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The Agent Gets Her Wolves [The Shifters of Catamount, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Josie Hunter

  “So you just left her?” Talon asked. “I’m wondering how a man does that to a girl like Steph.”

  “It wasn’t fucking easy, okay? It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And as you can see”—he rapped on his bum knee, and it hurt like a bitch—“and have probably heard, I’ve been in worlds of shit. But leaving Stephanie…” He swallowed. “Leaving her nearly ripped out my heart.”

  “Boo hoo.”

  The sound came from behind him. He spun the chair to see a big, ugly scarecrow with spikes of red hair. Stephanie had surrounded herself with some seriously unattractive people, and it didn’t surprise him the scarecrow sided with the eagle-shifter, too.

  “Another fan?” Dylan asked. “Gee, I’m so glad I showed up for everyone’s amusement today.” He lurched to his feet and started toward the door. “I’m outta here.”

  Gabe Laughton took a step in front of him. “This is your new assignment. Unless, and until, I decide otherwise. It’s not your call.”

  “Fuck that.” Dylan swept his arm behind him. “These fine gentlemen don’t want me in their club.”

  “They’ll get used to it.” Gabe’s gaze touched on each of the three men. “Won’t you?”

  “Sure, I’ve worked with my share of psychotics,” Talon said in a bored tone. “Why the fuck not?”

  “I’ll tell you why the fuck not,” the scarecrow said. “You’re fucking Brandon Carlisle, aren’t you?”

  “Used to be,” Dylan said.

  “Oh hell no. I’m not going through this again. No fucking way.”

  Those ears had to mean jackrabbit-shifter. Dylan usually got along great with rabbit-shifters. This one though looked ready to kick the shit out of him. He came within inches of Dylan then jabbed his bony finger in Dylan’s chest. Dylan steeled himself as a slice of pain speared through him, and the jackrabbit-shifter leaned down and practically spit in his face.

  “I never liked the thought of you, and I don’t like you.”

  “Back at ya, Ichabod,” Dylan snarled.

  “It’s Rusty, asshole.”

  “You’re not much of a reader, are you?”

  “I can read you, wolf. I didn’t like the idea of you, and I like the you even less, especially now that I know your complete backstory. I’ve heard all about you from Stephanie. Get the fuck out of our office.”

  Dylan felt the fur bristle beneath his skin, a welcome feeling sometimes, but he knew it was just residual. He clenched his fists, sure at any moment he wouldn’t be able to stop the claws from piercing the tips of his fingers. His wolf wanted out to handle this dick, but of course that would never happen. He hadn’t been able to shift in months, months that felt like years to both him and his wolf. Just as he was ready to lunge, he felt a solid hand against his chest, and he was shoved backward. Gabe Laughton’s other hand was on Rusty, and when the man shoved, Dylan expected Rusty to simply sway and bend like a stalk of wheat, but the man was a lot tougher than he looked. He held his ground.

  “That’s enough,” Laughton said. “This is getting us nowhere.”

  “One wolf is plenty around here.” Rusty let his gaze run down the length of Jake Westin’s body. “More than plenty if you ask me.”

  “Which I didn’t,” Jake said.

  “I’ve already resigned myself to you, Westin, ’cause the little boss always gets her way.” Rusty’s gaze snapped back to Dylan’s. “But she’s a bit upset with this one, has been for years, so I want him gone.”

  “Me, too,” Talon said, rising from his chair.

  “Not your call.” Gabe shook his head. “He stays.”

  Westin looked Dylan up and down, and then his gaze moved to Laughton. “I imagine he has some pretty sharp skills.”

  “Sharp enough to get himself caught and tortured apparently,” Rusty said.

  Dylan clenched his jaw, holding back the anger by a hair. Killing this ugly jackrabbit-shifter—Stephanie’s friend, he reminded himself—and pissing off both Steph and Gabe Laughton for his trouble was not the way to start his new life in Catamount. His wolf, however, felt no need for niceties. The animal lunged, racing to the surface, but jerked to a violent stop like a rapid dog at the end of his tether. Still, the wolf struggled for freedom and retribution, snapping and snarling, wanting to rip out the man’s throat for the insult. For once, Dylan was glad his wolf was confined.

