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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

Page 20

by Michelle Howard

  “You’re pleased with yourself aren’t you?” she asked

  Arak peered down at her. “I’m pleased I can touch you, kiss you and all out pleased to be near you.”

  He fingered the darkening bruise. “Do you mind?”

  She arched a brow. “Too late to ask, don’t you think?”

  Arak was tempted to bite her again for the sassy tone. “It’s the mark of a mate for Argorans.”

  She stiffened and he worried the visible evidence of his animal half would turn her off. Then the biggest smile he’d ever seen her make crossed her face.

  “This means I’m it for you.”

  Arak fell back laughing. “Yes. You’re it for me.”

  “Good,” she leaned over him. “Because you’re it for me.”

  Chapter 23

  Arak found his unit leader in the gym. Sweat poured from Torkel’s bare chest and dropped from his temple. His damp hair lay flat against his head.


  “I am not to be bothered.” His unit leader grunted, never letting up on the punishing strikes he delivered against the practice bag.

  “Faye is looking for you.” Arak eased closer, the pain on Torkel’s face hard to bear.

  The muscles in Torkel’s back tensed, the flurry of punches slowed then resumed in a faster pace if possible.

  “Are you really going to ignore your Chosen?” Arak couldn’t mask the surprise in his voice.

  Torkel turned at last and Arak’s breath caught. Anguish and desolation carved lines into the strong man’s features. Panting, Torkel dropped his curled fists to his side. Purpling bruises marred the knuckles. “The vid…” He heaved out a breath. “My Chosen protected me at her own expense.”

  “Sylvie protected me.”

  “Not the same!” Torkel slashed a hand through the air.

  The memory took hold of Arak. “Sylvie killed a man. Someone she trusted. Someone I considered a friend and teammate. All to save me.”

  Torkel choked and turned to face the wall, hands clenched tight at his sides. “She said she was tortured.”

  Arak held his silence. When they’d rescued Faye she’d been in bad shape. They knew she’d been tortured. It’s what the Marenians excelled at.

  “Tortured,” Torkel repeated with a shake of his head.

  “We knew that already, Torkel.”

  “That’s all she said,” Torkel snapped, spinning around. His face twisted in harsh lines. “She didn’t say they did it because of us. Because of me.”

  Arak cringed. The recovered vid had shown Faye refusing to answer any questions about their Jutak unit. Their identity, full names and who their family was. The blows she’d received with each denial had devastated all of them. Then the questions had focused on Torkel. Not answering those questions had caused the torture to escalate and the Marenian had ruthlessly broken her bones.

  None of them had been nice to Torkel’s Chosen when she recovered from her injuries, believing she had betrayed them. Which she had but in the same efforts she’d protected them. All of them and they owed her a debt. Not many without training could have withstood what Faye had gone through. Remembering her screams on the vid sent his own stomach pitching. Arak couldn’t imagine how Torkel felt. The agony had to be unbearable.

  “You have to let it go. Faye has. And right now she’s in the rec room pretending not to cry because she thinks her best friend is lost to her.”


  The door banged open and Jaron hurried in. “Torkel, the Commander’s sent an urgent coded message.”

  “I need to see Faye first.” Torkel ran both hands in his hair and gripped tightly.

  Jaron was about to share what Arak had already heard.

  “You’ll want to hear it now, Torkel. It’s bad.”

  Torkel strode across the room. “Save it for later, Jaron.”

  “Torkel, it’s about Lindsey Ferra.”

  The tone in Jaron’s voice finally penetrated the wall of pain emanating from his friend. “What does it say?”

  Jaron’s blue eyes dipped. “They’ve identified a body. Preliminary reports show it’s Lindsey.”

  Torkel clenched his hands, chest heaving.

  “That’s why Faye’s looking for you,” Jaron added. “Lindsey’s husbands are in a Senate hearing and Garulax is refusing to let them travel off world. Faye wants you to go with her to review the body.”

