Book Read Free

Gathering Storm

Page 12

by Jess Parry

  “Ask, whatever is you are thinking inside that beautiful head of yours” his lilting voice sang to her softly

  “I, how do you know my name?” Siobhan asked tersely

  “I answered that one, what is the other question?”

  “That wasn’t an answer. That was a vague response to make me think I should know you. I don’t, I can’t even see your face under all that hair” Siobhan replied agitation growing, but curiosity keeping her engaged.

  “You know me, somewhere in the darkness of your mind, like recognizes like my love”

  “Again with the cryptic response” Siobhan whispered shaking her head while retreating another step away from him “I’m going back to my group. I’m sorry I disturbed you, enjoy your book”

  Turning away, Siobhan took another step in departure as strong arms suddenly wrapped around her tightly. An alluring coldness surrounded her, coating her in a shivering seduction.

  “You know me” his lilting voice hoarsely whispered to her, closing her eyes as felt cool lips graze lightly across her cheek.

  The kiss seared itself into Siobhan her body shuddered uncontrollably from its power. Leaning into his embrace, she turned her head to look at him. She needed to see his face, nothing else mattering at this moment, but looking into this stranger’s face. She felt safe in his arms, but she couldn’t understand how that was possible.

  Maybe it was Marcus playing a joke on her. Except Marcus’s voice didn’t have the seductive lilt that this voice possessed. His voice was deeper; it wrapped itself around you, but left you feeling fear lurking in the depths.

  This voice was almost soothing, as it clung to her, filling her with a deeply sated feeling of love.

  Peeking into the shadow of hair that still hung around the stranger’s face, Siobhan found intense green eyes peering at her. He was watching her intently; she could almost see his sensuous lips smirking at her. The feeling of falling rushing through her, she felt wind crashing into her as her legs gave out. Darkness threatening to close around her, blindly reaching out to brace herself against the fall, she started to step out of the embrace.

  “Dammit” she heard his strong lilting voice as he pulled her closer to him, but it sounded distant and far away.

  Turning her quickly to face him, Ash pulled her up, shaking Siobhan as the fear of losing her gripped him. All she could focus on were the green of his eyes. Concentrating on his luminous eyes, the slight tilted up angle with long black lashes surrounding those deep green eyes. There was a darkness to them that clung just around the edges where the light seemed to disappear.

  Pain stabbed at Siobhan, feeling power she had never experienced before rushing through her body, searing itself to her bones. Bitter cold seeping into her, her body numb from the pain, tears began streaming down her cheeks. One single tear fell slowly, tracking its way between the frozen lines along her face. It was glowing softly as it made its way toward the floor. Siobhan felt her body invaded as the man before her pulled her tighter into his embrace. She saw his eyes widening as he followed the path of the tear. Watching him reach out to catch the tear before it fell, gasping at his cool touch to her burning cheeks. Together they watched as the tear dropped silently onto the tip of his finger. It sat there for a moment before smoke billowed up around them as the tear vanished.

  “Come back to me” his voice whispered hoarsely to her “Please remember, Aghra”

  “Siobhan!” Jason’s voiced called out frantically searching for her. Hearing Jason’s voice had his image flooding her mind, he’s looking for me. Opening her mouth to call out to him, silence fell as her lips formed wordlessly. Eyes widening she looked at the man holding her to see he had a finger over his mouth. His eyes pleading with her to be silent, but Siobhan needed to call to Jason.

  She wanted this searing pain to go away, her body was screaming silently as the continuous assault of power coursed through her. Opening her mouth again, she forced what little strength she had left into the motion of speaking.

  “Jason” Siobhan barely heard her voice as it whispered Jason’s name, but it was enough.

  She felt herself fall to the hard floor, the arms that had embraced her a moment before disappearing. Rubbing her hip, she looked around for the stranger but he was gone. The pain inside was ebbing, but Siobhan was still shaking as raking waves of warmth seeped inside her.

