Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC)

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Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC) Page 5

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  Fury nodded, in full agreement, as he watched Rayna digest Ox’s words.

  Her shoulders shook slightly, her bottom lip was tucked between her teeth.

  Let’s get this over with.

  Chapter Six

  Rayna watched Fury’s big form as he led her towards his bike, his hand yet again clasping hers.

  His palm was warm and calloused and she briefly wondered if he would fuck her gently or if he would be as rough with her body as he was with everything else.

  She knew he wasn’t interested in her sexually- why would he be after everything he’d heard- but she had to wonder why he was so vested in helping her.

  “Here,” He said as he handed her his helmet.

  “Thank you.”

  She watched him scratch at his beard as she dropped his helmet onto her head and waited for him to climb on.

  He didn’t say a word as he swung a long leg over the side of his bike and seated himself.

  Rayna slid on behind him and waited for him to tell her what to do.

  Did he want her to hold on tightly?

  Was he still mad at her for whatever she’d said to irritate him earlier?

  Fury didn’t wait long enough for her to ask, because suddenly he was gripping her hands and wrapping them tightly around his waist.

  Her fingers dug into the sides of his cut as he started the engine and sped out of the lot like he was racing the devil himself.

  Rayna had no choice but to wrap her thighs tightly around his and bury her face in his back; if she was honest with herself, she didn’t really mind it.

  She hadn’t been touched kindly by another human being in three months, so every time Fury touched her it was like a fucking treat for her starving soul.

  It didn’t take long for them to breeze into Bryson City, and the familiar sight made Rayna’s stomach roil.

  “Take a left up here,” She said into Fury’s ear.

  They turned into her subdivision, a small little bundle of houses that were similar to one another. A cookie cutter neighborhood if she ever saw one, but it was home.

  At least, it used to be home.

  Now, Rayna didn’t have a home.

  “The last one on the right,” She told him as they neared her house.

  Fury slowed and pulled into her driveway.

  As soon as the bike was parked, Rayna climbed off and handed him his helmet.

  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Fury frowned, shaking his head as he too climbed to his feet.

  “You’re not goin’ in there alone. What if they’ve got someone waiting for you?”

  Rayna held a hand out.

  “Give me your gun, then.”

  Fury shook his head, a lock of dark hair falling into his eyes as he stared down at her.

  “Fuck no, Rayna. Quit arguing with me and get your ass movin’,” He demanded.

  Rayna’s eyes narrowed as she stepped towards him- she had to tip her head all the way back to maintain eye contact.

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  Lord, just get inside-

  Fury’s jaw was ticking like an old clock, but he didn’t say another word to her as he stepped around her and headed directly for her house.

  Rayna huffed, outraged, as she chased after him.

  “Hey! You can’t go in there!”

  Fury turned to her so fast she ran right into his chest face first.

  He surprised the hell out of her when he gripped her chin and tipped her head back.

  “I know you don’t remember how this works, but I’m trying to help you. I want to make sure you’re safe. I refuse to let you walk in there when we have no idea who the fuck could be waiting on other side of that door!”

  Rayna opened her mouth to speak, to give him a piece of her mind, but she had nothing to say.

  Nothing she could say.

  Fury was being kind, and she was being rude because she didn’t know how to deal with it.

  “Thank you.”

  “Stop thanking me for being a decent person!”

  Rayna flinched at his words and took a jerky step away from him.

  He reached for her, but she avoided his grip by stepping onto the front porch and reaching for the handle.

  “Give me a second to check the perimeter before you open that,” He muttered as he left her standing by herself.

  Rayna took a deep breath and tried to remember that she didn’t really know Fury, but his temper was obviously the reason he’d gotten the nickname, ‘Fury.’

  It only took a few seconds for him to return to her, his gun in hand.

  “It’s all clear.”

  Rayna kneeled down to the welcome mat and lifted it until she saw the dirty spare key peeking up at her.

  “Just where daddy left it,” She whispered to herself.

  She pressed the key into the lock and turned it slowly, pushing the door open as she did so.

  That same old scent hit her nose, like old books and laundry detergent, as she stepped inside.

  Everything was just as they left it, apart from the pile of mail spilling across the hardwood floor.

  As Rayna stepped into the living room she could see a thick layer of dust covering the expensive furnishings. Even the white sofa was looking dingy, and Rayna would know because she’d vacuumed it the day before they left for Missoula.

  “Nice place.”

  Rayna walked past Fury and headed directly for the office where the safe was located. Rayna stopped only once to caress the glass of a photo taken of her and her father just last spring.

  Her father was smiling into the camera, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  They both looked so happy...

  “Sorry, daddy.”

  Eager to gather her things and get going, Rayna dropped her hand from the picture.

  She didn’t look back as she opened the door to the office and headed right for the safe. Her hand shook as she punched in the passcode.

  Two seconds later the door to the safe swung open, and Rayna was greeted by big stacks of money and a pile of folders.

