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The Werewolf Tycoon's Secret Baby (The Woolven Secret Book 2)

Page 14

by DeWylde,Saranna

  “And it isn’t for you?”

  “You’re right, I would mourn his childhood. I’ll mourn every new day I won’t get to see him, but I also know it’s the right thing.”

  “So you’ve already made up your mind?”

  “About what I think is right? Yes. About what we’re going to do about it? No. I wouldn’t take that choice away from you. I promised, remember?”

  She pressed her lips together. “I remember. It’s still new to me that I can trust what you say to me. That your promises are real.”

  “I know. Why don’t you talk to Lenore before she leaves?”

  “I forgot she’s leaving today! I don’t want her to go, either. I wish I could tell her not to take that contract.” She scrambled out of bed, looking for clothes. The house obliged and provided jeans and clean underwear, but not a shirt.

  Probably because he liked looking at her in his so much, and she didn’t seem to mind.

  “I tried to tell her the same thing, but she’s right. There’s no one but her who could get close enough.”

  “Peter won’t hold back just because she’s his sister. In fact, that’ll make him more likely to kill her.” Emmie took a deep breath. “To try to kill her. I have to remind myself he’s not invincible.”

  Drew didn’t want to correct her. She’d probably spent a long time trying to change the face of every monster she thought was in the shadows away from Peter Breslin. She’d had to make him human in her head, or she’d never sleep. Never feel safe.

  Only he wasn’t human now, was he? He was a monster in every sense of a word—a werewolf with an immunity to silver. Twisted and dark, an abomination of what his kind was supposed to be, with a taste for pain and flesh.

  “Lenore has some powerful allies. Luchtaine will come if she calls. I’d always thought he was a myth, but Lenore is no liar and, if she’s seen him, then he’s real. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how she gets Peter to come for her, on her terms. She’s smart, fast, and strong. She’s been fighting him her whole life. She’ll be okay.”

  Emmie sank down on the bed. “Will she? I know she can defeat him, I just don’t know that she will. Do you understand what I’m saying? He’s her brother. Even after all the horror, he’s the one who taught her how to use a bow and arrow. He’s the one who would sneak her food when their mother decided she didn’t deserve her meal. He’s her family.”

  “No, you’re her family. Noah is her family. Peter is some jackass she happens to share genetic material with, and I’m sure she’d tell you the same thing.”

  “I hope you’re right. I hate Peter. I wish he’d die in a ditch and rot, but I don’t want that on Lenore’s shoulders.”

  “She’s a big girl. She took the contract, it wasn’t forced on her.” He took her hand. “I know you want to comfort her, to fix this for her. Let her do what she needs to do. Send her to battle with your love, not your fear, and be here for her when she returns.”

  “When she returns,” Emmie repeated. “You’re right.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you later, and we’ll talk more about Noah?”


  When Emmie left, he let himself bask in their bed for a moment or two longer, inhaling their scent and letting their mating bond shore up all of the dark holes inside of him. He needed to talk to Blake about DeVayne.

  And how he was going to kill him.

  To speak of the devil, his phone rang just as he reached for it to dial Blake. “Parker’s here with his wife.”



  “On my way.”

  Drew dressed with care, donning a clean shirt and suit. Yes, it was a meeting with his brothers, but it was all business now. He knew exactly how important presentation could be, even with family. He was never less than calm, controlled, and professional in these meetings. He needed them to understand that whatever the company had going on, whatever the pack… Royce DeVayne was still going to die.

  There wasn’t a hair out of place and he knew he could grace the cover of any men’s magazine. Confident, he made his way down to the boardroom.

  Parker, for once, actually looked repentant. Blake was immaculate, and War, well... he’d combed his hair and that’s all they were getting out of him for the moment.

  “I think we all agree that Parker will need to maintain his sham marriage and Turn his bride. For her safety and ours.”

  Drew cast his younger brother a glance. “For her safety, and ours.”

