The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Fire in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by K. R. Haynes

  Finally, she could feel him all the way inside her. She paused for a few more seconds, relishing the sudden fullness of him full seated inside her cunt. Slowly her hips began to undulate on his lap. The feel of his huge cock twitching against her fluttering channel had her moaning.

  His hands clasped her hips and gradually, he raised her up off his dick so only the head rested inside of her. She wiggled a bit in his hands, urging him to lower her back down. The most exquisite ecstasy raced through her as he filled her back up again. Pleasure, it was everywhere, surrounding her with its warmth.

  The scent of sex lingered in the air around them as she continued to ride his dick while straddling his lap. She could feel her pussy juices running down the inside of her thighs every time Mick pulled his cock out from her core. Her nipples were so sensitive from scraping against the coarse hairs on his chest every time she pulsed forward and back on his hard length. The change of angle also meant his dick hit her G-spot on every entry into her pulsing channel.

  She was so close now. She could feel the intensity of her orgasm bearing down on her like a damn freight train. “Mick!” she screamed his name out loud as her body trembled with the need to come.

  “I’ve got you, sugar. Come for me, Mary J, let me feel that sweet syrup of yours flooding my cock.”

  “Oh fuck…Mick! Oh god…”

  In the back of her mind, Mary J knew Mick would no doubt reprimand her for swearing again, but right now she didn’t give a damn as her orgasm exploded around her. She squeezed her eyes closed as the most delicious and torturous ecstasy cascaded over her. Her body trembled as she continued to rock against him. His dick was buried so deep inside of her that she could feel him bumping into her cervix. Somewhere in the haze of her orgasmic high, she heard Mick grunt out her name before he expelled his release into the condom he had worn. Just the feel of him coming had her falling into another exquisite release.

  Once the aftershocks had subsided, she collapsed onto his chest, sweaty and satiated. Her arms fell loosely around him, holding him to her. She didn’t want to ever let him go. This connection she felt with him was something she never wanted to relinquish. It felt too precious to give up, and too valuable to her that she would fight anyone who dared to take it away from her.

  In all the times she had been with a man, not once did she ever have this sense of closeness like she felt with Mick. She hadn’t really had that same closeness with anyone really, not even with her parents. So she guessed then that nothing could ever compare to the feeling of being in Mick’s arms. God knows, she’d never felt that kind of intimacy with her ex-boyfriend.

  Just the mere thought of her ex sent a shiver racing down her spine. What would she do if he ever came after her? Sure it had been a couple of years. He probably moved on by now. God she hoped he had at least. However, Myke Dillon, her ex, always seemed too possessive of her to give up on what he considered his. Was she in danger of feeling that invisible leash of her ex’s around her neck again?

  She knew Mick wasn’t as possessive as her ex. Both men, though, shared similar traits. Men who needed to dominate the women in their lives. Hell, she had just glimpsed Mick’s domineering power and she hadn’t been scared of it, not like she had been when her ex had acted in the same manner. Maybe it was because her ex had a nasty venomous streak in him whereas Mick didn’t. In fact if she was perfectly honest with herself, she would actually say she felt safe and cared for in Mick’s arms especially when he made love to her. Even if the sex had been raw and hot between the two of them, she considered herself sheltered by Mick because he showed her how much he loved her with his actions rather than with words. He may not have verbally spoken words of love per se, but she knew he loved her just like she loved him.

  All too soon, Mary J found herself being lifted from Mick’s lap and gathered up into his arms. She was still floating on cloud nine from the powerful orgasms he had given her, even if her brain was comparing her current lover to her old one.

  She cuddled in close to the heat of his bare skin as he carried her down the hall to his bedroom. She took comfort in the warmth his body provided her with. A part of her wanted to protest and tell him she could walk just fine. But in truth she liked being held in his arms. She loved the scent of his skin, especially now after sex. His scent was stronger and more potent. It made her sex bloom to life once again, just so it could feel his possession of it all over again.

  Lying naked on his bed with her legs splayed open to him, Mary J thought she should feel embarrassed at having Mick clean her body so intimately. But all she could feel was cherished, and decided that was way better than being embarrassed at having the man you love wipe away the aftereffects of his lovemaking from her exposed lady parts.

  After he had cleaned himself up, Mick climbed into bed with her and Mary J didn’t hesitate in curling her nude body up against his. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight to him. A sense of rightness washed over her. Home, she thought. That’s exactly what it felt like being in his warm embrace. After travelling around the countryside, hiding from her abusive ex, Mary J had once believed that she would never experience a sense of peace she longed to feel, or find a place that she would want to call home again either. She also thought she would never find a man she would want to proclaim to the world that he belonged to her and her alone.

  She was wrong to believe those things. Because here in Mick’s arms she had found that sense of peace she longed to feel and a place she could call home again too. She also found a man who belonged to her in the same way she belonged to him.

