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The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by K. R. Haynes

  In Her Eyes 2

  The Fire in Her Eyes

  Since the first night Officer Mick Huon met Mary J Sinclair down at the Convict Inn, fiery sparks of passion have flown between the two of them. After stealing one kiss from her, Mick decides it’s best if he keeps his distance from Mary J, mainly due to his steadily rising affection for her that was stirred up from one brief tender moment they shared. What Mick hadn’t counted on was for Mary J to seduce him. The woman has a fire within her that sets him ablaze with primal lust. To tame a stubborn redhead like Mary J, Mick will have to pull out all the stops if he's planning on enticing her into his bed.

  But when Mary J’s dark past collides with the present, it stirs up more trouble than they were both prepared for. Can Mick conquer Mary J’s past in time or will he end up losing her forever?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 85,263 words


  In Her Eyes 2

  K. R. Haynes


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by K. R. Haynes

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-092-3

  First E-book Publication: June 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is dedicated to my much loved and missed Grandmother, Mary Jean. May you always rest in peace, Granny.


  In Her Eyes 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  For the hundredth time tonight, Mick found himself wondering what the fuck had possessed him to ask this woman out on a date. Sure his date for the night was stunning, with her long blonde curls that trailed all the way down her back to her waist. She had a rack on her that most hot-blooded men would dream about and the outfit she’d donned for tonight’s date left nothing to the imagination, that’s for sure. It was sleek and tight, and way too revealing for a first date.

  He so wasn’t feeling it for her.

  This woman was so not his usual type he would normally date. In fact, Lucy Walker seemed way too blonde and way too, well, flimsy for him. Mick liked his women feisty, headstrong, and willing to submit to him in and out of the bedroom.

  He so couldn’t see this blonde submitting to him anytime soon.

  In his opinion there was nothing better than having a strong-willed woman surrendering her whole self over to his care. It was something he hadn’t had the pleasure of finding over the past couple of years. Now with his best mate, Jon Randall, engaged to one of the most stunning and courageous submissive women Mick had ever known, he was left yearning to find a submissive woman of his own.

  Yeah, you could say Mick envied his mate’s good fortune with the woman he owned so completely. But it would be a cold day in hell before he would ever admit out loud to his old mate and fellow Bomb Squad team member of that little fact.

  With his date still babbling on about god knows what, Mick wondered how much longer he needed to be here to make this date a decent length without looking like an outright bastard. It was a case of “hit and run” for him tonight, without the pleasure of a hit and every intention of the run.

  Again he kicked himself for the weak moment he had when he suggested to his tax accountant’s receptionist that they should go out for a drink. When she accepted his offer, where did Mick suggest they go? The Convict Inn, the local pub he and the other officers on the Bomb Squad frequented. And the same pub Mary J Sinclair worked at. The young twenty-something-year-old barmaid who had the knack for lighting his whole fucking body on fire with lust and an irresistible need to bury himself deep inside of her. With just one single look from her, his dick was hard as stone and he was horny as a randy teenager.

  Shit, he should not be chasing after her. He was too damn old for her to start with and he most definitely shouldn’t be lusting after a woman who was almost ten years his junior for Christ’s sake. And he damn sure shouldn’t be having X-rated dreams about her either. But hell, it was Mary J. The damn woman represented everything Mick had been searching for in a woman ever since he was a teenage boy and hungered for a woman who could match his own sexual needs with her own. Deep down, Mick knew without a shadow of a doubt that the feisty barmaid would not only match his need, but also challenge it on every fucking level she could.

  He had to stay away from her. It was that simple.

  Even just acknowledging those words to himself had his dick throbbing in protest to them. His dick knew who it wanted and was straining, even now, to get inside her silky, moist, hidden depths. She was far too young for him, though, far too young. Not that Mick would classify himself as an old fart by any means. He was only thirty-four years old. However when you compared that to the age of the woman he lusted after, who was only twenty-five years old herself, well hell, it might as well be a decade difference separati
ng them in the age factor, instead of a lazy nine.