  “Look, it’s not that she’s a bad catch—”

  “You’ve already caused our uncle to make a sacrifice to clean up your mess. The least you can do is participate in the solution without being a shit,” Blake drawled.

  Parker sighed. “I know it and I’m sorry. I was actually trying to do the right thing here—”

  “Trying only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades, boy!” Warner growled. “I taught you that.”

  Parker scowled. “You also taught me not to interrupt people while they’re talking. Can I please finish what I was saying?”

  Warner smirked. “By all means.”

  “She’s said that she might not want to stay married to me,” Parker said. “I mean, imagine that. Not wanting to be married to a Woolven.” He shrugged, as if he really couldn’t understand it.

  “It’s your job to convince her.” Blake clacked his teeth together, mimicking biting. A bitten mate was a claimed mate. She wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  “You didn’t bite Randi without permission,” Parker interjected.

  “For fuck’s sake, I’m never going to live that down, am I?” Blake rolled his eyes.

  “No,” Parker, Warner, and Drew said in unison.

  “There’s more,” Parker said casually.

  Hell, Parker did everything casually, but Drew knew that there was more to the wolf than that. It made it easier for Parker to pretend not to care because he did care so very much.

  “What is it? Out with it. We don’t have all day to wheedle it out of you,” Blake growled.

  “If you would quit flapping your gums long enough for me to get the whole story out before you interrupt to berate me, this might go faster. I don’t know.” Parker popped a bit of chocolate in his mouth. “Just a theory.”

  “I’m going to theoretically put my foot in your ass,” Blake said, with the same bored affectation Parker used on him now.

  Parker waved away the threat. “She said that there are vampires after her. Kumarin’s brood.”

  “You may tell her she can rest easy because they’ve been snatched up by our fed friends for their R&D.” Blake blinked. “Shit, why is Kumarin after her?”

  “I think that’s the bigger question. See, I tried to do the bitey-marky thing, but was soundly rebuffed.”

  Drew’s eyes narrowed. “Rebuffed? There aren’t many things on earth that can ‘rebuff’ a werewolf.”

  “Right? I felt incredibly stupid. See, she’s a vampire, too.”

  “Goddamn it. There’s no way out of this quietly, either. Your faces have been plastered all over the news.” Blake looked skyward, as he did often when dealing with Parker. Drew wondered if he was looking for divine intervention.

  “Double wedding,” Warner said. “The only way through it is to do it.”

  “She’s terrified of any more exposure,” Parker said.

  “You’re past the point of no return now, boy. So is she. Once a light is on, it makes more sense to leave it on than bang around in the dark.”

  “It’s a matter of convincing her,” Parker said.

  “Maybe David can talk to her,” Blake said, then turned to Drew. “You have something else to say?”

  “I do. It’s about Emmie.”

  “Emmie? Santorini Emmie?” Parker said, perking up. “Do tell, brother. Do tell.”

  “Well, since you were shit-faced in Vegas with our new vampire friend, you’ve become an uncle. My mate is a human who used to be one of us, but was violated in the
most heinous of ways, so now she can’t be Turned. She’s also Peter Breslin’s ex-wife.”

  “Is that why I saw Lenore Breslin here?” Parker asked. “I was hoping she’d spar with me.”

  “She doesn’t have time for that. She’s on her way to hunt Peter,” Warner said.

  “Damn it. I was looking forward to it.” Parker pouted.

  “You can play with your nephew. He’s pretty good,” Drew offered.

  “I can’t wait to meet the little furball.” He grinned.

  “But we’re working on keeping him in pants. No Changing without permission,” Drew warned.

  Parker snorted. “Sorry, bro. I’m the wrong wolf for that life lesson. How about if I promise not to feed him sugar? Isn’t that good enough?”

  “He’s a sugar fiend. You know Gin’s truffles—”

  “Yeah, I know Gin’s truffles. I know them intimately.”

  “Parker! This is not the time,” Drew admonished. “Getting back on track. Emmie. We’re talking about sending Noah to Academy. At least until we’ve addressed the threat with Sebastian Monk. Addendum, I’m going to kill Royce DeVayne.”

