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Everything for Her

Page 9

by Alexa Riley

  Chapter Ten


  * * *

  “Someone is about to get throat punched!” I hear paige bellow. The shout is followed by a loud pounding on the front door. I roll over and look at the clock. Five a.m. shows in bright neon blue. I spring from the bed, chasing paige down the hallway before she ends up arrested for assault. It’s way too early to bail her out of jail.

  I catch up to her as she flings open the door to reveal Oz with a smile on his face that drops instantly.

  “Did you look through the peephole?” he barks at Paige, taking me by surprise.

  “Oz,” I snap before Paige can say something and an argument sets in. They’ve only met once and for a very brief moment. I want them to like each other, and this isn’t a good start. She’s the most important person in my life, and Oz is beginning to mean a lot to me. It’s important they get along.

  Oz’s eyes snap to mine and go soft again. He eats up every inch of me as he looks down my body to where my legs are bare. I’m only wearing a pair of panties and a worn-out Yale T-shirt that drops to midthigh. I’ve had the thing since my freshman year of college, and I always sleep in it.

  “It’s 5 a.m.,” Paige says, releasing the door. Oz catches it, stopping it from shutting. “I’m going back to bed.” Paige shakes her head, clearly annoyed, but I’m glad she didn’t lay into Oz about the peephole comment. She must be tired.

  Oz steps in, shutting the door behind him and flipping the lock. Placing a bag and drink holder with coffee down on the table next to the door, he turns to me. Like always, he’s in a suit and looks incredibly handsome. Way too handsome for 5 a.m. His dark waves are pushed back, and his short stubble is clean and polished. His suit today is a light gray, and he’s wearing a baby blue crisp dress shirt with a blue-and-gray-striped tie. He’s gorgeous.

  I don’t even want to think about what I look like right now.

  “You can’t talk to Paige like that. This is her home, and she can answer the door however she likes.” Not that I don’t agree with him. Paige should’ve checked to see who was at the door before swinging it open, but in her defense, it’s early and she was pissed. Not to mention this building has crazy good security. It makes me wonder how he even got up to our floor.

  “Whose shirt is that?” he asks, changing the subject. His tone is a little firmer than normal.

  “You’re clearly not a morning person. What are you even doing here?”

  “Baby, whose shirt is that?” he asks again, taking a step toward me.

  I look down at the shirt. “Well, I’m wearing it, so clearly it’s mine.” I place my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes at him. What the hell is going on here?

  “It’s really big on you.”

  “So?” I’m clearly not understanding the problem with my shirt.

  “It looks like a man’s shirt.” He takes a few more steps until he’s standing right in front of me. I have to lean my head back to look up at him. His jaw is set in a firm lock, almost like he’s clenching his teeth.

  “No, it looks like I got it in the discount bin for five dollars.” I see his body visibly relax, and his warm smile comes back. I keep my glare fixed, even though that stupid smile melts my insides.

  He leans down like he’s going to kiss me, and I step back, making him smile more.

  “I see you’re still learning that if you run, I chase. Stepping back won’t help you.” A playful look fills his face, and I try to keep my stern expression. He came into our home, snapping at everyone, and now he’s acting like nothing happened.

  I take another two steps back, and his eyebrows rise right before he lunges for me. I let out a squeal and turn to run down the hallway. I only make it a few feet before I’m lifted off the ground and thrown over his shoulder.

  One arm holds me in place and the other comes up to grip my ass.

  “I like it when you don’t run from me, but I have to say chasing and catching you has its appeal, also.” The hand on my ass slips under my shirt and roams around. The soft touch is ticklish, and I can’t help but squirm and laugh.

  Suddenly, my back hits my bed, and he moves over me, between my parted legs. He stares down at me, making my face heat. The teasing look is gone, and now he’s back to all soft and sweet.

  “Fuck, you even look sexy first thing in the morning.” His face drops down, and I think he’s going to kiss me. Instead, his nose brushes across my cheek, then down to my neck, where he places openmouthed kisses. It makes me shiver and writhe.

  “I’m still mad at you.” My words come out breathy, and I don’t sound like myself.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you.”

  “Oz, you can’t just...” I try to protest, but he takes my earlobe between his teeth. The hand on my hip slips between us, going under my shirt. It works its way up my body, fondling my breast as my nipples get harder.

  “Can’t what, baby? Show you how sorry I am? You can’t blame a man for trying to make his woman happy.” He rubs himself against me, his hard cock moving against my pussy, making me moan.

  “Your woman?” I question, liking the sound of that. I’ve already told someone he was my boyfriend, but hearing him say it makes it sound official. He did try to introduce me to his mother, so that should count for something, right?

  “You feel that?” He drags his cock against me a little, the firm pressure hitting my clit perfectly as the hand on my breast fingers my nipple. “That’s yours. You’re all he wants. Since the very moment I laid eyes on you, he’s been yours. So I think it’s only fair you’re mine, too.”

  “Oh, God!” I cry out, and I don’t know if it’s from the pleasure of his words or what he’s doing to my body. His scent surrounds me, and I’m dizzy with lust. His warm fragrance invades my lungs and marries perfectly with his weight on top of me.

