The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by K. R. Haynes

  Now it was time for him to get them both back on track, and if that meant she was sleeping over tonight, then so be it. He needed her in his life just as much as he suspected she needed him in hers. She may not like his dominance all of the time. Nonetheless, the way Mick saw it was if he didn’t start correcting the wrongs of the past they would both eventually struggle to come together. And that was something he didn’t even want to contemplate. So he would encourage Mary J to submit to him and he would encourage himself to be the true dominant man he knew he was capable of being.

  Drawing in a deep, fortifying breath, Mick let his mind formulate a plan to fix things between him and Mary J. He relaxed his posture so he didn’t give away the tension he felt deep into his bones. He could hear her scurrying up the hallway looking for him. He smiled for the first time in a week, and damn it felt good, real good.

  * * * *

  Mary J took a deep breath, bracing herself for what Mick was going to tell her. She knew whatever was on his mind was serious enough to cause him to withdraw from the people who loved and cared for him. She only hoped that whatever he did end up verbally sharing with her wasn’t something that would end up affecting their burgeoning relationship.

  Her heart felt heavy in her chest as she stopped just outside the front room where Mick was waiting for her. A sense of foreboding crashed over her, like waves crashing over jagged rocks on the ocean floor. Right then, she had second thoughts about wanting to hear what Mick had to say to her. Did she really need to hear what he had to say to her if it was going to be bad news? If there was a chance she could end up walking away hurt, then she didn’t need to hear about it.

  Nope, she couldn’t allow herself to think like that.

  Whatever happened when she walked into that room, she would stand by Mick no matter what. Their friendship meant too much to her to allow it to be senselessly broken by something they both had no control over.

  Stepping into the front room and seeing Mick trying to look relaxed as he sat on the sofa, Mary J sauntered over to him. She had this ridiculous urge to kneel at his feet when she was standing in front of him. Dismissing that thought, she settled down beside him on the sofa and reached over for one of his hands and clasped it between both of hers. Placing their linked hands on her lap, she waited patiently for him to start talking to her.

  After a few minutes of stubborn silence, Mary J allowed her thumb to rub soothingly over his knuckles. Her eyes lifted from their entwined hands to his silvery grey orbs. She was momentarily taken aback by the sorrow and the pain haunting his eyes.

  “What happened, Mick?”

  He looked at her for a brief second before he spoke. His voice sounded too rough to her ears, and she knew then this, whatever this was, was wearing him down. “I’m not sure how to say this to you, Mary J, without being completely honest and upfront with you. I have one condition though, if I’m too—”

  “I accept the condition,” she told him with absolute conviction lingering in her voice.

  “How can you possibly accept the condition, Mary J, when you don’t even know what the damn condition is?”

  “I trust you, Mick, that’s why.”

  “Well, that’s where you went wrong, sweet thing, by trusting me when you damn well shouldn’t.”

  He growled at her then. Mary J refused to let his anger affect her and refused to react to his comment of her being wrong about trusting him. She did trust him. It was a fact that could not be altered by him no matter how much he shouted his displeasure about it. So she sat there staring defiantly back at him. When he didn’t say anything else to her, she slowly raised a manicured eyebrow up at him in a silent request for him to starting dishing the dirt. He just huffed at her and remained silent for another long moment while toying with a stray piece of her hair.

  “I’ve been accused of something that I did not do nor would I ever do.” He tugged on her hair drawing her eyes up level with his when she peeked down at their clasped hands. “You remember the date I had with the blonde woman a couple of weeks ago?” Mary J scowled up at him at the mention of that woman. “Of course you do,” he muttered to himself. “Well, her name was Lucy Walker.”

  “Wait, what do you mean her name ‘was’ Lucy Walker?”

  “Because, sugar, she’s dead now, murdered to be exact.”

  Mary J gasped before uttering “what” incredulously to him. She watched as Mick stared off into the distance. His grip in her hair loosened until his hand fell away completely. When he went to move away from her, her first instinct was to clutch onto his thigh with her hand, forcing him to stay where he was. Then, she realised the only way she could get him to open up to her was for her to let him have the space he needed to do so. However, she would allow him to put only so much distance between them and no more.

