Book Read Free

Everything for Her

Page 11

by Alexa Riley

  “To go,” she tells the man taking our order.

  “Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?”

  “Two beers. Whatever is cold and on tap is fine.”

  “You got it,” he tells her as he finishes scribbling on his pad before turning around to drop the order to the cook.

  “That’s weird.” I nod to the security guy outside. “What is Captain doing following us? I thought at first we were going the same way or something, but now it’s clear he’s following us. Well, following you,” I amend because the guy has no reason to be after me. I don’t even know his name.


  “Yeah, he looks like Captain America, but with tats.”

  Her mouth does a half smirk like she likes the name. It’s not shocking, because it’s one of her favorite movies. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s, like, testing me or something. Making sure I’m watching my surroundings. Or maybe he’s a stalker.” She adds the last part like she’s trying to insult him.

  “He can’t hear you,” I remind her.

  “Oh, I’m sure he can read lips.”

  The waiter drops down both of our drinks and Paige grabs hers, chugging half of it back.

  “And how is he so perfect if he’s a stalker?” I ask, thinking back to her comment.

  “He is. All-American boy. Probably grew up in a loving home with a perfect dad who didn’t cheat on his mom and destroy her with a broken heart. I’m sure he went off to the Marines and became a war hero, and now he’s back here running security for one of America’s biggest companies. He’s freaking perfect. It’s annoying as shit.”

  “You like him,” I say, because it’s clear as day now. Paige gave away more than she realizes with her words. If there’s one thing Paige doesn’t like it’s asshole men or bad boys. And they seem to be drawn to her. Paige can be a little rude to men, but she likes them sweet. Men never seem to get that with her. You have to work past that first layer of stain her father left behind to find her, and I hadn’t seen a man who ever tried.

  She picks up the beer again, finishing off the rest of it and turning so her back is to Captain.

  “God, I hope it’s not that obvious to him,” she grumbles.

  “Paige has a crush,” I say, and I’m not sure if I’m talking to myself or to her.

  “It must be contagious. You infected me with your love bug and it’s disgusting. We should really detox or something.”

  Her tone is so somber, I burst out laughing.

  “Mal, I’m serious here. I can’t do this.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer. “You don’t have to do shit if you don’t want to,” I tell her. “He’s your boss and he’s following us.”

  She picks up my beer and takes a few sips. “You should be careful,” she says, making me drop my arm from her shoulder and turn in the bar stool so I’m facing her. She continues to face forward. “Men like Oz aren’t always what they seem.” She actually sounds like she’s sorry she’s delivering this news. Almost like she knows it’s true. That Oz isn’t who he says he is.

  “Not everyone is your father, Paige. You have got to let that go.”

  She cocks her head to the side, looking at me.

  “I’m not saying you have to do it today, but you can’t let it hold you back forever.” I pick up my beer and take a few swallows myself, then hand it to her. I’m not going to tell her that she might be pushing men away, too, that the walls she built because of her father are keeping out all men. I believe that a man who really wants to be with her will break through those walls, and that will be a part of how she heals from all that. Paige is worth fighting for, and I think if she falls in love, it’s going to be hard, because when Paige lets herself feel, her emotions go deep. I glance back at Captain again, and his eyes are on her before they come to me. He does a half smile, and I return it before turning in my stool again, giving him my back.

  “We should have gotten an appetizer or, like, some fries for the walk back.”

  “I got snacks in my purse,” I joke, but is it really a joke if I do have snacks in my purse?

  “This is why we’ve worked well together all these years,” she teases.

  The waiter comes over, dropping off a bag of our food and a check.

  “I got this one. You got pizza.” I pull out my wallet and drop a few bills on the counter before polishing off my beer. Paige grabs the bag, and I put my wallet back in my purse and pull my phone out to check my messages.

  I wonder how the time change is going to affect Oz texting me. He’s probably about to go to bed.

  I don’t see any missed text messages, and it makes me a little sad.

  “I’m going to call Oz real quick before he goes to bed,” I tell her as we push out of the restaurant.

  “All right. I’m going to use the bathroom.”

  He’s always the one calling me and texting me. I want him to know I miss him, too.

  Pulling up his number, I hit Call as I exit the restaurant. I look at Captain, who nods at me. Maybe he’s waiting to talk to Paige, or maybe this is something they really do to security people. I know Paige had talked about wanting to be a personal bodyguard. Maybe he’ll test her on what all she saw when she was out. Maybe he’s taking notes on things he can ask her tomorrow. He’s in for a rude awakening; Paige remembers everything.

  “Baby.” Oz’s voice comes over the phone. I hear loud noises in the background like he’s in a bar or something.

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I thought you might be in bed, and I wanted to tell you good night.”

  “I wish I was in bed talking to you.” It’s hard to make out what he’s saying with all the noise coming through the line. I hear a woman’s laugh in the background and irrational jealousy shoots through me. I’m not used to liking a man enough to ever be jealous.

  “Miles, come on, man. I want you to meet someone,” I hear someone yell.

  “You seem busy. I’ll let you go. Sorry to bother you.” I pull the phone away from my ear to hang up. The noise is too loud to make anything out.