  “I could get off listening to the sounds you make when I touch you.” Oz moves his hips faster, and I wrap my legs around his waist, wanting him closer. I’m so close, but I want to have him skin on skin. There are entirely too many clothes between us.

  “Oz, please.” I go for his shirt, trying to attack the buttons, but he releases me, grabbing both my hands and pinning them over my head.

  “You don’t have to beg, baby. I’m going to give you what you need and make you come, but the clothes stay on. I don’t trust myself not to take you.”

  “Yes, take me.” I jerk my hips against him, trying to encourage him to do that. I’m so far gone I don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth. I have this ache I need him to satisfy.

  I’m moving my hips as much as I can, but his body has me locked where he wants me. My whole body is buzzing. My pussy clenches, and the ache that begs to be eased by him intensifies. I’ve never felt anything like this before. So needy for something that I’ve never even had.

  He moans, and his face looks almost pained now.

  “You have no idea how much I want you, but I want this to be right. When I take you for the first time, I don’t want to think about us having a time limit. The first time I slip inside of you, I’m going to have all the time in the world to show you how perfect we are together.”

  His words make my heart flutter. God, can he really be this freaking wonderful?

  His mouth takes mine, and I have no choice but to surrender myself to him, letting him give me what he said he would. With my hands pinned above my head, he thrusts back and forth, mimicking sex. His hard cock dragging against my clit has me tensing and ready to explode. His tongue matches the sex strokes his body is making against me as I moan into his mouth. The sound seems to work him up even more because his movements become faster and almost desperate.

  All the sensations combine, and I have no choice but to go over the edge. My whole body jerks against him as he releases my mouth and I cry out into the room. Une
xplainable sensations flow through me as he pinches my nipple and grinds against my clit.

  When I come down from my high, my eyes fall closed and I lie there, enjoying the tingling that has taken over my whole body. Every part of me is sensitive to even the lightest touch.

  He releases my breast and slides his hand down my body, stopping over my underwear. He slips one finger under my panties, gliding it across my clit. The touch makes me jerk, and my eyes fly open. I’m still too sensitive, even for his gentle petting.

  His eyes are on me as he pulls his hand out, bringing the one finger to his mouth like he had before to have a taste of me. I blush even after all we did.

  “I could wake you up every morning like this.”

  “I might let you, even at 5 a.m.”

  “Sorry, baby. I was excited and couldn’t sleep. We didn’t say what time we’d do breakfast today.”

  What can I say to that? He said sorry, and he was so excited to see me he came over as soon as he could. I can’t even be mad at him anymore. Especially after the orgasm.

  I want him to feel the same way I do right now—relaxed and happy.

  “I want to make you come.” I jerk my hands, which he still has pinned above my head.

  “Already did.” He kisses me on the lips before springing from the bed.

  “Come back here,” I protest, rolling to my side and looking up at him standing next to my bed.

  “I can’t get back in the bed with you or I’m never getting out of it. And I’m guessing I can’t get you to call in sick.”

  No, I really can’t, though a day in bed with Oz sounds wonderful.

  “What did you mean you already did?” I question, going back to him saying he already came.

  He smiles, leaning down over me. I grab his tie, pulling him closer, and his smile grows bigger, showing his dimples. He clearly likes me wanting him.

  “I’m going to use the hall bathroom to clean myself up,” he says before closing the distance between our mouths for a lazy sweet kiss that is over too quickly. I release his tie and he pulls me up from the bed. He came in his pants? The thought has me tingling again. Can men come from a little dry humping?

  “I brought you breakfast. Get ready, baby.” He places a kiss on the top of my head and leaves the room. I bite my lip as a smile tries to take over my face.

  Wanting to have as much time as I can with him before work, I discard my T-shirt and panties and dart to the bathroom. I washed my hair last night, so I need to wash my body. I make quick work of my shower and brushing my teeth.

  When I step back into my room, Oz is lying in the center of my bed, his back against the headboard as he sips a coffee. I see another sitting on the bedside table.

  “It’s yours.” He nods to the coffee. I reach down and pick it up, taking a sip. Of course it’s how I like my coffee.

  He watches me take a drink, and a little flutter invades my stomach.

  “How do you take your coffee?” He diverts his eyes from me for a second, then they come back to mine.

  “I used to take it black.”

  “And now?”

  “I take it with lots of cream, lots of sugar and a dash of cinnamon.”

  I freeze, not sure how to respond to his statement that he now takes his coffee like mine.

  “I wanted to taste what you tasted every morning and now I can’t stop. Can’t seem to stop a lot of things when it comes to you.”

  Why is this so adorable? Even more so that Oz felt a little shy about admitting it. I don’t think this man is shy about anything.

  I make my way over to my dresser, looking at him in the mirror as I pull open the top drawer. I find a baby-blue lace bra and matching panties. I think about how it will match his shirt, and even though it’s ridiculous, I want us to match.

  I don’t know where I get the inner power, but I look up in the mirror at him and drop my towel. I watch him as his whole body freezes. I don’t break eye contact in the mirror as I bend over, slipping on the pale blue, lacy panties. Keeping my eyes locked on him, I straighten and then put on the matching bra.

