Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 13

by Tia Wylder

  A wristband was snapped in place with her name and date of birth listed. Fluids were being pumped into her. Hayley shivered on the bed. A nurse brought her a warm blanket, but no one had told her any news yet. Was her baby okay? What was going on? Hayley was nearing her breaking point. The stress was getting to be too much.

  Suddenly, a commotion in the hallway drew her attention. Her door was thrown open. Standing there, hair mussed up and sleep lines still on his face was Deckland. The dam holding back her emotions broke at the sight of him. She held out her arms like a small child, and in the next instance, she was surrounded in his warm embrace.

  “H-how did you know I was here?” Hayley’s voice was muffled by his chest.

  “I’m your emergency contact. I got here as quickly as I could. They wouldn’t tell me what was going on over the phone. Are you okay?” His heart soared as he held on to her. The way she fit so sweetly into his arms filled him with elation. Their reunion was only dampened by the machines beeping beside her bed.

  He didn’t know. Hayley fought to find the words. “Deckland, I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” He couldn’t believe his ears.

  “I think there’s something wrong with the baby. There was so much blood.” Hayley began to sob uncontrollably.

  Deckland’s excitement and shock at hearing she was pregnant plummeted as she told him about the blood. He had just found out he was going to be a father in the same moment that his child’s life was in danger. Heart hammering, all he could do was hold her. “I’m here. Whatever happens, I’m here.”

  Hearing his voice booming through his ribcage soothed her. Hayley breathed in his smell. She had missed him more than she was willing to admit. She hadn’t forgotten about the pictures on his phone, but that knowledge seemed diminished by the fact that he was here for her now when she needed him. Hayley had tried to be strong, but it was just too much for her. Having him next to her again lifted a huge weight from her shoulders.

  A knock on the door broke up their reunion. A doctor in a white lab coat stepped across the threshold. “Mrs. Kyle?”

  “Yes?” Hayley pulled away from Deckland and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  “The good news is that your baby is fine. I still want to keep you overnight to make sure your condition is stable. Your body has been under a lot of stress lately. You need to reduce your stress level, or you may cause permanent damage to your baby or yourself. I suggest meditation and cutting back on any physical labor you may still be doing. In a pregnancy like yours, we suggest that the mother goes on bedrest as soon as possible. We are going to move you to a private room shortly. If you have any questions, just let one of the nurses know.” He shook Deckland’s hand and then ducked back out of the room.

  “Hayley, I don’t want to add any extra stress on you. Is my being here stressing you out? I would like to stay with you here if you let me, but if you think it would be too hard on you and the baby, then I’ll leave.”

  She reached out her hand and slipped it into his. “Stay.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Right now, all I know is that I’m scared and I want you with me. I know we still have things that we need to talk about, but that can wait.”

  “Okay.” Deckland let out a breath he had been holding.

  A transporter came into the room and wheeled Hayley’s bed down the hall to an elevator. Deckland followed them silently. Mentally he was kicking himself for waiting so long to find her. Had his desire to make himself a better person for her left her open to hardships? Should he have come after her sooner? He couldn’t help but blame himself for her current situation.

  Once Hayley was set up in her room and they were alone again, Deckland took her hand in his and smoothed the hair away from her forehead. “I wanted to find you sooner.”

  “I told you not to. Honestly, if you had come sooner, I probably would have sent you away. Maybe I needed to hit rock bottom before I was willing to admit that I still have feelings for you.”

  “I’m so sorry about—”

  Hayley cut him off. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. We have bigger problems. Just…promise me that you won’t do anything like that again.”

  “I promise. Hayley, you’re the only woman I want next to me. The doctor doesn’t want you to be stressed out. What do you think about coming back home? If you move in with me in our home, I can take care of you better. You’ll never want for anything. I’ll sleep in a separate bed if that’s what it takes.”

  Hayley placed her hand on her stomach. Mrs. Harper’s words from the car ride came back to her. She was going to be a mother. She needed to make decisions that were the best for her baby—their baby. “Okay.”

  “Really?” Deckland had been prepared to have to argue his side more. Her agreement caught him off guard.

  “It’s what the baby needs. It doesn’t matter how I feel about it right now. This is the best decision for the baby.”

  “Do you…do you still love me?” He hated that he was feeling insecure, but this wasn’t some fling. This was his wife, his marriage. Deckland’s whole world hung on her answer.

  “Of course, I do. No matter how angry I was or how scared, I never stopped loving you. I thought about you every night and every morning.”

  His heart fluttered as she spoke. “I love you, too. No matter how long it takes, I’m going to prove to you that I’m committed to us. I still can’t believe that you’re pregnant. I wish I had been there for you when you found out. I already feel like I’ve missed so much.”

  “The important thing is that you’re here now.”

