Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC)

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Wrath (Seven Deadlies MC) Page 7

by Kaitlyn Ewald

“I don’t need fancy.”

  “What do you need?,” She heard from across the fire.

  Fury’s voice had her shivering, and not because she was cold- because the gritty, raspy sound made her skin heat in a way she wasn’t comfortable with.

  She caught sight of Ox returning with her drink, and she smiled in his direction.

  “I need that tequila!”

  Green snickered and she heard Limit laugh.

  Fury remained silent.

  Ass hat.

  “I like the makeup, sunshine. Did I already tell you that?”

  She looked over at Green.

  “Sure did.”

  “That’s right! I did! And then you told me you loveddd me,” Green said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  Rayna rested her glass on her thigh as she watched Green stuff an entire flaming marshmallow into his drunken mouth...and then promptly spit it back out.

  “Hot! Hot!”

  Green waved his hands frantically in front of his face as he struggled to swallow a mouthful of beer to chase the heat.

  Then, he turned to face her again.

  “Admit it sunshine, you’re madly in love with me and want to have my babies,” He choked out.

  Rayna snorted.

  “I’m not in love with anyone, anymore.”

  The tequila she swallowed was sour on her tongue, but it soothed her soul.

  Once her marshmallow was golden brown she lifted it into the air and waited for it to cool.

  “So, how old are you?,” Green asked.

  “Twenty-four. How old are you?”

  Green smirked.


  Rayna pointed towards the accountant patch on his cut.

  “You’re the club accountant?”

  He nodded.

  “I’ve got sixty grand in cash I need handled. Can you help me?”

  His eyes widened and he nodded.

  “Sure can.”


  He only smiled at her again.

  She supposed he was just happy in general, and she was fine with that- maybe they would be best-fucking-friends after all...

  Rayna was leaning back in her chair, almost relaxed, when the tagalongs came bustling outside, their squeals loud enough to wake the dead.

  Slayer wasn’t far behind them, his laughter joining their squeals.

  Rayna’s gaze narrowed as she watched a redhead wearing nothing but a white negligee saunter up to Fury and sit right in his lap.

  His dark head fell back against the chair as he tried to move away from her red, puckered, lips.

  “No, Loretta! I said not tonight.”

  Not tonight?

  So when?

  Tomorrow, the next day?

  She whined, a sound that made Rayna eager to eat a bullet, before she tried again.

  Rider was laughing beside her and Prettyboy joined the circle just as Loretta almost fell right off of Fury’s lap.

  Rayna’s jealousy was still burning at her insides when she was distracted.

  An icy blonde rounded the fire pit.

  Rayna didn’t need anyone to tell her that the woman thought she was top bitch- it was written all over her perfectly manicured face.

  She placed her hands on hips and grimaced in Prettyboy’s direction.

  He wasn’t paying any attention to her though, he was too busy looking at something on his phone.

  The brunette tagalong finally joined the group, her long brown hair curled into tight ringlets that bounced when she walked. She had on a purple dress tight enough to see through, and she wasted no time wrapping her arms around Prettyboy’s waist.

  “Why don’t you come have some fun with me?”

  Her tone was kind, almost polite, which made Rayna wonder what kind of relationship they shared.

  “Yeah, you two can play Beauty and the Beast,” The blonde snickered.

  Rayna’s gaze snapped to hers.

  Prettyboy looked up at the same time the brunette dropped her arms.

  “No thanks, Ruby.”

  Ruby’s face fell and the blonde smirked, her pink tongue edging along her bottom lip.

  “Don’t worry Ruby, you dodged a bullet with that one. If his face is that hideous I don’t even want to imagine what the rest of him looks like.”

  Prettyboy was definitely paying attention now, and his hurt expression beneath that stupid bandana had Rayna seeing red.

  That little bitch-

  Rayna set her glass down before she glanced up to see if anyone else had heard the way she'd spoken to Prettyboy.

