The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 26

by June Faver

  She knew if she left now, she would never find another place so secure, so loving. Her heart sank as she thought about how Big Jim would feel if she disappeared.

  Then there was Derrick. She would hurt him if she left. And she would never find a man like him again. She realized her mother had the best man she had ever known and that he would have married her if she had returned to him…but no, she had ended up as girlfriend to a monster.

  She struggled to rise from the chair without waking Gabrielle and placed her in her bed.

  Angelique looked around the room. It was so cozy. She had settled in like a bird on its nest.

  She had enjoyed spending time at Derrick’s ranch house where she had free rein in the kitchen, loving that Derrick had appreciated her cooking, a task she loved.

  Oh, Derrick. I love you so much. How can I leave you? A shiver coiled around her spine.

  Angelique decided to take some of their possessions to the car. It wouldn’t hurt to be prepared to go on the lam. She took her mother’s jewel case and a small bag with some of her clothing and tiptoed out of the room. She hadn’t taken the time to put on her jacket, reasoning that she was only going to run out to her car and back into the house. Somehow, having something ready to go gave her a little confidence. She opened the door and crossed the porch, sucking in a breath when she realized how frigid it was. Big Jim had said the temperature would be going down that night, but she had never experienced anything that cold. Resolutely, she stepped down off the porch, gasping when the snow surrounded her ankle. Must go on. She plodded to her car and stowed the items on the floorboard behind the driver’s seat.

  She glanced up at the moon, bright white against a black and starry sky. She had never seen skies like this. Living in the city, with lights shining all night long, she could see the moon, but very few stars. This was a whole different sky, maybe a whole different planet.

  A few more loads and then all she would have to do would be to secure Gabrielle in her safety seat and she could leave at a moment’s notice.

  She closed the door and turned, running smack into a solid wall of something with arms that grabbed her.

  “Angelique, be careful.”

  She found herself in Derrick Shelton’s strong arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to protect you, and I hope I can talk you out of leaving me.”

  She let out a little whimper. “Oh, Derrick. I’m so scared. I don’t want to go, but I think I have to.”

  “No, you don’t.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her back up onto the porch and into the house before setting her on her very cold feet. The warmth that greeted her was like an embrace.

  She took his hand and pulled him toward the kitchen area, as far away from the bedrooms as possible. “I know you can’t possibly understand…”

  “I’ll tell you what I can’t understand.” He gazed down at her. “I can’t understand how you can leave me when you know how much I love you. We can fix this.”

  She shook her head. “No, we can’t. You have no idea how evil this man is…or how powerful. He wants my daughter because she is his only living blood relative.”

  “But she’s your daughter. He has no right to her.”

  Angelique let out a snort. “He doesn’t care. He takes what he wants and kills anyone who gets in his way.” She gazed up into Derrick’s kind eyes. “You have no idea how cruel this man is, and he’s after me. I thought I could disappear and be a part of this wonderful family…a part of this sweet town…and…” She swallowed hard. “I had hoped that you and I could…”

  “We can. I want to marry you, Angelique. I want to spend my life with you and Gabrielle. Maybe a few more kids along the way.”

  “Oh, Derrick. What a time to propose.”

  “Well, I could have picked a more romantic place, but you haven’t given me much choice.”

  They glared at each other for a moment, and then she was in his arms kissing him and trying not to cry.

  A bubble of joy rose in her chest, and…could it be hope?

  “I do not intend to let you get away from me. I will protect you from this man who is after you.”

  She had both arms wrapped around his neck, and her feet were dangling off the floor. He felt so big and powerful to her now, but she knew how much power true evil could wield. “Please don’t try to save me. If Benoit would kill his own son, think what he would do to you.”

  Derrick loosened her arms and stepped far enough away to frown at her. “Angelique, I’m not that easy to kill. I’m the sheriff for this county, and I’ve faced off with some pretty tough felons.” He laid a sweet kiss on her lips. “Trust me, this Benoit fellow will have to go through me to get to you.”

