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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

Page 20

by McCoy, SJ

“Then let him do it for you!”

  “I'm starting to think I might.”

  “You'd be crazy not to.” He winked at her. “You've always been a crazy little critter, though.”

  “You know me better than most people, Michael. I just hate him spending all that money. He's only doing it for me.”

  “Because he wants to. Because he loves you. Let him do it, Miss. You're always telling me to get over myself. I think this is one where you need to get over yourself. You'd love it. He'd love it. Poor old Scotty is dying to change his name to Benson. So why not just get on with it?”

  She smiled. “You know what. I think I will.”


  Megan smiled at Kenzie across the kitchen table. “So do you want to go and meet Michael now?”

  Kenzie shook her head. “I haven't seen you for months. Can't we just hang together this afternoon. We'll see him tonight.”

  “Okay.” Megan was disappointed. She wanted Kenzie to meet him, but more than that she wanted to see him. It had been less than twenty-four hours, but she missed him already. She'd missed him last night too, wished he could have come out with them. When they'd finally come home in the early hours, her own bed had felt strange. She was used to sleeping in Michael's bed now. She'd tossed and turned for a long time. Hugging her pillow, wishing it was him, and aching for what they would have been doing had Kenzie not showed up.

  “How about you take me out on a tour of this little town of yours? It's much better than I expected.”

  Megan smiled. “I'd love to. I can show you the library and the beach, and maybe we could take a drive up into the hills, if you'd like?”

  Kenzie nodded. “As long as you take me down through the resort again.”

  “You like it there?”

  “I like all the hot men!”

  Megan frowned. “Ben is off limits, remember?”

  “It's okay. I remember. But I only said your friends were off limits. You'd never met the band before last night, had you?”

  Megan shook her head.

  Kenzie laughed. It wasn't forced this time, however. It was Kenzie's more familiar, dirty laugh and Megan knew it could only spell trouble. “The lead singer. Chase? He's fair game then.”

  Megan closed her eyes, hoping this wasn't going to turn out to be another one of Kenzie's messes.


  Michael pulled up outside his parents' house. He got out of the truck and came around to open Ethan's door. He swung him out and held him up high.

  “Give me a smile, monkey?”

  Ethan shook his head. The poor little guy had bombed when Michael had told him Meggie wasn't coming this afternoon. Michael had brought him over to his folks' place early, hoping that he'd have fun with them and forget about her, for tonight at least.

  “I want to see Meggie.”

  “I know, little mate. I do too, but her sister's here. They haven't seen each other for months. They need to catch up and do girl stuff together.”

  “But I miss her, Dad.”

  Michael hugged him to his chest. Those words broke his heart. He remembered a five-year old Ethan sobbing after his mom had walked out on them. Every single day, no matter what he'd tried to cheer the kid up, at some point he would break down in tears, crying how much he missed her. Michael didn't ever want him to hurt that way again. He didn't want to live through it again himself. But it was his fault. He'd chosen the wrong woman and not been able to be what she wanted. He was starting to wonder if he was making the same mistake. He loved Meggie with all his heart. He'd loved Kay. At least he'd loved the woman he thought she was. It just turned out he hadn't known her as well as he thought he did. In the early days they'd had so much fun going out together, partying. It was only after Ethan was born that he'd understood that to Kay it was the going out and partying that mattered. Not him, and certainly not their son.

  Ethan wrapped his arms around Michael's neck and squeezed tight. “She's still going to marry us, isn't she?”

  Michael closed his eyes. He was starting to wonder if that was such a good idea. Maybe it was too soon? Maybe Megan needed to explore all the fun and freedom she'd never known. And if that was the case, he didn't want Ethan becoming too dependent on her. “I don't know.”

  Michael carried him inside and was surprised to see Gabe sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Hey, Ethan. I've been waiting for you.” Michael's dad winked at him. “I feel like I need a good butt kicking today, so I've got the chess board all set up and waiting. Are you going to come beat me?”

