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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

Page 13

by June Faver

  She reflected on all the events of the day. Shopping for needed items for herself and Gabrielle, and purchasing Christmas presents for her new family members. She had gotten presents for the oldest of Big Jim’s sons, Colton and his wife, even though they seemed to resent her presence. She sighed and closed her eyes. Perhaps they would get over their anger in time.

  A few minutes later, Big Jim crept in to cover the two females with a quilt. He stood for a moment, gazing down at them, so grateful to have them in his life.

  * * *

  Alphonse Benoit poured Courvoisier into a crystal glass. It was his favorite cognac. He always had a case in his home to comfort and relax him. It was a type of rich and complex brandy he was especially fond of.

  “My friend,” he whispered and raised the glass to his lips, letting the fine liquid roll across his taste buds and ease down his throat. Cognac had been served and celebrated at the opening of the Eiffel Tower in 1889. He figured it was worthy of his loyalty.

  With due deliberation, Alphonse set the glass down on the fine oak table beside his high-backed chair by the fireside. One side of his face was warm, but his insides were raging.

  He was livid. He had all of his worthless associates looking for Angelique Guillory and his granddaughter, and none of them had come up with a single clue. He considered all the possibilities, wondering if she was hiding out with a man.

  Yes, she was beautiful, and could probably attract any man with a normal libido. He snorted. She sure sank her teeth into his son, Remy. His son couldn’t see himself with any other female from the time they were in grade school. Now Remy was dead, and Alphonse’s only remaining blood relative was adorable little Gabrielle.

  When Alphonse got his hands on his granddaughter, he would make sure she had the best of everything. No granddaughter of his would ever want for anything.

  He was set on getting custody of Gabrielle no matter the cost. Angelique could give up her rights the easy way, or he was prepared to make her disappear the way he had dealt with his various enemies. He drained his glass and reached to pour another.

  One does not cross Alphonse Benoit.

  * * *

  “Hey, man. What are you up to?” Derrick had called Tyler on his cell.

  “Hey, Derrick. I’m on my way home from Dallas. About fifty miles from home now. What are you up to?”

  There was a long silence while Derrick considered options. “I, uh, I wanted to ask you…”

  “Ask me what, Bro?”

  “How do you feel about me dating Angelique? I mean, do you have a problem with it?”

  “Why would I have a problem with you taking Angelique out?” Tyler made a sound like a bull snorting. “I think the two of you are good together.”

  Derrick sighed. “I thought so too.” He absently scratched Meow’s head, which caused her to jump in his lap and rhythmically knead his thigh.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Tyler said.

  “I screwed up everything with her.” Derrick eased Meow onto the floor, where she hissed at Smokey.

  Tyler chuckled. “Well, you don’t do anything halfway, do you, Bro?”

  “Oh, hell no! When I screw up, I do it right.”

  “C’mon, Derrick. What did you do?”

  “I can’t even say, Bro. Just know that I’m an idiot.” Derrick heaved out a big sigh. “I suddenly got this idea that she’s your sister and Big Jim’s daughter—and maybe you wouldn’t want me getting serious about her.”


  Derrick gazed at the phone. “Yep?”

  “Yep, you’re an idiot.” The sound of Tyler’s laughter sounded through the cell. Then he blew out a deep breath. “Well, whatever asinine thing you’ve done…maybe you can redeem yourself tomorrow night.”

  “What happens tomorrow night?”

  “I will be dancing with my beautiful wife at the Eagles Hall to a live band. In fact, the entire Garrett clan will be there.”

  “The entire…”

  “All of us. Maybe you could find someone to dance with.” Tyler chortled again. “I mean, you’re ugly as sin and have the charm of a buffalo bull, but surely some kind female will take pity on you.”

  Derrick considered the number of people who usually turned out for a live band at the Eagles Hall. He had hoped for a less public venue to make amends…but beggars couldn’t be choosers, so… “Thanks for the heads-up. I might see you there.”

