Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC)

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Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC) Page 8

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  He would eventually come to covet her, to yearn for her in a way that he didn't want to.

  The reality of the truth came crashing down on him like a tidal wave, and the current was brutal.

  There wasn't room in his life for a woman like Rayna Claire.

  Hell, the reason she was hiding out at their clubhouse was a testament to that, but Fury kept telling himself just one taste couldn't hurt.

  One taste shouldn’t hurt.

  He pulled his hand from between her slim thighs and dipped his fingers into his mouth.

  Rayna’s eyes were on him the whole time, watching, studying.


  I’m drowning.

  Her flavor exploded on his tongue like a ticking time bomb, sweet and salty and addictive.

  Her chest was still heaving as she tried to catch her breath while Fury slowly set her on her feet.

  “Wait- don't you wanna fuck me?”

  He winced at her words- of course he did- but she wasn't ready.

  Rayna deserved something better than a tequila drunk fuck, and he wasn’t ready to give her better.

  He didn't know if he'd ever be ready.

  “Not tonight, baby.”

  Her blue gaze fell as her eyes narrowed and he could practically hear the gears in her head turning.

  “You don’t want to. I mean, why would you? You’re not really into me, anyways.”

  Fury frowned.

  Of course, after what she'd heard earlier, she would think that-


  She shook her head as she pressed her palms against her closed eyes.

  “No, don't bother lyin’ to me. I heard you talking about me earlier, but I didn't wanna believe it. I heard you telling Ox you were only spending time with me because he wanted you to-”

  “Whoa, calm down. I like spending time with you, Rayna. I just don't think I'm ready to be the kind of man you obviously need!”

  Rayna’s hands fell to her sides.

  Slowly, her gaze met his, and he knew he'd just said the wrong thing.

  No, no, no-

  “And, what kind of man is that, exactly?”

  “Rayna, come on! You need someone who can go slow and work through your shit with you. After what the Blazin’ Eagles did to you, we both know you’re all kinds of fucked up.”

  Her blue eyes blinked, and Fury watched a tear slip past her thick lashes and slide down her flushed cheek.

  “You don’t want to fuck me, because the Blazin’ Eagles already did? Because I’m damaged goods?”

  “Shit, baby, that's not what I meant-”

  Rayna just held up a hand as she stumbled over to her bed and sat down.

  Her shoulders slumped and Fury wished he could take the words back, but he couldn't; they hung in the air between them like a layer of fog.

  Fuck, he wanted to kiss her again.

  Those lips.

  That body.

  The way she makes me feel...

  “Rayna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way.”

  There were tears in her eyes when she finally did look up at him and the sight ruined him- gutted him, even.

  He could practically taste her pain in the back of his throat as he watched her struggle to speak.

  “You're wrong Fury, you're so wrong.”

  As her tears escaped her wide eyes, she released a small, whine of a sound- a helpless tune that carried with it the loneliness she felt deep down to her soul.

  "I don't need anyone, anymore."

  Chapter Nine

  Rayna was drunk.


  It was eight o’clock.

  In the morning.

  “Man, sunshine, you’re drunk already?”

  Rayna’s head snapped up and she shrugged.

  “Makes me feel better.”

  Green frowned as she tucked her head underneath the hood of the car she was working on.

  “You’re gonna burn yourself out if you keep goin’ on like this,” He said softly.

  Rayna laughed bitterly as she shook her head.

  “I’m already burned out, baby. Haven’t ya taken a good look at me?”

  A large hand landed on her shoulder and she jumped.

  “You know what I see when I look at you, Rayna? A fuckin’ survivor. You didn’t let those dirty bastards wreck you. You got away. Shit, you burned their fuckin’ place to the ground! That counts for alot, sweetheart.”

  Rayna was as stiff as an ice cube and felt just as cold on the inside.

  What Green was saying, it didn’t resonate- all she knew was that she’d lived through hell and she’d done terrible things to assure her own survival.

  All she knew, was that her insides felt burned and ashy and completely irreparable.

  “Being drunk makes me feel like I can keep going, Green.”

  But, Fury made me feel human.

  Fury hadn’t spoken to her in five fucking days; he’d touched her body, singed her soul, and then poof! He was gone.

  Rayna couldn’t blame him for not wanting to deal with her demons.

  They lingered around her like a fucking firing squad, ready to take her out at any moment.

  Tequila made them disappear, and it made her feel semi-normal, and it made the fact that Fury was ignoring her less important.

  Because Fury felt important to her.

  He felt like someone who could understand her better than she understood herself; and when he touched her, when he pressed his hands against her skin, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

  That truth was as intoxicating as the feel of his mouth against hers.

  Fury made the memories in her head go quiet.

  Fury made the throbbing sting in her heart ease.

  “I’m nothing special, Green. The last ninety days are proof enough of that.”

  Green’s jade eyes were astute when they met hers.

  “If you keep believing that, you’re gonna let them win.”

  Rayna tossed her wrench to the ground and sighed, scratching the back of her neck as she stood up straight.

  “You tryin’ to piss me off?”