  In her whole life she had never felt so blissfully content like she did right in that very moment, lying in Mick’s bed with him wrapped around her, holding her tightly. Soon enough though, Mary J found herself drifting off to sleep in the arms of the man she loved with her whole heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mick woke up to the feel of a soft, warm, feminine body lying on top of his rather stiff, male one. His dick ached and every damn muscle in his body protested every time he so much as tried to move. Fuck, he must be getting too damn old for his shit, if his body was this sore in the morning. He then cursed his irritation at the late morning sun blinding his sight from the mass of coppery-red curls covering his bare chest. His cursing managed to stir the sleeping beauty draped so heavenly over him. Lightly, he weaved his fingers into her hair and twirled a wild curl around with his fingertips and watched Mary J settle back down into her dream state once again.

  Staring at the coppery-red curl wrapped around his finger, Mick knew deep down it would bring him immense pleasure to wash and comb out all those wild curls of Mary J’s every day. In fact it would give him a great sense of satisfaction at taming something Mary J herself sometimes struggled to do. Plus, there was the added bonus of having her positioned between his thighs as he did it too. Because he could then, very subtly of course, rub his cock against the pillow of her ass cheeks while she sat in between his legs as he detangled her unruly hair.

  God, he loved her wild curls, and he especially loved the way they matched the woman owning them. Boisterous, untamed, and disobedient at times, hell most of the time, and that pretty much summed up his woman and that mane of hers.

  He chuckled then, remembering the way his feisty woman stood up to him and even had the nerve to go toe-to-toe with him when he had been in one of his darker moods. It had been so fucking hot, his dick was all but begging him to take her right there and then, and fuck them both to sexual completion. When he did end up taking her it had literally blown his mind. It was fair dinkum the hottest, rawest sex he had ever had in his whole fucking life and it left him hungry for more.

  Just thinking about the way he took her and the uninhibited desire he had seen in her eyes as she came and came hard for him was something he would never forget. He loved the fact that he could make her feel that intense sexual fervour, that she lost herself to the power of it as it exploded around her. It had made him feel more manly knowing he
had sexually gratified his mate. Christ, he sounded like a damn caveman thinking shit like that.

  All this thinking about sex and Mary J had his usual morning wood harder and aching to feel her moist, velvet warmth enveloping him all over again. The feel of her belly pressing against his ridged length had him wishing he could thrust it into something else like her pussy or her ass. Hell, he would even settle for fucking her tits with his throbbing dick. Not that fucking her tits would be settling at all. Her full, plump boobs were just as tantalizing as the rest of her body.

  It amazed him not only how responsive her body was to his touch but also her as a woman, a submissive woman at that. Mary J wasn’t just a woman with wild curls. She was also a wildcat in the bedroom. Her body cried out for his touch and he knew that by every moan and mewl that she gave him. The woman was addictive and the sex between the two of them was mind-blowing fucking fantastic. The little sighs she had given him as he pumped his cock in and out of her velvet heat had made the dominant beast within him growl in delight. She was submissive for sure and her surrender to his power was an aphrodisiac he wanted more of.

  She was his love drug, and he was her junkie that had to have his daily shot of her. Hell, maybe even several if he was good enough, he smirked to himself then. Yeah, he had seen that little hint of dominance within her yesterday, and it made him all the more eager to push her boundaries just so he could see it in full flight. It wouldn’t take much from him to get her there either. All she would need was a little love tap, he figured, one strong enough to arouse her but hard enough to wake the little tigress within her. Timing was the key though. If he pushed her too hard it could end up backfiring on him. Then on the other hand if he didn’t push her hard enough nothing would happen. This is exactly why Mick loved subs with a sassy attitude as it kept him on his toes, and subs like Mary J were few and far between.

  Thank god, his lucky stars had shined on him the night she had strolled into the pub. He hadn’t planned on going down to the Convict Inn that night, or even that week for that matter. But fate had a different plan for him and somehow, Mick had ended up being there when Mary J swayed that cute little behind of hers past his table. His tongue had been hanging out of his mouth ever since that evening. Nearly twelve months later, not even that long, she still had the ability to rock his world.

  It was still a couple of months away before he could officially say he had known Mary J Sinclair for a whole year. He wanted to do something to mark the occasion. It had to be something special though, maybe even something permanent. Rubbing his hand over his stubbled jaw, Mick tried to think of the best way to celebrate that date. The day, or the anniversary at least, meant a lot to him. It marked the very first day he had fallen in love with Mary J.

  It had been a case of love at first sight for him and that was weird in itself because before that night he didn’t believe in love or in love at first sight even. But all that went to hell, fast, when his gaze found hers that night. Even his damn dick had screamed at him mine. Mick knew he was in all sorts of trouble where she was concerned. It was the best kind of trouble he could ever find himself in too.

  It had been a Thursday night when he first saw her. The pub had been too damn busy for his liking. All those damn loved-up couples flooding the dance floor, rubbing their bodies up close to one another as they dirty danced their way around the pub. Fucking Valentine’s Day. February 14. That was the date he would never forget now. It had been the day Cupid had been an active little bugger and aimed his bow and arrow at him and Mary J. And thank Christ Cupid got it right this time, because before he met Mary J, his love life had been pretty much nonexistent.

  Now, all he had to do was not fuck up his chance at a shot at love with the sassy redhead. Mick barked a laugh then. Don’t fuck it up? Was it even possible for him not to do exactly that?

