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Saving Grace

Page 7

by Avery Gale

  However, now—when she looked up at him, her eyes flooded with tears and they harbored so much resentment, he was shocked. Her voice trembled, but she spoke clearly. “I…well, I know that I’m not as uptown as the women you usually deal with. I’m not rich and the few nice things I have mean something to me. And just because you don’t think they are valuable...well, it just isn’t nice to make fun of people who have less than you.” She’d started out looking directly at him, but as she’d continued speaking her voice had gotten softer and her eyes had dropped until she was looking at the floor. Micah could count on one hand the number of times he’d been this completely blindsided and stunned into complete horror knowing he’d hurt another person. His heart broke for her and knowing he was the cause of the pain he’d seen in her expression almost made him physically ill.

  Stepping forward, he lifted her chin with his fingers. “I want you to listen very carefully to what I’m telling you, baby. I laughed at the funny way you described your underwear and I thoroughly enjoyed getting a glimpse at your wicked sense of humor. Most of the subs at the club are so vain they’d never dream of calling it anything but lingerie and I doubt most of them have any clue what can be purchased at Walmart.” He gave her a few seconds to process what he’d said before continuing, “Now, before I address your uptown remark, I want to know exactly what it means so we don’t set ourselves up for another misunderstanding.”

  He listened as she listed a litany of traits and he bristled on the inside at the accuracy of many of her observations. He and Jax did usually play with trained submissives who were generally college educated, professional women from moneyed families. They hadn’t intentionally chosen tall, slender women but looking back he realized most of the women they’d been with fit that body type. He suddenly felt very shallow, and knowing she’d read them so clearly made his epiphany even more humbling.

  “You are right, we usually do play with wealthy, professional women, but not for the reason you’re thinking. The membership fees for The Prairie Winds Club are quite substantial and that alone limits the women we come into contact with. And I think we’ve unconsciously chosen taller women because I’m tall and Jax is a fucking giant.” She grinned and he was relieved to see her beginning to relax. “But if you’d stop and think about that, you’d realize how much more special that makes you.”

  Micah let his words linger for a moment as he took a step closer and ran the back of his fingers around the outside curve of her breast. He saw her pulse pounding at the base of her throat and the steam from the shower was settling on her skin making it look like it had been kissed by the morning dew. “Your body is rocking, there is no doubt about that, but it’s the woman inside that fascinates us both. And I haven’t enjoyed a good laugh like that in a long time and I thank you for it. I’m sorry you thought it was at your expense.” Micah had always believed that apologies were best when they were simple and straightforward and that was exactly how he’d tried to keep this one. “Now, let’s get you into that shower before there isn’t any hot water left.”

  They were forced to rush through their showers, but they’d both promised her water sports next time. Their shower was large, but it was nothing like the one in Kent and Kyle’s apartment atop the club. And since the elder Wests had recently agreed to give Micah and Jax a permanent lease on a couple of acres and the large building at the front of the ranch they’d recently purchased, they’d be enjoying a larger shower soon enough. The property was directly adjacent to Prairie Winds and the architect had recently finished the plans for adding on and remodeling the large open building. He smiled to himself thinking about the playroom they’d included in the plans. There would also be plenty of space for their rapidly expanding security business and a luxury living quarters as well.

  As they patted Gracie’s damp skin with soft towels, the sweet scent of her arousal filled the air and Micah felt his cock harden in response. He could tell she was nervous. He kissed the back of her hand as they led her out of the bathroom and saw her surprised looked when they bypassed the bed. Settling her on the small sofa facing the natural stone fireplace. While it didn’t often get bitterly cold in their area, when the temps neared freezing everyone felt it to their bones because they weren’t accustomed to lower temperatures. Micah grabbed the remote and started the gas fire and let the warmth wash over them. Jax pulled her onto his lap and adjusted the plush robe they’d given her so her breasts were partially exposed to their view.