  Green was laughing with Slayer, Ox was busy with the redhead Fury had tossed aside, Rider looked like he was asleep in his chair...

  Fury was looking at Prettyboy, waiting to see what he’d do.

  Ruby slowly stepped away from Prettyboy.

  “Tasha, that ain’t very nice.”

  Rayna looked back at the blonde who simply scoffed her distaste.

  “What? I’m just bein’ honest. Do you really want that face between your thighs, Ruby?”

  Ruby’s mouth fell open and Tasha lifted her hand to her face as she inspected her long nails.


  Nothing but utter silence.

  Prettyboy looked like he was ready to tuck tail and turn around when Rayna decided to...take matters into her own hands.

  Or that haughty bitch’s neck...

  She wormed her way behind Green’s chair and headed right for Tasha.

  Thankful she had on her own boots, she kicked the back of Tasha’s knee so hard the blonde went flying.

  Her screech echoed around the entire parking lot as her knees hit the pavement.

  “What the fuck!,” Tasha yelled.

  Rayna grabbed a handful of her blonde locks and yanked her head back, her eyes boring into Tasha’s.

  “Tell Prettyboy you’re sorry.”

  Tasha fought against Rayna’s hold but Rayna just dropped one foot onto the back of Tasha’s left leg and dug her heel in.

  “Apologize for talkin’ about him that way. Now.”

  “Get this crazy bitch off of me! Ox! Help me!,” Tasha cried.

  Rayna tightened her hold on Tasha’s hair as she glanced up.

  Well, shit.

  Everyone’s eyes were on her now.

  “Rayna, it’s alright-”

  “No, it’s not alright. She hurt your feelings.”

  “Better do what she says, Tasha. She looks like she’ll kill you,” Ruby choked out, her eyes wide.

  Rayna smiled.

  That’s right.

  “Ox, tell her to let me go! She’s hurting me!”

  Ox circled around the fire, coming to a stop right next to Prettyboy.

  “What did you say to make her so mad?”

  Tasha sputtered, her long nails digging into Rayna’s forearm as she fought against her hold.


  “Ah ah ah, it didn’t sound like nothing. Tell the truth,” Rayna demanded angrily with a yank on Tasha’s hair.

  Green started to choke on his own laughter and Rayna heard a grunt of approval come from Limit as he joined the circle, too.

  “I said he’s hideous!”

  “Sounds to me like you ran that pretty mouth of yours again,” Ox said as he put his glass to his lips.

  Rayna looked up at Prettyboy again, who’s green eyes were glued to her like white on rice.

  “Tell him you’re sorry, or I’m going to shove you face first into the fire, Tasha. And then we’ll see who’s hideous.”

  Tasha squirmed in Rayna’s arms, but at the last second she choked out an apology.

  “I’m sorry! Fuck, I’m sorry!,” She cried out.

  Rayna released her hold on Tasha’s hair and stepped around her so she was facing her.

  “You wanna be top bitch around here, baby? You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut. If I ever hear you talkin’ shit like that again, I’ll cut that filthy tongue right out of your mouth. Can’
t give a good blowjob without a tongue, can ya?”

  Tasha’s face was a mottled red, her pouty lips opening and closing like a fish out of water.

  Rayna smiled at her in the dark.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” Tasha whispered fearfully, her gaze never leaving Rayna.

  “You are so right, baby. I am crazy. It’s best you remember it too. Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Tasha scrambled to her feet, her knees scraped raw; Rayna watched her vanish before she turned around to face the group of people no doubt still watching her every move.

  She was met with stunned silence.

  “I don’t know about anybody else, but that made my peener so hard.”

  Green’s voice sliced through the thick tension like butter and Rayna started to laugh.

  And then everyone else started laughing too, and suddenly, she didn’t feel so crazy.

  “Yeah, my dick’s twitchin’ too,” Slayer said with a saucy smirk.

  Rayna rolled her eyes and reached for her drink.