  “Dumbass,” Mick mumbled to himself again, while shooting another a fleeting look across the pub toward the woman he wanted more than his next breath. He groaned inwardly when Mary J’s gaze found his. Yet again, he found himself cursing himself for being an ass for coming here to flaunt his date in front of the one woman who could make his cock harder than a rock in less than five seconds flat, and ramped up his desire to see her buck-ass naked and cuffed to his bed even stronger.

  Ever since Mary J sashayed her way into the pub in those fuck-me knee-high cowboy boots, barely-legal short denim shorts that hugged the curves of her ass so deliciously, and a tight white singlet that showcased both her assets perfectly, Mick wanted her. He found himself drawn to her. Mary J managed to ignite a blaze within his soul, a fire that burned white-hot for her and for her total submission to his Dominance. How could he tame a feisty woman like her when she affected him so greatly?

  She made him edgy.

  She made him want to dominate her.

  She made him want to believe in the so-called happily ever after for Christ’s sake.

  But more than anything else, she made him hunger for her. There didn’t seem to be a day that went by where Mick didn’t find himself hard and constantly aching to sink his cock deep inside her heated core. No other woman had ever made him feel this way before. That was one of the reasons why he kept his distance from her recently.

  In the past, he had always found time to head down to the pub whenever she was working behind the bar just to see her. They would both constantly flirt with each other. Tease each other relentlessly with little caresses here and there, all very subtle of course, mainly touches to the cheek or on the arm. Sometimes he couldn’t resist the urge to reach across the bar to push some of those loose coppery-red curls of hers behind her ear. He always found himself smirking every time he felt her shiver beneath his gentle, caring touch.

  However, he couldn’t do any of that now even if he wanted to. Everything had changed between them when he found her in the hospital chapel one night about a month ago. Mary J had been in there praying for Randall to have a speedy recovery from the almost fatal injuries he suffered from a bomb explosion. Mick had held her close to him that night while she sobbed quietly in his arms.

  In that moment, he knew that things had changed between him and Mary J, possibly for the better, and it scared the shit out of him. Unsure of how to deal with his intense feelings for her, he made the decision to keep his distance from her, thinking it was for the best. Now though, he was starting to think that he made the wrong decision there, just like he made the wrong decision about going out on this date tonight too.

  Had he totally screwed up everything that had been blossoming between him and the feisty barmaid by staying away from her?

  His gaze soon connected with the object of his obsession through the swarm of patrons filling the pub. He felt like a pervert, watching her flick some of those coppery-red curls of hers over her shoulder. Just the sight of it had him shifting in his seat to alleviate some of the pressure off his hardening cock. Images of those same flaming curls draped over his body, and a very naked Mary J writhing above him as she rode him hard while crying out his name as she came bombarded his mind. The damn woman managed to tantalise him not only in his dreams at night but also plague his thoughts throughout the day, and basically ruined him for any other woman. He was beginning to wonder how much longer he could keep on resisting her. Each day became harder and tougher to resist the temptation of taming the feistiness locked inside the woman he wanted to dominate so completely.

  Shaking his head at that thought, Mick swung his gaze back to Lucy who had become increasingly restless and insistent on dancing with him. Just what he didn’t need to do was some kind of dirty dancing shit on the damn dance floor with her, all the while having Mary J’s eyes glued to his every move and cursing his arse for being there in the first place. Yeah that so was not a good idea.

  Seeking out Mary J through the Thursday-night crowd once again, Mick wondered what she would do if she saw him tearing up the dance floor, badly, with his date. Would it make her jealous? Yes, maybe. No, probably not. Oh, fuck it. He wanted her to be jealous all right. Perhaps to prove to him she was indeed still interested in his stupid arse. Although flaunting his date in front of her was probably not the smoothest move he ever made.

  Once again his gaze tangled with Mary J’s. His cock jumped to life at the fire he could see burning hotly in her eyes. Oh hell, he was in so much trouble with that woman. He was falling for her fast. Mick knew if he fell any faster for Mary J his balls would be on fire. He had no control over how hard he fell for her either, and that bugged the shit out of him.

  He was a man who was always in control. Always.

  Whether in the bedroom with his woman, or on the job catching assholes like the ones associated to the Gang of 39 who almost killed Randall a month ago. Or hunting down the scumbag who stalked Randall’s fiancée then almost raped her after beating her to within an inch of her own life.

