The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 27

by June Faver

  Now Alphonse was far from home and had no reason to stay here in this cruddy little excuse for a town. Snow and slush everywhere. He was tired and cold, but didn’t want to stay over to rest.

  He had not seen any hotels or motels anyway. Probably no one ever came here without good reason. He stepped off into the slushy street, intending to return to his car, but he spied the other deputy. Apparently he had stepped outside to smoke and had taken refuge on the far side of the building, away from the wind.

  The deputy had ruddy cheeks from the cold, and he was breathing through his mouth.

  “Say, young man. Can you take a look at this for me?” He produced the image of Angelique and Remy again.

  The deputy took the phone out of his hand and tilted it away from the glare. “Why, sure. I don’t know this girl but I’ve seen her. She’s the sheriff’s girlfriend.” The deputy returned the phone and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.

  Alphonse swallowed hard. It felt as though a tight band had wrapped around his chest, keeping him from drawing a full breath. “I don’t suppose you know where she might be?” He managed a benevolent smile. “She’s my…uh…my niece.”

  “Oh, well…I believe she’s staying with the Garretts. I saw them all together in church last Sunday.” He nodded and went back inside the office.

  A coldness gathered in Alphonse’s chest. So she had taken up with another man now. Some yokel had already taken Remy’s place in her affections. He felt rage that she would thrust aside her supposedly loving relationship so soon after Remy’s death.

  Well, in truth she had waited over a year. It was probably when Sofie died that she thought she might lose Gabrielle to him…

  Stupid girl! She couldn’t understand the advantages he could give the child. Now it had come to this. He must find Gabrielle and return her to New Orleans where she would grow up as a princess.

  In fact, if Remy had never gotten involved with Angelique, he would still be alive. He would have followed in his father’s footsteps instead of trying to be a chef. What a sissy occupation for a man!

  Alphonse returned to his car. So, she’s here in Hicksville.

  All he needed to do was find her and make her give him Gabrielle. If she turned the girl over, he might let Angelique live.

  * * *

  Derrick and the Garretts had a plan. Angelique and Gabrielle would remain embedded with the Garrett family until this Alphonse Benoit was apprehended. Derrick wasn’t sure what he could charge him with, but at least he could get him held for stalking and threats. Derrick had looked up his record, and there were a lot of near-misses. But Benoit was out of his element here. He didn’t own anyone in Langston, and Derrick didn’t think anyone would go against Big Jim Garrett.

  Derrick had taken a few days’ worth of clothes and Smokey and Meow over to the Garrett compound. He would stay in the bedroom that had belonged to Tyler, the first son to move out.

  Smokey was interested in the house bunnies, but was on his best behavior. Meow had to be sequestered until she could be seen to be trusted with the bunnies.

  Now that the front gate was secured, there was less chance that someone would be able to invade the homestead. Of course, a band of goons could wrench the gate open or drive a heavy vehicle through it, but that would instigate an all-out siege.

  The Garretts had plenty of arms and ammo. They were hunters and enjoyed target shooting as well. But Derrick hoped he would be able to apprehend this Benoit without bloodshed.

  The Garrett family had made the decision to go to church. It was Sunday, and they always attended church together.

  Derrick would have preferred that they all stay under wraps, but understood their reasoning. Surely with him and the four big Garrett men to protect her, Angelique could go to church the Sunday before Christmas.

  He left his truck at the Garrett ranch and rode with Big Jim, the two men in the front with Angelique and Gabrielle in the back seat. Big Jim’s truck had a double gun rack in the back window, and Derrick knew the rifle and shotgun were loaded.

  He himself was armed, which was not the way he had ever considered going to church. His .45 automatic was tucked in a holster at the back of his waist and his jacket covered it. No reason to alarm the churchgoers. Just the sheriff and the Garretts attending church services as usual.

  When they arrived at the church, Big Jim parked right in front, with Colt, Tyler, and Beau pulling in to flank his truck on both sides. Together, they got out and assisted their wives and children to the sidewalk.

