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Gathering Storm

Page 8

by Jess Parry

  “Hey, can I have a sip?” Jason asked as he took in the reaction Siobhan was having.

  “Why not, the more the merrier” Marcus replied back his voice seductively deeper

  Jason took the glass tipped it up and drank. His eyes widened in shock as he spit the liquid out and starting coughing.

  “What the hell is that crap? It tasted like blood and dirt with a shitload of salt” he spat a couple of more times trying to get the copper taste out of his mouth.

  “Some say only a lost soul can taste the beauty of this wine” Marcus responded quietly as he took the glass back.

  “Beauty my ass that was awful. Hey can I get a beer or something, I gotta get this taste out of my mouth” Jason leaned over as the barkeep pulled a bottle out of the cooler. He yanked the bottle out of the older man’s grip and twisted off the top. He gulped down the contents slamming the bottle onto the bar.

  Siobhan felt lighter than a feather, she wanted to go back to the hotel and soak in a hot bath. A giggle escaped her lips as she heard Jason order another beer.

  “Slow down Jason, I’m not dealing with you hung over tomorrow when we have to go to Trinity College and start our research project at the library there” Siobhan watched as Jason took the second bottle and drank deeply from it.

  She watched his Adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed, his eyes closed. Jason put the bottle down turning slowly to look at her. A lopsided grin forming on his face with a wild twinkle in his eyes caused Siobhan’s breath to hitch at the sight before her.

  “Come on, a beer and an a half aren’t going to do anything to me” Jason mumbled back as he pulled Siobhan closer to him leaning down to kiss her. His lips still held some of the beer; Siobhan could taste it as he deepened the kiss. She felt his tongue teasing her lips as she opened herself to him.

  A low growl interrupted the kiss; Siobhan turned her head looking at the scowl forming on Marcus face. His features were sharper again, his eyes shining brightly the colors swirling madly in the deep depths. She leaned closer to Marcus, reaching out to brush her hand down his cheek. He felt the warmth of her hand before she actually touched him. Sucking in a breath, he leaned his head into the palm of her hand breathing in her scent.

  “Lovely, I would be careful with that one” Simon’s voiced broke their embrace as Siobhan quickly dropped her hand.

  “The damn bouncers wouldn’t let us back in” Sarah whined as she pulled a stool up to Siobhan and sat heavily. “Can I get a drink; I want something that will make me feel happy”

  The old barkeep looked at Marcus who just sighed nodding his head. The older man shrugged his shoulders before he reached over to grip a dark green bottle. Grabbing a glass he began pouring, he filled the glass half full with sparking clear liquid. The bubbles within clung to the side of the glass. A sweet smell of summer, flowers at their peak of blooming flooded Siobhan. She could feel the warm summer breeze, the heat of the summer sun warm her skin. She watched as Sarah took the glass from the bar keep bringing it to her lips.

  “Wait lovely, this is pretty potent, are you sure you want to have a taste?” Simon asked as he held Sarah’s arm down to keep her from drinking.

  “It’s a fruity wine, what’s the dealio?” Sarah asked with a slight twinge of anger in her voice “let go”

  Simon dropped his arm, letting Sarah raise the glass to take a sip. Siobhan felt a breeze ripple past her to play in Sarah’s long hair, rustling softly. Sarah’s eyes sparkled, her lips opening she mouthed “wow” to Siobhan.

  “Oh my Becky, you have got to taste this! It’s like summer in a glass!” Sarah exclaimed as she handed the wine to Siobhan.

  “No!” Marcus boomed, grabbing the glass out of Siobhan’s hand and handing it back to Sarah. “Siobhan has already had a taste of another wine; you don’t mix your wines”

  “Oh come on, like you believe that myth? Besides its beer before liquor that makes you puke” Sarah replied as she started to hand the glass back Siobhan.

  Marcus turned sharply to Simon holding his glass with the dark liquid nodding his head slightly as he glanced at Siobhan. Simon’s eyes widened in surprise as Marcus brought the glass back to Siobhan’s lips watching her take another sip.

