Book Read Free

Holiday Hangover

Page 2

by Kathi Daley

  “Where does Chance fit into all this?”

  “His grandfather converted his ownership of the land and the resort he built into stock. When he passed away, each of his three children, including Chance’s father, inherited a third of the stock. I don’t have all the details, but it seems Robert wanted the land to stay in the family, so there are all sorts of conditions attached to the stock that guarantee it can’t be left, gifted, or sold to anyone without Carrington blood.”

  “The vote Chance is referring to has to do with the sale of stock from one family member to another?”

  “Chance’s father had a cousin: Michael. Michael became the sole owner of Echo Ridge Resort after the death of his sister. Apparently, he wants to buy the other half of the mountain, where Bear Mountain Resort is located, to once again have entire control under one person. Prior to his death, Chance’s father, who had bought out his brother and owned two thirds of the stock, was dead set against selling. But now that he has passed away and his two thirds have been divided among his three children, it seems there are several family members who are considering the sale.”

  “So it sounds like Chance’s father’s death could have been orchestrated by a member of his family who wanted the sale to go through?”

  “It certainly seems possible. Chance told me that no matter how he looks at it, the suspect list is nothing more than a roll call of relatives, and the thought that a family member murdered his father is almost more than he can take.”

  “I can imagine how hard that must be.” I stopped what I was doing and looked at Zak. “And just for the record, I’m happy to help Chance find his father’s killer. You don’t have to pretend with me.”

  Zak smiled at me and I felt the iciness around my heart melt just a little. Life might not always go the way you hope, but if there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that as long as you’re willing to go out into the world and make an effort, there’s always someone who needs and will benefit from the special gift you bring to the table.

  Chapter 2

  Bear Mountain Resort had its own small landing strip, so Coop was able to deliver us directly to the mountain. Zak had called ahead and arranged to have a car waiting for us at the landing strip and deliver us to the house where we’d be staying. The resort, due I’m sure to its isolated location, was more of a small town, with touristy shops, restaurants, grocery and hardware outlets, and even a gas station.

  “Wow. This is really beautiful,” Alex commented as we drove through the festive little village that was still decorated for Christmas. Wooden structures decorated with colorful lights that shone brightly against the dark sky offered a welcoming feel to the hundreds of skiers who scurried along wide sidewalks as they traveled from one part of the resort to another.

  “The Carrington family makes sure to go all out for seasonal visitors,” the driver, who had introduced himself as Carl, said. “Every tree, building, and walkway is decked out to provide the complete holiday experience.”

  “It really feels like a fairyland,” I added. “Although being so far away from the nearest city must provide some challenges.”

  “The resort is completely self-contained. We even have our own employee housing and an elementary school.”

  “That’s really fantastic.” I looked out the window at the huge snowflakes that floated gently down toward the ground, which was already covered with several feet of snow. “How is everything powered?”

  “The resort utilizes a variety of energy sources including natural ones such as solar and wind power. We also have a huge network of gas-powered generators to maintain a steady energy feed to key areas of the resort. I can arrange for you to have a tour if you’d like.”

  “Thank you. I’d like that very much.”

  Charlie stood on his back legs with his front paws resting in the ledge where Alex was looking out the window. Talk about a picture-perfect moment as dog and child took in the magic of the moment.

  “Oh look,” Alex said with enthusiasm. “There’s an ice skating rink.”

  “There are two on the resort,” Carl informed Alex. “This one in the village square and a second one high atop the closest mountain peak.”

  I looked toward the mountain, which was all lit up despite the fact that it was almost nine p.m. “The lifts run at night?”

  There’s a tram that goes to the top of the mountain, where you see the lights. There’s an ice skating rink, a heated pool, and a club house up there that are all open year-round. There’s a very good restaurant up there as well.”

  “It would be fun to go skating at the top of the mountain.” Alex turned and looked at me. “It would be like skating on the top of the world.”

  “We’ll need to try it out for sure,” I agreed. “Is the rink open every day?”

  “During the season. The ice skating rink can be crowded during the holiday season, but if you get there before noon you should find the crowds manageable. It’s best to make a reservation if you want to eat at the restaurant, though. I’ll make sure you have a list of useful phone numbers at the house.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate that.”

  Carl pulled off the main road and onto a private drive. The guest house was located away from the hustle and bustle of the village, on the edge of a small lake that was frozen over at this time of year. It was a two-story log house with four bedrooms and two baths upstairs and a large kitchen and living area downstairs. Carl helped Zak unload our luggage while I walked out onto the back deck, which, luckily, someone had shoveled. The first thing I noticed was a hot tub at one end, which I was certain would provide an awesome view of the stars on a clear night. Zak and I had a hot tub and indoor-outdoor pool back in Ashton Falls, and our view overlooking the lake was spectacular, but I was willing to bet the one of the night sky here on the mountain was something it would be hard to duplicate.

  I went to the kitchen, where Carl was giving Zak directions.