  Ox was smiling at her, so she knew she wasn’t in trouble.

  Ruby and Loretta were long gone, no doubt chasing after their friend- which was just fine by her.

  Prettyboy caught her eye when he moved towards her.

  She was momentarily proud of herself for not flinching.

  Rayna was pleasantly drunk now, and it was the second time she’d felt okay since she was rescued...the first had been in the shower with Fury.

  A discreet peek told her his eyes were glued to her.

  “Why did you do that?”

  Prettyboy’s raspy voice drew her attention back to him.

  “Why did I do what? Defend you?”

  He nodded.

  “I saw the way she hurt your feelings, and it made me mad.”

  He huffed a laugh.

  “She didn’t hurt my feelings, Rayna.”

  She tsked, laying a hand on his cut, directly over his heart.

  Her eyes filled with tears that only he could see, and the sight was a marvel to him.

  “We’ve all got scars baby, trust me. Yours aren’t hideous. If you could see the ones lingering beneath my skin, you’d feel fuckin’ beautiful.”

  Prettyboy had no idea what to say to that, and neither did Fury, who’d heard every word.

  Chapter Eight

  Fury watched Rayna all night.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

  She looked beautiful before she put on her makeup and let Laura bleach her hair, sure- but when he saw her smiling at Green as he sweet talked her, Fury almost lost his shit.

  She looked gorgeous, and he wanted to tell her so, but he knew she was pissed at him for the way he’d acted earlier, and she had every right to be angry.

  His crew was right; he was acting like she was his, and she wasn’t.

  Nowhere near it.

  But, he wanted her to be.

  Fury had no idea why Rayna Claire made his entire world flip upside down; maybe he saw the same pain inside of her that he was feeling.

  Maybe something about her made him think of Lizzie, his sister.


  He told himself he wasn’t going to think about her, that he wasn’t going to let his mind wander tonight, but there it was-; the memory of his sister was loud, banging around inside of his skull.

  “Shit,” He muttered as he moved to stand.

  He shouldn’t follow after Rayna.

  He should just let her leave, head back to his own room.

  After what he heard her say to Prettyboy, he should just leave her alone.

  Fury knew that he couldn’t do that.

  Not after the way she’d just knocked a tagalong to her knees for disrespecting his brother, not after the way she’d struggled all night to relax and spend time with his crew.

  Not after he’d seen the yearning in her eyes whenever she glanced his way.

  Rayna Claire’s attention was invigorating, and potent.

  So, he headed down the hallway that he knew would lead him directly to her.

  It was dark and her bedroom door was wide open when he arrived.

  He could hear her moving around inside, hear her soft voice as she muttered to herself.


  She grew silent.


  When she came into view, he promptly lost his train of thought.

  She was wearing an oversized t-shirt with a cartoon motorcycle on it, but that was it.

  As she neared him he could see that she’d taken her makeup off, and she smelled like vanilla and mint.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

  The words slipped out before he could stop them, and he didn’t mean them-

  When he turned to leave she gripped his hand and tugged hard enough to pull him closer to her.

  “Are you done being mad at me, then?”

  Her soft words were like a punch to the gut for him, because he didn’t want her to feel like she’d done something wrong.

  His issues were all his.

  He shouldn’t have said that stupid shit about babysitting her or spending time with her because Ox wanted him to. It was a lie.

  Fury wanted to spend every second learning Rayna Claire, but he couldn’t risk it.

  Even though his brain was screaming at him to let it go, to leave her alone, Fury found himself cupping her cheeks and tilting her face upwards so he could see her better.

  So he could breathe her in.

  The moonlight and an orange glow from the fire outside filled her room with a subtle light that made it easy for him to see the confusion in her eyes.

  “I’m not mad at you, baby.”

  Her nose wrinkled as she frowned.

  “Are you upset about your sister?”


  “Who told you about Lizzie?”

  “Ox told me. I’m sorry you lost her,” Rayna whispered.

