Book Read Free

Gathering Storm

Page 3

by Jess Parry

  “Siobhan, what is with you?” Sarah asked “You are my bestie, but even this reaction is hurting me!” she whispered

  “You just don’t understand Sarah” Siobhan wailed

  “Your damn straight I don’t. Hey! Jason wait up” Sarah called as she ran to catch up to Jason


  Gathering Storm


  Kicking her shoes off, Siobhan grabbed her mobile dialing her grandparents. Listening to the annoying ring, she looked up at the clock realizing its way past the normal time, she started to click end, when she heard her grandfather’s deep voice come through.


  “Hi Grandpa…” Siobhan whispered between hiccups

  “Siobhan, what’s wrong?” His gravelly voice clearing from sleep

  “Nothing Grandpa, I just found out about the trip, it was announced at the party tonight, Jason & Sarah already knew, but they didn’t tell me?!”She wailed into the phone

  Between her sniffles, she could hear her grandmother in the background asking her grandfather who it was, then heard the shuffling of the phone.

  “My little fairy, what’s wrong?” Siobhan’s grandmother’s soothing voice brought a new wave of tears to shimmer in her eyes

  Crying louder, Siobhan relayed the same thing she told her grandfather.

  “Little fairy, we knew about the trip, your mother called us a couple of weeks ago to discuss it.” She replied calmly “We were not aware that they had not informed you, but please little one, don’t be upset by this trip.”

  “Grandmother, that means I only get to spend less time with you”

  “Siobhan, you are going to where our family came from, who do you think agreed to this trip based on where you are going?” she asked

  “What?” Siobhan asked quietly

  “We discussed it and said that if this trip is so important, then we wouldn’t have a problem with only getting to see you for a month as long as you were to go to Ireland where our family is from.” Her grandmother said peacefully

  “Oh, grandmother...I…I didn’t know”

  “I know little fairy, but now you do. We want you to go and have a wonderful time, take lots of pictures for us to see when you come home. I only as that you learn about where your fae blood comes from!”

  “I love you grandmother, I really do and thank you” Siobhan said. Sighing, Siobhan felt her heart ease

  Hanging up she immediately sent a text to Jason and Sarah.

  Jason n Sarah…sorry! I luv you guys and will make it up to you. Luv Becky

  A few minutes later she got a text back from both, saying they loved her too and to come join them at Pete’s the party was going strong. Exhausted from the evenings events, Siobhan texted back declining and she would see them in the morning.

  Siobhan undressed quickly before climbing into her bed. Pulling the covers around her tightly, she closed her tired eyes. Sleep came quickly as she fell into a quiet dream of her grandparent’s farm. Lost in the dream, she didn’t hear her bedroom window gradually slide open.

  Murky mist slithers leisurely into her room encircling her bed. The mist shimmers as the energy inside it forms into a man with a chiseled urethral face gazes at Siobhan with vibrant green eyes. A long slender hand reaches down slowly caressing Siobhan’s sleeping face. Mumbling incoherently, Siobhan turns her face into the outstretched fingers.

  Groaning, the man shivers from Siobhan’s warmth. An aching need for her fueling his resolve to be closer, he leans down laying a soft kiss to her lips.

  “My beloved, come to me in dreams, feel our hearts love I have missed you” the lilting Irish voice whispers. Standing above Siobhan a moment more, he watches the dream began to weave inside her mind before dissolving into the mist.

  Murmuring in her sleep, tossing the covers off in a fit, the dream of her grandparent’s farm fades into darkness. Siobhan is running down a path in the woods, the tall trees obscuring what little light the night holds as she trips over the forest roots jutting from the path. Her chest growing tighter with every step, but all she knows is that she has to get to the cliffs. Her foot slipping over a root in the ground, she tumbles down hard, feeling her teeth chink together from the jarring fall. Pushing herself up, she has to keep going, an ominous sensitivity pushing her forward.

  Music slowly starts enveloping her senses; twisting around trying to hear where the sound is coming from. She didn’t have time for this, she has to keep going, but the lyrical sounds are so familiar to her. Stopping in the middle of the path, closing her eyes as thundering bass encases her.