  Torkel roared and charged from the room. Arak and Jaron raced after him. When they reached the rec room, Torkel held Faye in his arms, face pressed tight in her hair. Faye’s hold on him was just as firm. Sylvie rose from the chair and crossed to his side.

  Arak wrapped her in his arms, surrounding himself in her scent.

  “What’s going on?” She asked.

  “We have reason to believe Faye’s friend Lindsey is dead.”

  Sylvie shuddered in his arms. “That’s terrible.”

  And tearing Faye apart obviously. Torkel’s dark haired Chosen cried even as she scrubbed frantically at the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “No,” Faye declared. “Lindsey’s not dead.”

  Torkel’s indrawn breath reflected his stress. “Faye—”

  She held up a hand, eyes pleading. “Just go with me.”

  Torkel turned catching Arak’s eye. “Keep and eye on Sylvie and I’ll send someone to watch Joni.”

  Arak nodded.

  “Come on,” he eased Sylvie around. “Let’s give them some time.”

  Surprisingly, she acquiesced without an argument. In his home, Arak kept going until they reached his bedroom. Sylvie’s gaze never moved as he whipped his clothes off. Arousal and need poured through him.

  “Take off your clothes Sylvie.”

  Her smile spread slowly across her lips as she grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Unbound breasts bounced before his gaze.

  “This is going to be fast and hard,” he announced, carrying her to the bed. “Should I apologize now?”

  “We’re mates. No apology necessary.”

  It was fast and hard.

  When he had his breathing under control, Arak faced Sylvie prepared for her disappointment. Her blue eyes sparkled with mirth.

  “Was it good for you, too?”

  He tackled her in the bed, enjoying the sounds of her giggles.


  “What are you thinking about so deeply?” Sylvie asked, playing with the light dusting of hair going down his chest.


  She paused and looked up. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  The thoughts had to be deep to distract him in bed. Arak’s thoughts since they’d first made love usually revolved around sex and more sex.

  He heaved out a breath. “It’s hard accepting what he did. It’s hard accepting he was a traitor.”

  “I’m sorry,” she offered.

  Arak kissed her temple. “Not your fault, love.”

  She grinned. “I like you calling me that.”

  “Do you?” His lips quirked as his fingers trailed up the curve of her thigh.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Sylvie pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. She enjoyed the playful side of him as much as the sexy predator he sometimes was.

  “Let me see what else you like. Love.”

  Arak nipped her chin before sliding down the bed and parted her thighs. He palmed her butt, supporting her weight as he licked, sucked and tasted every inch of her. Sylvie’s toes curled. She’d had a couple of men go down on her in the past. Those times were few and far between because of the selfish nature of Earth guys.

  But Arak blew away her previous experience. His fingers clenched on her tender flesh, tongue flicking her bud and sending sparks out in every direction. Her speech was reduced to his name, which she chanted over and over as her hands clawed at his hair and anywhere else she could reach.

  Sylvie arched up with a gasp as her world shattered. “Arak!”


  He eased on top
of her and slid home. Within seconds, he groaned above her and collapsed on the bed. They drowsed together, Arak close to sleep when his communicator chimed. He checked the identification code then lay back.

  “Who is it?” Sylvie asked, sounding quite alert.

  “My maman.”

  Sylvie jerked from his hold and her glare banished any further thoughts of sex Arak may have considered.

  “You have to answer.” She pushed at his shoulder for good measure.

  Despite the onset of nerves, Arak leaned over, keeping the screen off and tapped the glowing button. “O’Tir.”

  “Arak?” The tentative voice washed over him.

  He’d recognize her voice no matter how long since he’d last heard it. “Greetings, maman.”

  A loud sniff then a chuckle. “You have no idea how I’ve waited to hear you call me that again.”

  Uncomfortable with the feelings speaking with her created, Arak sat up, placing his back to the headboard. Sylvie curled next to him, her hand going to his, their fingers clasped tight.