  Ethan gave Michael a forlorn look. “I guess so.”

  Michael hugged him tight then set him down. “Go kick Grandad's butt, little mate. It always makes me feel better.”

  Ethan wandered through to the den.

  “Poor little guy.” His mom came out of the pantry. “We'll do our best to cheer him up, but I don't think he's going to be happy until he gets his Megan back, is he?”

  Michael shrugged. “He might have to be.”

  His mom raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, angel?”

  “That maybe I should end this now, before it gets any worse for him.”

  “Oh darling, no! You're so good together. She's so good with Ethan. Why would you want to end it?”

  “I don't want to, Mom, but it might be for the best. I don't want to talk about it now though, all right?”

  She nodded sadly.

  He looked at Gabe who had said nothing since they'd come in. “I'm surprised to see you back so soon. Don't tell me you're getting the Summer Lake bug?”

  Gabe shrugged. He looked as out of sorts as Michael felt.

  “Why don't you two take each other out for a drink?” asked his mom. “It looks like you could both use a happy hour or two.”

  Michael smiled. “What do you say, Gabe? Want to come into town with me?”

  Gabe nodded. “Yeah, why not?”

  They took seats at the bar when they got to the Boathouse. Michael had thought Ben might be around, but there was no sign of him.

  “So are you going to tell me why you're spending so much time here?” he asked Gabe.

  “I keep asking myself that. I think I might be burning out. I'm still working seventy-hour weeks, but come the weekend all I want to do is come home. I don't know why. I haven't considered this place home in nearly twenty years. I'm adding to my stress level by flying back and forth across the country, but I keep doing it.”

  “Is it just because I'm here now and you can't stay away from your little brother?”

  Gabe smiled. “It's about as likely as any other explanation I've come up with. I have the perfect life in New York. The firm is well-established and well-respected. I've achieved everything I set out to do.” He gave Michael a puzzled look and shrugged. “And none of it means anything. It's all hollow. I'm starting to wonder why I even bother. I've climbed all my mountains, and discovered that on the other side there are just more mountains.”

  Michael didn't know what to say to that. He'd always thought of Gabe as having it all figured out.

  “I don't know. Maybe I'm just having an early midlife crisis or something? I'll work it out. But tell me about you. I'm guessing things have been getting serious with the librarian and now you're having second thoughts?”

  Michael nodded. “Yeah. I guess that's it. I mean, I love her. I know that much. I think the second thoughts are about whether it's a good idea for her. Ethan and I come as a package. It's a big responsibility to step into our life. I'm starting to think it might be a responsibility she doesn't need. And if she doesn't, I need to know that now while Ethan can still stand to see her go.”

  Gabe fixed him with the look that Michael knew meant he was about to start cross-examining him. While he always went for the laughs, his brother always went for the truth, and was relentless about unearthing it.

  Before Gabe could ask his first question, Michael held a hand up to stop him. He'd spotted Megan outside with her sister. Kenzie was chatting with the ban
d while they set up. Megan was standing off to one side, looking uncomfortable. He grinned. That was his Meggie. What had he been thinking? She was hardly going to turn into a party animal over night! She looked almost as uncomfortable as she had when he'd first seen her talking to Ben. Almost, but not quite. She was different. It wasn't just the clothes, though she was finding a style all of her own now, or at least Holly was helping her develop one.

  “Is that her?” Gabe had followed his gaze.

  Michael nodded.


  Michael turned to look at him.

  Gabe laughed. “She's definitely got the librarian thing going. There's something that says don't touch, and a whole lot that you want to touch anyway, right?”

  Michael laughed out loud. “Exactly!”

  “And is that the sister?”

  Michael nodded. He didn't know what to make of Kenzie. She was good-looking, in fact she looked a lot like Megan, with the same long blonde hair. But if Megan gave off a don't touch me vibe, Kenzie was giving off touch me—or words to that effect, especially to the lead singer, Chase. And he seemed pretty keen to take her up on the offer.