  Blinking her eyes open; sitting straight up in bed, Siobhan realized it was the ring tone on her phone for Sarah.

  Grabbing the phone she hears music playing loudly in the background.

  “Siobhan…are you there?” Sarah questioned

  “Yah, Sarah I’m here, it’s almost 3am, where are you?”

  “Can you come get me? I’m at Pete’s. Jason took off without me and Pete has been getting pretty grabby” Sarah hiccupped between sobs

  “Sure, give me a few minutes to get out of the house and I’ll be right there”

  “Hurry please Siobhan” Sarah wailed

  Clicking off the call, Siobhan got up, threw on jeans a shirt, grabbed her shoes and quietly made her way downstairs. Skipping the third step that creaks, she silently turned off the alarm, while grabbing her dad’s car keys. Walking through the backyard, the moonlight illuminating her path as the dream she had slowly knitted its way back into her thoughts.

  Shaking her head, she walked to the door leading into the detached garage pressing the unlock button to her dad’s BMW. Slowly pulling out, she made it to the end of the alley looking both ways, she began to inch out onto the street.

  The normally busy street was deserted. The neighborhood they lived in was usually still teaming with people at this hour. They would be leaving the local bars, heading to the restaurants that stayed open to feed those who had consumed more spirits than sense. There was no one out; silent cars parked on the street, the trees swayed in the cool breeze as the street lights reflected off the windshields as she passed them. Making her way onto Lake Shore Drive, she stepped on the gas racing down the four exits to where Pete’s family house was.

  At the light, she did have a couple of street urchin’s knock on her window asking the pretty girl for money. Making sure her doors were locked, Siobhan looked for the oncoming traffic, which was nonexistent gunning it around the corner. She turned onto Pete’s street passing the darkened houses before hitting the still blazing lights illuminating the street from Pete’s house, she saw Sarah standing on the steps outside his house.

  Her dress was hanging off her right shoulder; her hair flying wildly around her head in addition to the eyeliner she had so meticulously applied earlier was now running down her cheeks. Seeing Siobhan slowing, Sarah ran down the steps and jumped into the car.

  “Can I crash at your house?” Sarah didn’t even let Siobhan get a hello out

  “Sure, what’s wrong Sarah, what happened?” Siobhan asked concerned

  “Nothing, Pete’s an ass and your jerk boyfriend just damn left me there” Sarah wailed as more tears started sliding down her cheeks. “I just want to be out of this damn city, I can’t wait until tomorrow night when we will be flying the hell away from here!”

  Whimpering slightly Sarah reached over to grab a tissue from the console between them.

  Anger started bubbling in Siobhan, how Jason could just leave Sarah there, knowing that Pete gets way too possessive of Sarah after he’s been drinking. Granted Sarah and Pete had dated up until last year, Pete had yet to really let Sarah really go or forget it. Grabbing her cell, she hit the speed dial for Jason.

  Ringing a couple of times, she heard Jason mumble something that sounded like hello.

  “What the hell were you thinking Jason?” Siobhan yelled into the phone

  “What…Siobhan…what are you talking about”

/>   “Pete’s house, you just left Sarah there…do I need to repeat myself on my first question?”

  “Shit” Jason mumbled “Look, she was having a good time, Pete hadn’t said one word to her other than hello, I thought it was alright. Shit I’m sorry”

  “Well, it wasn’t” Clicking the end button, Siobhan didn’t give Jason a chance to apologize again.

  Turning her phone off, she squeezed Sarah’s hand as they drove back to Siobhan’s in silence.

  Once they had the car in the garage, keys where her dad would normally leave them, they both climbed up the stairs as quietly as possible. Back in Siobhan’s room, Sarah pulled her clothes off and climbed into Siobhan’s bed with just her underwear on passing out.

  Watching her for a few minutes, Siobhan wondered just what would happen to Sarah if she wasn’t there one day to help. Climbing into the bed next to Sarah, she pulled Siobhan into a hug.