  “Holy shit.”

  Rayna glanced at Fury over her shoulder and nodded.

  “Yeah. Daddy didn’t like banks much.”

  Fury grunted and bent down to help her.

  Rayna pulled everything she’d need out of the safe and set it aside for Fury to wrap up.

  “You take care of this and I’ll grab a few things from upstairs. Okay?”

  Fury dipped his head.

  She huffed a breath and ran towards the stairs, already making a mental list of things she’d need to take with her.

  Toothbrush, deodorant, panties, a few outfits...

  It didn’t take very long for her to round up what she was taking with her, but just as she was about to leave her room, Fury stepped inside.

  Her heart stalled in her chest as his wide shoulders filled the doorway.

  He was so tall he had to duck a little to step inside, but the fact that he was in her room had her body heating and her brain malfunctioning.

  Rayna swallowed audibly and watched him as he rifled through things.

  “Lookin’ for something specific?”

  Fury shook his head as he lifted a photo of her in a cheerleading outfit towards his face.

  “You look good in that tiny skirt, Rayna.”

  His gritty voice was the only sound in the room besides her pulse.

  Her heart was beating so hard, she was sure he could hear it if he listened hard enough.

  “Thanks. I don’t do much cheerleading anymore,” She offered lamely.

  Fury snorted and set the photo back down on her desk.

  He lifted up another picture, one Rayna had purposely set face down on her desk.

  He had it turned upright before she could stop him, so she pretended like she didn’t see the familiar face smiling up at her.

  “Who’s he?”

  “No one.”

  Fury’s gaze arced over t
o her and he narrowed his eyes.

  “Why do you have a picture of no one sitting face down on your desk?”

  Rayna just shook her head as she continued to pack her duffel bag.

  He doesn’t need to know about Derek.

  Fury shook the photo in his hand a little too hard, causing the plastic leg to smack against the back of the frame.

  “Come on, is he your boyfriend?”

  Rayna zipped her bag closed and threw it over her shoulder.

  “Not anymore.”

  “Ah, you two didn’t work out? He looks like a real swell guy,” Fury quipped as he set the picture back down in it’s rightful place.

  Rayna stopped to look at him.

  “No, we didn’t work out. Are you done pestering me about my love life now? I’ve got one more thing to grab, and then we can go.”

  Fury obviously stiffened at her tone, but he didn’t mention Derek again.


  Rayna nodded before she left him behind and headed for her father’s room. The door was still open, and once she stepped inside, it took all of her strength not to cry.

  His bed was still made just the way he liked it; the scent of his aftershave was faint in the air.

  A pile of clothes still rested at the end of his bed.

  It looked like he’d be coming home, like there was still a chance that he’d come walking through the door at any moment, just like he used to.

  “Fuck it,” Rayna said as she pulled open the top drawer to his bedside table.

  She rifled through the contents before she found the lip to the hidden compartment and pressed down hard enough to make the wood shift.

  Rayna grabbed the gun tucked safely away inside and the small black book only her and her father knew existed.

  Inside held all of the information anyone would need in order to bring her father’s whole operation down. The information was written in code, but if someone wanted the info bad enough, they could crack it eventually.

  Rayna wasn’t taking any chances.

  Her father’s customers had to know he was dead by now; The Blazin’ Eagles wouldn’t wait to brag about that. It probably pissed more people off than it pleased, but she didn’t have time to think about it.

  “You get what you needed?”

  Rayna waved the gun in the air before she stuffed it in her bag.


  Fury’s eyes widened, but he didn’t ask any questions.

  Rayna was glad that he didn’t.

  She took one last long look around the room and reminded herself that this was still her home.

  Even if it didn’t feel like it right then, even if she had no idea how she was going live within the same walls without her dad, one day she may want to return.

  One day she’d be able to walk through the front door without crying...but it wouldn’t be today.

  “Let’s go.”

  Fury followed closely behind her, two paper bags rolled up and tucked under his muscular arm.

  Rayna tried not to concentrate on how his black t-shirt showed off every hard inch of his body, or the way his dark eyes practically singed her skin every time they landed on her.

  She only felt something for him because he’d saved her.

  He was nice to her, that’s it.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

  At the end of the day she would eventually go her way, and he would go his-it was better that way.

  Fury tucked her things into the satchels on his bike, but told her she’d have to hold the duffel as they rode.

  His fingers were gentle as he buckled his helmet under her chin.

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier, baby. I didn’t mean it.”

  Rayna only nodded.

  “It’s fine.”

  He shook his head at her.

  “It isn’t fine, but I appreciate your forgiveness just the same.”

  His words surprised her, but she didn’t tell him that.

  He was already climbing onto his bike and holding out his arms as if he were waiting for her to join him.


  Fury could feel the heat of Rayna’s thighs against his, and it was driving him fucking crazy. They were pulling onto the lot just as the sun was setting, and he could see Slayer and Green smoking near the fire pit, laughing about something.