  Derrick was looking around, checking out the street in both directions.

  The church was decorated with garlands and lights, which were turned on at night.

  Other families were arriving. People got out and greeted them, just the way it usually happened. Derrick carried Gabrielle and shepherded Angelique with his arm around her. Big Jim was close on the other side. They entered the church as a tight unit.

  Once inside the very lavishly decorated interior, Derrick felt a little more secure. Tyler and Leah entered behind them with their brood, and Beau behind them with Dixie and Ava. They moved into the central part of the church, going to the pew they usually commandeered every Sunday. Right side, third row from the front was officially Garrett property.

  Beau led the way with his family, and Big Jim was next. Derrick ushered Angelique in next to her father and followed her, feeling that she would be safe ensconced between the two of them. Leah and her grandmother were next with Gracie in between her and Tyler. Then Misty, Mark, and Colt flanked the outside of the pew.

  Derrick kept glancing around. No problems he could detect. Just the regular local congregation. People he had known all his life.

  “I wanna go to Sunday school,” Ava said.

  “Yeah, me too, Mom.” Gracie stood up. “I can take Ava.”

  Leah glanced at Tyler. “I don’t think JT will make it through the entire service. I better take him to the nursery. His nursery school teacher is so sweet.”

  Tyler turned to Derrick. “What do you think?”

  Derrick shrugged. “Let me check it out.” He stood, and when he did. Angelique stood to follow him. He carried Gabrielle, intending to check the exits at the back of the church.

  The strange procession made their way to the rooms at the rear of the building, to the Sunday school and nursery. Everything was clean and bright. Other parents were delivering children to Sunday school classes. People were talking and calling to each other. Children were laughing. It was a good noise, allaying some of the fear in Derrick’s gut.

  Normal Sunday. Just another normal Sunday.

  “I think it will be okay to let Gabrielle play, don’t you?” Angelique gazed at him with her beautiful eyes.

  Gabrielle was squirming in his arms. “I go play now.” She pointed to the door.

  Derrick wasn’t sure this was the best course of action, preferring that they all stay together. But Gabrielle wanted to go to the nursery school, and who was he to keep her from playing with other kids her age? “I guess so.” He passed her to Angelique and went to check the exits while she took her daughter.

  He checked the two fire exits and both were locked, but a wide brass bar could be used to push outside in case of a fire. He tested to make sure the exits were both secured, and then returned to Gabrielle and Angelique, happy to see Angelique and the teacher peeling the little girl out of her warm insulated jacket and knit cap.

  There were other children in the room and two nursery-school teachers.

  “Be a good girl for Mommy.” Angelique kissed Gabrielle on the cheek and joined Derrick at the doorway.

  They stood watching her as she approached another child, her face aglow.

  “Let’s go back to the family,” he said. “Big Jim is probably chewing nails.”

  There were more people coming down the hallway toward them, so they thre
aded their way through to the main part of the church and into the Garrett pew.

  Angelique held hands with Big Jim. She looked okay to Derrick, as though she wasn’t afraid. The church filled with congregants and, in time, the organist took a seat at her instrument and the choir assembled, climbing onto the dais where their chairs were aligned in two rows on one side.

  The minister entered from the back and took his place at the podium. Derrick checked out the leaflet and reached for the hymnal to look up the first song. It was an old favorite for the Christmas season, “What Child Is This?” Derrick settled back in the seat and slid his arm around Angelique’s shoulders.

  The service went on as expected. Derrick was on alert, although everything seemed to be secure. More Christmas hymns and prayers for the congregation, for those who were ill, for special needs, for those serving the military…and finally the service ended with the congregation greeting each other. Hands were shaken. Hugs were shared. People began gathering their things and moving to the aisles.

  Derrick and Angelique headed for the nursery, moving against the current of individuals hoping to get home quickly. He was aware that Leah and Tyler were following them and maybe some more Garretts.