  “Still…” Talon walked toward Dylan slowly. “You did survive. You’ve got to be one tough motherfucker.” He stuck out his hand. “Name’s Barry Hatfield.”

  “Of the Hatfields?” Dylan asked.

  “Yeah, Barry,” Rusty said, “the Hatfields?” It sounded like a line Rusty said often, but it came out by rote, sounding almost hollow. Rusty still had him locked in a murderous glare. Dylan didn’t know what the man knew, but Stephanie had obviously not kept their relationship secret.

  “Jesus, I hate my ancestors for ruining the name,” Talon grumbled, giving Rusty a look that said they’d been down this road before. “I actually prefer Talon. Only Stephanie and assholes calls me Barry.”

  Dylan shook his hand.

  Rusty snarled, a terrifying sound coming from a rabbit-shifter. Then magically a horrible smile settled on his wide face. “Jesus fucking Christ. Let’s all be friends,” he said in a singsong voice. “That’s all just fucking peachy, but what about Stephanie? It’s pretty obvious to me she thinks you’re a dick, and I, for one, concur with her deduction.”

  “She’s a big girl,” Gabe said. “If nothing else, she’s a professional. She’ll deal.”

  “Are we talking about the same Stephanie?” Rusty asked. “The one who just ran out of here with tears in her eyes?”

  “I said she’ll deal,” Gabe said and then turned to Talon. “Get Dylan settled in and give him a ride back to Cattail later.” He gestured toward Dylan, his eyes locked on Rusty. “Come on, Terwilliger, be civilized.”

  As Rusty moved toward Dylan with a scowl, Talon chuckled. “Terwilliger. I’m just not going to get tired of hearing that.”

  Rusty snarled and grudgingly shook Dylan’s hand.

  Gabe turned to Talon. “Handle him today, and I’ll start working on finding an apartment in town. Or would one of you like to do that, considering…” He waved his hand to encompass the office. His gaze traveled between the three of them. Dylan didn’t know what the fuck was going on yet, but all three men looked horrified. “I didn’t think so, but you’re running out of time. Which one of you is getting the real estate license?”

  His gaze flickered between the four of them. Silence dropped on the room like a bomb. Dylan watched their jaws drop. His dropped, too.

  “A license? Seriously? This is just a cover, right? I mean, we’re not going to actually be showing houses or selling condos or—”

  “It’s a cover, but it has to be legit,” Gabe said.

  “Ah, come on, Mr. Laughton,” Talon said.

  Gabe pulled open the door and turned back to say, “Draw straws if you have to, but have it done by next week.”

  When the door closed behind him, all three men turned to Dylan.

  “Guess who just drew the short straw,” Talon said.

  Rusty smirked. “He looks like he could handle a bit of paperwork. I, on the other hand, have to finish painting the alpha’s office. It’s currently a pukey shade of green. Ugh.”

  He glided out of the room on his long, spindly legs.

  Jake headed toward the door. “I’m going to see if I can find Stephanie and do some damage control.”

  Dylan watched him leave, suddenly wishing he could go back in time and start over again. Of all the things he’d regretted over the years, Stephanie Cooper had been at the top of his list. Now though she’d slammed back into his life with the power of a charging beast. She’d always had that way about her. One look and he was lost.

  Ours, his wolf whispered.

  “Yes, she is,” he murmured. “Now we just have to win her back.”

  “Say something?” Talon said.
br />   “No, just talking to myself.” Dylan stood in the center of the room, unsure what to do. “I’m not doing paperwork. Think he needs help with the painting?”

  “He needs help, period,” Talon said. He ripped off his tie and dropped it in the trashcan.

  “Sounds like we need to clear the air between us. My reputation obviously precedes me.”

  “Sucks to be you, dude.”

  Dylan headed in the direction Rusty had gone. “If only one of us comes back out, call 911.”

  “You got it.”