  Micah watched her shift on Jax’s lap and held back his laughter at the pained expression he saw move over this friend’s face. “Do you know what a safe word is, baby?” To her credit, she nodded quickly and proceeded to recite a near perfect textbook definition of the term, including when it should be used. He nodded and fought to hold back his grin at her enthusiasm. “You are exactly right. We’ll use the club’s stop light system that you just defined perfectly.” Micah smiled when her cheeks flushed. “Jax and I enjoy a wide variety of play, and we’ll cover everything in detail later. But for now, you need to know we will not leave permanent marks or draw blood.” He saw her shudder and Jax tightened his hold on her briefly before letting her sit back up straight. Micah’s next question made her eyes widen briefly before her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. “Are you on birth control?” He’d already seen her medical file because a physical was a condition of her employment at the Forum Shops, but he wanted to be sure that hadn’t changed in the past few weeks.

  To her credit, she didn’t hesitate to answer, “Yes. And well, as you probably know, my doctor’s report was clean.” She suddenly looked at the floor as if embarrassed and Micah used his finger to bring her chin back up so she was forced to meet his eyes. When he simply raised his brow in question, she continued, “And…I haven’t been with anyone since my physical, but you already know that as well.” And they had been fairly certain that was the case because she’d only been away from Prairie Winds twice, both times with Tobi, and they knew no visitors had come through the front gates to see her. He and Jax had discussed the fact that she seemed to lead a very lonely existence, and that made a lot more sense now that they knew she’d been in hiding.

  Refocusing on the discussion, Micah caressed the side of her face as he spoke, “We are both clean as well, and we would rather not use condoms unless you have a particular fondness for them.” Personally, he hated the artificial feel of latex, but had never played without them, and their use inside the club was a hard and fast rule. But Gracie wasn’t a woman they were planning to scene with and then walk away from either and the difference that created in their view point was staggering.

  When she’d agreed to forgo the condoms, he nodded and Jax brushed a soft kiss over her temple. Micah and Jax had discussed various ways to approach things tonight and numerous alternatives as well. While Jax was more willing to fly by the seat of his pants, Micah was much more comfortable having a plan—and a couple of spares was all the better. They had deliberately not spoken with Tobi about Gracie, preferring at least for the time being to explore the attraction between them as they would with any other woman who had caught their interest. That wasn’t to say they wouldn’t seek her input if things hit a rough patch, but for now they planned to rely on their instincts.

  Jax was rubbing slow circles over her lower back and Micah could see her eyelids fluttering with fatigue. It was time to make love to her and then let her get some rest. Micah was looking forward to holding her almost as much as he was burying himself inside her sweet heat, and that realization startled him. Giving Jax a quick nod to let him know it was time to proceed, Micah reached forward and slid his hand inside her robe to cup her breasts with his hands. She wasn’t a large woman, but her breasts were very round, full, and high. Her skin was amazingly smooth and the weight of her breasts as they fit against his palms felt perfect. He never took his eyes off hers as he continued to caress her and when he brushed his thumbs over her budded nipples, she gasped. Her eyes darkened from their usual

gray to a shade that looked like the turbulent clouds of an approaching storm in the west Texas sky. So responsive.

  Micah had been watching as her long hair dried, and the soft waves of black silk caught the dimmed lights. The natural shine of her tresses reflected the amber light back into the room and the ever changing patterns were fascinating. He’d always thought Jax had the blackest hair he’d ever seen, but hers was an even deeper shade. His own hair had always been a sandy blonde that bleached out quickly and always made him look like a displaced surfer. The color had certainly made it difficult for him to disappear in a crowd in most of the hot spots he’d been assigned as a SEAL.

  “Tonight is about you, baby. We will be focused on your needs, but we’ll also be indulging our own, because you are just simply too wonderful to resist. There will be times in the future when we’ll cater to our own needs above yours for a variety of reasons, but usually it’s as simple as…because we can. But tonight we want to show you how precious your submission is.” He smiled at her and knew that she’d read enough about Dominance and submission to understand exactly what he was telling her. And he was happier than he wanted to admit that she hadn’t corrected him when he’d referred to her submission to them. His heart had recognized her as theirs that first night when she’d reacted so perfectly to him grasping her wrist. Just that brief bit of restraint had triggered an immediate response that even a Dom new to the lifestyle would have easily recognized. And her instant connection to Jax had sealed her fate.

