sure it was possible.

  “But let's leave that for another day too, huh? For now, how about I just get back to charming you with my wit and dazzling good looks?”

  She laughed. “Go on then. Since you're doing such a good job of it.”


  Michael smiled to himself and finished off his beer. After the server had cleared their plates, Megan had seemed nervous again and excused herself to the bathroom. She'd relaxed while they'd eaten and told him a little bit about herself. He ran over what he'd learned while he waited for her to return. She had a sister, whom she seemed to adore, who had recently moved to Nashville. She loved her work. It seemed that it was the kids she loved most, though. She'd been shocked to realize that Ethan was his boy. He hadn't made the connection before, but now he knew she must be the “cool lady at the library” who had been working on databases with Ethan and Scot.


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