  Chapter 5

  Jake had no trouble tracking her. He followed the alluring scent of sexy bunny-shifter combined with the pissed-off and heartbroken scents that were pure Stephanie. He’d never scented anyone so angry and sad at the same time. She’d wound her way through Lucas Park with seemingly no destination in mind then come out on Main Street near Rosa’s dance studio. Her scent was very strong at the door, as though she’d stood for a while, but obviously she’d moved on because the studio hadn’t opened yet.

  He followed the scent down the street and, once again, her scent disappeared at a door. He stood on the sidewalk outside of Clandestine wondering what he’d find on the other side. He pulled open the door and entered the cool, dark interior.

  “Mornin’, boss.”

  “Morning, Red.”

  “Weren’t you heading over to the other office this morning?”

  Jake nodded. “I did.”

  “Things take a bad turn?” Redwolf took a sip from his coffee mug.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “A little lady came barreling through the door a few minutes ago and told me to get the hell out of her way or I’d be sorry.”

  Jake rubbed between his eyes. “That bad, huh?”

  “I didn’t know if she was going to cry or scream. So I just got out of her way. Seemed simpler.”

  Jake cast a glance over the lobby. If Stephanie had disturbed any of the patrons, the ruckus had been forgotten. A naked couple—both otter-shifters—cuddled on one of the sofas, winding around one another in a sinuous display. A group of bobcat-shifters was having coffee and bagels in one of the booths. Several large cougars prowled the perimeter, nudging one another for contact every few moments. No Stephanie.

  Redwolf pointed toward the hallway with his chin. “She’s in your office. Good luck.”

  Jake grabbed two cups of coffee, a couple of bagels, and some packs of cream cheese and put them all on a tray. He tossed on everything he thought they might need for their makeshift breakfast then headed down the hall. When he nudged open the door with his foot and stepped into the room, he nearly dropped his tray.

  Stephanie sat on his desk, her legs crossed, her petite frame totally naked except for a pair of black pumps and her black glasses. Every inch of her small body radiated perfection, from her pale blonde hair to the generous mounds of her pink-tipped breasts, from the sweet curves of her waist and hips to her long, toned legs. He let his gaze enjoy every line of her body until he forced himself to look at her eyes. Behind her glasses, her eyes were bright with unshed tears. She sniffed once, took a deep quavering breath, and said, “Come here.”

  “Darlin’, I’d rather not. I think we should talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk, Jake. I want you to fuck me.”

  Jake shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, honey.”

  “I think it’s the only idea.”

  She lifted up a bit and recrossed her legs, giving him a tiny glimpse of the pink folds of her pussy. The wonderful scent of her arousal drifted to him, and he felt as though she had cast out a net and captured him on the first toss. His cock hardened instantly, sending ripples of tension through his body. His dick throbbed, and his balls tightened, both body parts wanting the girl. He clenched his jaw, wanting the woman. His wolf growled softly, wanting nothing more than to grab the small animal within her and make it theirs. But Jake was a gentleman, at least he’d been taught to be, and Ida Westin wouldn’t be happy if he took advantage of a woman in distress. Stephanie was clearly in distress.

  He started toward her then realized he was still holding the tray. He fumbled trying to put the tray down on the antique sideboard near the door because he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He had to give it a little push so it wouldn’t tip off the edge. He closed the door and turned the lock. The last thing he needed was someone walking in.

  “Look, I’m going to have a hard time saying no to this if I come any closer.” He inhaled deeply. “You smell unimaginably good.”

  “Come over here and show me how good.”

  He took a few steps then forced himself to stop behind the chair in front of his desk. He gripped the back, the leather crunching under his fingers.

  “Take off your pants, Jake.”

  He shook his head. “I’m pretty sure that’s not part of the job.”

  “You haven’t started working with me yet,” Stephanie said logically. “I mean you haven’t even filled out any paperwork.”

  As if there’d be paperwork for their pretend real estate agency. But he had to give her credit for trying.

  “Then I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be taking advantage of you.”

  “You’re not,” she said, hopping off the desk. She stood before him, a tiny little goddess in a pair of black pumps. She tossed her hair over her shoulder then took off her glasses, throwing them on the desk. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m taking advantage of you.”

