The Princess and the Marquess
Page 24
The second he was gone, Lucien stared at his wife with that predatory look in his eyes. He swept her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs, ignoring the staff.
Kicking open the door to his room, he set her on the bed. “Will you stay in here with me?”
“I will stay anywhere with you.” She breathed as she tugged his head down for another kiss that scorched him all the way to his soul.
* * * *
Lucien and Ciara came down the stairs for the midday meal. They ate with their children. After dinner, they sat in the large receiving room and watched as their children lay napping on the floor.
Ciara was curled up on a chaise next to him with his arms around her.
“Where did you go?” He broke the silence in the room.
“After I left Ireland, I went back to America. I had to get some things before I came back.”
“Like Nyama and Epona?”
“Aye. Among other things. When Faolan died, I realized that there were some things in life that were more important. Letting our daughter grow up with her brother and father was the most important. I kept Bryn from you. I couldn’t do that again.
“I took everything from the cabin and what I didn’t give to the town I brought. It’s all in town and will be delivered here tomorrow. I brought the horses with and came here.”
His arms tightened around her. “Why did Faolan die? What happened? How did you get all the horses here?”
“I made an error in judgment. That’s all. I paid a large sum for it. It helped that your name was mentioned. Did you mean what you said about staying out here?”
“If that is what you wish. I like it better out here anyway. Besides, I want to challenge you to a race. I want to know what happened to you and Faolan. You will only delay my finding out.”
“Not a good idea. I will win.” She elbowed him in the stomach, without malice. “You are too big.”
“You weren’t complaining about my size a little while ago.” He nipped her neck as he whispered into her ear.
“Not now either. Just stating a fact. But, I will be glad too. If the wager is worth it.”
“Woman. Watch your tongue. I am still the master of the house.”
“Uh-huh. Whatever you wish to believe.”
Lucien stole a glance over at his son and daughter and saw that they were still sleeping. He slid his hand down the waistband of her pants and flicked his finger over her clit. When she shivered and moaned, he shushed her.
“Shhh. Don’t make any noise. You don’t want to wake your son up, do you?”
“Stop it. Don’t do this here.”
“Why? I want it and, from the feel of things, so do you.” He probed one finger deep within her and smiled as he watched her stifle a moan. She was hot, wet and tight. Her body was sucking on his finger and he grew hard as stone in response.
Lucien worked his other hand way up under her shirt to cup her full breast. This time a moan did escape. As he glanced over the back of the chaise, he saw his children were still sleeping. Even if Bryn woke, if he stayed on that side, what they were doing was still hidden from his view.
Lucien rubbed her with his thumb as he dipped into her with two fingers. Within moments she was riding his hand and biting her lip to stay silent, her breath coming short and fast.
A knock at the door froze them in place. “Enter.” Lucien spoke but didn’t remove his hand, just turned his head toward the door. When she tried to pull away, he flickered his fingers deep within her and made her shiver all over again.
Weeks stood in the doorway. “Sorry to disturb you, my lord. There is a man here to see you.”
“Who is it, Weeks?” Lucien asked as his fingers brought her to the peak of an orgasm. He kept her hovering on the edge, the danger of being caught adding to the pleasure that was coursing through her.
From their place on the chaise, there was no way that Weeks could see where his hands were. To him, it only looked like they were cuddled up on the couch. He had no way of watching as Lucien’s fingers moved within her most private parts as his other hand teased her hardened nipple.
“He is from London, my lord. One of His Grace’s men. He has a note from your father that requires a response. Shall I put him in the blue room, sir?”
Faster and faster his wrist moved, making his fingers go deeper and deeper. “Yes. We will be there shortly, just as soon as we wake the children. Give him some food and drink. That will be all.”
“Very good, my lord.” Weeks pulled the door shut.
Pinching her nipple, he whispered, “What do you want?”
“Please, Lucien. Let me come.” Ciara panted and shook with need.
“Very well, princess. You were good. You stayed put even though my fingers didn’t give you any rest.” He flicked his thumb and sent her flying over the edge. Her back arched and she dug her fingers into his legs.
* * * *
After reading the note, Lucien waved Ciara over. She needed to see this and decide what she wanted to do. As she sat on his knee, she read the note. The duke requested their presence in London. He was giving a party and demanded his son to attend.
“What do you think, Ciara?”
“I think we should go. He wishes you to be there.”
“Fine. We won’t stay with him but in our townhouse.” He penned a response and gave it to the servant, sending him on his way. “Since the party is in two weeks, I will have us go the day before it starts. That way our time in London will be as little as possible.”
“Whatever you think best. Come with me, I wish to show you the horses I brought.”
Lucien smiled as he followed the swaying hips of his wife out of the door. Once they were in the stable, he spent a good amount of time viewing the horses that she had brought with her. They were hardy stock and would add endurance to his horses.
As he left the stable, he saw his son running around toward the lake with four animals in tow. Kosse, Remy and the two wolfhound pups that had decided that tangling with the full-grown mountain lion would not be wise.