  “I love you Siobhan” Sarah whispered before snoring softly

  “Love you too” Siobhan whispered back

  Waiting until she heard the steady breathing of Sarah fully asleep, Siobhan sighed rolling onto her back. Staring at the ceiling with its faintly glowing stars, she wondered just how much drama would unfold in Ireland. She knew Sarah was going to have a wild streak worse than normal without any parents around. Would she and Jason be able to keep Sarah under some semblance of control?

  Blinking as the stars shimmered lightly, Siobhan remembered the night she and Sarah had bounced on her bed sticking the glow stars sporadically across her ceiling. Her mother had even stood in the doorway watching and laughing as they went through the packets of sticker. That had been a good night Siobhan thought, before her father had gotten home from a long shift at the hospital.

  That had been one of the last times her mother had let her and her friends act childish. After that it was study, you must get into a good school Siobhan lectures.

  Feeling the weight of the distance she had with her parents heavily, Siobhan yawned widely. Stretching her arms above her head, she closed her eyes, tuning out the noises around her. Soon her breathing matched Sarah’s as both were lost in a dreamless sleep of exhaustion.

  Silently, the man stepped out of the shadows, watching Siobhan with lightly glowing green eyes he made his way to the open window. Touching Siobhan’s outstretched hand; he squeezed it gently before dispersing the energy around him into the mist, drifting out into the cool air of dawn.

  A light knocking on her door roused Siobhan from her sleep. Blinking the sleeps from her eyes, Siobhan caught a fuzzy view of Sarah as she mumbled something about it being too loud. Sarah threw her arm up as she rolled over pulling the covers over her head. Siobhan’s mother opened the door, looked at Sarah with a frown then turned back to Siobhan

  “Downstairs, we need to talk now”

  Without waiting for a response, she shut the door; Siobhan could hear her mother’s heels clicking down the hall. Throwing the covers off her, Siobhan got up, brushed her teeth, pulling her wild hair into a messy bun on top of her head. Tossing on the clothes she had worn last night or rather this morning to pick up Sarah, she headed down to the kitchen.

  Both her parents were sitting across the table with cups of coffee, not really speaking to each other. Her father had a slight frown when he glanced up at her. A ghost of a smirk ran across her mother’s expression, before masking her features, bringing her cup delicately to her lips.

  “Siobhan, I’m very disappointed” her father began in his clear lecture voice as Siobhan grabbed a cup from the cabinet. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she took a deep breath before turning around to face her parents with a proper response.

  “Dad, I get it, ok I’m sorry, I was just really looking forward to spending time with my grandparents on the farm. I was shocked and upset. I’m also stunned that you would trust Jason, Sarah and I to be on own for an entire month.”

  “Siobhan, you have proven that you are a responsible woman, Sarah has her moments of doubt, but Jason has also shown he has become a man we hope to one day call son” Siobhan’s mother said

  Choking the coffee down that she had just sipped “Mom, come on Jason and I are nowhere near to getting married – god we’re only seniors!” she sputtered

  “Don’t get that tone with your mother” Her father replied evenly “Now, as I said, your behavior last night, was not up to par, but hearing your apology this morning has helped.” Clearing his throat once more he pulled out his wallet “I also think you have earned the right to have a credit card to use while you are over there.”

  Taking the shiny black credit card from her dad Siobhan knew that card had “no limit” she looked back at her parents wide eyes, her mouth open.

  “Well, Siobhan thank your father!” her mother said coolly

  “Thanks dad” Siobhan whispered

  “There will be a car service here at 3p to pick you all up and take you out to the airport. Your mother has your tickets, first class. We have also made sure your cell will work over there.” Standing up he walked over to the sink putting his mug into the sink. Turning his head slight, he leaned over giving Siobhan a kiss on top of her head. “Have a safe trip I love you very much”

  “Love you too Dad” Siobhan answered softly

  Siobhan’s mother rose quietly from her chair to follow her husband out onto the patio in the backyard. Siobhan watched as they leaned into each other briefly as they kissed before her father departed for work, while her mother stood silently watching him walk away.