  He watched as Megan spoke to Kenzie then came in through the bar. She didn't see them on her way to the bathroom.

  Michael grinned at Gabe. “I'll introduce you in a couple.”

  He went over and leaned against one of the pillars, the same one he'd waited by with Pete when they were here the other weekend. Her face lit up when she came out and saw him standing there. There was nothing timid or nervous about the way she came to him and reached up around his neck to plant a kiss on his lips. He closed his arms around her and held her tight.

  “I missed you, Michael.”

  He grinned and pressed himself against her to back up his words. “I missed you too, little one. Do you want to meet my big brother?”

  She laughed and rubbed her hips against his. “Is that what you're calling that huge thing now?”

  Michael laughed. “Not him! Though he missed you more than you know last night. I mean Gabe. He's over at the bar.”

  Her cheeks flushed and she stepped away from him. “Oh. Sorry.” Her naughty smile made him adjust his pants. “I think you may have noticed that I missed you last night as well. I'd better behave myself if I'm going to meet your brother though.”

  “I reckon, but I don't think I can behave myself for too much longer, Meggie. Any chance you can come stay at mine tonight?”

  She shook her head sadly. “I don't think so. Not with Kenzie here. I'm sorry, you know I want to.”

  Michael looked back outside. He had a feeling Kenzie may have other plans by the end of the evening, but thought it wiser not to say so.

  “No worries, darl. You'll be home soon.” Her face lit up when he said it, but he still had to wonder whether it was going to work out that way. “Come on.” He put his arm around her shoulders and pointed over at Gabe. “Come meet the Angel Gabriel.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Megan smiled to herself as she watched Kenzie laughing with Michael. This was working out so much better than she'd feared. This afternoon, while they had toured the town, she'd told Kenzie all about Michael. Everything she knew about him, and everything he'd done for her. She'd even told her about the way he'd helped her through her panic attacks. She was fairly certain that was what had softened Kenzie's heart towards him.

  Kenzie herself had never been able to help. It had happened a lot when they'd first moved into their apartment in LA. Megan had had nightmares almost every night in those early days, she would wake up screaming and fighting her sheets. During the day seemingly trivial events would trigger her panic. Kenzie hadn't known what to do with any of it. She would wait in uncomfortable silence until Megan was calm again. Only then would she dare approach to give her a quick hug, tell her she'd be okay. Megan had seen the gratitude on her sister's face when she'd told her how Michael had handled those things.

  It was obvious that they were wary of one another when Megan had introduced them this afternoon. However, Michael had been right. He'd been able to win her over with his charm. Megan smiled, she was fairly sure his dazzling good looks had something to do with it too. Now they were laughing together, joining in with the rest of the gang as if Kenzie were just another old friend.

  She looked around the group. So many conversations were taking place. Smoke and Laura were sparring with each other as usual. It looked as though they were ready to take it home and decide the winner in bed. Jack and Holly were arguing over some architectural design stuff that she couldn't understand, other than it had something to with a shopping plaza. Missy, Emma and Pete were talking with Gabe. They had all grown up here. There were so many strong personalities, it was easy to just sit back and observe. She caught Dan's eye. He didn't tend to say much either. He gave her a friendly smile and a nod. He understood. She liked feeling that she had a silent ally.

  Gabe was the next one to catch her eye. She liked him too. He was nothing like Michael though. He was very handsome, but much more intimidating. Where Michael was so warm and encouraging, Gabe was direct and business-like. At first she'd felt as if he was interviewing her, but once she got used to his abrupt manner, she liked him. He smiled at her now and she smiled right back. This was good.

  Michael's arm tightened around her shoulders. He hadn't let go of her all evening. She looked up into those green eyes full of mischief and smiled. He winked and landed a peck on her lips. She loved knowing that the two of them didn't need words to check in with each other. He was asking if she was doing okay. She was telling him she was just fine. When his arm dropped from her shoulders to her waist and pulled her against his side, he was telling her he wished she could come home with him tonight. Her eyes told him she did too.