  “No, lovely, see Siobhan drank Marcus wine, which is potent on its own, but if you are foolish enough to mix that with anything, then you will be sicker than anything you could imagine.” Simon took the glass from Sarah downing the rest of the contents in one drink. “So temptation is gone, lovely, I’m sorry”

  Pouting Sarah took the glass back while staring daggers at Marcus “Really, I don’t understand what the big deal is”

  “There are just some wines that are not to be mixed together and those are two. Come let’s grab a table near the stage the music will start soon” Simon pulled Sarah off the stool taking her arm into his leading her closer to the stage.

  Siobhan turned her head in the direction Simon and Sarah had gone, blinking she didn’t remember seeing a stage there when they walked in earlier. There had been a row of booths against the wall filled with people talking in hushed tones.

  “Sometimes, you will not see what is in front of you because it doesn’t want you to.” Marcus whispered into her ear.

  He reached out his hand taking Siobhan’s. Marcus pulled her off the stool as she reached over and grabbed Jason’s arm pulling him along. They made their way over to the table where Sarah and Simon were sitting.

  The sounds around them quieted as three people took the stage. Two men and a woman sat on the stools in the center of the stage. A soft light overhead enhanced them, Siobhan puffed sharply at their beauty. The woman was tall with flowing firelight hair streaming down her back. The woman’s bright green eyes gazed briefly onto Siobhan. She wore a deep black dress that clung to her frame, accenting every curve on her lithe body; blinking Siobhan could have sworn the dress had just moved on its own.

  The two men were equally as beautiful, one with shoulder length white hair that framed his thin face as the same bright green eyes twinkled at Siobhan. He smiled smartly at her, immediately she felt her heart flutter. The other man strummed a guitar and bent his head as the richness of the sound enveloped him. His hair black as a crow fell forward shadowing his features, he opened his eyes looking directly at Siobhan. They were the same bright green but held a hint of sorrow in their depths.

  “They are brothers, she is their younger sister, if you haven’t noticed the eyes are the same” Leaning in to Siobhan Marcus whispered

  “I had noticed” She replied back as she watched them in awe.

  “Be careful of the melodies the one of the left will enthrall you into a trance that will surely lose your heart” Simon’s voice fell between Sarah and Siobhan softly

  “He is pretty hot, Simon, he does give you a run for that department” Sarah sighed

  “They all could be heartbreaker’s” Siobhan whispered

  “Wow, the singer is hot!” Jason said reverently “Sorry, Siobhan, it’s not that you aren’t hot, but…” Jason stammered looking back at Siobhan

  A warm laugh escaped Siobhan and she leaned over kissing Jason smartly on the lips

  “Let’s get on with it!” A voice yelled loudly over the murmuring of voices in the bar.

  The singer scowled slightly then turned to her brothers, nodding quickly, she kept her back to the group as the two began to strum the guitar and flute. The haunting lilt of the flute mixing with the longing chords of the guitar, the beauty of the two sounds danced around each other, touching and parting.

  Siobhan felt goose bumps rise on her arms as she felt the music surrounding her. The woman turned slowly towards the crowd a sound of aching deprivation fell from her lips. The lyrics were haunted, her voice clung to everything. The deep yearning ache mixed with the beauty of the music her brother’s played.

  Siobhan closed her eyes to the splendor before her; there was pain there, to take in that much beauty hurt. She felt the tears falling down her face, but was hel
pless to stop them. She could feel the song wrap around her, she felt strength of love holding her. The wonder of watching her lover embrace her, she could see the beauty of his eyes smiling warmly. She could smell the woodiness aroma that clung to him. She felt his power send chills of desire through her, his name on the tip of her tongue.

  She opened her mouth to whisper her love’s name as the loud clapping and cheers from the crowd broke the spell. Blinking her eyes open, she took in the sounds and people around her. The song had ended as softly as it had begun, everyone was cheering and clapping. The three on the stage stood quietly, nodding their heads, the lead singer looking hard at Siobhan.

  “Why are they playing here, not in an arena somewhere? They are beyond awesome!” Sarah exclaimed

  “There are some who do not seek the spotlight lovely. They are content to play their music to those who would truly appreciate it” Simon responded quietly

  “That’s just bullshit, they should be famous. They should be sharing that with the world, not some little dive in Dublin!” Jason replied sourly

  The woman turned to Jason and nodded slightly; a sad smile ghosted her lips then was gone. Siobhan leaned over to Marcus “I want to meet them”

  “That may not be a good idea” Marcus scowled quickly at the woman on the stage

  “I don’t give a damn what you think Marcus, I want to meet her!” Siobhan’s voice shook with an underlying anger that slammed into Marcus. He shifted slightly in his chair as the power washed over him.

