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Vow of Retribution

Page 26

by Emma Renshaw

  Tears fall down my cheeks. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing his mouth back down to mine. “I love you, too. I love you so much.”

  Liam sighs. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that from you. Never wise up to the fact you’re too good for me.”

  We kiss again. Tears are streaming down my face. He pulls away from me, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Gorgeous, I am so fucking proud of you. I’m in awe of you. I will worship you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Is this your proposal?” I ask.

  “No, baby. It’s not.”

  “Do you want to build a house and fill it with puppies and babies?”

  “I want it all with you, gorgeous.”

  Liam carries me into the house, refusing to let me walk up the steps of our new place. I yelp when our families and friends yell welcome home when we get inside. Everyone I love and care about is in one room. I can’t help the happy tears that fall. I rose from the ashes, soaring into a new, incredible life.



  Six Months Later

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask Liam.

  Liam woke me up early this morning, insisting I get out of bed. Once I was dressed, he strapped a blindfold around my eyes.

  “Not telling. It’s a surprise.”

  I smile, hoping it’s a proposal. I’ve been patiently waiting for Liam to ask me to marry him. Okay, so I’m not exactly waiting patiently. Each time he took me out somewhere, I’d ask, “Is it going to happen now?”

  He’d smile, telling me, “You’ll just have to see.”

  I stopped asking a month ago, wondering if my constant questioning was what was keeping him from proposing. We’re still living in a rental house, unsure of where we want to go next.

  Harper moved out two months ago, finding a cute condo down the block from her shop. We both cried when she left. She still brings baked goods to every girls’ night.

  Around the same time Harper moved out, my parents moved to Austin, both of them stating they were tired of living hours from me and were ready for a new adventure. It’s been wonderful having them so close. My mom has been helping Katie and Olivia with their business since Olivia was put on bedrest. She’s due any day now. I love seeing her so pregnant, belly so full. Olivia and I share an unbreakable bond now. I’ve brought her to every girls’ night, and since her start of bedrest, our girls’ nights are now spent in her and Josh’s bedroom. Poor Tanner doesn’t know it yet, but he’s having a baby sister.

  Liam helped me start my boutique marketing company, Phoenix, one month after I was released from the hospital. Harper insisted her store be my first contract. I’ve slowly built my business. I’ve been working out of our house, but with my growing client list, it’s time I start searching for a space. Natasha has promised to join me when I can pay her a salary.

  Liam’s Jeep slows to a stop. “Hold on, gorgeous.”

  I hear him get out and shut his door. He opens my door, helping me to my feet.

  He guides me to a certain position, then comes behind me. He kisses my shoulder. “I love you, Savannah. You amaze me every day. I’m so fucking lucky to have you.”

  My heart starts racing, getting ready for the moment I think is coming.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him. My voice sounds wobbly. I swallow, trying to hold back the tears pricking my eyes.

  “I’m excited to watch you grow your business.”

  Grow my business? That is not where I saw a proposal going.

  Liam whips off my blindfold and whispers, “Surprise.”

  When my eyes adjust to the sun, I see a small building with a black awning. My Phoenix logo is bright against the black background. I gasp, my hand coming up to cover my mouth. I turn my head to look at Liam, but he’s dropped to a knee.


  He smiles his sexy grin. “You’ve been asking for so long if this is the moment. It’s finally the moment, and you don’t know what’s happening?”

  Liam grabs my hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss. “Savannah, you are my world. I’ve seen and loved every facet of you. You are my strong warrior princess. I’m thankful you let me be by your side as you fight your way through life. I’m not giving you up for anything. Your chance to realize you deserve something so much more than me is gone.” He laughs, and tears are streaming down my face. “I will spend every moment of our lives worshipping you and being what you need. I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m telling you, you are.”

  “Barbarian,” I whisper. “I love you.”

  “Forever, gorgeous. I’ll love you forever.” Liam slides a stunning vintage ring on my finger. The round diamond is flashing up at me—the band is diamonds that creates ovals in a pattern. I gasp when I look at it. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. Our tongues clash.

  “I can’t wait to fuck my fiancée,” he whispers.

  “Barbarian,” I say again, in my most loving voice.

  Liam’s phone rings in his pocket, but he ignores it, standing, backing me against the door of my new office building. My legs wrap around his waist, and I don’t care that we’re outside in the middle of the day.

  When his phone stops ringing, mine starts ringing.

  I break our kiss. “We should probably answer.” By the time I unwind myself from Liam and dig my phone out my purse, the ringing has stopped, and Liam’s has started again.

  He answers on the first ring. “Hello?” His eyes whip to mine. He grabs my hand, pulling me to the Jeep. When he hangs up, he tells me, “Livie’s having the baby!”

  “Oh, my God! Let’s go.” We both hop in the Jeep and race to the hospital.

  After hours of waiting, Josh comes out beaming with pride, telling us to come meet his daughter.

  I walk into the room, heading straight toward Olivia. Liam stands next to me, wrapping an arm around me. Olivia adjusts her hold, showing us their beautiful daughter. Tears rush to my eyes, seeing her sweet face.

  Josh rounds the bed, putting an arm around Olivia. They look at each other, then to us. “We want y’all to be the godparents,” Olivia says. “To our sweet little Grace Savannah.”