  Feeling like she was invading a private moment, she turned carrying her coffee and the credit card up to her room.

  Sarah was slightly awake opening one eye at Siobhan as she shut the door.

  “Oh coffee…gimme…gimme” Sarah stuck her arm above the sheets waving it wildly

  The morning sunlight shimmered off the shiny onyx card as Siobhan leaned over to give Sarah the coffee cup.

  “Holy shit, is that what I think it is?” Sarah shrieked then winced as she took the cup, sitting up to take a better look at her best friend’s slight frown.

  “It looks that way…apparently I am trust worthy enough to have it.” Siobhan muttered scrunching her face as the card blazed in her hands.

  “Hot damn girl, we are doing some serious shopping over there” Sarah winked as she took another gulp of coffee sighing in delight “Damn, I will say your mom has always made the best damn coffee!”

  “Well, right now missy you need to get your ass home and packed. My dad said the car will be here at 3 to pick us up. Damn, I still need to call Jason” Biting her lower lip remembering the last words she had said to him last night had been harsh

  “Ah hell, don’t worry about it Becky, Jason can’t stay at mad you. It’s just not in his DNA” Sarah said as she stood up grabbing her clothes she beelines it to the bathroom. Coming out a few minutes later fully dressed in her school clothes instead of the dress she had worn for the party. Sarah pulled her hair up into a high ponytail before giving Siobhan a hug goodbye.

  “Later Becky, I’ll see you in a couple of hours”

  “Hey Sarah” Siobhan called

  “What” Sarah asked as she opened the bedroom door

  “Why the hell do you call me Becky?”

  Siobhan watched as Sarah started shaking with mirth before answering.

  “I couldn’t come up with a nickname out of your name. I mean my options were Siv or Ban…come on really?” Laughing madly she bounced down the stairs, out the front door to go home.

  Siobhan watched her walk down the street from her window seat. When Sarah turned the corner, no longer viewable to her; Siobhan looked down at her cell phone hitting the call button for Jason.

  “Hey Beautiful” Jason purred into the phone

  “Hi J, I’m sorry I yelled at you last night” Siobhan returned quickly

  “It’s nothing, I deserved it. I guess I had too much to drink last night, otherwise I never would have left Sarah” he answered gently />
  “So you’re not mad?” Siobhan inquired in a low voice

  “Siobhan, I can never stay mad at you, I love you”

  “I love you to”

  Closing her eyes Siobhan sighed quietly as an easy silence fell between them for a few minutes before Jason cleared his throat.

  “So the other thing I was calling about, you should get here before 3p. My dad has a car picking us up to take us to the airport” Siobhan explained as she replayed the morning events of her parent’s conversation back to him. Jason giving her the reassured ok’s here and there. Ending the call a few minutes later, Siobhan stared out the window catching the light reflecting off the windshield of a parked car.

  A shadow fell across the windshield; Siobhan squinted trying to catch the features of the figure standing just below the tree. Leaning closer to the window, she caught luminous green eyes staring at her, before the wind blew blonde hair across his face hiding his features. Siobhan held her breath as a slow longing enveloped her; she felt an uncontrollable urge to run downstairs. She had to see the face of the man standing there; it was as if ever fiber in her being wouldn’t rest until she looked into that face. Trembling with emotion she started to rise, as a clap of thunder flitted across the sky, Siobhan jumped as the house rumbled. Looking into the sky, the blue sky reflected back, there wasn’t a cloud in sight, but the thunderous boom should have meant a gray filled sky.

  Shaking slightly Siobhan looked down into the street to find the empty space where the figure had been standing a moment earlier. A shiver ran through her at the sudden feeling of loss wrapped around her.

  Looking around her room, Siobhan started deciding what she needed to pack. Time disappeared as did her floor with the clothes piling up as her discard group. The doorbell rang signally an arrival of either Sarah or Jason. Sighing, she grabbed her over stuffed suitcases walking out of her room.


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