  “I’m tryin’ to help you stay sober, baby. You’re a shit drunk, in case you haven’t noticed. Ox almost tossed you over his shoulder and spanked your ass yesterday when you threw that beer bottle at Tasha.”

  Rayna groaned.

  “She was smartin’ off to me, damn it!”

  Green smirked as he pulled her into his arms and ruffled her hair.

  “Yeah, she was, which is why he let it slide. She’s terrified of you, and I don’t blame her. Still, you can’t go on like this, Rayna.”

  She closed her eyes and patted his chest.

  “I’ve gained five pounds already. Last night I didn’t have any nightmares. Today I woke up and took this engine apart and put it back together drunk. To me, that’s progress.”

  Green tugged on her messy bun and sighed before he pressed his mouth to her temple.

  “You remind me a lot of Lizzie sometimes. Fury’s sister was a little spitfire, just like you.”

  Rayna pulled herself out of his arms and looked around to see if they were alone.

  At eight in the morning they were definitely alone.

  “Whatever was going on between us, it’s over. I’m not gonna dwell on it,” Rayna said.

  Green eyed her closely, like he knew she was lying.

  Rayna didn’t care if he did.

  “Bullshit. The man can’t keep his eyes off you. Listen, Fury ain’t an easy man to get along with sometimes. He’s stubborn, mean, and his temper could rival a greek god’s, but he’s a good man. Losing Lizzie hit him hard, I know you can understand that. He’s just a little… lost.”

  Rayna nodded because she did understand.

  “Then I guess we got no business starting anything, anyways. No harm no foul.”

  Green started to laugh as he pointed towards the clubhouse.

  “If that were the honest truth, he wouldn
’t be glaring at me right this second. Quick, come give me a big hug, I wanna make him mad.”

  That made Rayna laugh, so she hugged him to her.

  Green was a good friend.

  It felt really amazing to hold onto someone again.

  “That’s right, pretend like you’re falling in love with me...,” He trailed off and Rayna heard the heavy clomp of boots on the cement heading their way.

  Fury’s scent wrapped around her like a stiff breeze and she fought not to inhale deeply and follow him.

  I miss his touch...

  The sound of metal clanking on metal met her ears.

  A glance told her he was angrily shoving tools into his arms, glaring at her and Green.

  She was still giggling when Green pulled away from her and smiled like a kid who’d just nabbed a cookie from the cookie jar.

  “Chin up, baby. You’ll be okay.”

  Rayna rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder.

  “Ow! What the hell was that for?”

  Rayna waved a middle finger in his direction.

  “I felt your wandering hand,” She said as she stepped right around Fury and headed for the clubhouse.

  Don’t look at him, don’t look at him-

  “Go sleep it off! Ox will spank that ass if you get into trouble again.”

  Rayna was still smiling when she stepped inside the clubhouse, almost running smack dab into Limit.

  “You smell like a margarita.”

  His deep voice sent a shiver down her spine.

  “I may have had one for breakfast.”

  His gray eyes fanned her face before he hummed.

  “Ox is lookin’ for you. Says he's got news on the Blazin’ Eagles. He's in his office.”

  Rayna felt a ball of panic form in her stomach as she let that news sink in.

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  Rayna didn't wait for Limit to reply before she headed for Ox’s office. She could hear voices as she neared the open door, and saw Rider sitting in a chair across from Ox’s desk.

  He had his tablet in his ready hands, and he was reading something.


  Ox looked up at her and frowned, his long hair falling into his eyes.

  “You look like shit.”

  “I feel like shit.”

  He sighed and motioned for her to sit in the chair beside Rider.

  “We've got some stuff to discuss. For starters, the Blazin’ Eagles are back in the states and they're pissed about their clubhouse. So far, it doesn't look like they know you escaped. By the time the cops showed up the entire place was nothing but a pile of ash.”

  His words made hope bloom inside Rayna.

  “They think I died too?”

  Ox nodded his dark head.

  “It's lookin’ that way, yeah.”

  Rayna fisted her hands into her lap, her mind racing.

  “Where do I go from here? I can't- I don't know what to do,” She admitted.

  Rider handed her the tablet in his hands.

  “These are the men that came back from Mexico.”

  Rayna accepted the tablet and looked at the men he was talking about.






  Even seeing them on a small screen sent her heart rate into overdrive.

  She almost dropped the tablet as she scurried to stand.


  The fear was back and it was practically chomping at her heels.

  It threatened to overtake her completely.

  “I need to get out of here- I have to go!”

  “Jesus, Rayna. Relax! They think you're dead.”

  “I am dead!,” She yelled.

  Ox's eyes widened before he glanced at Rider.


  He climbed to his feet and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Rayna, relax. Take a breath. You're safe here, we wouldn't let anything happen to you.”

  Rayna was shaking her head as she paced the length of his office.

  “No. It's not over until I say it's over. I'm going to finish this.”

  Ox wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her in his arms so she was facing him.

  “You and I both know you're not in your right mind. You want retaliation? Fine. I want it for you, sweetheart. But not like this. You can barely take care of yourself right now,” Ox said.

  Rayna covered her face with her hands.