  She took two steps and knelt on the leather chair. She reached up, gripped a fistful of his T-shirt, and yanked him down. Her mouth covered his in a blistering, almost brutal, kiss, her lips hard and demanding, her tongue pushing into his mouth insistently. He had no choice but to kiss her back. Once he’d smelled her, he knew what the outcome of this encounter would be.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her upward. She locked her arms around his neck and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist.

  “Fuck me, Jake,” she whispered against his neck.

  “It doesn’t feel right.” He knew he was a moron for trying to talk her out of it, but he felt he needed to give it his best shot because it was the right thing to do.

  “Stop being such a boy scout, Mr. Westin,” Stephanie said, her breath hot against his throat. “Believe me, it’s going to feel more than right in a minute.”

  She reached down between their bodies and found the tab and zipper of his jeans. In a matter of moments, his cock sprang free, hard as steel and searching for entry into her body. Her scent hovered around them like a sensual fog, pulling him deeper and deeper under her spell. When she lifted up, her breasts dragged over his chest, causing him to moan. When she impaled herself on his hard dick, he almost exploded. He held on to his control by a thread as her pussy clenched on him, gripping him in a tight sheath and bathing him in warm, sweet-smelling juices.

  “Oh god,” he said with a groan.

  He tightened his arms around her as she began to move on his dick, up and down in a rhythmic dance of sensuality and grace. She stared at him the entire time, her brown eyes now glazed with lust and forgetfulness. Once again he felt a moment of shame, but he pushed it deep down. No help for it now. He was in her, and she was moving on him. There was no going back so he might as well enjoy the ride.

  And ride she did.

  She gripped his T-shirt in her fists and began to move in earnest, her body rising and falling on his dick, wringing sensations from his body he hadn’t thought possible. Each time she pulled away, his body tensed, and when she dropped down, taking his cock as deep as she could, he trembled with the want and desire for this woman. His wolf had known immediately, and he hadn’t been far behind. This woman was meant for them.

  Both of them were soon covered in a sheen of sweat. She threw her head back, her hair showering down her back to bathe his hands in silky warmth. He wanted to touch her breasts, but his hands were occupied. He clutched her sweet, tight ass harder, his fi
ngers digging into her skin as he helped her chase her release. She bit into her lower lip, trying to hold back a moan, but he saw it was impossible. The sound came from her mouth as her nails tore through his shirt and her body shook uncontrollably. Her pussy squeezed his dick, clenching and releasing, demanding his orgasm. As she continued to quake in his arms, his own body tensed and released, his cock releasing and flooding her with his cum. Too late he realized he’d failed to use a condom.

  He gathered her tighter, holding her securely while she rode out her orgasm. Her breath escaped in tiny pants, and the pulse in her throat fluttered like a hummingbird’s wings. He pressed a kiss to that pulse, loving the heat of the fire in the blood beneath her soft, alabaster skin. When he pulled away from her to drop kisses on her shoulder, her head came to rest against his.

  “I’m such a slut,” she whispered.

  “Me too,” he whispered back.

  She lifted her face and stared into his eyes. “Shifter hazard in my case,” she said with a smile. “You know what they say about rabbits.”

  “I do,” he said with mock seriousness.

  “It’s entirely true. We’re a slutty lot.” She tilted her head. “What’s your excuse?”

  She ran her fingers through his hair, and her short bitten nails felt good against his scalp. The heat coming off her pussy practically burned his thighs.

  “I couldn’t possibly resist you,” he said, this time serious for real. “You do something to me, Stephanie Cooper. I felt it instantly.”

  “Me too. But I still shouldn’t have done that,” she said. “It wasn’t fair to you.”

  “Then make it fair to me, darlin’.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t begin to think how I’d do that.”

  He tugged her closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest, warm bundles he couldn’t wait to taste. His mind already envisioned their next time together, cuddled in a bed, his mouth on her breasts, her mouth on his cock, both of them sucking and giving pleasure to the other. His cock began to harden again, pressing deep into her warmth.


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