  “And me.” This was the deep voice of Big Jim Garrett, leaning in the doorway to the kitchen. “Angelique, honey, if you think I’m going to wave goodbye while you disappear, you’ve got another think coming.” He came into the room and took a seat at the counter. “You and Gabrielle are a part of this family, now and forever. Don’t you forget that.” He raked his fingers through his silvery mane. “I just found you and I’m not about to lose you, y’hear?”

  Angelique swallowed the taste of her tears. “Yes, Dad.”

  “So, honey… Did you say yes to this yahoo’s proposal?”

  She sucked in a breath and heaved it out again. “Why don’t we see if I live through this before we make any long-range plans?”

  Big Jim’s fierce brows drew together. “Dammit, Angelique. We’re gonna get through this, as a family. This here’s the sheriff, and you ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  * * *

  Beau Garrett cleared the breakfast dishes and rinsed them off before he lined them up in the dishwasher. It was the least he could do to… Well, he also walked his wife out to her vehicle and kissed her goodbye before he passed her the lunch he had made for her. “Stay warm, baby.”

  “I will.” She made a kissy face and closed the car door.

  He waved as she drove away, then made it back onto the porch to stamp the snow off his boots.

  “Can I have some more cocoa, Daddy?” Ava still sat at the table.

  “Sure, Ava. Let me heat up some milk.” He opened a mason jar of the homemade cocoa mix his sister-in-law made. He stepped over Bertram, the large rabbit that now lived inside the house with his mate, Anastasia. He hoped that in the spring they would like to go outside to the hutch he and his dad had built for them.

  These large rabbits were bigger than the average house cat, but Bertram was black and very shiny, and sometimes it was difficult to see him before he darted out in front of you…and then came to a dead stop.

  Beau sighed and poured the hot milk over the cocoa mix in a deep mug and then tossed in some mini marshmallows. It was probably not a good idea to start the day with a sugar high, but he couldn’t resist his daughter’s grin when he plunked the mug down in front of her.

  “I wonder what Santa Claus is going to bring my favorite girl?” He sat across from her at the table.

  “Me, or Mommy?” she asked.

  Beau nodded his head wisely. “Good question. You’re my favorite daughter and your mommy is my favorite wife.”

  Big blue eyes regarded him. “Oh, Daddy. You’re so silly.”

  “Hey, you’re getting to be such a big girl… I hope Santa knows what you would really like to find under the tree. Did you send him a letter?”

  “No, but I told Gramma. She said she would tell him.”

  Beau was not a fan of Dixie’s mother, the woman who had lied her butt off to keep them apart. Now, they operated on a cold war basis. She lived in Dallas and as a family they visited her a few times each year. She drove up for visits, but Christmas was always a Garrett thing.

  She could have other holidays, but Christmas had to take place on the ranch, at the church, and with the Garret

  Now Beau had to wonder what secrets she had divined from his daughter. He exhaled, letting all his negative feelings go. Or that was what Dixie would tell him he was doing. In his heart, he wanted to give his daughter the best gift, but he had to reason that was ridiculous. He should be glad that someone was showering Ava with presents. If his own dad were to give Ava her heart’s desire, he would not feel this sense of being put upon. Her grandmother had as much right to dote on her as her grandfather.

  Beau sucked in another deep breath and let it out slowly. Inhale…exhale…

  Chapter 22

  “Um, Mistah Benoit! I wasn’t expectin’ you.” Cormier’s usual pallor had gone ashy. He had intended to be on his way back to his office after a long lunch with a lady friend, but he hadn’t expected to find Alphonse Benoit waiting in his official police vehicle.

  “Surprise,” Benoit said. “It’s Friday.”

  “Um—what is it I can do for you, Mistah Benoit?”

  “It’s interesting that you are far more polite when we meet in person.” Benoit was looking smug, as though he knew something he wasn’t sharing.