* * * *
For the first time in over a year, the Marquess of Heartstone spent the night holding his wife in his arms. They spent most of the night making passionate love and rediscovering each other’s bodies. When Lucien woke the next morning, he was rested in a way that had been long gone from his life. However, he awoke alone.
Dressing, he headed down the stairs and found no sign of his wife or children anywhere in the house. Approaching Weeks, he posed his question. “Have you seen my wife, Weeks?”
“Yes, my lord. She and the children have left to spend some time out of doors.”
“Did she say where she was going?”
“No, my lord. Perhaps Lord Harrington could tell you. He is waiting for you in the library.”
“Thank you, Weeks.” Lucien headed for the library.
“About time you got here. Were you going to sleep the day away?” Rafe asked as soon as he opened the door.
“What are you doing here? Where is Devonna? Is everything all right with your son?”
“Everything is fine. Devonna is out with your wife and the children. I was told to wait for you and direct you to the place for the day’s activities. Let’s go.” Rafe smacked him on the back as they walked out of the door to their mounts that were waiting for them.
Rafe and Devonna had given birth to a son and this was the first time he had seen them since the birth. When his sister had confronted him that day in his room, he had not been welcome in their home. He didn’t even know what his nephew looked like.
He had sent a gift, but wasn’t sure that it was accepted. His nephew was named James David Carson. Entering the room and seeing the look of contentment on the face of his friend and brother by marriage, he knew that past actions were forgotten and all had been forgiven.
Lucien had not been very social after he had arrived back in England from Ireland. He had spent most of his time with his son and trying to prove something to
himself. And to Ciara should she ever return to him. He had vowed not to make the same mistake again. Knowing that he had found the love of his life, he needed just one more chance to prove himself to her. They would not be split apart again.
Riding over a hill, they headed down into the valley that Lucien had seen Ciara jump her horse in. The day she rode up with Phillip behind her. There on the valley floor were his wife, his sister and their children.
His sister was looking beautiful. She was glowing with pride at being a mother and joy at being with the woman that had befriended her despite her past. He swung his gaze to his wife.
Ciara’s head fell back as she laughed in response to something that Devonna had said. She still wore her buckskins but looked stunning. His son was running rampant through the meadow, where the horses were grazing and the animals were playing.
Ciara looked up as she saw her husband ride into view. He was so handsome. He could make her heart stop. “You do love him, don’t you?” The question from Devonna made her blink.
“Aye. I do.”
“I can tell, that look you have on your face.”
“You mean one like you get when looking at your husband?” She cut her eyes to her friend.
“Yes,” Devonna admitted, laughing. “I would suppose so. I never thought that I would find happiness like this. I thought it was all unattainable for one like me. You know, not right in the head. I know what they all said about me. It just seemed easier for me to play at being dumb rather than fending off unwanted suitors.”
With a loving look at her husband as he rode up toward them, she continued. “I have always had an attraction for Rafe. There was just something about him. I just never thought that it would have been returned. And now, with James in my life, well, I just don’t know how it could ever get better.”
“I am glad that it all worked out for you both. He is a wonderful man and I can see that he loves you. Perhaps it is true what they say about reformed rakes making the best of husbands.” Ciara shook her head as she smiled at the look of agreement that crossed Devonna’s face.
“I have a confession to tell you.” Devonna’s voice grew hesitant. “When I found that you had left, I had mixed feelings. The sister in me was angry that you could do such a thing to my brother, but at the same time I realized that he was being a complete idiot. I know that what happened between you two is not any of my business but I want you to know that I still think highly of you, no matter what happened. I am just so glad that you came back. And brought me a little niece. She is so close to James’ age, I just can’t believe it.”
Ciara leaned over and squeezed Devonna’s hand. “I am glad that you don’t hold anything against me. I am so glad to have you for a sister. Now I have someone to help me stand up to the men in my life. They can be so stubborn.”
“Who can be stubborn?” Lucien’s voice intruded.
Both women shared a secret smile and answered simultaneously, “No one.” Then they burst out laughing, much to the confusion of their husbands.
Devonna rose and embraced her brother, which he returned with gratitude as all was forgotten. “It is past time for you to meet your nephew, big brother. Come say hello.” With a tug of her hand, she pulled him over to where James was sleeping next to Keely.
James had fair hair like his father. Lucien reached out to touch the sleeping child. “His eyes are like mine.” His sister gazed with love upon her son.
“He is beautiful, Devonna.”
“Thank you. Keely is quite impressive herself. She looks a lot like you.”
“Do you think so? I think she looks like her mother. Beautiful.” Lucien’s voice rang with pride as he turned his gaze to his daughter.
Rafe stood next to Ciara as she stroked Kosse on the head. “I’m glad you have returned. He was not the same without you here.”
“We both did some things that we should have done different.” Ciara looked off toward her horses.
“Thank you.” Rafe spoke with sincerity, reaching for her gaze and holding it once he caught it.
“What for?” She raised her eyebrows in confusion.
“Devonna.” He didn’t need to say any more.