  Chapter Ten

  Jax had moved with a fluid grace that defied his size and Gracie felt the cool sheets caress her back when he laid her on the bed. She’d noticed the size of the bed when they’d walked past it earlier, but now that she was in it with both Micah and Jax along each side, it didn’t seem as overwhelming. “Your bed is huge, but I can see why, you are both large men.”

  Jax had grinned at her and she noticed his eyes had darkened. His voice was softer and the huskiness made her sex clench. “Oh, Cariña, we each have our own bedrooms. This room is for you. We’ll only use it when you are here with us.” He leaned forward and she watched his pink tongue as he licked around her areola and then blew a soft puff of air over it. She gasped at the sensation and he smiled when the skin puckered tightly. “Your nipples are so perfect. Their dusty rose color fascinates me and their intense responses to our touch makes me anxious to see them in beautiful jewel-weighted clamps.” Gracie arched her back in an unconscious bid for his attention and he seemed more than happy to comply. In her peripheral view, she noticed Micah was moving down the bed and her entire body felt like it was shimmering with need. She wondered briefly where he was headed and then she felt him settle between her legs. Oh Lord of all things holy, surely he isn’t planning to start there.

  “Open for me, baby. Let me see your pretty, pink pussy.” Gracie’s body must have registered Micah’s words, because she’d opened her legs before her mind had even processed what he’d said. His voice had been barely above a whisper, but there was no question it was a command.


  Jax could see the questions in Gracie’s eyes, but what she didn’t know was how much Micah loved the taste of a woman’s pussy. Micah had never made a secret of how addictive he considered the tangy syrup of a woman’s arousal. And once he’d made a sub come, Jax knew he would lap up his creamy prize with abandon. Jax wasn’t the aficionado that Micah was, but he couldn’t wait to taste Gracie. Just the ambrosia of her arousal was enough to send his need spiraling toward heaven. In his peripheral vision, Jax saw Micah settle himself between Gracie’s legs, widen and bend her knees so her feet were flat on the bed. When she started to lift her head Jax stilled her with a kiss and when he pulled back he smiled at her half-lidded lust-filled eyes. He loved seeing her lost in a fog of desire and vowed to himself that they would keep her under the two of them as much as possible.

  Brushing his lips against the side of face, he inhaled against her hair. God, he loved the feeling of soft skin against his and their soap smelled a lot better on her that it did on either of them. “Tell me what Master Micah is doing to you, Cariña.” Jax watched her eyes go wide and then her breath seemed to come rushing from her lungs in a series of strangled cries. He knew exactly what Micah was doing and he doubted very much Gracie was going to be able to speak coherently much longer.

  “Oh my God, he is licking me and sucking on…it’s…oh it is just so perfect. I had no idea it would feel…oh Jesus Lord of all things holy…it feels sooo good…like electricity racing through me, but better.” Jax knew his smile was breaking through but he simply couldn’t hold it back. She was so damned responsive, and her words so honest and genuine that he was just over the top pleased.

  Just as she opened her mouth to speak again, Jax rolled and then pinched both nipples between his fingers and commanded, “Come for us, Cariña.” Her back bowed off the bed so far that Jax heard Micah’s growl of frustration as he placed his hand on her lower abdomen and pressed her back in position. Her skin flushed the most beautiful shade of deep pink that he’d ever seen. Thank God they lived on a property housing a sex club where anyone hearing her scream would recognize it for what it was and know exactly what was happening.