  “Mallory, is that you?” I look up to see my statistics professor from Yale standing in front of me.

  “Oh my God. Professor Field.” I end my call, slipping my phone back in my purse.

  He smiles at me and shakes his head. “It’s Joel. I’m no longer your professor. Or a professor at all anymore, for that matter.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry?” I offer, not sure if that was his own doing or not. Professor Field was one of my favorite teachers at Yale. He had a way of explaining things exactly how I understood them best. Not every teacher had that skill.

  He’s probably in his late thirties with shaggy brown hair and kind brown eyes. He was the typical professor, always wearing square glasses and tweed jackets. He’s around six foot tall, and he always wore some kind of shirt with something funny or funky on it. He seemed like a really sweet guy while I was in school, and I know some of my friends drooled over him in class.

  “I’m doing consulting work now. I’m enjoying it more than teaching, actually. Pays better, and I get to make my own schedule.”

  “That’s always nice.” I smile, genuinely happy for him.

  “How’s Osbourne Corp? You got an internship there, didn’t you?”

  “I did. I’m really enjoying it. I think the hardest part so far is getting used to New York.”

  “I hear you. I’m a little lost myself and don’t really know many people here.”

  “I know the feeling, but I’ve met some new people at work. We’re going out Friday. You should come,” I offer, as Paige comes to stand next to me.

  “You talk to Oz?” she abruptly asks, breaking into our conversation.

  “Oh, yeah, for a second,” I answer her. “Paige, this is one of my professors
from Yale, Joel. Joel, this is my roommate, Paige. She went to Yale, too.”

  She nods at him. “You ready? Our food is getting cold.” She seems impatient and a little annoyed. I look over to see if Captain is still there, thinking that might be the problem or something. I see him still there, but now he’s on the phone.

  “Yeah, sorry, Joel, but we have to go. I know Friday some of us are going to Marie’s Yacht Club over on 11th in Chelsea to have a few drinks after work. You can stop by and say hi if you like. Maybe meet some people. It would be nice to catch up.”

  “Sounds good. If I’m not working, I might do that.” His shaggy hair falls in his face a bit, but his smile is bright. He looks hopeful for a chance to hang out.

  Maybe he’s really been lonely in the city. I can’t imagine being here without Paige.

  “Perfect. We’ll be there around six. I hope I’ll see you then,” I say as Paige pulls me away, making our way toward home.

  “Geez, I know you’re hungry, but no need to be rude.”

  “Not sure your Oz would like you inviting a man out for drinks,” she says, taking me by surprise. That was the last thing I thought she’d say. I thought she was hangry.

  “What? He’s an old professor and new to town like I am.”

  “He isn’t old,” she hits back.

  Joel isn’t old, but that wasn’t what I meant by old. The girls at school crushed on him, but I didn’t get all the hype. He kind of looks like a hip nerd or something. I guess if you scaled him compared to all the other professors that would make him hot. I always thought he was nice.

  “I didn’t mean old as in age, old like he used to be my teacher. Besides, I talked to Oz on the phone and he’s out at a bar from the sounds of it, and I know I heard a woman in the background, so...” I shrug as if I don’t care and fight the urge to check my phone. I will not be needy, I tell myself.

  “If you say so. Just saying he doesn’t look like the type that would be okay with you inviting men out for a drink.”

  “It’s a group thing, and you’re coming, too.”

  “Oh, I’m coming. I can’t wait to see this.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask.

  “Just saying, I can’t wait to see what Oz does, is all.”

  “Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but Oz is out of town until Saturday, so he won’t even be there.”

  She smirks.

  “Maybe I’ll invite Captain if you keep that up.”

  We both look over our shoulders, and Captain is indeed there, following us, still on the phone.

  “Or maybe I won’t have to invite him if he keeps this up.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  * * *

  After grabbing the package Oz left me from my building’s doorman, we head up to our place, where I scarf down my burger while reading over Eric’s reports and making corrections. I decide when I’m done to take a long soak in the bath. We’re lucky that we have our own bathrooms with nice big tubs.

  I grab my phone from my purse and pick up the shirt Oz left for me. It looks as worn as my Yale shirt, but his is a faded Jets football shirt. As I take my phone and the shirt with me to the bedroom, I pass by Paige, who’s on the couch, typing away on her computer.

  “I’m going for a soak and then bed. I’ll be up at the normal time if you want to go into work together tomorrow.”

  She looks up from her computer and gives me a nod. “Sounds good. You talk to Oz yet?” She eyes my phone in my hand, and then looks back at me.

  “I’m about to,” I say, turning to head toward my room. “’Night.”


  It’s weird, but that’s the third time she’s asked me about Oz. It’s probably because I’m usually glued to my phone or checking it obsessively when it comes to him.

  Running the water, I add some bubbles and take out the pins in my hair. I pile it up loosely on top of my head and put a towel on the edge of the tub for drying off my hands.

  When I slide in, I reach over, grabbing my phone to see if Oz has texted me. Surprisingly, I’ve got a dozen text messages from him and a few phone calls, too. Checking the messages first, I scroll through them.