  “It seems, the night I came into the pub to apologise to you, Lucy was kidnapped and then murdered, among other things, out on that farm that bastard who held a knife to your throat had advised you of.”

  “Holy shit!”

  “Watch your language, Mary J. Such filth shouldn’t be allowed to pass from such a sweet mouth like yours.”


  He just nodded his head at her apology, but still avoided looking her way. She had had about enough of his avoidance to last a lifetime to come. Moving towards him, she stepped in front of him and rested one hand on his upper arm and the other one on his chest right over his heart. “How did it happen? I mean how did she get killed?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that, not while an investigation is still going on. All I can say at the moment is Jake is pretty certain that Lucy’s murder looks very similar to a murder case he oversaw a couple of years back.”


  “Yeah, oh, but that’s all I know so far.”

  “So you mean to tell me that you haven’t sat down with Jake and demanded him to fill you in on the ins and outs of that old case of his?”

  “No, not in so many details, plus there wasn’t enough time for him to elaborate when he mentioned it.”

  “Well, then make time,” she demanded to him.

  “Don’t go making demands on me to do anything, sweet thing, or you’ll find yourself over my knee before you can even say ‘what the fuck?’”

  “I thought you said you didn’t want me to swear anymore?”

  “Don’t get smart with me, Mary J. My hand is just itching for an excuse to draw a rosy blush to your ass. This is your final warning.”

  Mary J wanted to say something to rebuff that comment, but when she saw the determination glittering in Mick’s eyes she hastily decided against provoking him. He was too much like a grumpy-ass bear at the moment anyway. Plus, she really didn’t want a sore backside.

  “You’re right of course,” he huffed out to her a few minutes later. “I should have talked to Jake to find out if there are any similarities between his old case and Lucy’s death.”

  Mary J held her tongue and just nodded her head in agreement.

  “I’ll make some arrangements with Randall and Jake so we can—chat—soon,” Mick confirmed to her.


  His arms then reached out to her and tugged her toward him. Mary J allowed herself to melt against his hard, muscular frame. She welcomed this closeness he was offering her and wanted to cherish it for as long as it could last for. She could still sense that he was tense from the situation he found himself in and wanted to help ease some of his tension from his body. So she slowly lowered a hand to his groin and began to rub lightly over his impressive denim-covered bulge. She shivered at the feel of his dick stirring beneath her hand. Just as her fingers found the tag of his zipper, Mick clasped a hand around her wrist and pulled it away and drew her knuckles up to his lips and kissed them. She looked up at him through lowered lashes and pouted her bottom lip out at him.

  “I don’t want you to serve me, Mary J, that wasn’t my intention when I told you what was troubling me. However, what I do want f
rom you right now is to hold you in my arms while we watch a little TV.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” Glancing down at his denim-covered cock she shyly added, “If you change your mind about, umm, well you know, let me know, okay.”

  “You’ll be the first to know, sugar.” His eyes heated as they roamed over her clothed, covered body. “Now, lose the clothes, sweetness. I want to see that sexy lingerie you wore especially for me today.”

  Mary J swallowed hard. He wanted her almost naked, sitting on his lap while they watched TV? Oh holy hell, she wouldn’t survive it, not while his hands roamed freely over her flesh, heating her skin with every caress. She could already feel her juices dripping into her sexy panties she had worn to seduce him. Now, he planned on seducing her slowly and torturously. Oh god, she wouldn’t survive it. She was sure of it.

  Waiting for Mick to settle back down on the sofa, Mary J turned to face him and gradually lifted her sweater over her head then threw it onto a nearby chair. As she sauntered over to him, her hands slowly undid the zipper on her jeans and pushed them past her hips and down her thighs, showing him a glimpse of the tiny see-through panties she had on for him. His eyes heated with hunger and she smiled coyly at seeing him adjust his hardening cock in his jeans. After ditching her jeans, she straddled his lap and then leaned forward little by little until their lips were a hair’s breadth away from each other’s. Flicking her tongue out, she traced his lips with it and hummed her approval at tasting the whiskey lingering there, before diving in to kiss him with all the passion she had stored up for him from not seeing him for a whole damn week.