  “Every time I see their faces all I can think about are the things they did to me. To my body. I need this, Ox. I need to know they're all fucking dead, and that they can't hurt me.”

  Her voice cracked and withered away as he took her firmly into his arms and held her tight.

  “I know. You'll get your revenge. You'll get your justice. But we have to be smart about it.”

  Rayna felt like swallowing another bottle of tequila but Green’s words kept circling around inside of her head.

  They didn't wreck you.

  She felt wrecked.

  She certainly felt dead inside, wasted, all used up and ready to be tossed away.

  “Look, we’re havin’ a club party tonight. Got a couple other MC’s headin’ over. Why don't you try to stay sober long enough to have a good time?”

  Rayna bristled at his words, but she supposed they weren't entirely unwarranted.

  “Okay. I'll try.”

  “Good. Go to your room and sleep off your drunk. You stink. I'll come find you later,” Ox ordered.

  Rayna thought about Fury as she as she headed to her room, and slipped inside.

  It was dark inside, cool; she could feel the weariness in her bones as she fell between her sheets.

  They're back.

  The Blazin’ Eagles were back.

  Her enemies were alive and well and capable of tearing her to shreds, but all Rayna could think about was the way Fury’s tongue felt against her skin.


  Fury sucked in a deep breath, appreciating the sweet menthol that lingered on his tongue.

  Slayer and Limit were standing beside him, shooting the shit.

  He couldn't concentrate on anything they were saying.

  His eyes were on the sunny blonde across the room, with her hands around a black coffee mug and a smile tugging at her perfect mouth.

  Green had one arm slung around the back of Rayna’s chair and Fury was pretty damn sure that if he tugged on her hair one more time, he was going to break Green’s fucking arm off.

  “Fury, why don't you just go talk to her?”

  He glared at Slayer.

  “I can't, man. It's no good.”

  “It's no good, or you're no good?”

  Fury frowned.


  “Chicken shit. You better lay a claim to that sweet piece of ass soon, or someone else is gonna try to. We've got three other clubs droppin’ in for a visit tonight. Someone's bound to notice her,” Slayed argued

  Fury knew he was right and therefore didn't argue.

  He also knew that he was in the wrong for even considering being jealous; he'd just turned her down himself not even a week ago!

  He was acting like a crazy asshole and it was no wonder things between them were still tense.

  “Ya know, you could always just apologize. Buy her some flowers or some shit, girls love stuff like that.”

  Limit smacked the back of Slayer’s head with one beefy hand before he shoved a cigarette between his lips.

  “Yeah? What's he supposed to put on the card? Sorry I wouldn't fuck ya, it ain't personal?”

  Slayer scoffed as he rubbed the back of his injured head.

  “No, but he could tell her he was sorry for leading her on. If you aren't gonna make a move, man, that is what you did-lead her on.”

  Fury bit out a growl as he dropped his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it.

  “Who's coming tonight?”

  “Green Berets, Dev
iants, and the Lone Rangers.”

  Fury grinned.

  “That means my man Axel will be here. Good, I need a good fight.”

  “Or a good fuck,” Slayed suggested with a leer.

  Fury glanced at the tagalongs beginning to crowd the lot.

  Girls from all over were visiting for the night, and while many of them were hot, none of them were her.

  “Nah, that's all you.”

  Limit slapped Fury on the back and shook his head.

  “Brother, you've got it bad. Boss said we gotta steer clear of her for now anyways. He broke the news about the Blazin’ Eagles. She didn't take it well.”

  Fury’s shoulder stiffened at the news; she knew?

  She knew they were back in the states?

  He wasn’t sure what worried him more; the fact that she hadn’t said a word about it, or the fact that she was obviously sober for the first time in a week.

  Limit’s eyes lit up when a green-eyed brunette took his hand into hers and licked her lips.

  “See ya later, boys.”

  Fury and Slayer watched Limit leave.

  “I need to get laid, man. Sorry, but I’ve gotta separate myself from you. You’re scarin’ off all the pussy.”

  Fury rolled his eyes and gestured for Slayer to go ahead.

  With nary but a shake of his head, Fury was left all alone.

  His eyes once again fell on Rayna.

  So. Damn. Beautiful.

  She was laughing, her hand on Green’s thigh- he wasn’t even paying attention, but Fury knew that the Irish bastard had a soft spot for Rayna; hell, everyone had a soft spot for her.

  That didn’t make the green monster on his back any less angry, any less rabid.

  Mine, mine, mine.

  The words repeated themselves in his mind like a mantra, like a prayer, and fuck if Rayna wasn’t a goddess he wanted to worship.

  With my dick and my tongue.

  “Shitttt.” He murmured as he ran a hand through his hair and headed for the crowd where she was located.

  She didn’t even look up when Prettyboy greeted him.

  “Well, look who it is. Fury, what’s up?”

  “Not a damn thing until Axel gets here.”

  Prettyboy started to smile, and Fury realized for the first time all night that his bandana wasn’t in place.

  The scarred half of his face was on full display, and Rayna wasn’t even batting an eye- Fury knew that would make Prettyboy feel like a fucking king, and it made him like her even more if it were possible.


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