  Jason found her sitting on the floor, her legs tucked up to her chest as she shivered uncontrollably. Running to her, dropping to floor, he pulled her onto his lap wrapping his arms around her. Siobhan held onto him taking in his warmth as he kissed the top of her head.

  “What the hell is wrong Siobhan?” Jason whispered hoarsely “You’re freezing”

  “I…I…don’t know, one minute I was with you guys, then I turned down one of the aisles. I wanted to get a closer look at some of the books” Teeth chattering Siobhan took a deep breath to continue, seeing the concerned look on Jason’s face. His eyes reflecting the worry and fear he was trying to hide from her as pulled her closer to him.

  Guilt clung to Siobhan as she remembered the stranger with the emerald eyes who had been holding her a moment ago.

  “What the hell Becky, we can’t take you anywhere!” Sarah snickered as she came walking around the corner, her eyes twinkling as she sat down next to Siobhan bringing her arms around her. “Only you would go wandering off in a damn library and manage to end up on the floor!”

  A small giggle slipped out of Siobhan as Jason glared over at Sarah.

  “Sarah, she was on the floor shivering violently, something happened”

  “Oh pshh, she probably climbed that ladder over there to get to the top rack of books before going all clutzoid swans diving to the floor” Sarah replied winking at Siobhan

  “Remember she did that a couple years ago at the library at school, I also remember she was shaking from laughter and once again you stormed in, raising all kinds of hell until you saw she wasn’t crying, but laughing…you are such a GUY!”

  “Dammit look at her Sarah; she’s white as a ghost!”

  “I’m fine really” Siobhan turned to Sarah, her color slowly coming back, as the blush of embarrassment began to color her pale cheeks.

  “See she’s good” Sarah let go of Siobhan standing up, lightly dusting her pants before walking out of the aisle. “Let’s go, we have a damn report to work on remember!”

  “She’s right, Jason, we need to get back to group and finish the tour”

  “Siobhan the tour ended twenty minutes ago, we’ve been looking for you since we ended back at the gift shop to find you were not with us!”

  “I’m sorry Jason, really, I was just looking at the books” Rising off the floor, climbing out of Jason’s embrace.

  Siobhan walked over the alcove where the stranger had been before they had spoken. Sitting on the wooden bench was the book he had been reading, it was open and Siobhan could see strange writing filling the pages. The pages were old and yellowed, but the binding was deep dark leather. She raised the book to her inhaling the slightly musty scent. She caught an undertone of the strangers scent lingering; it reminded her of her grandparent’s forest after a storm. Closing the book, she noticed the intricate carvings on the cover, circles and triangles with a few wavy lines intertwined.

  “We should get back Siobhan” Jason said as he came closer to her, burshing his hand on the back of her neck. Siobhan quickly dropped the book into her satchel and turned around.

  Taking Jason’s out stretched hand they made their way down to the gift shop. Once inside the large shop, Siobhan grabbed a couple of books, the titles saying they could explain all things regarding “The Kells” and headed to the register. She put her store bag into her satchel next to the other book before meeting Sarah at the exit; she also had a bag of books as well.

  “Hey come on, I read sometimes!” Sarah laughed as she took Siobhan’s arm heading out. Passing the security desk, Siobhan held her breath. Would the book she had hidden in her sat
chel set off the alarm? She hadn’t even thought of the possibility, all she had wanted was to have that book close to her. She wanted to go straight to the hotel, tell her friends she was going to take a nap. Then once in her room alone, open the pages of the book to see what the man had been reading. Something was in that book that she needed to read, she was sure of it, otherwise he wouldn’t have left it for her.

  The security machine hummed its mechanical tune as Siobhan passed through it, no alarms sounded. Silently Siobhan and Sarah walked out through the glass doors, emerging onto the busy street. Students walked quickly around them, cars raced by on the road. Siobhan exhaled easing her grip on Sarah’s arm.

  “Thanks girl, you were freaking killing my arm with that death grip!” Sarah exclaimed rubbing at her arm “What was that about anyway?”