  A week of not seeing him had driven her to near desperation. Lust, desire, and hunger stirred in her veins and pulsed in her blood for him. Her need for him over took her sanity as she lapped and nipped at his lips until he growled and overpowered her by taking her lips with his. He showed her then his true domination and his sheer possession of her. He was the kindle to her flames and she was on fire, inside and out. Her skin was flushed with heat and her heart was beating a million miles an hour. More, she needed more of this from her man. So much more…

  “Mick.” She breathed his name against his neck as his lips found their way down the side of hers. “I…I thought you wanted to watch, ahh, TV?”

  “I’ve changed my mind and found something way more entertaining to do.”

  “Like w–what?”


  Okay she could deal with that, sure no problem. She lost all train of thought when his lips possessed her mouth once again. Oh yeah, she could handle this all right.

  Feeling her nipples beading and brushing against the thin material of her bra, she moaned when they rubbed up against his chest. He was still shirtless, and the coarse hairs on his chest teased her aching little buds. The sensation they caused was almost too much for her to handle. “Oh god…Mick!” she screeched as her nipples rasped against his chest once again.

  “Hush, sugar, let me taste you. Christ I want you so damn bad, Mary J, my dick hurts with the need to be inside you.”

  Mary J couldn’t help but laugh at what he said to her. “That would have to be the worst pickup line I have ever heard anyone say, Mick.”

  “It wasn’t a pickup line, sugar, it was the fucking truth.” His lips trailed soft kisses over the swells of her breasts as he mumbled against them. “I need you, Mary J. Christ, I need you so fucking bad right now.”

  “Then take me, Mick, and make me yours. Please…”

  He growled possessively against her flesh, causing a fresh wave of desire to course throughout her. With her eyes squeezed closed, she threw head back and lost herself in the passion Mick was forcing upon her. His lips undid her when they surrounded one of her taut nipples through her bra. She couldn’t stop her hips from grinding into his. She needed something rubbing against her achy clit and the roughness of his denim crotch was right there for the taking. She was only moments away from coming, when she heard his warning. “Don’t you dare come, sugar, or there will be a punishment in your near future.”

  Breathe, she told herself. If she could get enough oxygen into her lungs then she could stop the inevitable sexual explosion ready to burst deep within her core. Slowing the rocking of her hips down, it calmed the need for her to come. She buried her fingers into the short lengths of his dark brown hair and tugged his lips to hers. Her tongue ploughed into his mouth until it was dancing and tangling with his. His growl vibrated on her lips and sent her aroused state to an even greater height. Would it always be like this with him? The conclusion to that unsaid question was she sure hoped so.

  Mary J could feel the heat of his hands on her back. His expert fingers made quick work of the snaps on her bra. She allowed the straps to fall from her shoulders as she continued to sip at his lips. Her hands clasped his head, hard, at the feel of his callous hands fondling her bare breasts. He held them in his hands, like he was weighing the feel of them in his palms. His naughty fingertips tweaked and pulled at her nipples, causing her hips to buck against him. Her lips fell away from his as she cried out. Her bra was whipped completely away from her body then, baring her breasts to his heated gaze. Then before she knew it, his hot, moist mouth sucked one of her nipples inside and had her crying out in ecstasy all over again.

  The sensations Mick was forcing her to feel were like nothing she had ever experienced before with her past lovers. Not that she had that many nor had she taken a lover since she broke up with her ex a couple of years ago. Now, her body was primed and ready for Mick and his well-endowed dick.

  “Please, Mick, I need…”

  “You want my dick in you, don’t you, sugar?”

  “Oh god, yes! Please, Mick, now I need you buried deep inside me right now!”