  Twirling another stray curl of hers around with his fingers, Mick eyed the tattoo he had on his upper right bicep. He had gotten it straight after he graduated from the police academy. The simple barbwire tattoo circling his bicep muscle seemed to attract the young ladies’ attention at the time, when he had been out on the town looking to get laid. All he had to do to grab the women’s attention was flex his muscles in front of them and they were putty in his hands. That was a long time ago now, when he had been young and just out chasing a skirt for the night.

  He wasn’t young anymore and he certainly wasn’t out chasing skirts either. There was only one woman he wanted his dick in and that woman was Mary J. On the plus side of things, Mary J hadn’t exactly said she hated his tattoo when they were naked and getting busy with each other, not that he planned on getting rid of it either even if she asked him to. Although she had been a little too busy obeying his command not to come, that she probably hadn’t a real chance to ogle it. Hopefully her objections to it were the furthest thing from her mind when she had been writhing on his lap begging him to let her come.

  An idea began to formulate in his mind then, of a way to mark that first night he had seen her and the date that was permanently engraved into his heart and soul. He just hoped she wasn’t opposed to his hairbrained scheme, because if she did he was totally screwed and not in a pleasurable way he liked to be either.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After spending most of the morning in bed wrapped around each other, Mary J had risen to cook them both a late breakfast. It had been a glorious way to wake up this morning, with Mick’s hard dick buried deep inside of her, coaxing her body to fly free and soar into an ecstasy she had never been able to reach without him taking her there. She had never reached such orgasmic heights with any other male she had slept with. Not even her trusty vibrator had given her such pleasure like the way Mick always did. Now that she had experienced the pleasures of real intimacy, she was becoming rather addicted to it and to the sensation of Mick ramming his engorged cock in and out of her. In fact whenever she had a moment to herself all she could think of was Mick and the way he would coax her body into ecstasy with that big, fat cock of his.

  But she couldn’t think of him now, not while she was back at work. She loathed the idea that all her focus had to be on running the pub and not fantasizing about her manly lover. And thinking about him was hard, especially knowing he was off having some secret meeting with god knows who. She just hoped that Mick had the common sense to talk to Randall and Jake about the two murder cases and wasn’t off doing something stupid like getting his ass kicked by some badass member of a gang or something else just as dumb. If he was getting his ass whipped though, there was no doubt in her mind that she would clean him up, patch up his wounds, then tie his arse down and have her wicked way with him. She grinned at the thought of tying Mick spread eagle to that bed of his and teasing him with a crop or some other sexual device he had hidden for her sexual torture.

  Her grin fell when she remembered the reason why he was off having secret discussions. Lucy Walker, the blonde woman Mary J had been so jealous of after seeing her out on a date with Mick a few weeks back, was now dead. She wouldn’t have wished that kind of ending on her worst enemy. The only reason that police had discovered Lucy’s body when they did was because of the knife-wielding jackass that had held a knife to her throat, promising retribution if she didn’t deliver his message to Mick about the surprise he had left for him out on the Macgregors’ farm. The worst part was if she refused to do what the jackass wanted, then he would have killed her. As it turns out, Mary J wasn’t the one to die that night, Lucy Walker was. And from the ramblings she had overheard from Mick when he had been on the phone, Lucy Walker had suffered greatly at the hands of her killer.

  A chill ran through her then at the memory of seeing Lucy dancing up on the dance floor with Mick the night they had been on a date. God, she had never been so jealous of another woman like she had been that night. Now, Lucy was dead. Mary J wasn’t sure how to feel about that news. She felt sad that such a young life had ended, but she also felt remorse, that maybe subconsciously she had wished
Lucy dead for stealing her man from her even though at the time Mick wasn’t officially hers. Sure, everyone in town was well aware that Mick fancied her and that she fancied him. Did that mean she was a horrible person to wish her rival would just go away?

  Pulling herself out of that downward spiral, Mary J went about fixing the cocktails she was going to need as soon as Chloe turned up. Her best friend had gone completely crazy when Mary J let slip that she happened to have an adult sleepover with Mick. Chloe had insisted then that they had to catch up today while the men were out so they could gossip about them without their interference or input.

  Mary J let out a laugh when she looked up just in time to see her close friend burst through the front doors of the pub shrieking at the top of her lungs. All Mary J could make out was Chloe blubbering on about something to do with Randall threatening to paddle her ass if she wasn’t home in an hour. Meaning, Mary J had better start dishing the gossip now or heaven help her friend’s backside. Hearing that comment about a paddle and Chloe’s ass made Mary J laugh even harder at her friend because she knew without a shadow of a doubt, Chloe loved it when Randall paddled her backside.

  Placing the cocktails she had made for them both down on the counter as Chloe settled down on stool in front of the sugary drinks, Mary J told the two waitresses working the bar for the afternoon shift that she was on a break.

  “Hi, sweetie, how are you? I have to say you look fantastic by the way.”

  “Thank you, you look great, too, hun. Maybe it’s those damnable men who are in our lives who seem to keep us women on our toes, or in their case on our knees,” Chloe said with a wink to her.


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