  Missy had been making them all laugh with some story. Megan only caught the tail-end of it.

  “Well, I'm only small!” she was saying indignantly.

  “Good things come in small packages,” said Dan who was sitting sideways with both arms around his fiancée, smiling at her.”

  Michael had everyone laughing as he pulled Megan onto his lap. “Dynamite comes in small packages!”

  She knew she was blushing, but she was loving it too as Michael closed his arms around her.

  “You certainly look like dynamite in those clothes,” said Holly with a smile. “I'm so glad you agreed to model for me.”

  Megan smiled, she was too. The dress she was wearing tonight had made Michael's eyes pop out when he'd seen her. It was simple and short, plain denim with a zipper than ran up the front from the hem to the neckline. She kept catching him looking her over and loved it. She'd decided it was a combination of what she wore and the way he looked at her that made her feel so sexy.


  Michael stood up. “Sorry guys, but I need to get my little lady out on the dance floor.” It wasn't really where he wanted to get her, but it would have to do for now. She came with him eagerly and her arms came up around his neck. He managed to keep his hands off her ass, but only because he could see Kenzie was watching them. He wrapped both arms around her waist instead and held her to him as he moved her hips with his own. She had that wide-eyed smile going, working its crazy on him, telling him how badly she wanted him. He wished they could just get out of here so he could take her home and give her what she wanted. All night long.

  “You worked your charm on Kenzie,” she said.

  He nodded. He was more interested in working his charm on her, in bed.

  Megan laughed and snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Excuse me, Doctor Morgan! I want to make love to you too, but I think we have to wait until my sister has gone. We certainly can't do it here.”

  He winked at her, realizing that his need for her had him dancing a little more suggestively than was decent. “Sorry, Meggie. I can't concentrate. I've only had to go one night without you and I'm as bad as Ollie. I'll be humping your leg soon!”

  Megan laughed. “Perhaps
you should ask Kenzie to dance? That might dampen your enthusiasm?”

  He nodded. He was calming right down at the thought of it. But glancing over at the table, he saw she was sitting there by herself. All the couples were dancing, Ben hadn't been around much at all tonight, and Gabe was at the bar.

  “Would you mind? I need to go to the bathroom anyway.”

  He smiled and thrust his hips against her one last time. “As long as you promise you'll dance with me again later.”

  She nodded and stepped away from him with that smile. He really just wanted to take her home. Instead, he made his way back to the table and grinned at Kenzie as he offered her his hand with a flourish.

  “Would you do me the honor, darl'?”

  She smiled and stood to join him.

  Out on the dance floor, Michael held her stiffly at a safe distance. His enthusiasm, as Megan had so delicately put it, had shrivelled. Where Megan was sweet and soft, her sister was hard and brazen.

  “You're not what I thought you were,” she said. “And I'm glad I was wrong.”

  “Not as glad as I am, darl'. I kept having visions of some evil sister coming to steal Meggie away from me.”

  Kenzie smiled. “I only want what's best for her. I want to see her happy, that's all. You know her history. I hope you can understand my doubts.”

  Michael nodded. Kenzie wasn't what he'd thought either. “I do. But I hope I'm dispelling them?”

  “You are. I don't feel so bad about leaving her here now.”

  That made Michael curious. “She feels bad about you being there though. She thinks you're the one who might need help.”

  Kenzie laughed, it sounded harsh and forced. “Don't let her worry about me. I can take care of myself. I always land on my feet.”

  Michael wasn't so sure about that. She was a tough cookie, that much was obvious, but she also had the look of someone who wasn't eating well enough. Her clothes and shoes were provocative, but cheap in the other sense too. He decided to risk it. “Meggie thought you were struggling for cash. We can help out if ever you need it.” For a moment he was afraid he'd said the wrong thing.


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