  “As you wish, lovely, it can be arranged, the woman is named Moira, her brother on the flute is Finn, the other on the guitar is Ian” Simon responded quickly as he took in the simmering tempers between Marcus and Siobhan. He leaned over and blew a small breath in Siobhan’s direction; the singer silently watched the scene before her.

  Moira instantly felt the heat of anger fill her cheeks, and turned back to her brothers. She leaned in, whispered something only meant for them to hear. Her brother’s glanced at Marcus and Simon; smirking broadly they nodded their heads in approval of whatever she had said.

  Spinning back to face the crowd, tossing her flaming hair to the side, as a cool smile spread across her face. Moira’s brother Ian began swiftly strumming his guitar, tapping his foot to the rhythm. Siobhan watched hypnotized by Moira standing majestically on the stage swaying in time to the rush of music filling the space.

  Taking in the crowd, eyes caught every tap of a foot, or bobbing head in time with the music. Knowing she had caught everyone’s attention she let the song flow from her lips. Her voice floating in time with the fast beat, her hands clapping loudly. With each snap of Moira’s hands meeting, the crowd cheering louder. Quickly rising from their seats, a few people hastily knocked their chairs over. Transfixed by the beauty of the song, Siobhan was as lost as the group around her, ignoring the forgotten chairs scattered around the room, floor forgotten. The group hurriedly forming a circle around the compact room as they wildly danced. Siobhan had never seen any dance like this before, eyes getting dizzy as she saw couple turning in circles, rapidly crossing others as they wove around the tables. A couple of boorish mean started pushing the tables and chairs off to the side opening the space, as more clamored to join in. Twining their arms between them, laughing wildly they continued in a frenzied circle around Siobhan as she giggled uninhibited.

  Siobhan regarded Jason staring in rapture at Moira, a slow smile forming on his face. Her mouth slowly opening as watched Jason losing himself in the light surrounding Moria. Turning her gaze to she watched Moira’s hair blowing wildly around her face, her cheeks were flushed, as she stared in rapture at Jason. Moira face was returning the same smile to Jason, her beauty almost too painful to look at.

  A man danced in front of Sarah reaching out his hand to her, an open invitation to join in. Jumping up Sarah clasped the man’s hand tightly as he spun her around him. Watching as her friend was pulled into the middle of the crowd, Siobhan let the image of Jason and Moira slip from her mind. Sarah’s laughter wandered over twirling all over the place the group danced surrounding Siobhan in a warm cocoon. Her blonde hair fanning out as she continued to dizzily turn as the crowd spun in the opposite direction.

  “Siobhan” Sarah called “Get your ass out here!”

  Glancing quickly at the Moira, she nodded her head slightly, inviting Siobhan to join. Jumping up Siobhan ran towards Sarah. The group surrounding Sarah quickly parting letting Siobhan could clamber through. Reaching Sarah, they clasped their hands tightly together spinning each other wildly. The crowd’s cheers rising loudly around them, Siobhan could only stare at Sarah, the room blurring around her as they spun at a staggering intensity.

  The music was playing faster than Siobhan had ever heard; she felt the earth beneath her tilting. Closing her eyes, breathing in the air around her, she caught the faint scent of woods, heard the clear twinkle of bells. The sounds of the pub were silent as the wildness of the heat burning inside was bubbling to the surface. Throwing her head back, she continued to squeeze Sarah’s hands tighter, as they became a twisting blur.

  “Bloody hell!” Simon bellowed jumping from his chair running swiftly into the crowd surrounding Siobhan and Sarah. Protectively the bodies surrounding both Sarah and Siobhan were closing in tighter blocking his entry at every angle. Turning quickly Simon sent Moira a scathing look. Winking suggestively, she raised her voice another octave, inciting hoots with in the circle.

  Marcus sat there for a moment letting the chaos spinning around him run in rampant currents through him, filling him. He felt the madness within begin to rise, permitting it to slip out bit by bit. When his eyes opened the kaleidoscope of colors shot beams of light at the three musician’s on the stage.


  Gathering Storm


  “Enough” Marcus voice vibrating with exquisite power as it washed over everyone in the pub.