  When they turned down the hall with the nursery, they heard a scream, and a large, burly man exited one of the rooms.

  Angelique screamed. “No! It’s Benoit. He’s got my daughter.”

  To his horror, Derrick realized the man was carrying Gabrielle, and he had a handgun. He pushed Angelique against the wall. “Stay here!”

  The man gazed at Angelique and raised his weapon, but Colton Garrett stepped in front of her just as Benoit fired his gun. Colt was thrown backward but remained on his feet, his big form shielding Angelique.

  Tyler called Colt’s name and reached to support him, as Derrick charged at Benoit.

  Benoit ran toward the exit, bashing through the fire door with his shoulder, while Gabrielle screamed, “Mommy! Mommy!”

  Derrick did not draw his firearm, not wanting to take the chance of harming Gabrielle, but he pushed through the fire door in pursuit of the man attempting to kidnap her.

  Benoit fired again, hitting the doorframe close to Derrick’s head. He jerked back, but immediately ran at Benoit who held Gabrielle in front of him as a shield.

  “Alphonse, please don’t hurt her.” It was Angelique, who had followed Derrick out the door.

  As Benoit aimed his gun at Angelique again, Derrick rushed him, grabbing his gun hand and taking him to the ground. As he hit the hard-packed earth, Benoit expelled a loud breath and released Gabrielle. She rolled away, and Angelique ran to scoop up her howling child.

  Derrick knocked the gun away and flipped Benoit on his stomach. He didn’t have his cuffs with him, but he had brought plastic zip ties, thinking they might be less distracting during church services.

  “Get off of me, you oaf!” Benoit was red-faced and yelling. “I’ll kill you, hillbilly.”

  Derrick planted his knee in the middle of Benoit’s back and informed him of his Miranda rights while tightening the ties. “No, you are under arrest and won’t be killing anyone.”

  “You don’t know who I am. I’ll kill you.”

  Derrick called for a couple of deputies to pick up the prisoner and an ambulance for Colt. The deputy arrived almost immediately and hauled Benoit to the county jail in Amarillo.

  Angelique held Gabrielle clasped to her chest as the little girl bawled. Derrick shepherded them inside, out of the wind. Colt was sitting on the floor against the wall with Doctor Camryn Ryan squatting beside him. She held a towel to his shoulder, and he looked remarkably pale for a big, robust man.

  Colt raised his hand when he saw Angelique and Gabrielle. “Thank God!”

  Angelique knelt down beside him. “Colt, I can’t believe you stepped in front of me.”

  Cami Ryan made a scoffing sound. “Well, if he hadn’t, you would probably be dead. The height of the wound would have been about the same level as your head. That man was shooting to kill you.”

  Angelique emitted a soft moan. “He meant to kill me and take Gabrielle. Thank you so much for saving me, Colton.”

  Colt gave her a one-sided grin. “Aw, I couldn’t lose my only sister, could I?”

  Derrick reached down to give Colt a handclasp. “Good job, man.”

  “I’m going to send you to the hospital in Amarillo by helicopter. The bullet missed all vital organs. It went through this nice meaty shoulder and embedded in the wall behind you, but you’re going to need some of my fancy needlework.”

  Misty knelt beside Colt with Mark huddled nearby. “Can I go with him?”

  “You can ride with me,” Cami said. “I’ll be driving right to the hospital.”

  Misty nodded. “Thanks. Big Jim, will you take Mark back to the ranch?”

  “Misty, we’re all going to the hospital in Amarillo.” Tyler stood by Big Jim, leaning against the opposite wall.

  “That’s right,” Big Jim said. “I can’t just sit at home when my boy has been injured by a bullet in his shoulder.”

  Derrick raised both hands. “Why don’t I take Mark back to the ranch with Angelique and Gabrielle? Leah, how about you and your kids?”