  Oz: Baby, answer your phone. I’ve been trying to call you back.

  Oz: It’s not what you heard. There are people here in this club, and it was loud.

  Oz: Mallory, please answer me. I’m worried.

  Oz: I’m sorry, baby. Don’t ignore me. I left the club. I can talk.

  Oz: Since you’re not answering your phone, I’ll leave this in a text.

  Oz: There was a client that wanted to meet, and I agreed to go out for a drink to talk business.

  Oz: I only agreed for business, but I wasn’t familiar with the place he suggested and it was a dance club.

  Oz: I was there for five minutes, and it just happened to be when you called.

  Oz: Please don’t get the wrong idea, baby. I care about you so much. Much more than I want to say in a text.

  Oz: I would never do anything to disrespect you. Please. Just call me.

  Oz: I’m back in my hotel room. I’ll be up all night if I don’t hear from you.

  Oz: I miss you.

  His messages make my heart ache and make me smile at the same time. I guess it was a misunderstanding, but I got annoyed instead of hearing him out. Hitting his number, I call him, wanting to let him know everything is okay. I’m sure he’s still up and worried.

  I don’t think my phone makes it through the first ring before Oz is answering.

  “Baby.” The one word has so much need in it. Maybe even a touch of panic.

  “Hey. Sorry, I stuck my phone in my purse and I just saw your messages.” I bite my lip, thinking it’s technically the truth. I could have picked it up sooner, but I was being a brat.

  “No, I’m sorry. I tried to explain on the phone. You know I wouldn’t be in a club with someone else, right?” His voice is so sweet and pleading.

  “I know. I think I was hangry.” He laughs at my joke, but I want him to know the whole truth. “And maybe I was a little jealous I wasn’t there with you while it sounded like you were having fun.”

  “My sweet Mallory. I’m not having any fun without you by my side.”

  It makes me smile like an idiot when he says adorable things like that. I shouldn’t want him to not have fun without me, but it makes me happy to know he likes it when we are together.

  “I missed you today. Probably more than I should,” I say, scooting down in the tub more.

  “Is that water? Are you talking to me while you’re in the tub?” His voice gets a bit deeper, and I tingle all over. “I missed you, too, baby. I missed you so damn much.”

  He yawns, and then it sounds like he’s lying down.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m in bed. It’s late here, and I have to be up in three hours. I waited to hear from you.”

  I’m overcome by guilt again for ignoring my phone because I was pissed. I apologize, but he interrupts me.

  “I’m so happy you called me, baby. Listen, you enjoy your nice long soak. And if you want, maybe send me some pictures of you while you’re enjoying it.”

  “Oz.” I say it like I can’t believe he asked me that. Although I’ve never sent nudes to anyone, suddenly the naughty idea sounds so dirty and sexy.

  “I’ll need something to wake up to since we can’t have our breakfast together tomorrow. I’m already sad about it. Maybe if I have something sweet from you, I can make it through the day.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I say, running my hand up my leg. I consider all the dirty things I could send him, and the blush spreads across my cheeks.

  “Good night, my sweet Mallory. Wear the shirt I left you. I hope
I see you in my dreams.”

  “I will. For you. ’Night, Oz. I miss you.”

  With that, we hang up, and I set my phone on the towel. I soak in the bubbles for a few moments, letting my cheeks burn. He says the most romantic things to me. They make me so embarrassed, yet cherished. It’s equal parts exciting and overwhelming. I want to do this for him. To show him I’m in this, too.

  After my face has cooled down, I grab my phone and take a few snaps before I lose my nerve and stop myself. He’s seen all of me already, right? Why should I be so nervous about sending him a few flirty pictures?

  I take ten and erase all but one. Then take ten more and only keep one of those. I want to send him five different poses, so I get creative and keep at it.

  Finally, after forever, I’ve got five that I think are suitable. One is pretty tame with me under the bubbles. The second is of my breasts above the water. The third is a pic of my legs spread with a hint of my pussy. And I blush as I debate the last two. Finally, I put my hand over my face and hit Send before I can change my mind. One of the last ones was of my hand holding my pussy lips spread so he could see my clit, and the last one was me bent over with my legs spread. I ought to get some kind of trophy for being able to get in that position and snap a picture. Thank God for timers.

  After I send them all, I put my phone down and finish my bath. I think about Oz and wonder what we’ll do on Saturday when he gets back. I think about going to his place and maybe telling him I’m ready to stay the night. It hasn’t been that long, but I’ve always thought that when I finally found the right guy, I would know. And it’s that way with Oz. It’s like this is the guy I’ve been waiting on. He’s the reason I passed on all the guys before. I was waiting on a man like him to come into my life and sweep me off my feet. He’s done all that and so much more. I’m ready to take the next step, and that means giving myself completely to him.

  Once I’ve finished in the bathroom, I pull on a pair of panties and then the shirt Oz left me. It makes me smile. I wonder if he’s wearing my Yale shirt right now. The thing is so big it would fit him nicely. He’d fill it out better than I do.


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