  “Sorry, I got a little woozy for a minute there and didn’t want Jason to see” Siobhan whispered to Sarah

  “Ah yah that would have freaked him out even more than he is now!” Sarah turned to watch as Jason was walking behind them taking in everything with a steely gaze.

  “Can we go back to the hotel?” Siobhan asked

  “Sure, I’m up for some room service and a cat nap, I’m still recovering from last night” Sarah answered

  “Hey body guard, can we go back to the hotel? I’m starving and want a damn nap!” Sarah called to Jason over her shoulder

  “Yeah, let’s grab a cab and head back. I brought my laptop, so we can get some food, a nap and get started on the report. We can email it to the dean and take that off our parent’s to do list!” Jason picked up his step, reaching for Siobhan’s hand.

  “Sounds like a plan” Siobhan smiled up at Jason as Sarah stepped off the curb, putting her fingers in her mouth giving an ear splitting whistle. A cab immediately pulled up to them, chuckling they climbed inside giving the cabbie the address of the hotel.


  Gathering Storm


  The cab driver weaved in and out of traffic, Siobhan rung her hands together wishing the driver to go faster. The urge to be alone with the book currently hidden in her satchel was overpowering. Pulling up to the entrance to their hotel, Siobhan jumped out rushing to the main door. Jason ran to catch up to Siobhan, grabbing her hand before they crossed the entrance.

  Walking hand in hand into a lobby full of chaos, people were waiting in line to either check in or check out. A family stood in the check in line, the mother looking frazzled as a baby hung on her hip crying. Her son was running circles around his father as he tried to grab the child. The little boy laughed shrilly as he evaded his father’s grip, then abruptly turned running straight towards Jason. Jason let go of Siobhan’s hand, reached down and scooped up the boy. He wiggled frantically in Jason’s arms, but Jason held tightly to the boy as he screeched and wiggled. Walking over to the man who was coming toward them Jason handed the boy over. Siobhan watched as the man mouthed a thank you to Jason before starting to make his way around the luggage back to his wife.

  “Ever the knight in shining armor” Sarah exclaimed through fits of laughter

  “Shut up” Jason retorted grinning at Sarah

  “Come on the elevator doors are open, let’s get on them before someone else with a screaming child joins us!” Sarah ran to the open elevator standing in the middle to keep the doors from shutting.

  Once the doors closed and the elevator bumped loudly as it began it upward motion, Siobhan exhaled her breath leaning her head back against the mirrored wall.

  “Tired?” Jason asked quietly leaning down, lightly kissing her cheek

  “Yeah, I was thinking, if you guys don’t mind, I’d really like to go to my room take a hot bath and get a quick nap” Siobhan asked as she looked at Jason and Sarah

  “That sounds like a pretty damn good plan to me” Sarah said covering her mouth as she yawned

  “How about this, we’ll all go back to our rooms, get a nap and meet back up at my room in say…3 hours?” Jason asked

  “Perfect” Sarah and Siobhan responded in unison turning to each other, laughing

  Stepping off the elevator they made their way to their rooms. Once inside Siobhan kicked her shoes off, walked into the bathroom to run a bath. Quickly undressing, pulling her hair into a messy bun, tipping a toe into the steaming water. A hiss escaping her lips as she climbed into the steaming hot water. Letting herself get lost in the heat of the bath, she let her body relax as her mind recalled the events in the library.

  The image of brilliantly beautiful green eyes looking at her with desire filled her vision. Recalling the strength of the stranger’s arms holding her, the intensity of his voice as he willed her to remember rang in her ears. There was longing surrounding this man that she had never felt before, her body aching to be closer to him.

  Lifting her hands out of the water, Siobhan watched as the steam rose off her fingertips. Slowly feeling her body loosen some of the tension it had held since she had fallen out of the stranger’s embrace. Why was she feeling like this, what was happening to her. Sighing loudly, she closed her eyes again; letting her hand fall back into the steaming water. Letting her thoughts wander to the previous night events unfolding in a fuzzy haze in her mind, anger hinting around her edges.