  Rage burned bright hot inside of him at remembering the images of Chloe all battered and bruised. The hell his best mate went through after hearing of her attack and then seeing firsthand what had happened to her was something Mick himself never wanted to go through. To see your own woman, who owned your heart and soul, beaten and bloodied by another male made his own insides recoil. He never wanted to go through that himself. He never wanted to experience the fear of coming close to losing the one that mattered most to you, and for his best mate that had been Chloe Watson.

  Mick knew himself all too well to know he wouldn’t be able to hold back the rage to hunt the one responsible for the hurt caused to the woman he cared for. He would seek vengeance. No, he would demand it. If the powers that be couldn’t accept that, then he would take it with or without their assistance.

  Justice would be served to the one who attempted to take, harm, or slay the one person who mattered the most to him, Mary J Sinclair. Mick vowed then that he would be the one responsible for finding the culprit, and he would be the one to dish out any retribution on the bastard’s arse too. If, and that’s a big if, something ever happened to her. He wouldn’t stop until the bastard or bastards were either locked up behind bars or buried six feet underground. He didn’t care which one, as long as he got results.

  Right now though, vengeance wasn’t required. Mary J was safe and she didn’t need him playing good cop bad cop on her behalf. What was required from him at this moment was to act a little more interested in his much-neglected date and apply some sort of attention to her.

  Hearing her request for a dance had him mulling it over in his head.

  “A dance huh? How about you let me finish this beer off first, gorgeous, before we even think about dancing.”

  If he was going to get up and make a fool of himself out there on the dance floor then he was definitely going to need some liquid amber courage to be able to pull it off. Shit, he was way too old to be burning it up on the damn dance floor, way too fucking old.

  Chapter Two

  Mary J couldn’t believe her own eyes when she saw Mick stroll into the pub a couple of hours ago with another woman. His date for the night was some skinny blonde thing who trailed behind him eyeing his ass like it was some sort of prize she couldn’t wait to unwrap. She hated the woman instantly, all because it should be her on a date with Mick, not this blonde…person. It wasn’t often Mary J found herself jealous of another woman, and in this instance the green-eyed monster raised its ugly head in full force.

  “What’s wrong with him? Can’t he just, ugh!” she grumbled loudly.

  “What’s wrong with whom?” Christian, the other bartender working behind the bar with her, asked her in between pouring beers for a customer’s order.

  “Ah, nothing, sweetie, just babbling to myself is all.”

  “So your babbling has nothing to do with Mick and his lady friend over there then?�
�� Christian then pointed his head in the direction of where Mick was currently sitting, talking to his date.

  Mary J turned to face Christian and plastered on what she hoped looked like a friendly smile and not some murderous one. “Sweetie, does it look like it has anything to do with him?”

  Christian just raised an eyebrow up at her answer then turned to take some more drink orders from thirsty patrons. Something she herself should be doing. However, Mary J had trouble tearing her eyes away from Mick and his date. The only thing that satisfied her about this whole thing playing out between Mick and his date was that he really didn’t look like he was having a good time at all. Good.

  The fleeting glances Mick had been throwing Mary J’s way all night long were smouldering enough to cause her to shiver. There was so much heat and hunger in his gaze she couldn’t help but tremble with a hint of her own desire for him. His eyes had been caressing over her on and off all night long, just like she wished his work-roughened hands would. She yearned to feel his hands gliding over her smooth, bare skin. His hands and his body would awaken the deep-seated hunger she had for him. Her hunger for him was a fierce one, and one she would only ever dare admit to if she could learn to somehow control the strength of it.

  Closing her eyes briefly, Mary J imagined Mick laying her out on his bed, naked and tied down for his pleasure. His expert hands would tantalise her skin, tease it awake with a featherlike touch that would ignite the flames of her desire for him and make those same flames smoulder wildly beneath her wanting flesh. She longed to burn so white-hot for him that only he had the power to douse the raging fire within her. She needed him to make her burn for him and take her hunger for him to a whole new level, one she hadn’t experienced with anyone else. Then and only then could those same white-hot flames of desire be doused with his warm seed and send her careening over the edge into an ecstasy she had never known or experienced before.


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