  “I’m so very sorry if I ain’t been polite in our phone talks.” Cormier placed his hand over his heart.

  “Well, it depends on what you have to tell me.”

  “What I got to tell you? Well, uh…” Cormier cast about for something plausible to share with this monster. “Um, y’know I told you ’bout that sheriff up in north Texas? He called this mornin’ to let me know he got her in his jail…jus’ waitin’ for me to go git her an’ bring her to justice.”

  Benoit’s brows drew together. “And where is this place in north Texas? Do you have a precise location?”

  “Why, o’ course I do. I wouldn’ never let you down.”

  Benoit glared at him, causing a shiver to coil around his spine.

  “Well, it’s a lil’ town called Langston. Jus’ a bunch o’ hicks up there.”

  Benoit heaved a loud sigh. “And can you tell me why a New Orleans woman with no ties would uproot her child and end up in some hick town in Texas, of all places? She’s a city girl. Always has been and always will be.”

  Cormier shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Maybe you don’ know everythin’ about this Angelique Guillory woman. Maybe she got friends you don’ know nothin’ about.” He hoped he carried it off. “Maybe she done met some man in one of them chat rooms. You know, a love hookup.”

  Benoit’s face went from red to a deep burgundy. “That’s impossible. She and my son were…” He broke off and reached for the door handle. “If you’re lying to me, you will live to regret it…for a short time. You understand me?”

  “Oh, yessir, Mistah Benoit. I got the big picture.”

  Benoit got out of the car and slammed the door, leaving Cormier shaken. He vowed that he would be prepared at all times, and the next time he laid eyes on Benoit, he would get rid of the man responsible for so much that was wrong in the Big Easy.

  * * *

  When Big Jim went out to tend to his horses, he was pleased that Colt was already there. The horses were prancing around in the corral, tossing their heads and circling the enclosure.

  Colt had shoveled out the stalls and was in the process of sweeping them out with a large push broom.

  “Hi, Son. You got an early start today.”

  “I did. Misty had to go into the office to meet Breckenridge Ryan to sign off on some things. And then he was leaving for a court date in Amarillo, so I got up and out with her.”

  “And where is that rascal Mark?” Big Jim began to mete out the feed in the different stalls.

  “He went with Misty.”

  Big Jim decided it was only fair to share Angelique’s situation with his oldest son. He related everything he knew about the danger posed to both his daughter and granddaughter. “I can’t let someone get to the girls.”

  Colt’s brow was knit almost as tight as Big Jim’s own. “So, what’s the plan, Dad?”

  “Well, Derrick is going to be here as much as he can. And we gotta keep our eyes open and be ready to protect her.”

  “This is some kind of crime boss from New Orleans? I can’t believe he would track her down all the way here.”

  Big Jim shook his head. “Apparently this man is sorta nuts. She said he killed his own son, who was Gabrielle’s father. What kind of man would do that?”

  Colt’s expression was grim. “Be sure to tell Tyler. We need to make certain our own families are safe.”

  “I was thinking we could close up the gate. I can’t recall the last time I closed it. Make sure everyone has the code.”

  “Good idea, Dad. This place is pretty much off the beaten track.” Colt shrugged. “We can’t take any chances.”

  Big Jim’s jaw twitched. “Looks like I’m gonna be armed and dangerous until this is settled.”

  Colt gave his dad a hard gaze. “Me too.”

  * * *

  Leah and her grandmother heard the news that Tyler shared with them. “I can’t believe that she has gone through all that. Poor woman.”

  “That’s what Dad told me. Apparently this crazy old guy killed his own son, and now he’s after Angelique. He wants to take her daughter.”

  Leah sucked in a sharp breath. “We can’t let that happen. Losing Gabrielle would kill Angelique. We have to protect her.”

  Tyler folded her in his arms. “Of course we do. Derrick has holed up at Dad’s, so he’s on guard. Dad and Colt are on alert too.”