  “Your papan mentioned you might want to talk to me.” The clarity in her tone wavered. “Was he mistaken?”

  Memories of warm hugs, a gentle purr and the scent he associated with love filled him. All things Arak had made a point to block due to what he perceived as his maman’s abandonment.

  Arak cleared his throat, leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling. Pressure built behind his lids. “He wasn’t mistaken.”

  She gave a watery chuckle. “He also said you’re an ebo.”

  Hearing her speak the Enotian insult smoothly in a language he’d grown up using clenched his heart. Sylvie squeezed his fingers. “I’m sorry, maman.”

  “I love you,” Alora choked out. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” And he had.

  Then Arak spent the next hour talking to his maman and speaking to each of his younger sisters, who tripped over themselves for the chance to share their entire life with him during one call. He listened as their excited squeals, childish giggles and nonstop words flowed over him. They also made him promise to visit.

  With his mate cuddled against his side, Arak relaxed as the bonds never shattered took the time to reform.

  Chapter 24

  Torkel had the whole unit in for a meeting with the exception of V’hor who was still working to get close to Lothar. According to Vee’s last update, he’d made contact and established a relationship with someone who could possibly help. Arak sat tense in his seat awaiting news. All of the men around the table remained quiet, none of them appearing to know the reason for the meeting. Torkel cleared his throat and stood at the head of the table.

  “Some of you are aware that the governing council wanted me to investigate your backgrounds again a few weeks ago after it came to light that someone leaked information about our teams.”

  Arak bit back a snarl, fingers digging deep into the arms of the chair arms.

  “I refused. I trust each and every male that sits in this room.” Torkel paused, allowing them a moment to absorb his statement. “Faruk’s actions have not made me doubt any of you.”

  Kyele tapped the tip of his knife on the table. “Maybe you should have listened. Maybe then we wouldn’t have worked side by side with a traitor without knowing.”

  Several others grunted in agreement.

  Torkel inclined his head. “Perhaps there were signs. Something I should have seen.” He shook his dark head. “That’s on me but if I can’t trust the men I work with then I can’t focus on leading the unit with complete faith.”

  Rydak surprised Arak and asked the room, “Does anyone else have a problem working with a Marenian?”

  Steely gray eyes surveyed everyone. No one spoke up.

  “Don’t see a Marenian,” Kyele muttered. “I see an Enotian. Always have.”

  Everyone in the room agreed and nodded their heads. Torkel closed his eyes for a moment. When they opened, the brown depths glowed. “Moving on, I’ve already discussed this with the Commander and Kyele has been approved as the new team lead for Team Two.”

  Apparently a surprise to Kyele because his knife ceased its tapping on the table. Several others gazed at him. Most wore an expression of acceptance.

  A pleased grin stretched across Arak’s face. Kyele glared. Served him right. “Congrats, Kyele.”

  The knife in Kyele’s hand spun on the table then flew across the room, missing Arak’s face by inches. Torkel sighed but Jaron laughed outright.

  Rydak smiled. “Congrats from me as well. It is deserved.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Arak added.

  Another knife landed in front of him, the tip gauging the table, handle upright.

  More murmurs of well wishes filled the room. Torkel braced his palms on the table and leaned forward. “Do you accept, Kyele?”

  Everyone went silent. The offer though official required formal acceptance. Kyele inclined his head and smirked. “You know I will, Torkel. I owe you.”

  Arak wondered what he meant but Torkel bent his head to key information into his data pad. Not fast enough for Arak to miss the smug smile.

  “I’m informing the Commander. Also we need to discuss another detail from Arak and Sylvie’s abduction.” Torkel turned his way. “Do you wish to go over it, Arak?”

  Arak’s hands curled into balls on the table, remembering all he and Sylvie had gone through. “There was another Marenian present when Arlo and Faruk held us. Arlo referred to him as Niko and claimed he is Lothar’s son.”

  Torkel clenched his pad. “Continue.”