  He waited for his brother’s reactions. Blake, as Alpha, could forbid it. Drew had never disobeyed the Alpha before, and he didn’t plan on it in the future. Except for this one thing. It was non-negotiable.

  “Sounds like you’ve made a decision. Not asking for permission,” Blake said.

  “You’re right,” he acknowledged. “I want your support. I won’t even say I don’t need it. I do. But this can’t go unanswered. You put the pack on the line for your mate and, as Alpha, that is within your purview, but don’t ask me to do less for mine.”

  “So she is your mate, then?” Warner asked.


  His uncle nodded his acceptance.

  Parker laughed. “Goddess.”

  Blake spoke. “You have it. Anything you need. We’re at war and many old grudges are settled in violent times such as these, regardless of the Council’s past decisions. We’ll protect what’s ours. He’s a threat to our way of life and a threat to your mate.”

  “What about Sebastian Monk?” He’d already briefed Blake on the cloak they’d found and what happened in Santorini.

  Mrs. Westwood knocked on the door, and she held Noah in her arms.

  If it had been anyone else, Blake would’ve told her to come back in twenty. One did not tell the witch any such thing. Besides, she wouldn’t interrupt them unless it was important.

  “I may have an answer to your questions about Monk.” She put Noah down and the boy ran to him.

  Drew picked up his son and held him close. Today, he smelled like sugar and wet dog. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  “DeVayne was involved in all kinds of darkness, and you’re going to need magick to help defeat Monk. It seems these assholes summoned a demon.” Westwood sounded more irritated than anything.

  “A demon?” Parker blinked.

  “Well, it is now. It was once a revered spirit, Okami. Kind of a Japanese ghost wolf. DeVayne’s evil warped it and now, it’s all that’s holding Monk together,” Westwood supplied.

  “So, we destroy the Okami, we destroy Monk?” Blake asked.

  “Here’s the thing. I think Monk wants you to come for him. He wants to die, but he can’t. Not until he passes the Okami to someone else. I believe he wants to pass it to either Lenore or Emmie.”

  “You’re saying the Okami can’t be destroyed?” Drew demanded.

  “Exactly. The Okami is forever. He is elemental, he is magick. Being chained to this plane will have twisted him beyond recovery. The only think we can do is find a vessel to keep the Okami. That solves Monk. DeVayne may be another matter entirely. I have a feeling there’s more to him than what we know.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Finding Lenore packing up her gear, Emmie pounced on her.

  “You’re lucky I heard you before you grabbed me!” Lenore teased as she hugged her back.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she mumbled into her shoulder. “I know you have to, I know you will, but I don’t want you to.”

  Lenore rubbed her back. “It’s going to be okay, Emmie. I’m the great and scary Lenore Breslin, remember? I’m so awful that your mate saw me near Noah and rushed to protect you. They fear me. Peter does, too.”

  “That makes him more dangerous. I just wish it didn’t have to be you.”

  “But it does and that’s okay.” Lenore broke the hug. “This is what I do.”

  “Everything’s changing so fast, but maybe it’s supposed to change.”

  “I think it is. I’ll let you in on a secret that should make you feel a bit better about things. I’ve got a little something in my pocket.”

  Emmie gave her a knowing glance. “You mean your mate?”

  “Him, and something that may be even more terrifying. Even his own people fear him, and he’s a bone fairy.”

  Emmie shuddered. “I hope I never meet him.”

  “You might. He’s coming here to meet me in Den Hollow. Westwood gave him a pass.”

  “Someone needs to warn Gin! Just seeing him…after what they did to her—”

  “Gin knows. Westwood got her permission first. It’s not like she’s going to bite the hand that feeds her chocolate.” Lenore stuffed the rest of her gear into her bag.

  “What’s the plan?”

  Lenore had never kept the nitty gritty truths from her, except for the truth about her past. It made her pause. Perhaps that darkness was best left sleeping. If Lenore would happily regale her with tales of all the other things that prowled the pitch, this must be truly horrible.