  The sound of Marcus voice rushing about filling every corner of space, the musician’s stopped playing immediately. The wildness on the dance floor abruptly stopping, as Siobhan and Sarah fell in a dazed heap together. The shimmering warmth of the pub goers froze as fear rose slowly around them. The air suddenly growing stifling cold, Siobhan couldn’t get a breath into her burning lungs. Glancing over at Sarah, feeling her heartbeat rising rapidly as she saw Sarah staring open mouthed trying to breathe. Panic filling Siobhan to the point of pain, she felt strong arms gripping her like a vise pulling her roughly out of the crowd. The scream bubbling to the surface as it made its way from deep inside her. Twisting and turning like a caged animal, fighting the remarkably strong hold on her, but the grip around her only tightened.

  “Dammit be still” Marcus hissed into her ear, commanding her to silence as he pulled her out of the crowd. Simon followed behind him holding onto Sarah as she fought to get loose. Heading towards the front doors, neither of them stopped, barreling into anyone in their path. They burst through the front doors, clambering into the street as the sharp night air slammed into Siobhan sending shivers through her body. Inhaling greedy breaths of the clean crisp air feeling the rush of oxygen racing to her head as the darkness began to descend.

  “No, you have gone under enough tonight love, stay with us” Simon’s hands tightly gripping Siobhan’s face he leaned down blowing heavily into her face. She inhaled the intoxicating scent of cloves and cinnamon, eyes widening as the heat of Simon’s breath surrounded her.

  “Where’s Jason?” Sarah asked in between the coughs racketing through her. She had stumbled away from them, leaning against the building as wave after wave of ratcheting deep coughing spasms tore through her. Her hands gripping the bricks of the building turning white from the strain as another surge of heaving coughs erupted from her.

  “He must still be inside; blasted fool was enthralled with her” Simon ominously hissed before turning to go back inside.

  “No. I’ll go, you stay with them and make sure they are alright” Marcus briskly orde
red already walking through the doors of the pub.

  Striding over to Sarah, Simon pulled her off the building wall; his hand lifting her chin so their faces were inches apart kissing her lightly. Sarah’s eyes fluttered for a moment then flew open as another crushing wave of coughs racked through her. Mumbling curses, Simon leaned in deepening the kiss. Sarah pushing her hands against his chest, trying to shove him away from her. Her eyes widening in panic, as Simon continued to pull the air out of her lungs.

  “Get away from her” Siobhan screamed as she sprinted to where Simon was holding Sarah. Shooting his arm out at the last moment he stopped her from hitting them. Siobhan clawed at his arms, fighting to get between them.

  The door to the pub bursting open slamming into the building, Jason flying out onto the sidewalk as Marcus strolled out behind. Landing hard onto the cracked sidewalk Jason grunted loudly with the air whooshing out of his lungs. Moira emerging behind Marcus, pushing him aside as she rushed to Jason, kneeling down she ran her hands over Jason, concern replacing the irritation on her striking features.

  Simon moaned loudly as he pulled away from Sarah, stumbling a few steps back, eyes closed tightly, his face was eerily pale covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Marcus reached over catching Simon as his legs buckled; his eyes flying open casting a luminous violet hue against Siobhan. Pulling a flask out of his jacket, Marcus cursing softly, twisting off the cap he quickly tilted it towards Simon mouth.

  “Drink you damn fool” Marcus hissed at Simon.

  Eyes fluttering, Simon clasped the flask drinking greedily. A low growling sound filling the air as Simon tilted the flask higher. Siobhan could feel the air around her shimmering, power whispering around the edges, calling to her, wanting her to let go. Feeling her control slipping as her body instinctively started to open; she felt a cool wave of air sliding into her. It’s touch awakening a chaos slumbering inside her, groaning at her body’s betrayal. Closing her eyes, she shut out the sounds around her, listening only to the beat of her heart. Mentally closing the door inside that had been starting to open. Feeling her control sliding easily into place, she opened her eyes to meet Marcus’ steely gaze. Taking a step back, Siobhan wanted as much space as possible between her and Marcus. Catching a movement from the corner of her eye, Siobhan grabbed Sarah before she collapsed to the ground. Sliding into Siobhan’s arms; she looked up at Siobhan, grinning wildly, her eyes shining brightly, face flushed. Siobhan held tightly onto Sarah, running her hands through her friend’s hair.


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