  “The confusing part is that Sylvie shared something this Niko said to her before the team burst in. He whispered into Sylvie’s ear to tell his brother to watch his back better.”

  “Brother?” Jaron gaped.

  “Who’s his brother?” Geile’s gaze circled the room. “Why would he tell Sylvie?”

  Rydak spoke up. “If we are to believe there’s truth in what he said, he obviously believed Sylvie was close to this person for her to pass on the warning. Only one among us could be his brother.”

  Torkel slammed to his feet. “As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a brother.” His fist pounded the table. “But we’d be ebos to dismiss this piece of information. I could very well be related to this Niko because of my Marenian bloodlines.”

  Shock ran through the room. Although Arak had had time to digest what Sylvie shared with him, he still couldn’t get over the possibility that the leader of his Jutak unit could have connections this close to the man running the largest sex slave ring among other illegal ventures.

  “This would mean you’re related to Lothar as well,” Bane surmised, drumming his fingers on the table.

  “It doesn’t change anything,” Gregir announced. “You’re Marlin and Shaya’s son.”

  “Lissi’s brother,” Rydak added.

  Male grunts of assent joined in. A harsh breath escaped Torkel and his throat worked before he spoke. “I’ve informed the Commander of this news. For now we are not sharing this little detail. Not even with the governing council.”

  One never knew how the council would react.

  “What do you need from us?” Kyele asked, lifting both hands as Arak tossed the knives back in his direction one at a time.

  “Vee’s going to try and retrieve a hair, tissue or blood sample from Niko who he’s met twice.”

  The implications were enormous but it would affect Torkel more than the rest of them. His Unit Leader fought hard to dispel any suspicious about the potential risk to the Jutaks because of his alleged ties to his birthright. This new concern if true and released to public knowledge would damage all of his work.

  “Do we need to pull Vee because of Faruk?” Arak asked.

  Torkel shook his head. “I asked and he said he wants to see how it plays out. This might work in our favor somehow.”

  “Does Vee believe this claim by Niko is valid? Has he heard anything?”

/>   Torkel exhaled. “Nothing yet. There’s never even been talk that Lothar has children but Vee’s being very low key in case Faruk revealed his identity and assignment.”

  Jaron snorted and fingered the throwing star in his hand. “Of course it’s not something he’d want to get out. Although it begs the question if you are his son, how’d you end up here on Enotia? Why would someone abandon a Marenian baby on another planet when the race is hated by all.”

  Several conversations sprung up. Theories and ideas tossed around as they tried to figure out the root of Torkel’s presence.

  “Because Enotians love children.” Kyele’s voice cut through all the curiosity. Fifteen heads turned toward him.

  Kyele scratched at the scar on his cheek. The twisted flesh pulled at the corner of his dark brow. Dr. Maku had offered to see if the scar could be minimized or removed because of its age but Kyele had adamantly refused without giving an explanation.

  Torkel returned to his seat, staring at Kyele. “Enotians love children but no one wanted me. If not for my maman, I would have been raised by the staff at the birth registry office.”

  “But you wouldn’t have been harmed.” Kyele’s eyes misted then shifted back to green. “Think about it. Any other world and the risk of someone letting a Marenian baby die are high. If someone wanted to leave you somewhere guaranteed to be safe there’s no better place than Enotia. It’s why my caregiver, Faan, brought me here to be raised.”

  Arak stiffened. Kyele never talked about his past though it was clear he wasn’t Enotian. Or not completely with his dark hair and green eyes.

  “That would suggest the end goal was for Torkel to be protected, which doesn’t align with our profile on Lothar.” Bane stared at their Unit Leader. “Do you think your parents would have an idea?”

  Torkel shook his head. “No. They shared everything with me when I joined the Jutak academy to prepare me for the jeers and taunting. I’ve always known I was Marenian by blood. The blanket found with me was destroyed.” Torkel chuckled. “My maman did not take kindly to that discovery and papan had to carry her kicking from the birth registry when they told her.”


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