  “It would be my pleasure to give you what you need then, sugar.”

  Mary J lowered her hands to the zipper on his jeans and unzipped it as she scooted back on his lap. Reaching inside, she wrapped her hands around his hot, steely length and pulled it free from his jeans. Her mouth watered at the sight of his dick standing tall and proud in her hands. Mick lifted his hips up and pulled out a small foil square and quickly sheathed himself up. Her panties, she was still wearing her panties. She needed to get them off, she realised a little too late, at the sound of material being ripped apart.

  “You tore my panties?” she said in astonishment that he had actually torn her tiny see-through panties.

  “Yep, they were in my way and they had to go.”

  “But, no one’s ever tore my panties before.”

  “Good to know I’m your first for something.” He slapped her on her now bare butt then told her to get up on her knees.

  Mary J did what he told her to do and moaned when he rubbed the head of his cock through her weeping folds. Her clit was burning and needed something to take the edge off. Before she knew what she was doing her hand slid down her belly and her fingertips slipped between her pussy lips. By their own accord her fingertips then began circling her clit. “Oh god, yes!” whispered past her lips as a pleasurable haze began to wash over her. She could feel herself falling into the most incredible release. All she needed was the call to come, so her orgasm could finally take hold and whisk her off to that proverbial promise land of intense pleasure.

  Then just like that, her hand was ripped away from her achy clit and the promise of release was slowly subsiding. She cried out in protest and even tried to batter away the interfering hand that was tugging her twiddling fingers away from her aching bud. But it was no use. Mick was in charge of her pleasure and right then she knew it. She may not like it, but she would succumb to his dominance. And if she found an opportunity in the future to turn the tables on him, then she would take it, regardless of the consequences her actions would bring to her or her ass.

  “No, Mary J. This here is my pussy and your pleasure is for me to hand out and not for you to take when you see fit. If you need to touch what belongs to me in the future you will ask me, sweetly o
f course. Do you understand me, sugar?”

  “Yes…uh, sir?”

  “Good answer, sugar. Yes, I rather like hearing you say ‘sir.’ So from now on, when we’re having intimate relations you will call me ‘sir.’ Outside of that you can call me whatever takes your fancy.”

  “Intimate relations? Really, Mick, why don’t just say when we’re having sex. Honestly.” Mary J shook her head and rolled her eyes at him only to receive another slap on her butt from him for doing it.


  “I do believe I gave you some instructions to follow and I’m still waiting for you to follow them.”

  “I’m not a damn kid, Mick. I don’t need instructions.”

  “Apparently you do, little girl, because your pussy is not on my dick yet.” He slapped her butt again. “So hop to it, sugar, and get that hot little pussy of yours on my Johnson now.”

  “Oh god,” fell from her lips at the mention of his dick inside her core. Hearing his amused chuckle had her face flaming with embarrassment.

  “Nope, he won’t save you, sugar. Now haul ass, and get what belongs to me on my cock and no more stalling.”

  “Yes, sir,” she grumbled out to him.

  Drawing in a shuddering breath, Mary J lifted herself up from Mick’s lap. She hovered herself above his throbbing cockhead and ever so slowly she lowered herself down onto his dick. The stretch and burn from not having a penis inside her for so long had her gasping for air. Her fingers found his shoulders and gripped them hard as she paused for a second with his cock partially inside of her tight cunt. She could hear Mick’s deep voice talking to her, helping her to relax her inner muscles and accept his entry. Two years, it had been two whole long years since she felt a cock inside of her and Mick’s penis wasn’t small by any means. It was fucking huge.

  “Breath for me, sugar, there’s no hurry, we’ve got all night. Just go nice and slow. Christ, you feel so tight around my cock. Your cunt is like a vice around my dick, sugar, I love it.”

  After a few seconds pause, Mary J began lowering herself further onto Mick’s dick. His steady breathing and the calmness he exuded had her nerves and muscles relaxing further. He felt so large inside of her that he actually put her vibrator to shame.


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