  “The kitchen has been stocked with necessities and I’ve been instructed to give you these passes, which will allow you to receive complimentary meals at any restaurant on the grounds.” Carl handed Zak the passes, one for each of us. “Mr. Carrington plans to lend you one of his vehicles—a Jeep, I believe—which will be delivered shortly. If you prefer, there are shuttles that will take you anywhere you’d like to go. Now, if you’ll follow me to the generator room…”

  After the men left the room, I fed Charlie, who made sure to let me know it was way past his dinner time, and then Alex and I took a quick tour of the bedrooms. While the overall feel of the enchanting resort was similar to that of my home in Ashton Falls, there was something about being surrounded by ski lifts that provided a different energy. I could hear Zak and Carl chatting about the various lifts that were offered for advanced skiers as Alex and I made our way back downstairs and to the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked Alex after Carl had left and Zak had gone into the shed to check for a snow shovel and other supplies.

  “A little. I think I’m going to make a sandwich and take it up to my room. I promised to FaceTime with Scooter. He should be at his dad’s house by now. I know he was still nervous about being in California.”

  “If you get through to him let me know. I’d like to say hi.”

  “Do you think his dad is going to make him stay in Los Angeles permanently?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “He did say Scooter could finish this school year in Ashton Falls no matter what, but beyond that I have no idea what will happen.”

  A single tear slid down Alex’s cheek. “I’m going to miss him so much if he goes away for good.”

  “I know, me too.” I opened my arms and Alex walked into them. I hugged her with all my might. I couldn’t imagine having Scooter disappear from our lives, but Zak had been right when he pointed out that he didn’t belong to us. He’d enriched our lives so much during the short time he was with us, but if that time was over, all we could do was let him go with open
arms and loving hearts. “This has been hard on all of us, but if Scooter’s dad really has gotten his life together, it’s important that Scooter and he have the time they need to establish a real relationship.”

  I wiped a tear from my cheek as I listened to Alex sob. The poor thing had been friends with Scooter since they’d attended boarding school together and were as much like brother and sister as any pair related by blood.

  After a few minutes Alex stopped crying and began to speak in a soft voice I could barely make out. “When I was little the thing I wanted more than anything in the world was for my parents to come to whatever boarding school I was currently attending and take me home so we could be a real family. I thought if that would happen I would be so happy I’d never want anything more for the rest of my life. But now that I have a home with you and Zak, my parents wanting us to be a family is no longer my biggest dream but my biggest fear.”

  I fought my own fear as Alex began to cry again. I wasn’t sure my heart could take it if I were to lose both Scooter and Alex. At least Alex’s parents hadn’t shown any interest in wanting her to be part of their everyday lives.

  “I’m so scared for Scooter,” Alex said after a minute. “Do you think he’ll be okay?”

  “I hope so. I really, really hope so.”

  “Maybe his dad will change his mind and let him stay with us.”

  I hugged Alex tighter. “Maybe. But if he doesn’t, we need to make this as easy for Scooter as we can. We have to be happy for him even if we aren’t for ourselves.”

  Alex nodded, although she didn’t speak.

  After a while she dried her tears, made her sandwich, and headed upstairs. Zak was still outside doing something, so I decided to text Levi and Ellie to let them know we’d arrived safely. Although I knew they were on their honeymoon, I felt it was important to let them know what we were doing because their dogs were at our house.

  Ellie texted back: Is it beautiful?

  It is, although it’s even colder than I imagined. How have you been feeling?”

  Just before their wedding, Ellie had been admitted to the hospital due to high blood pressure. She’d seemed to be much better after they’d been able to stabilize her, but I still was worried about her overall health. This pregnancy had been hard on her, due mostly, I was sure, to the stress of having to keep such a huge secret. Now that everything was out in the open and Levi and Ellie were husband and wife, I hoped her overall health would improve.

  I’m doing okay, she answered. I’ve been really tired and I feel like a whale. I can’t believe I have over three months left before the baby is born.

  It’ll go by fast, I’m sure, I tried to comfort her.

  Ellie and I texted back and forth a while longer. She told me about the tropical resort they were staying at and I told her about the mountain resort. In a way it seemed odd that we were taking separate vacations. Ellie and Levi and Zak and I had traveled as a group on many occasions. I wondered if that would change once the baby was born.

  “That took a while,” I said to Zak when he finally returned to the house.

  “Sorry. I just wanted to familiarize myself with the generators and the emergency and snow removal supplies before we actually need them. Trying to figure things out in the middle of a blizzard-induced blackout didn’t seem like the best idea.”

  “Are we expecting a blizzard-induced blackout?”

  “No. It appears we’ll have nice weather for the next few days, but you know me; I like to be prepared for whatever conditions come our way. Did Alex decide to turn in?”

  “She’s upstairs talking to Scooter. You know this whole thing with his dad has her very upset.”

  “Yeah. Those two are really close. It’s hard to lose your best friend.”

  I thought about Ellie and Levi. We three had been best friends our entire lives. I wasn’t sure what I would do if they were no longer a part of my everyday life.