“That was not my doing. There is more strength in her than you realize.” She quirked her lips. “For what it’s worth, you are welcome. Just remember that when I teach her to ride astride.”
Rafe’s eyes grew round. “Luc. Your wife is threatening to teach your sister to ride astride. Help me out.”
“No way. You are on your own. Besides, I am going to have her teach me to ride better.” Lucien’s voice was filled with laughter.
The four adults sat on the blanket and caught up on past events. Soon they were ready for some food, when Kosse raised his head to the crest of the hill. It was Phillip riding down toward them with a companion. It was Polly.
Lucien stiffened, as did Rafe and Devonna. Ciara merely looked and took a deep breath. As they rode up, their horses were not very comfortable with the animals around and they dismounted from the rig in a hurry.
“Good day. I stopped by your house and they said you were having a picnic and we hoped there would be enough for us to join you.” Phillip spoke as Polly ogled Lucien with her eyes.
“Of course. Please sit down, Lord Edais, and you as well, Lady…?” The question was there—who was she? Ciara spoke with a calm assurance.
“Lady Ward.” Polly spoke with a hint of censure in her voice. “I am a very good friend of your husband’s.” The unspoken meaning was clear.
“Aye. I have heard that you are one of his oldest friends.” Ciara maintained her calm tone but her words left no doubt that she wouldn’t take anything from this woman. Devonna coughed into her hand as she tried not to laugh at the look of horror that crossed Polly’s face.
“Well,” she snapped, not at all pleased that she was being made the joke, “you know what they say about those that are old friends…”
“Something like when something is so old it should be set aside for something newer”—Ciara gave Polly a scathing once-over before continuing—“younger and firmer. One that can keep up with him.”
Even Lucien and Rafe had to fight to hide their smiles this time. She could hold her own. A quick glance at Phillip told the same story. Polly’s face was becoming mottled with rage.
Lucien looked at Phillip. “Why did you bring her here? We are not anywhere near London. What are you trying to do? Phillip, I love my wife and want nothing to do with Polly or anyone like her anymore.”
“I was coming out here and she just invited herself along. You know how she is. I am sorry. I know that part of your troubles were because of me.” He sounded huffy.
Lucien waved off his apology. When had his friend changed so much? “It’s over. You are welcome to stay as long as she remains civil to my family.” Looking back toward his wife, he noticed that she had served a plate of food to Polly.
“Why don’t you have servants to do this?” Polly asked.
“This was just a family picnic.” The words were delivered with meaning—that didn’t escape her notice. “We have no need of someone to serve us.”
“Oh yes, you delightful colonials. Always determined to do something on your own.” Polly’s eyes narrowed in challenge. She seemed to have forgotten that there was anyone else present.
“When one is capable of doing so, why not?”
“Because work like that shows only one’s breeding. A true lady has people wait on her. She would never do menial tasks.”
Ciara stared at her like she was looking at a picture and trying to figure it out. “I suppose that would go for how one lived one’s life as well. I mean, take someone who sleeps around. Regardless of breeding, that person would be considered a whore—a high-priced whore, but a whore nonetheless. I would rather have someone see me doing a so-called menial task than have them look at me as a whore. I suppose it all depends on the values one was raised with.
“I, for example, was raised to think and
do things for myself. And to respect my body. I guess that would be hard for one who is used to sleeping with men to get what they want.” The only sign of Ciara’s distress was the hardening of her eyes, but Polly didn’t even consider that she was treading on thin ice.
“Well, considering—things—I suppose you would be used to hard work. Aren’t most colored people in your country slaves?”
Collective gasps went up from the surrounding people. Lucien narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. Ciara beat him to it.
“I suppose you would think that. Most narrow-minded people do. I am not a slave, nor have I ever been one, so that has no bearing on whether I know hard work or not.”
“Well, rumor has it you are a freak.”
“Polly, enough,” Lucien broke in.
She continued as if she’d never heard him. Her eyes were spitting flames and she had risen to stand over Ciara. “They say that you are unnaturally strong. That you can lift a man. That you kicked in a door and tossed some across the room. They say you even carried Saint.” Spit flew from her mouth as she spewed her accusations. “What sort of man would want a woman like that? It was no wonder you had to trap him into marriage with that bastard kid of yours.”
That did it. That got a rise out of Ciara.
She rose in one fluid movement, before Lucien could. Ciara was taller than the hateful blonde in front of her and she didn’t hesitate to use her height to intimidate. “That’s it.” Her voice was a deadly purr.
She stalked Polly, making the woman back up step by step. “I don’t care if you insult me, or where I come from. However, since your foul mouth dared to insult my son, you go too far.”
Polly stood still and tried to act unafraid. Ciara circled around her, as if an animal toying with its prey before the final killing stroke is delivered, as she continued, “Tell me something, Polly Ward. If you heard rumors that I was strong enough to throw a grown man across a room, kick open a door and carry Lucien—alone—why would you upset me? Why would you be dumb enough to slander my son in front of me?”