  I gasp, the tears pouring faster.

  Josh’s hand covers mine. “We will never be able to thank you enough for saving Olivia.”

  I shake my head.

  Olivia tells me, “Stop it. And hold your niece-slash-goddaughter.”

  I’m still crying as I take her from Olivia’s arms. Liam looks down at his niece, his eyes shining brightly.

  Olivia gasps. “What is that on your hand?”

  Liam says, “Told her she’s marrying me.”

  Josh laughs. “You mean asked?”

  “Nope, I told her she is. Lucky she likes me like this.”

  I laugh and lean back into him. Liam holds me tightly against him, sweeping one finger down Grace’s cheek.

  Liam whispers in my ear, “I like seeing you with a baby.”

  I look up at him, giving him a searing kiss. “I love you, Liam.”

  “Love you, too, gorgeous.”

  The End


  This may seem strange, but the author’s acknowledgements are my favorite part of the book. I love to read who helped an author along the way, what inspires them, and who they love. Maybe it’s because I waited for this moment for as long as I can remember, imagining my own acknowledgements would be read someday. This may be long, but it’s my first time, so please bear with me.

  I want to thank my husband, who is simply everything. I fall more in love with you every single day. Shortly after we met, you said you wanted to make all my dreams come true or stand next to me as I make them a reality. This book, every word, could not have happened without you by my side. I don’t know where this journey will lead me, but I know through its ups and downs you’ll make every second worth it. I love you, A. I love you so damn much.

  Mom, Dad, and Raven, I tell
people all the time I have the greatest family. It’s true. Your unending and unfailing love and support means the world to me. Thank you for loving me—even though I can be dramatic.

  Mom, you deserve your own book. Thank you for always putting books in my hands when I was young, especially Harry Potter. Thank you for encouraging me to write every time I had a story to share. Thank you for reading my stories and being my sounding board. Thank you for finding the perfect balance to be my mom and my best friend. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for allowing me to become the person I’m meant to be. I love you.

  Dad, thank you for loving your daughters unconditionally. Thank you for putting up with our crazy antics, and running interference. You have given me so much. I love you.

  Raven, I love you, Sestra. Thank you for keeping me humble. You’re the bravest and most badass woman I know.

  Tricia, the book world brought us together eight years ago. Thank you for your support throughout this journey. Thank you for letting me rave about romance books and for reading this book—so far outside of your comfort zone. Your friendship means the world to me.

  My beta readers, Shayne and Kristen, you are outstanding. Your commentary, honesty, and thoroughness truly helped me shape this book. Y’all are rock stars! Thank you!!

  Thank you, Evident Ink, for connecting me with Lisa and Kayti.

  Lisa, editor extraordinaire, thank you for taking a chance on my novel. I’m so happy we clicked. Your suggestions transformed Vow of Retribution. I look forward to working with you on my next novel. Thank you for being so kind and helpful!

  Kayti, thank you for consolidating my rambling into the perfect blurb. Thank you for sharing your wordsmithing genius!

  Traci, you have a true eagle eye. Thank you for taking the final look before this book heads out into the world. I am so lucky to have found someone so helpful and sweet.

  I’ll never be able to stop raving about my swoon worthy cover. Hang Le, you are a talented and exceptional artist. I cried when I saw my cover for the first time. You encompassed everything I envisioned from the start. Thank you for making the perfect cover.

  Stacey, thank you for formatting, your quick responses, and your kindness. I can’t wait to hold the finished product in my hands. Thank you for being an important step in this process!

  Mignon, thank you for all your expert wisdom and for working with me. You have been so patient with me and answered my never-ending questions with so much knowledge and kindness.

  Thank you, Enticing Journey and IndieSage, for willing to work with a new author! I’m so excited my reveals and blitzes are in your extremely capable hands!

  To my Kiss & Tell ladies, I’m beyond thankful I met each of you. Thank you for making me laugh daily and for giving me a space to share my failures and triumphs with others who completely understand. I’m so excited we are in this together and can’t wait to write the books we have planned!

  Alessandra, thank you for creating the greatest group, Alessandra Torre Inkers. The information and knowledge I’ve gained is truly invaluable. Thank you to all those who comment and post! I learn something new all the time. If you’re an aspiring writer, join this group! You won’t regret it.

  Thank you to all the romance authors who came before me. Thank you for sharing your words, love, and sexy characters with your readers. Thank you to the women who have been trailblazers in this industry. You’ve inspired me to share my words with the world.

  Thank you to my fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Talley, who said I would be an author one day. I’ve carried those words with me every day of my life.

  And thank you (the most important thank you in this awfully long acknowledgment section), to everyone who reads this book. Thank you for taking a chance on me and these characters. They’re so close to my heart, I hope they find a way into yours, too.

  About the Author

  Emma loves to write, just don't ask her to write about herself. If she isn't writing, you can find her lost in a book or trying to get her doggo to take a selfie with her. He usually refuses. At the end of the day, you can find Emma at the closest Mexican restaurant eating queso and sipping on a margarita. She lives in Texas with her husband and dog.

  For More Info

  More books are coming in the Vow series. To see exclusive content and be the first to receive information about upcoming releasing sign up for my newsletter!

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