  Ox ambled towards them, a cigarette in his mouth.

  “Looks like we’re having a bonfire tonight,” Fury commented.

  Rayna slipped from his bike as she held his helmet out to him.

  “Thanks for the ride.”

  Her cold dismissal didn’t surprise him.

  He’d been a dick to her all fucking day, and it all came back to her comment earlier.

  Her thanking him for being nice to her?

  It threw him through a loop.

  Fury didn’t fucking do nice.

  He had half a mind to challenge one of his brothers to a fight tonight just to get his irritation out of his system. To blow off some steam.

  “Hey, how’d it go?”

  Fury turned to face Ox as Rayna disappeared inside the clubhouse, her shaggy hair hanging limply around her shoulders.

  He thought back to that fucking picture of her in her cheerleading outfit; beautiful, healthy, so damn perfect it made his mouth water.

  And my dick throb.

  The reality of what had happened to her hit him hard in that moment.

  “She got what she needed. Along with some fat stacks of cash, man. Had to be at least fifty grand in their safe.”

  Ox scratched his chin and sighed.

  “How’d the house look? Think anyone was watching it?”

  Fury shook his head as he hopped off of his bike and followed Ox towards the fire pit.

  “No. Locked up tight and covered in dust. Hopefully that means they haven’t started looking for her yet.”

  “She okay?” Green asked.

  Fury nodded as he checked the time on his phone.

  “As good as she can be, I guess.”

  “Yeah, so what the fuck is story between you two? You almost bit my head off for jokin’ about her this morning,” Slayer said.

  Fury glared at him.

  “She’s not a tagalong you can pump and dump, man.”

  “I never said she was, but that don’t mean she’s off limits. She’s not claimed, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but even half starved she’s fuckin’ hot.”

  Fury certainly had noticed; his cock was still throbbing against the seam of his jeans after that long ride with her thighs tucked around his.

  “Obviously I fuckin’ know that. She just got done being fucked every which way from Sunday against her will, Slayer. Maybe I was too busy considering that to care about whether or not she’s claimed!”

  “Jesus, Fury, relax! Slayer wouldn’t hurt her. You sure you’re not feelin’ something for Rayna? You sure are defensive,” Ox said.

  Fury glared at Ox and shook his head.

  “I’m trying to make her feel comfortable here. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? For me to be her friend, to make her feel at ease? Why the fuck you asked me to do it, I'll never know. I'm not good at babysitting.”

  Except, Fury knew he wasn't just babysitting.

  He wanted Rayna, bad, and that was his real problem.

  Ox’s gaze strayed to something behind Fury, and he turned to see Rayna standing there, her eyes wide.

  “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I, uh...nevermind,” She said with a shake of her head.

  Fury turned to go after her, but she held up a hand.

  “I got it. I’m comfortable.You can just-leave me alone, now.”

  She disappeared yet again and Fury swore as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “Real smooth, ass hole. Now she’s gonna think you don’t like her,” Green snorted.

  Fury growled and lunged for Green, but Ox slammed his palms into his chest and pushed him back.

  “Enough! Fury, get your head in
the game! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Good fucking question.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” Fury hissed as he turned and headed towards the clubhouse.

  He heard laughter as he stepped inside and was greeted by the sight of Tasha and Loretta primping in the mirror that hung over the bar.


  Loretta’s eyes lit up when she saw his reflection in the mirror.

  “Fury, baby! I’ve missed you,” She purred as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Loretta was a busty redhead with hazel eyes and a tongue that could make a priest jizz his pants.

  But, Fury didn’t have any interest in occupying her mouth.

  “Not now, Loretta. I’m busy.”

  Her face scrunched and she dug her nails into his shoulders.

  “Aw, you look stressed. I can give you a massage-”

  “Not now!”

  Fury pushed her away from him, ignoring the glare sent his way by Tasha, and headed for his own room.

  Why, why, why?

  Why did it feel like Fury’s whole fucking world was exploding, all because of some girl?

  It was like he was fifteen all over again and Rayna was his first crush.

  There were at least ten reasons Fury could think of off the top of his head as to why he should just leave her alone.

  Another ten he could think of as to why even trying to be more than her friend was a bad idea.

  And yet...

  He still couldn’t stop his mind from straying directly to the thought of her.

  Chapter Seven

  Rayna watched Laura thread the scissors through her hair again.

  “Almost done, honey. Sorry it’s so short...had to take a lot off in a few places to make it even,” Laura said.

  Rayna tugged on a few strands of hair, now tucked just below her collarbones.

  “It’s okay, really. I’m just glad it’s finally even.”

  Laura chuckled and ran a comb through the thick strands.

  “You look good as a blonde,” Laura said softly.

  Rayna looked at herself in the mirror again, admiring the new light blonde color Laura had worked hard to achieve.

  “You did a good job. Where’d you learn to do hair?”

  “I had a part time job in a salon to pay for college, way back when. Guess I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve,” She said with a shrug.


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