  “Tyler is dropping us at our house on his way to Amarillo.” She stood, clutching JT to her chest, with her grandmother and Gracie beside her. “So it will be all the Garrett men in Amarillo tonight.”

  Cami looked around the group assembled in the hallway. “Colton is not dying. The bullet sliced a groove in his shoulder. It needs to be tended. No vital organs involved. He’s going to have a nice scar to brag about, but he’s going to bounce back in no time.”

  “Will I be home for Christmas?” Colt inquired.

  Cami grinned at him. “I guarantee it, if you mind your doctor.”

  Chapter 23

  Angelique opened the ranch-house front door with Mark and Derrick right behind her. “Brrr… Come in and get warmed up.”

  Derrick carried Gabrielle, bundled up in her quilted jacket. After her day of fright and screaming, she was worn out. They all trooped to the kitchen, where they peeled her out of her outer garments and Derrick carried her to her bed, with Angelique at his side.

  She arranged her daughter and stood beside the bed, feeling drained.

  “She’s a beautiful little girl,” Derrick said. He put his hand on Angelique’s shoulder.

  This simple gesture gave Angelique the invitation to embrace him with both arms. She was shaking. “I feel so bad about Colton getting shot. He was the one who didn’t accept me when I first arrived, and now he laid down his life to save me.”

  “Trust me. You couldn’t have a better champion. You’re a Garrett, and the Garretts stand together. They’ve been through some tough times.”

  “I can’t believe that I lived through this horrible day. Thank you for getting Alphonse before he killed me.”

  “Honey, I would never have let him get to you, but I thought we were safe in church. Benoit is going away for a long time.”

  Angelique pulled away, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “You don’t know him. He has connections all over. I can’t relax until he’s been convicted.”

  He cupped her cheek with one hand. “Shooting a Garrett around here is a pretty big deal. No juror is going to let him walk.”

  “We’ll see.” But his words gave her comfort. Could this be the time Alphonse Benoit actually received the justice he deserved? No telling how many of the bodies of his enemies would never be found.

  When they returned to the kitchen, Angelique prepared a simple meal. It always gave her pleasure to cook for others and to see them take pleasure in her efforts.

  Derrick was always easy to please. She decided to start preparations for her bread pudding, which she hoped would be a part of the Garrett feast on Christmas Eve.

sp; Mark was typing away on his laptop, completely absorbed.

  Derrick moved to a stool at the counter so he could “supervise” Angelique’s cooking.

  Angelique assembled the ingredients needed and began putting them together. When she covered the bowl of bread chunks soaking in the egg mixture and put it in the refrigerator, Derrick looked surprised.

  “I thought I was going to get a taste tonight.”

  “It’s better if the bread soaks up all the custardy mixture overnight, or at least for a few hours. This way it will be ready to go when others are cooking. I’m hoping everything will go well for Colt and he can come home. It would be a shame if he were to miss being home for Christmas Eve with his family.”

  Derrick reached for her hands. “Don’t you worry about Colt. He’s a tough guy, and this won’t set him back much. I don’t think the hospital can hold him if he’s ready to go home.”

  * * *

  Indeed, Colton Garrett had refused to be admitted to the hospital in Amarillo. In fact, after Dr. Camryn Ryan had thoroughly examined his shoulder, made certain the wound was clean, and stitched him up, he had insisted on returning to his home with his wife.

  “Big Jim will take us back to the ranch,” he said. “All I want to do is be home with my family.”

  Cami had raised an eyebrow and admonished him about the possibility of infection or popping his stitches.

  Misty had assured the doctor that she would not allow him to lift a finger. “We want to be with our family for Christmas.”

  So Cami had relented and extracted a promise for him to appear in her office the day after Christmas or call if he experienced any fever or extreme pain.

  Now he lay in the dark, in bed with his arm in a device to keep him from moving it. Misty was curled up beside him, but not touching him. She usually melded with him when they slept. But due to his injury, she was curled up with her pillow instead.


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