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Saving Normal : An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-control Psychiatric Diagnosis, Dsm-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life (9780062229274)

Page 33

by Frances, Allen

anxiety disorder, 104

  Arab (Muslim) world, 49, 50–52

  Asclepius, 39–40

  Asperger’s disorder, 147–49

  assassinations, 110–11

  asylum care, 57

  attention deficit disorder:

  criteria for, 76

  false epidemic of, xiv, 26, 75, 85–86, 104, 139, 140–44

  see also ADHD

  attenuated psychotic symptoms syndrome, 198, 199


  false epidemic of, xiv, 74, 75, 85–86, 104, 139, 147–49

  Todd’s Story, 248–50

  and vaccination, 81, 147

  balance, 30–32, 44, 223

  barbiturates, 87

  Beard, George Miller, 124, 126–27

  beetles, 279

  behavioral addiction, 188–92

  behavior therapy, 275

  bell curve, 6, 7, 12, 13

  benzodiazepines, 88

  Bill’s Story, mood swings, 265–66

  binge eating disorder (BED), xvii, 17, 182–84

  bipolar disorder:

  adult, 75, 104, 139

  Bill’s Story, 265–66

  childhood, 104, 144–46, 177, 178

  false epidemic of, 74, 75, 104, 139, 144–46

  Liz’s story, 253–55

  schizophrenia vs., 59, 89, 151

  Susan’s story, 250–53

  treatment of, 105

  bipolar II, 76, 149–52

  borderline personality disorder, Brandy’s Story, 275–76

  Brahe, Tycho, 54, 55


  complexity of, 10–11

  and emotions, 42

  and homeostasis, 31

  and laboratory tests, 11

  and media hype, 225

  and neuroscience, 125

  and sensory perception, 51

  wiring of, 125

  Brandy’s Story, borderline personality disorder, 275–76

  Breivik, Anders, 110

  Breuer, Joseph, 128–29

  bromides, 87

  Brooks’s Story, schizoaffective disorder, 255–56

  Buspar, 101

  buyer beware, 228–29

  caffeine dependence, 191

  Celexa, 88, 156

  cells, metabolic balance in, 30

  chaos theory, 10

  Charcot, Jean-Martin, 53, 124, 127–28, 129, 130

  chemical imbalance, 127, 155, 157, 168

  childhood bipolar disorder:

  false epidemic of, xiv, 104, 144–46, 177, 178

  Liz’s Story, 253–55


  day care sex abuse scandal, 133–36

  excessive diagnosis of, 104

  marketing to, 95

  and pedophilia, 200–201

  tantrums of, 177–79

  weight gain in, 146, 177

  chloral hydrate, 87

  “Choosing Wisely” campaign, 79, 80

  chorea, 53

  Christian charity hospitals, 48–49

  classification, 17, 36, 51, 54–56, 58–59, 60, 68

  Cleo’s Story, ADHD, 271–73

  clinical observation, 60, 171

  clinician, working with, 229–31

  cognitive functioning, 185

  cognitive therapy, 108

  compulsive behavior, 189

  Constitution, U.S., and detention of criminals, 165–67

  consumer advocacy groups, 223, 224–25, 226

  consumer awareness, 228–41

  best discipline for diagnosis, 233–34

  buyer beware, 228–29

  checking the diagnosis, 231–33

  diagnosis reevaluation, 235–37

  drug companies, 239–40

  fad diagnoses, 239

  family involvement, 234–35

  herbal remedies, 240

  natural healing, 240–41

  record-keeping, 230–31

  second opinion, 232–33, 234

  self-reporting, 230, 234, 238–39

  working with clinician, 229–31

  consumers, direct advertising to, see drug companies

  conversion disorder/hysteria, 127–29

  Cook, Capt. James, 55

  Copernicus, 54

  counselors, as diagnosticians, 233

  criminals, detention of, 165–67

  criteria sets, 23–25, 64–65, 69

  dance manias, 120–21

  Dark Ages, 46

  Darwin, Charles, 55, 281

  day care sex abuse scandal, 133–36

  dementia, 180–82

  Democritus, 42

  demons/demonic possession, 46–50, 57, 118–20, 132


  and bipolar II, 150

  criteria set for, 23

  major depressive disorder, 154–57, 186–88

  mixed anxiety/depression, 200

  Peter’s Story, 271

  Roberta’s Story, 263–65


  best discipline for, 233–34

  checking out, 231–33

  checklist as basis of, 67

  classic textbook case, 237

  collateral damage from errors in, xvi

  computer-assisted, 28

  criteria-based, 62–65

  early, 236–37

  fads in, 239

  and insurance, 221

  “lifetime,” 237

  misdiagnosis, xvi, xviii, 238

  optimum setting for, 32

  as part of overall evaluation, 25–26, 67

  reevaluation of, 235–37

  required for prescription, 100

  research-based, 69, 173

  second opinion on, 232–33, 234

  self-diagnosis, 234, 238–39

  shortcomings of, 61–62

  stepped, 221–22

  with unsatisfactory results, 236

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, see DSMs

  diagnostic creep, 107

  diagnostic inflation, 77–113

  causes of, 32, 78–81

  consequences of, 103–8

  costs of, 111–13

  counteracting, 209–27

  and disease mongering, 89–95

  and drug company profits, 29

  DSMs as basis of, xiv-xv, xviii, 25, 67–68, 73, 75, 84–85

  and easy-to-use drugs, 87–89

  and fads, 83–84

  and false epidemics, 104

  as hyperinflation, 204–5

  and labeling, 109–10

  and miscounts, 85–86

  and placebo effect, 97–101

  by primary care physicians, 101–3

  and stress, 81–83

  diagnostic testing, 11

  dialectic behavior therapy (DBT), 275

  diary, keeping notes in, 230

  disability benefits, 84–85, 141, 160

  disease, environmental causes of, 53, 81

  disease mongering, 29, 67, 74, 75, 89–95, 145, 240

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 86

  disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), 177–79

  dissociation, 130

  distribution, normal, 6–7, 8

  diversity, 6, 82, 109, 279–83

  doctor creep, 107


  and drug companies, 29, 93–94

  and insurance companies, 102

  as pill pushers, 262

  prescriptions from, 216–17, 226

  primary care, 101–3, 226, 233–34

  Dole, Bob, 162

  drug companies:

  collaboration of doctors and, 29, 93–94

  and conflict of interest, 75

  controlling the excesses of, 212–13

  direct advertising to consumers, 26, 29, 68, 69, 73, 76, 88, 90, 92–93, 105, 107, 142, 143, 168, 211, 227, 240