  Jax could hear Micah humming in satisfaction against the petals of her labia and couldn’t wait for his turn to taste her. Swirling his tongue around her distended nipples, he said, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Watching you shatter in release was perfect, love. You didn’t hold back your responses and that pleases us both very much.” Both he and Micah were well-endowed men and they wanted her relaxed and sated before they slid into her tight sheath. Jax outlined her lips with the tip of his tongue before slamming his mouth over hers and plunging his tongue into her mouth. It was a no holds barred kiss and even though he’d intended to keep things soft and light, his body was consumed with a primal need for her and had simply taken over.

  For the first time in all the years he’d been a Dom, his body’s craving had been greater than his mind’s ability to control it and he lost himself in his exploration of each dip and crevice of her sweet mouth. The softness of her lips and the sweetness of her sighs as he took her by storm were tantamount to throwing gas on a fire. He felt like he’d been plunged into an inferno and the heat was consuming every bit of his restraint. By the time his need for oxygen registered, Jax was breathless. Pulling back from her was sweet torture but he was almost buzzing with anticipation just thinking about finally getting to watch Micah fuck her. “I’m going to enjoy watching your other Master fuck you, Cariña, and then I’m going to finish up this evenings activities by taking you right back up that mountain. And when we reach the top we’ll take that leap together, love.”


  Micah moved over her and watched as Gracie looked up at him. Her expression was a combination of surprise and satisfaction that made him smile. Knowing he’d put that look in her eyes, seeing her eyes so wide—her expression dazed made him want to beat his chest in triumph. He was fairly sure she wasn’t entirely able to focus yet and when she felt the tip of his cock barely brush over her opening, her entire body seemed to come back to the moment. Gracie’s moaned, “Please,” told him the instant she became fully aware of his position. Seeing her honest, open response, and the look of wonder as she tried to center her mind on the sensations bombarding her, was intoxicating to watch. He knew she hadn’t even known what she was asking for, but her sweet, luscious body knew exactly what it needed, and it didn’t seem to mind forging ahead even if her mind wasn’t fully on board yet.

  For the first time in years, Micah felt an emotional connection to the woman beneath him. He’d spent years enjoying the pleasures of sex, but the satisfaction had only been physical. And lately, even that had left him feeling hollow inside. Looking into Gracie’s face, he hoped she would see the difference he was feeling. Every single thing that had happened from the very first moment he’d met Gracie had led them to this moment, to the emotion
that even the most dedicated skeptic could have seen being slowly building between the three of them. The bond that had started forming while they’d been getting to know each other as friends was already stronger than any he’d ever experienced before, and he knew they’d barely scratched the surface.

  Micah had always been content to stay hidden comfortably behind his Dom persona. Letting “Master Micah” be the only side the subs he’d played with ever got to see. There hadn’t been any reason to become emotionally entangled because he’d never wanted to spend more than an hour or two meeting their mutual desires. But everything with Gracie was different. The truth of Dean West’s words continued to float through his mind. The elder West had been dead on—finding the one and feeling it to the depths of his soul was a rush like nothing else he’d ever experienced. God knew Micah was every bit as big an adrenaline junky as every other Special Forces soldier out there. But this? Oh this was definitely a bigger kick than anything he’d ever experienced.

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, Micah focused all of his intention on her and settled just enough of his weight against her that she’d feel his rigid length pressing against her. He wanted her to feel safe in the shelter of his embrace, but to also know he was in control. And the best way he knew to be sure her full attention remained zeroed in on his face was to keep his eyes totally focused on hers. He was close enough that she’d feel his breath brush against her lips when he spoke. “I want you. I want you with an intensity that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The depth of my need for you is so unique that I’m humbled by it.” He held himself still and took a couple of steadying breaths hoping to rein in his almost overwhelming desire to sink into her and fuck her into the mattress. The urge to plunder her was nearly irresistible. “I’m trying to love you slowly, but I’m walking a fine edge here, baby, and I need you to cooperate because I don’t want to hurt you.” Her eyes had gone from lust-filled to desperate. He’d seen more than one sub hurt because bodies took over and their need to “get on with it” smothered any hint of self-preservation. On several occasions, he’d seen subs tear delicate tissues and the results were never pleasant.


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