  He hung up feeling a tiny bit less miserable. Perhaps Angelique would be the kind female who took pity on him. He reached down to scratch Smokey’s head. “If I’m lucky.”

  * * *

  Friday night found Derrick feeling antsy. He had polished his boots and wore his favorite western shirt, freshly starched and ironed.

  Yes, he had shaved with care and added a little aftershave, so he smelled as good as he looked.

  Both Meow and Smokey sat still as statues, watching him as he paced around.

  Derrick didn’t want to arrive too early, but he recalled how Angelique had wanted to leave early the last time the Garrett clan invaded the Eagles Hall, so he didn’t want to arrive too late either.

  He finally gutted up and drove toward Langston. On the way he rehearsed various apologies, hoping he got a chance to offer one. It hadn’t snowed in a couple of days, so although the fields on both sides of the highway wore a blanket of snow, the roadway was a clear, black swath cutting through the whiteness.

  Derrick glanced up at the black sky. A lot of stars shining above and the moon was in its waxing gibbous phase, almost full. Another week and it would be full round. As it was, the moonglow lit up the whiteness of the snow, making the countryside look like a black-and-white photo.

  In time, he rolled into Langston, noting that the town itself looked like a Christmas card. All of the local businesses were sporting bright Christmas lights, and the town fathers had seen to it that strands of lights hung from the one stoplight to all four corners of that particular street.

  He arrived at the Eagles Hall, parking in the crowded parking lot across the street. He hiked to the building festooned with holiday lights and a collection of blow-up figures in front. Santa and several of his reindeer greeted passersby.

  Derrick stamped the slush off his newly polished boots, loped up the steps, and paid his way inside.

  The band had started, and a man with a deep voice was crooning to a two-step rhythm.

  Derrick edged his way around the room, keeping his eyes open for any member of the Garrett family.

  He saw Beau Garrett on the dance floor, twirling around with his wife. Her red hair made them easy to spot.

  He spotted Leah’s daughter, Gracie, sitting beside Big Jim Garrett himself. Big Jim was rocking his young grandson in some kind of baby carrier. He appeared to be totally rapt, gazing with a loving expression at the one-year-old.

  Derrick swallowed hard. Seeing the patriarch of the Garrett clan in what appeared to be a vulnerable moment made him seem far less formidable.

  Standing on the sidelines, out of sight, Derrick searched the crowd for Angelique, but he didn’t see her at the table. Maybe she was dancing? Or perhaps she had gone to the ladies’ room.

  He loitered in the shadows, but couldn’t find Angelique. Finally, he saw Tyler and Leah on the dance floor. Derrick edged around to the opposite side of the room, and when they came near, he stepped forward enough to give a wave. When the song was over, they came to him.

  “Hey, Derrick,” Tyler said. “I lied to you, bud.”

  Derrick frowned. “Lied to me?”

  Tyler shook his head. “Yeah. No Angelique. She decided not to come with the rest of the family.”

  Disappointment must have shown on his face, because Leah gave him a hug. “She didn’t know you would be here. She told Big Jim she had a headache and wanted to go to bed early.”

sp; Derrick felt a little better. At least she hadn’t stayed away because he would be there. “Thanks. I guess I’ll have to find another way to contact her.”

  “Um, you could give her a call, or is that too pushy?”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  Leah looked to Tyler for affirmation. “We could invite her over for dinner, and you could visit with her at our house.”

  “No, I wouldn’t want to put you two on the spot.” Derrick tried not to show his emotions. “I’ll figure out a way to apologize to her. You folks enjoy the dance.”

  He gave a little shrug, trying to make it appear it was no big deal, and left the hall. The music could be heard outside but muted as he stepped down into the slush. Dark skies overhead. Derrick slogged to his truck and climbed inside, sitting for a moment while he decided what to do next.

  Chapter 11

  Angelique had put Gabrielle to bed but couldn’t sleep herself. She was restless and a bit sad. It seemed that the Garretts had a routine of sorts. They liked to go to the Eagles Hall on Friday nights for hamburgers and dancing.