  “The plan is to incapacitate him with Luchtaine and, barring that with his immunity, is to liquefy his bones.”

  “That would be an awful existence.” Emmie put her hand on Lenore’s shoulder. “And to condemn someone you once loved to that is—”

  “—necessary.” She squeezed her hand. “Look, I can live with putting my brother in a cage of his own making. What I can’t live with? Watching him destroy the world. Already, he could be spreading his infection. He’s an anti-social narcissist with a pleasure for pain. When he was using his…” She seemed to search for the right word to describe it. “…his unique abilities for the betterment of mankind, the safety of us all, it was something that could be overlooked. Now, he’s got all of the tools at his disposal to be the origin of a cataclysmic event. I choose humanity over him. I choose you over him. I choose Noah over him. Every. Single. Time.”

  That’s why Lenore was a badass in Emmie’s book.

  “I’m afraid this is the last time I’ll ever see you, Lenore. I’m afraid you’re going to die.”

  Lenore grinned. “We all have to die. What matters is how you live. If I do, I won’t say don’t grieve me. Do it, but just a little. Do it so that when you think of all the things you want in this life but haven’t yet had, that you reach for them. For me.” She hugged her again. “And goddamn it, stop chipping at that wall in your head. If you break yourself, I’ll come back from the dead and kick your ass from here to hell and gone.”

  “You think you’re going to die?”

  “You’re not listening, Em.”

  “I am. Answer me.”

  “Well, it’s not an outcome I’m looking forward to, and I’ll do every damn thing in my power not to, but I’ve accepted it could happen. Not without him coming with me, of course. My handbasket to hell is a two-seater, thank you very much.”

  “Why would you think you’d go to hell?”

  “Anywhere away from you and Noah is hell, sister of my heart.” Lenore kissed her cheek. “Now, that’s my limit on feelings for the year.”

  “Okay.” Emmie choked back her tears. “I’ll walk you.”

  “You should stay here if Sebastian Monk is looking for you.”

  “I think, with the kind of power he has, if he wants me, he’ll get me. I’m done being afraid, Lennie. It’s shadowed me long enough. I’d
never forgive myself if I didn’t walk you down.”

  “You just want to see the bone fairy.”

  “You’re right, I do want to see him, but I want to send you off proper. It was actually Drew’s idea.”

  “This I gotta hear.”

  “He said to send you off with my love, not my fear, and he was right. So, that’s what I’m going to do.”

  “I will take your love, and I’d take your fear if I could. I’d take it with me and put it in a box and bury it so far from you it would starve.”

  “Thought you said you were done with the feelings?”

  “I lied. Shut up and hug me again.”

  “Are you scared?” Emmie asked.

  “Maybe a little, but I’d be stupid not to be.” Lenore tightened her arms around her one more time. “Okay, I’ve got to go.”

  “I’m walking you.”

  “If you insist.”

  Emmie put her arm through Lenore’s. “I do.”

  She walked with her out of the door and down the path toward the small village of Den Hollow. “I need to ask you something else before you go.”

  “What is it?”

  “Noah. Drew wants to send him to Academy and I… I don’t know.” Part of her wanted Lenore to tell her it was a terrible idea. She wanted so desperately to keep him with her. Five was much too young for him to be so far away.

  Only he wasn’t five now anymore, was he?

  “I’d do it. I know you’ll miss him terribly, but the only place safer than Aphelion is Academy. And he’ll get to be a child for just a little bit longer,” Lenore said.

  “I was hoping you’d tell me it was a terrible idea.”

  “You have to do what you think is best, Em.”

  “I know this is best, I just don’t want it to be.”

  “So you didn’t need to talk to me at all, did you?” Lenore asked.

  “No, I did. I value your opinion in all things.”

  “What about my opinion about Drew?”

  “Of course.”

  “He says he’s your mate.” She obviously had more she wanted to say, but seemed at a loss.


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