  “I texted Ellie to let her know we’re here,” I informed Zak.

  “Are they enjoying their honeymoon?”

  “They seem to be. Ellie says she’s really tired, but at least they aren’t dealing with a murder investigation, like we did on our honeymoon.” I smiled at the memory of our own tropical getaway, which had turned out to have more ups and downs than the stock market. There had been some really difficult moments, but there had been wonderful ones as well. “Do you need to meet with Chance or anything tonight?”

  “No. I’ll head over to his office tomorrow. I think it’s best we get a good night’s sleep. It’s been a long day and I have a feeling tomorrow will be the same.”

  Somehow, I thought the relaxing getaway we’d talked about that morning wasn’t going to be all that relaxing after all.

  Chapter 3

  Wednesday, December 28

  The sun was shining through our bedroom window when I awoke the next morning. After the fresh snow of the previous day, everything seemed to glisten as the sun reflected off the clean white surfaces of the landscape. Both Zak and Charlie were gone, so I pulled on some sweats and heavy socks and wandered into the living area. Zak must have taken Charlie out and Alex was probably with them because the house was deserted, yet a cheery fire danced in the fireplace. I was debating whether I should head to the shower or look for something to make coffee with when they came through the front door.

  “You brought coffee.” I smiled at the sight of the tall paper cups with the Bear Mountain logo on the sides.

  “And pastries.” Zak held up a white take-out bag.

  “You’re a god. Did you get any apple fritters?”

  “Among other things.”

  “You have to try the chocolate doughnuts.” Alex grinned. “They’re the best I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I’ll have to do that. Would you like a glass of milk to go with the pastries?”

  “I already ate,” Alex said. “I’m going to go get ready for Nikki.”

  “Nikki?” I asked as Zak and I settled around the dining table after he had arranged the pastries he’d brought on a plate. We’d had a very late dinner the previous evening, but I found I was ravenous. The coffee and the pastries were the perfect thing to start off what looked to be a beautiful day.

  “Chance’s daughter. She’s fifteen and she’s coming here in an hour or so to show you and Alex around.”

  “I wasn’t aware Chance had a daughter. Based on the picture you showed me, he looks young to be the father of a fifteen-year-old.”

  “He married young and Nikki arrived shortly after. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last. Nikki’s mom lives in Vancouver.”

  “And Nikki lives here?”

  “Part of the time. She’s with her mom when school is in session and with her dad during breaks.”

  I tore a chocolate doughnut in half and nibbled on one end. “It must be hard on her to have to shuttle back and forth.”

  “I haven’t seen Nikki for a number of years, so I’m not sure what her opinion of the situation is now, but she seemed to be fine with it when she was younger. While there’s an elementary school on the mountain, education beyond eighth grade isn’t available, so all the kids who grow up on the mountain either are homeschooled or go away to boarding school. Many of the people who work here leave at that point, but there are actually a lot of teens who go away to school.”

  “That must be hard on the families.”

  “I’m sure it is, but I imagine they adjust. I remember Nikki as being a nice kid. I think you’ll like her.”

  “I guess it would be nice to get the grand tour from someone who’s familiar with all the little nooks and crannies. Maybe after that we can go snowboarding. It’s such a fantastic day: all the fresh snow combined with a blue sky and plenty of sunshine.”

  “It does look like an almost perfect day,” Zak agreed. “Unfortunately, I told Chance I’d take a look at his computer system this morning. I’m hoping I can isolate the reason for the lapse in the video feed quickly so we can get on with the f
un part of the trip. But you know how it goes; these things usually take longer than I’d like. Why don’t you and Alex go on ahead if you still want to go snowboarding after your tour and I’ll try to meet up with you if I get done in time. One way or the other, I’ll be back in time for the three of us to have dinner together.”

  Nikki reminded me a lot of Alex. I was certain the two would get along splendidly. She was petite and energetic, with dark hair and dark eyes, and seemed to possess an intelligence and maturity beyond her years. She arrived at the house wearing heavy jeans, a white cable-knit sweater, a red ski jacket, snow boots, and a huge smile on her face. She was friendly and talkative and, best of all, she didn’t seem the least bit put out that she had to spend her day showing guests around rather than hanging out with her friends.

  “I really appreciate your taking time out of your day to show us around,” I said.

  “I’m happy to. I love this place, so I never mind sharing it with guests. My dad said your daughter is with you?”

  “Alex is upstairs putting on her boots. I’m sure she’ll be down in a few minutes. She’s anxious to have a look around.”

  “Did you have anything specific you wanted to see today?”

  I glanced at Charlie. “I sort of hate to leave Charlie alone until he gets used to the place, so maybe we can just take a walk and you can show us the resort through your eyes.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Nikki knelt down and greeted Charlie. “You have the cutest dog. Do you take him everywhere with you?”

  “Just about. Charlie and I have been a team for a long time. I feel lost when he isn’t close by, so most of the time he goes where I go.”


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