  I turn and look at him, but he doesn’t say anything. He almost looks mad as he sits there on the bed, gripping his coffee. Awkwardly, I bite my lip and head for the bathroom.

  “Don’t shut that,” he says in his deep voice before I can close the bathroom door. The way the bathroom is positioned, he can see the sink area from where he’s sitting. “I want to watch you.”

  It’s then I realize he isn’t mad. He wants me, and he’s fighting himself. It’s almost empowering that I have this kind of hold on him. That I can do this to him makes some of my shyness drop away.

  “You want to watch me get ready?” I ask. The request seems odd and as intimate as what we did moments ago in bed.


  I study him for a second but release my hold on the door, pushing it all the way open. I go over to the sink where I get ready. I apply my makeup. After that’s finished, I pin my hair up how he likes. Every time I look at him in the bathroom mirror, he’s got his eyes on me.

  When I’m finished, I turn around, leaning against the sink.

  “Was that enjoyable for you?” I tease.

  “Another something I could get used to doing every morning,” he says, setting his coffee down next to mine on the bedside table.

  He moves to the edge of the bed, and I walk out of the bathroom toward him. I go up to him and move between his legs, and this time he has to look up at me. His big hands grip my hips before he leans forward and places a kiss on my stomach. I run my fingers through his dark wavy hair, the thick locks silky between my fingers.

  “I messed up your hair.”

  “I don’t care,” he says against my skin before placing another kiss there. The hands on my hips dig in a little more before he finally drops them.

  I walk over to the closet and look for something to wear. I settle on black, high-waisted pants that are tight at the ankles, a gray silk top and red heels. The pants will show off every inch of the shoes, my favorite pair, which Paige got me for my birthday. They make me look sexy.

  Oz continues to watch me as I get dressed.

  “All ready?” I say when I’m finished buckling the heels.

  Oz stands from the bed and makes his way over to me. He cups my face with gentle hands and bends to kiss me.

  “You look beautiful, Mallory. Now let me feed you.”

  I nod and grab my phone and both our coffees from the bedside table. Oz bends, picking my discarded T-shirt off the floor. I think he’s going to toss it in the hamper next to my closet, but instead he brings it to his nose, smelling it, before tucking it under his arm.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, taking a few steps toward him, handing him his coffee.

  “I have to leave today instead of tomorrow.” Disappointment hits me. That’s an extra day he’ll be gone. I’ve really become attached to him so quickly. That thought alone should scare the shit out of me.

  “What does that have to do with my shirt?”

  “I’m taking it with me.”

  “You’re taking my shirt with you?”

  “Yep,” is all he offers as he turns, heading down the hallway. I follow him, shaking my head. When we get to the living room area, he grabs the bag he set down earlier by the door and walks over to the kitchen. I follow suit and watch as he pulls pastries out of the bag.

  “The shirt that you seemed to have a problem with this morning, you’re now taking?”

  He turns, taking my coffee from my hand and placing it on the kitchen counter, before grabbing me and sitting me next to it. The man easily moves me around my kitchen like I weigh nothing. It makes me feel feminine and sexy.

  “I thought it was another man’s shirt.” He picks up a muffin and rips a
piece off, bringing it to my mouth. I’m noticing this man likes to feed me. I open, letting him put the piece in my mouth. I chew the delicious blueberry muffin and swallow before asking him my question.

  “You were jealous?”

  “Yes,” he confirms, bringing another bite to my lips. I can’t help but smile before I open my mouth and take it from him.

  “You like that I was jealous?”

  “No, of course not,” I half lie. Who wouldn’t be pleased that the man you’re crushing on doesn’t like the idea of you and other men?

  “But you don’t like the idea of me with another man?” I push, wanting to know where he stands.

  “No,” he says sharply.

  “I don’t like the idea of you with another woman either.”

  “Good,” he responds, but I want to make sure we’re on the same page.

  “So. We’re exclusive then?” I play with the edge of the napkin in front of me, not wanting to see his reaction.

  “Mallory.” The way he says my name makes my eyes snap up to his. “There was never anyone after the first time I saw you. And there damn sure won’t be anyone after. This is exclusive. It’s so goddamn exclusive, I can’t stand the thought of anyone else looking at you.”

  The butterflies are taking flight again, but I’m melting at his words. They should probably scare me, but they make me fall even deeper for him. I like that he isn’t playing it cool and says what he thinks. Even if what he thinks is a little overwhelming.

  “Good,” I say, and take another bite of blueberry muffin from him.

  He smiles at me, his dimples showing. “I like your answer.”

  “Have you ever been exclusive with anyone else?” I find myself asking. Once the words are out of my mouth I want to take them back. I don’t want to hear about his past with other women.

  His hand comes under my chin making me look up at him. “No. I dated when I was young but nothing serious. I’ve been very driven from a young age and all my focus has always been there. You’ll soon notice I’m an all or nothing kind of person and I don’t waste my time on things that I don’t think will matter.” He leans in a little more, his breath on my face. “You matter.” He says it in a way that almost seems like I’m all that matters.


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