Page 31
My want for that connection though, allowed me to get to know you, Kayla, in a way that I doubt would have been possible before. I know how you were made. I know the woman you came from, and I see her inside of you. I see you, when your guard is down and you are not playing your game. I am here to tell you, you are my daughter. I love you, not for the woman you remind me of, but for the woman you are. I love you, for unintentionally keeping your father human. I love you for forcing me to hang onto emotions, no matter how painful, in the hope that I could express to you, what a father truly felt. This family is yours, Kayla. You are a pivotal, deciding factor in this equation. When the moment comes, please, be the Terenzio you are.
You father,
“How did he…” Kayla looked over at Vasco. “…how did find out I was his?”
“A hypnosis session, one night while you were sleeping, gave him some clues as to who your first trainer was. Joey and Marcello tracked Mengele down right after your mother died, and it was in Mengele’s house that he found that letter. Mengele confirmed it was true,” Vasco said watching her face. “Your father killed him for what he did to you.”
Kayla sank to her knees, overwhelmed. Her own family. They had turned her against her own family; the parents she’d loved, the father she’d wished was her own, that actually was. She had plotted to destroy everything Marcello had built, and he’d killed the man who had hurt her. Kayla covered her face with her hand, still clutching the letter, and released an agonized sob.
Vasco pressed one hand against his side, canting his head at her, his breath coming in short, wheezing hitches. “You can… you can make it right.”
“No.” Kayla dropped her hand and looked up at him. “No, Vasco, I can’t. It doesn’t matter. None of it does. Not that Caesar’s dead, or that you’ve won. The programming runs too deep, I’d never trust myself.” She pressed her lips together, a decision made. She slid her eyes to her nephew’s and gave him a tremulous smile. “Thank you. Thank you for showing me the truth. For giving me that peace.” She pressed the gun to her temple, and without hesitating, she pulled the trigger.
“Kayla don—” Vasco’s words were too late. Kayla’s body fell on top of Caesar’s, lifeless. Vasco shook his head sadly. “I tried son, I tried,” he whispered into the rain. Setting Cleona’s knife down next to him, he forced his limbs to move again, and reached into his pocket to remove the headset. Once he pulled it out, it took another minute before he could work up the energy to simply place it over his ear. “Base, come in, this is SVT, come in.”
It took mere seconds before he received a response. “Vasco? Oh, thank God.” Simone’s angrily relieved voice came through. “What the fuck is wrong with you, going off radio contact like that?”
Vasco dropped his head back against the step, a faint smile curving over his mouth. “Sorry, I had… a run in with Caesar.”
“How did that go?”
“He’s dead.” Vasco paused, then added, “So is Kayla. She… she killed herself after I told her about… about Marcello.”
There was silence on the other end. “Jesus.” Another pause, and when Simone’s voice came through again, it cracked. “Caleb’s dead. So is Lucien, V. He told me to tell you that he loved you.”
Sadness twisted across Vasco’s face. “Til next lifetime, brother,” he whispered. “Did our SVT Security teams free everyone from the camps?”
“They did it, V. Kicked ass, from what was reported.”
“Good.” Vasco covered the mouthpiece with his hand, sucked in a wheezing breath, then dropped it. “Listen, Simone, I know this is a different lifetime, but history is going to repeat itself.” He could hear his sister crying.
“Goddammit it, Vasco, you can’t do this to me again. I’m not Lil. I can’t do this alone. Not without you, not without Lucien, not without Caleb.”
“You’re not alone, Si. You… you never are. Xavier will be there with you. Alex will always be a friend. You’ve got people… people to lean on when you need it.” Vasco was forced to pause, to take another a breath. “I’m tired, Si. My soul is tried.”
Because of the length of the silence on the other end, Vasco worried that Simone might have shot the radio communication in a moment of fury. Finally, her voice came through again. “I love you, Vasco.”
“I love you, too. You were meant to lead this family. Do us proud.” He held the device against his chest, and then brought it back up quickly. “And Si?”
“Yeah, V?”
“Mate to us.” A classic, arrogant smirk curled over Vasco’s mouth. He pulled the headset off, dropping it to the ground. That’s when he saw it; movement on that old porch. Her. Come to take him home.
At the stroke of midnight, when the Sun and planet Earth aligned with the center of the galaxy, the last emotion that consumed Vasco Terenzio was love.
December 21st, 2012
12:12 AM
What goes here, is up to you.
Begin Transmission…
Can you hear me? Oh, Jesus, they’re coming. Listen, they’re fucking with time. If you’re hearing this it means I failed, but so long as the technology exists, we can go back and fix it. You can go back and fix it. Don’t let them erase everything my family fought to uphold. You make sure the Ascension happens. Please. Oh, God here they come. I’ve got to hide—
About the Author
DCS lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has joint custody of a Siberian Husky named Angelus. A radio show host as well as an author, you can hear DCS every Saturday night at 8 pm Central Standard Time on BlogTalkRadio’s Paranormal 101. DCS is currently studying to get her PhD in Metaphysical Spirituality at the American Institute of Holistic Theology. She is also working on the next two novels in the Synarchy series: Book 3: SVT which she intends to be a graphic novel, and Book 4: The Black Widow.
To role play with the characters from the first two novels visit the following website: To learn more about the author, visit her blog page at: and the coming soon.