  She had loved dancing in Derrick’s arms. He was probably at the Eagles Hall right now, holding some other lucky woman in his arms. Maybe he would kiss her. Maybe he would take her to his bed. Especially if she didn’t have a father Derrick feared.

  Was this charming rural community no better than New Orleans? Were there evil men who preyed upon others? Fearsome men who ruled the community, the mention of whose name sent a shiver down the spine of anyone within hearing distance.

  Angelique had claimed to be too tired to go dancing with the rest of the family, but in truth, she was anything but tired. Antsy was her best description. She turned on the television, but couldn’t seem to follow the story line of any program.

  She turned off the TV and went to the kitchen. The refrigerator was a tribute to all of Big Jim’s grandchildren. There was a photo of Gabrielle, as well as Gracie and JT and the grinning little redheaded girl, Ava, daughter of his youngest son and his wife. Altogether a very attractive array.

  Angelique was grateful that her precious daughter was among the dearly loved grandchildren of Big Jim Garrett. She supposed this gave her child some protection from her other grandfather, Alphonse Benoit. Not that Gabrielle would have anything to fear from grandfather dearest. It’s just that her life would be twisted to suit the Benoit way of life.

  “No!” she said aloud. Her voice was way too loud in the otherwise empty house. She thought about making coffee or some cocoa, but figured she would not be able to sleep. She turned most of the lights off, leaving enough for Big Jim to find his way into the house.

  As she headed for the bedroom, she tried to appreciate how lucky she was to have found her real father and that he accepted her without question. She was also grateful for Tyler and Leah, whose acceptance warmed her heart. It was only Colton who refused to admit that she might be his half-sister. He was so angry. She was pretty sure he would never think of her as deserving to be a Garrett.

  She made sure the outside light was on to welcome Big Jim home, and started to go to her room…but there was a truck sitting outside.

  Angelique’s stomach twisted in a knot. It was Derrick’s truck.

  What was he doing there? What right did he have to hover around in the shadows?

  She pulled the drapes aside, angry that he was haunting her. She didn’t care if he saw her. She wanted him to know she wasn’t hiding from him.

  “Oh, no!” He was getting out of the truck and trudging up to the house. Did he have the gall to think she was inviting him in?

  He climbed up onto the porch and stood outside the door, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his jacket.

  Her stomach was churning. Why doesn’t he knock? Her jaw tightened, and she threw the front door open. “What do you want?”

  He stood silently, gazing at her. “I want to apologize to you.”

  She blinked rapidly to keep tears at bay. “You don’t need to apologize for anything. Just leave us alone.”

  He took a step back. “I can understand how you feel. I was a complete ass.” He shook his head. “It was a guy thing. I’m sorry.” He started to turn away.

  “What are you talking about?” she huffed.

  He turned back. “It’s an unwritten rule. Guys don’t jump on their best friend’s sisters. I had a moment of doubt.” He shrugged. “I grew up with the Garrett boys. We were all male, and suddenly there’s this gorgeous woman and I’m reacting to you…” His voice trailed off. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.” He turned back, as if ready to depart. He stepped down off the porch.

  “Wait!” Her voice wavered.

  And there was this man, standing in the moonlight, gazing at her with pain in his eyes.

  “Wait… I don’t want you to leave.” She opened the door a little wider. “Please come inside. I’m getting chilled.” A hopeful little smile touched her lips.

  Derrick strode back up onto the porch and took her in his arms, delivering a kiss that warmed her all the way to her toes.

  “If I go into the house, I’m going to be all over you, and the Garretts may be on their way home right now.” He gave her a sweet kiss this time. “I’m going to ask you to go on a date with me tomorrow night. I’m going to do my best to seduce you in style, so be forewarned.”

  Angelique couldn’t suppress a giggle.

  “But it will be in my home, where we won’t be disturbed. I want to be with you, Angelique.” He brushed his fingertips across her cheek. “I want to show you how much I care for you.”