  The dancers at the club, the longing that had washed over her, the eagerness of Simon’s almost kiss. The image of the man dancing seductively with the woman drifting vaguely into her mind, it was hazy as she couldn’t remember what exactly had happened to bring the fear she was associating with it. She remembered the fear was overpowering, she had wanted to run as far away from the man, but not sure why. She remembered she had felt strong arms picking her up, then everything going completely black.

  The memory of waking up in the park with Marcus, she thought there had been another with them. She could have sworn it was someone she should know. The lingering feeling of almost remembering cloying at her, closing her eyes tighter willing the memory to come forward, but it kept darting in and out of focus. A voice other than Marcus slowly drifted to her, a deep voice full of sorrow, but hauntingly beautiful. The voice was so familiar to Siobhan, she could almost see the face, but it continued to stay in the shadows of her mind. Frustration seeped into Siobhan as she slapped her fist hard into the water.

  “Dammit why can’t I remember you?” She whispered harshly, shaking her head she pulled herself out of the lukewarm water.

  Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around herself walking back into her room. Dressing quickly into her jeans and favorite burgundy sweater, she tossed the towel onto the floor. Sitting on her bed, Siobhan grabbed her satchel, almost ripping the zipper in her haste to get the book out. Pulling out the book, she lifted it to her, breathing in the deep aroma of leather. She ran her hands over the designs on the front wishing she could understand what they meant. Taking a deep breath she opened the book to the first page staring at the blank page before her.

  “What the hell is this?” She flipped through the pages, everyone was blank. How could that be, he had been reading it. She had watched him turn the pages as he read, right before he had spoken to her.

  How can these pages be blank? Growling in frustration, Siobhan threw the book across the room, thumping loudly against the wall before sliding down to the floor.

  Falling back onto the bed, Siobhan stared at the ceiling frustration seeping out of her. She couldn’t understand why the book was suddenly blank; she distinctly remembered seeing words back in the library. Why did he leave it if he didn’t want her to read it?

  Dammit, she could still feel his arms around her. Taking a deep breath, she still caught the faint woodsy scent that had clung to him. A longing was filling every space within her. She ached for him; her heart beat rhythmically against her chest, but doubled in time when she thought of him. Her fingers burned to run through his golden hair, to twist the blue streaks around her fingers and pull him to her.

  She craved things with him that she had never longed for
with Jason. There had been a tingle here and there with Jason, but never this wanting abandon. She didn’t know this stranger, but her body reacted to him as it had to no one else in her life.

  Exhaustion taking her over, she closed out everything around, but the warmth of sleep. Closing her eyes, she welcomed the emptiness falling over her.

  Ash watched her sleeping. Aching need to touch her coveted every fiber in him. Reaching out a few times to run his fingers across her face, only to drop it at the last moment, knowing his touch would bring a memory. He wasn’t ready to give that to her again. He just wanted to watch her for a little while, to remember their memories without bringing them to her.

  Siobhan didn’t feel the bed give from Ash sitting down next to her, letting the flood of memories wash over him. His head dropping at the onslaught of reminiscences flooded his mind. Tender images flashed through his vision, but it was always the same face he would recall, Siobhan’s.

  The phone on the desk next to her bed rang shrilly, bolting up, Siobhan grabbed the receiver to stop its screeching ring.

  “Wake up sleepy head” Jason’s voice filled the silence

  “I’m awake” Siobhan replied yawning, Jason chuckled loudly as he listened to Siobhan’s sigh through the phone.

  “Becky….Becky…get your petunia up and out of the damn bed girlie!” Sarah sang into the phone. Siobhan stiffened at hearing Sarah calling out in the background from Jason’s room.

  “How long have you two been up?”

  “I dunno, maybe an hour or two” Jason replied between fits of laughter

  Siobhan knew that laugh, Sarah was tickling Jason.

  “Come on Sarah…quit..” he chirped loudly into the phone as Sarah’s bellowing laughter followed.


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