  Leah nodded, her hair making a scrunching noise against his starched shirt. “Just let us get past this. I was hoping we could have a really good Christmas. You know, make it special for Angelique. I don’t think she’s had a lot of happy holidays.”

  Fern cast a doubtful glance at them. “That lil’ Angelique…she been through enough bad times ta last a lifetime.”

  “She has, but now she’s here with us.” Leah stopped, not sure what more to say. “How can I help?”

  “Angelique and Gabrielle are going to stay inside at Big Jim’s until this maniac is brought down.” Tyler spread his hands and made a circle around their kitchen. “We’re all very well stocked. We can hole up here and not be running around like human targets. In addition to Angelique and Gabrielle, we have our own children to think of. We have to protect everyone in our family.”

  “I know you’re right. I can work on decorating for Christmas and cooking with Gran and Gracie.” Leah managed a little smile. “We can stay busy and keep our attitudes positive. We will get through this.”

  “Together,” Fern said.

  “Together,” Tyler echoed.

  * * *

  Alphonse drove all the way to Texas. He didn’t trust any of his henchmen to do the job. He figured he could be less noticeable than any of his employees.

  Besides, he would not trust any of those idiots with his precious Gabrielle.

  The drive was long and boring. He had thought about flying to Dallas and renting a car, but that would leave a trail that might be tracked back to him. Better to slip out of New Orleans in the middle of the night and drive straight through.

  It was bitter cold and there was snow on both sides of the roadway, but the roads had been cleared and it was dry, a far cry from the humidity of his hometown.

  It was midmorning when he rolled into the small town of Langston. He drove from one end to the other, but couldn’t see anything that would cause a girl like Angelique Guillory to want to settle in. There was no industry. No malls. No fancy restaurants.

  How would she make a living? Maybe she had some savings.

  He drove past a couple of restaurants, and there was one lawyer’s office with a closed sign in the window. No reason for a lawyer to be hanging around his office on a Saturday in this one-horse town.

  Finally Alphonse located the sheriff�
��s office on a side street and drove past it a couple of times before parking across the street and down about a half block. He didn’t especially want to advertise his Louisiana license plates.

  There was no one coming or going into the sheriff’s office. Finally, he stepped out and walked briskly across the street to see if he could find out if this sheriff did indeed have Angelique Guillory locked up.

  If so, maybe she would be glad to see him…


  As if she would ever welcome his presence. He was Remy’s father, damn it. Gabrielle’s grandfather. He deserved some respect.

  But he knew she would never allow him to have access to his granddaughter. He had to take matters into his own hands.

  Resolutely, he opened the door to the sheriff’s office and stepped inside. He was greeted by a blast of heat from a gas heater in the middle of the room. There were two uniformed men seated at two desks. One was working on his computer, while the other was poking at his phone.

  He approached the one on the computer. “Pardon me, young man.”

  The deputy pushed away from the desk. “Yes, sir. How can I help you?”

  “I understand you have a young woman being held here in your jail. I want to make her bail.”

  The deputy cocked his head to one side. “No, sir. You are mistaken. We don’t have anyone in our jail at this time.” He regarded Benoit stonily.

  Alphonse Benoit felt his face flush. He could hardly breathe. He was definitely going to kill Cormier. That bastard had sent him on a wild-goose chase.

  He stepped back from the desk, his fists clenched.

  “Sorry you were misinformed, sir.” The deputy looked as though he was anxious to get back to work.

  “I don’t suppose you’ve seen this girl?” He displayed a photo on his phone of Angelique with Remy, taken at a time before Gabrielle was born.

  The young man glanced up at it and then looked back at the computer screen. “Um, no, sir. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her.”

  “Sorry to have bothered you.” Alphonse turned to the other deputy but he was gone. Alphonse left the building, rage building in his chest. He would definitely make sure Cormier suffered for his lies. He would beg for death.


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