  Fury swore under his breath and tried to release her form his hold, but she held fast, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Please don’t run away.”

  She slayed him.

  “Baby, I can’t touch you right now, or I may not stop. You’re drunk. You’ll regret this in the morning.”

  Fury’s words had no effect on her.

  Rayna’s blonde head tipped back and she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth.

  She looked so sure when she whispered, “You won’t hurt me.”

  Her confidence in Fury made his cock spring to life against the fly of his jeans.

  “Fuck, Rayna, please. You need gentle. I don’t know how to do gentle-”

  “I want you, Fury.”

  Fury’s dark eyes landed on her mouth one more time before he caved.

  Fuck it.

  Fury gripped her waist hard enough to bruise as he lifted her right off of her feet and wrapped her thighs around his hips.

  She moaned his name as he closed her bedroom door and pressed her against it.

  Her tiny fingers threaded through his hair as his mouth crashed against hers.


  So fucking hot.

  She tasted like honey and she felt so soft in his capable hands that Fury thought he’d come right then and there.

  She kissed him back, tasted him as if he were the only flavor she’d ever crave again.

  Her tongue warred with his as they both fought for dominance, and Fury knew that if anyone could ever best him, it was her.

  Rayna Claire.

  Her hands landed hard on his chest, her hips grinding against him as she whimpered.

  Yeah, he knew his dick was pressing against her greedy pussy.

  He knew he was playing with fire as he touched her silky, smooth skin.

  Still, he dropped one hand between them and lifted that oversized t-shirt up above her waist, baring her body to him.

  “Fuck, you want this, don’t you?,” He whispered as he slid her red lacy panties to the side.

  “Yes, Yes.

  Her eyes snapped open as she cupped his face in her hands, her tongue darting out to taste him.

  “I need you to touch me, Fury. Please.”

  He didn’t question her.

  He couldn’t.

  Fury growled, there was no stopping him, he had to feel her.

  He knew he was a bastard for doing it, he knew there was a chance her sober mind would hate him in the morning, but right then, all that mattered was the way she begged him to touch her.

  Fury dipped two fingers into folds, spreading her thighs wider with his hips so he could feel all of her.

  Her mouth fell wide open, her chest heaving.

  “You’re so wet baby,” Fury rasped.

  She nodded, her lips meeting his again as he circled her clit with expert precision.

  She mewled, but he didn’t give a shit.

  Rayna was tight and wet and so fucking sweet that he wanted to lose himself in her.

  Her nails were digging into his shoulders, her teeth were nibbling on the side of his neck as she chanted his name.

  “Fury, Fury, don’t stop...”

  He wouldn’t stop, not until she was screaming his name and seeing stars.

  Not until he could believe, for just a moment, that she was his.

  Fury slowly massaged her clit with the pad of his thumb while he slipped his index and middle finger into her tight cunt.

  Fuck, she’s perfect...

  Rayna cried out, her hips grinding against his hand.

  Her blonde hair stuck to her wet lips as she arched into his hold.

  Fury dipped his head and nuzzled her stomach, her belly button, nosed his way north until he was sucking one of her pink nipples into his hot mouth. Her body was perfect even if she was too skinny, and the sight of her fueled the fire in his blood.

  Rayna hissed, her fingers digging into the back of his neck, her wet pussy clenching around his fingers.

  “That’s right, come for me...”

  Her body didn’t give her a chance to argue; with a strangled sound, she gushed all over his fingers.

  Rayna’s mouth landed on his, hard, hard enough that he could taste blood, but Fury loved it.

  All his life he'd waited to feel even a sliver of what holding Rayna made him feel, but it wasn't enough.

  He needed more, wanted so much more, but he refused to take it from her while she was drunk.

  He needed her wanting, willing, and sober.

  Fuck, he just wanted her.

  But, Fury knew that one taste of her wouldn’t be enough; he’d keep coming back for more.


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