  “I, uh, I care for you too.” Angelique’s heart was trying to beat its way out of her chest.

  “I’ll pick you up about six, if that’s okay.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded, seemingly unable to form words. Tomorrow at six.

  * * *

  “I been to New Orleans once.” Leah’s grandmother was scurrying around the kitchen. “It was a high time.”

  Angelique had been helping Leah sort her clean laundry. It was an excuse for her and Gabrielle to be out of Big Jim’s house when Derrick came to call. She didn’t want to ask Big Jim to babysit while she was having her way with the hot and handsome sheriff.

  She was extremely grateful that Leah was willing to be her coconspirator in this crime of passion. Or perhaps it was a crime of omission. No, that was sin of omission. Whatever, Angelique couldn’t keep the grin off her face.

  She tried to keep her focus on sorting the socks, those belonging to all members of the family. Tyler’s were easy to spot, but Leah’s and Gracie’s looked much the same, just a slight difference in size. Of course, Fern’s were plain and JT’s were tiny. Sorting and rolling the socks kept Angelique from pacing the floor and looking out the window.

  “When were you in New Orleans, Gran?” Leah asked.

  “It was when me an’ my sweetie was first married.” Fern turned to the two women folding clean clothes. “It wasn’t exactly a honeymoon, but it was purty soon after we was husbin an’ wife.”

  “What did you do in New Orleans, Miz Fern?” Angelique asked.

  “We had a fine time,” Fern said, slapping her hand against her hip. “Me an’ my honey went dancin’ every night…an’ the food was sumpin’ else. I musta ate my whole weight in shrimp. It was dee-licious.”

  “Really? You liked Cajun cooking, Miz Fern?” Angelique thought she might have an opportunity to cook something and be appreciated.

  “Oh, sure did. ’Course, I was a lot younger then, an’ I could stand all that spicy stuff.” Fern placed her hand on her chest. “Now, when I eat somethin’ like that, I get all upset an’ gassy.” She shook her head. “Most likely, nothin’ like that is gonna cross my lips again.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Angelique was disappointed, but hoped that Derrick would be her best customer.

  “Looky what I found,”
Fern said. She held up two tiny wooden figures. “Bet you ain’t seen them since you was a lil’ bitty girl.”

  Leah broke into a wide grin. “Oh my! I thought those were lost.”

  “They was, but I found ’em.” Fern chortled in delight before handing the small figures to Leah.

  Leah’s eyes filled with tears and spilled down her cheeks. “I love them so much.” She turned to show Angelique. “My grandpa made these for me the first time I got to spend Christmas with them. He carved a complete set of nativity figures for me. This is Mary, and this is one of the Magi. See the turban on his head?”

  Angelique examined the small carved item. It was only about four inches high, including the aforementioned turban. “This is lovely,” she said.

  “He painted them all himself.” Leah’s voice had a tremor. “I loved him so much.”

  “Yep.” Fern’s face crinkled into a wide grin. “Yore grampa was a fine man.”

  “Did you find all of the pieces, Gran?”

  “Shore did. I thought mebbe you kin share them with Gracie and lil’ JT.”

  Leah did a little bounce up and down accompanied by a squeal of joy. “Oh, I can’t wait to show Gracie. This set will be something I will be handing down to her.”

  Angelique bit her lower lip, wondering what she would be able to hand down to her own daughter.

  * * *

  “It’s unusual to find you by yourself, Dad.” Colton was helping his father repair the door to one of the horse stalls in the stable.

  Big Jim didn’t reply, but drilled a hole for the new hinge to be installed. He was squatted down while Colt held the door in place.

  Colt cleared his throat. “I mean, where is…Angelique? She’s usually right there, sitting in the house where you and Mom raised me and my brothers.” He heard the bitterness in his own voice.

  Big Jim held two screws clamped between his lips, which appeared to be clenched especially tight. He glowered up at his oldest son, a furrow between his fierce brows. He spat the screws into his palm.


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