  disease mongering, 29, 67, 74, 75, 89–95, 145, 240

  and false epidemics, 26

  hall of shame, 96

  lobbying by, 92, 226

  misinformation spread by, 212, 239–40

  monopoly pa
tent protection of, 90, 226

  monopoly pricing by, 29

  and placebos, 100

  profitability of, xv, 29, 77, 80, 89–91, 104, 213, 226

  research by, 90, 92

  symposia sponsored by, 94

  drug overuse, xv, xx, 95


  addictive, 88, 92, 95, 216

  distribution of, 214–15

  easy availability of, 107

  easy-to-use, 87–89

  glut of, 104–6

  impact on mental disorder, 81–82, 238

  legal, misuse of, 211

  Maria’s Story, 260–63

  multiple prescriptions of, 106–7

  Myra’s Story, 258–60

  off-label use of, 95

  overdoses of, 211

  overprescribing, 214

  postapproval surveillance of, 216

  self-prescription of, 107

  sunsetting, 215–16

  teens’ use of, 197

  wrong war on, 210–12


  absence of peer review in, 174

  absence of quality control in, 172–73, 175, 224

  ambition of, xiv, 171

  and APA, xvii, 170, 175–76, 219, 224, 227

  changes reflected in, 173–74

  and conflict of interest, 176

  costs of, 175–76

  errors seen in, xiv, 173, 217

  field trials for, 174–75

  and future fads, xv-xviii, 170, 176–205

  and leadership style, 71

  literature reviews for, 172

  and media, 225, 226–27

  negative impact of, 195–96

  preparation of, xii-xiii, xvii

  as protected intellectual property, xvii

  secrecy in, xvii, 73, 174

  DSM-I, 61

  DSM-II, 61

  DSM-III, 61–68, 218

  creation of, xvii, 63–66, 172

  criteria sets in, 23–25, 64–65, 69

  impact of, xii, 67–68

  limitations of, 66–67, 68

  multiaxial system in, 65

  revisions of, xii, 22

  sexual disorders, 161

  surface symptom method in, 65

  DSM-IIIR, 68–69, 71, 172

  DSM-IV, 69–76

  cost of, 175–76

  data reanalyses in, 72

  diagnostic thresholds in, 73–74

  and drug companies, 75–76

  false epidemics stemming from, xiv, 74, 75, 139–69

  field trials for, 72, 174

  goals for, 70–71

  Guidebook, 73

  and leadership style, 71

  literature review in, 72

  misuse of, xiv, 73, 75, 76, 77, 139, 168–69, 173

  negative impact of, 75

  Options Book, 73

  positive results from, 74–75

  quality control in, 72

  revisions to the series in, xiii-xiv

  on sexual disorders, 166

  Sourcebook, 73

  standard operating procedures for, 72, 172


  basis of, 59

  criteria for changes in, 71–72, 74, 217–18

  criteria sets in, 23–26, 64–65, 69

  diagnosis required for prescription, 100

  diagnostic inflation based on, xiv-xv, xviii, 25, 67–68, 73, 75, 84–85

  editions and revisions of, xii-xiii

  inconsistencies within, 17

  influence of, 218

  and insurance, 221

  misuse of, 173

  mixed record of, 76

  as powerful tool, xiv, xviii, 26, 83, 84–85

  profitability of, 176, 219, 226

  and research, 71, 173

  sensitivity as goal in, 24–25, 68

  Durkheim, Emile, 14

  eccentricity, 281

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 80

  Elavil, 87


  marketing to, 95

  memory loss in, 179–82

  electrotherapy, 126

  emotions, 42

  adaptive, 31

  Enlightenment, 5, 53–54, 56, 119, 121

  environmental causes of disease, 53, 81

  epidemiology, 53

  equilibrium, 30–31

  erectile dysfunction (ED), 162–63

  evolution, 55

  exorcism, 46, 49–50, 119

  expectation, 98

  fads, see psychiatric fads

  faith healing, 49

  family involvement, 234–35

  field trials:

  control in, 26

  fallibility of, 27, 174–75

  and generalizability, 26–27

  names vs. numbers in, 27–28

  patient selection in, 27

  peer-reviewed, 72, 174

  in university research clinics, 27

  First Do No Harm, 242, 243

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 95, 215–16, 220

  forgetting, 17, 179–82

  French Revolution, 54

  Freud, Sigmund, 15–16, 53, 59–60, 125, 126, 128, 129

  frontal lobe, 51

  Galen, 44–46, 49, 51

  Galileo Galilei, 54

  gambling, addictive, 189

  Garfield, James, 110

  gender norms, 15

  generalizability, 26–27

  genetic code, 10

  gluttony, 182–84

  gods/goddesses, 38–41

  golden mean, 7, 13

  Greeks, medicine invented by, 42–43, 46

  grief, 186–88

  Paul and Janet, 268–69

  Sarah’s Story, 257–58

  guilds, 223

  Guiteau, Charles, 110

  Haldane, J.B.S., 279

  harmony, 35, 44

  healing, 42

  faith, 49

  natural, 32, 58, 240–41

  health vs. illness, 9, 28

  hebephilia, 200–203

  hedonism, 204

  Henry’s Story, schizophrenia, 273–74

  herbal remedies, 240

  Hippocrates, 26, 41–43, 44, 52–53, 242, 243, 263

  Hitler, Adolf, 5

  homeostasis, 30–32

  hope, power of, 98

  hospitalization, involuntary, 75


  asylum care in, 57

  charity, 48–49

  humoral theory, 8–9, 42, 44–46, 49

  Humpty Dumpty (fict.), 138

  Huxley, Aldous, 77, 155, 281

  hyperactivity, xvii

  hyperinflation, 204–5

  hypersexuality, 203–4

  hypnosis, 128, 130–31

  hypochondriasis, 53, 239

  hypomanic episodes, 150

  hysteria, 53, 124–25

  and conversion disorder, 127–29

  vampire hysteria, 121–23

  iatrogenic deaths, 106–7

  Icarus, 171

  ICD-10, 22

  ICD-11, 22

  incubation, 40

  Industrial Revolution, 56

  inquisition, 46, 47

  instinct, 15

  insurance, 85, 102, 112, 132, 221


  addiction to, 189, 191–92

  double-checking information from, 240

  drugs marketed on, 211

  influence of, 83–84, 131, 148–49

  IQ tests, 12–13

  iron, 53

  Janet, Pierre-Marie-Félix, 128

  Kaplan, Helen Singer, 161

  Kepler, Johannes, 54, 55

  Koran, 50

  Kraepelin, Emil, 59

  labeling, 35–36, 109–10, 118, 141, 199

  law of averages, xii

  Lewis, Mindy, 244–47

  libido, 126–27

  Librium, 88, 92, 156

  life expectancy, 199, 201–2

  lifestyle choices, and addiction, 189

  “lifetime diagnosis,” 237

  Lincoln, Abraham, 213

p; Linnaeus, Carl, 54–55, 58

  lithium, 87, 91

  Liz’s Story, childhood bipolar disorder, 253–55

  Locke, John, 52

  lust, normal male, 201

  MacArthur Foundation, 72

  major depressive disorder (MDD), xvii, 154–57, 186–88

  male hard wiring, 201

  Malleus Maleficarum, 47

  Mania (demon), 38–39

  mania (disease), 42, 91

  MAO inhibitors, 91

  Maria’s Story, drug abuse, 260–63

  Maria Theresa, queen of Austria, 123

  masochistic personality disorder, 66


  advertising in, 92

  and day care scandal, 134

  and DSM-5, 225, 226–27

  and false epidemics, 141, 148

  influence of, 83–84

  investigative journalism, 223, 225–26

  medications, records of, 230


  evidence-based, 172

  Greek invention of, 42–43, 46

  learning at bedside, 43

  in Muslim world, 49

  “normal” defined in, 8–9

  plant-based, 54

  and psychiatry, 193–96

  rule of thirds in, 43

  see also drugs

  medicine man (shaman), 36–37, 38, 119

  medieval guilds, 223

  melancholia, 42, 186–88

  Peter’s Story, 270–71

  memory loss, 17, 179–82

  Mencken, H. L., 209

  Mendeleyev, Dmitry, 56

  mental disorders:

  causes of, 58–59

  chemical imbalance in, 93, 108

  classification of, 69

  and criminals, 110–11

  criteria sets of, 23–25

  impact of alcohol and drugs on, 81–82, 238

  and the Koran, 50

  labeling of, 36

  medical illness mislabeled as, 193–96

  misidentification of, 198–99

  nature of, 18–21, 32

  normal vs., 5, 16, 18

  optimum diagnosis of, 32

  stigma of, 109

  and unemployment, 84

  mild neurocognitive disorder (MND), xvii, 180–82

  Miltown, 87

  Mindy’s Story, schizophrenia, 244–47

  miracles of faith, 49

  misdiagnosis, collateral damage from, xvi, xviii, 238

  mixed anxiety/depression (MAD), xvii, 200

  mood disorder, 104

  mood swings, 145–46, 149–52

  Bill’s Story, 265–66

  mourning, 186–88

  Moynihan, Ray, 163

  multiple personality disorder, 124–25, 130–33

  Musil, Robert, 167

  Muslim world:

  medicine in, 49

  psychiatry in, 50–52

  Myra’s Story, prescription drugs, 258–60

  myths, 18, 20, 38

  naming, 35–36

  Napoleonic wars, 54

  Nardil, 87

  National Institute of Mental Health, 86, 174, 219

  natural healing, 32, 58, 240–41

  natural philosophy, 41–42, 43, 52–53

  natural world, classification of, 55–56

  neurasthenia, 124–25, 126–27

  neurology, 59, 60, 125

  neurons, 125

  neuroscience, 124–25, 171

  neuroses, 60


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