  Deckland leaned in and kissed her forehead. Hayley felt a knot of anxiety melt away. Everything was going to be okay now. Her worst nightmare had just disappeared. She had a husband. Her child would have a father. Even with their hiccup, she still had a glimmer of hope for their future together. For the first time since her wedding night, Hayley was able to fall asleep easily.

  The next morning, she was woken up by Deckland whispering with someone. Hayley’s eyes fluttered open. For a moment, she didn’t know where she was. Pushing herself up in the bed, she cleared her throat. “What’s going on?”

  “Hey.” Deckland’s voice was soft and soothing. “They said you’re good to go home whenever you’re ready. I had Jim pick you up some clothes to change into.” He held up a department store bag for her. Hayley’s face fell slightly. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?”

  “I was just thinking back to our date at the department store when we bought clothing for the kids at Saint Catherine’s. I haven’t seen them in over a month. I hope they’re all doing okay.”

  “They are.”

  “Huh? How can you be so sure?”

  Deckland smiled and cocked one eyebrow. “Just because you haven’t seen them in a month doesn’t mean I haven’t.”

  Her mouth opened in disbelief. “You went to the orphanage on your own?”

  “Oh, I did more than that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He pointed to the bag in her hand. “Get dressed, and I’ll show you.”

  Curiosity filled her. Hayley quickly got dressed and let Deckland help her out to the parking lot of the hospital. She gingerly slipped into his car, careful not to bump her stomach. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Hayley bit her lip as she looked out the window. Deckland slid his hand over and wove his fingers through hers. The city soon faded into the neighborhood where the orphanage was located. A new building was under construction nearby. Hayley glanced at it as they drove past.

  “I wonder what they are building there.” Hayley tilted her head to the side as she wondered out loud. Deckland continued driving without saying a word.

  Eventually, they pulled into a long stone driveway. “Welcome home, Mrs. Kyle.”

  “I thought you were going to show me a surprise?”

  “Your new home isn’t a good enough of a surprise for you? I think
your time away has spoiled you.”

  “No, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. Of course, this is a lovely surprise. I’m sure I’ll be able to relax here.”

  Deckland parked outside of the house and helped her inside. The huge house seemed to echo around them. “What do you think?”

  “It’s so…quiet.”

  “Well, I don’t think that will be an issue once the baby gets here. Make yourself at home.”

  “Could I maybe get a glass of water? I don’t mean to be a burden, but I’m parched.”

  “You’re not a burden. I’ll be right back. Feel free to look around.” Deckland let her tour the house on her own as he went to the kitchen to fetch her some water.

  Hayley wandered into a room lined with books. A computer sat on a desk surrounded by blueprints. Her fingers picked one of them up delicately and examined it. “I wonder what this is.”

  “Here’s your water.” Deckland found her in his office.

  “What are these things?” Sipping her water, she let her eyes skim across the blueprints.

  “That’s part of your surprise.”


  Deckland’s face lit up. “I’m opening a store.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “But it’s not just any store. While you were gone, I realized that I needed to make myself into a better match for you. I thought about ways to make that happen for about a week before it hit me: Saint Catherine’s. You love those kids more than anything. Because they are orphans, they don’t have the same advantages as other kids. My store is going to change that.”

  “I don’t understand. They don’t have money to go shopping.”

  “That’s the beauty of it. This store doesn’t take money. It takes grades. Each child earns store credit based on their grades. The better they do in school, the more credit they have. They can then save up to buy clothes, toys, makeup, anything they want. I’ve also thought about a way to help the kids who may not be the best at their school work. If they are having trouble in a subject area, they can spend time with tutors and earn store credit based on the hours they spend studying.”

  Pride and gratefulness filled Hayley, pushing out any remaining worries she may have been harboring. “You came up with this all on your own?”

  “Yes. What do you think?”

  Unable to hold herself back, Hayley planted a sweet, enthusiastic kiss on Deckland’s lips. “This is the best surprise I could have ever hoped for. When does it go up?”

  “We’ve already started construction. That building you saw on the way home? That’s it. I wanted it to be close to the orphanage so that the kids could come and go freely. It should be ready by the end of the month. Hayley, I wanted to do something to show you that I’m investing in our future. I know how much you love those kids, and even though this whole volunteering thing doesn’t come as naturally to me as it does to you, I’m still trying.”

  “You’re doing beautifully. This is really amazing. Thank you.”

  “Any time. If you have any suggestions, too, just tell me. I want this to be our project together.” Hayley’s emotions overwhelmed her. She started to cry silently. Deckland’s face twisted in concern. “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

  “N-no. I’m just so happy.”


  Hayley took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. “You didn’t even know I was pregnant, and you were still working on making the world a better place. You didn’t know if I would come back, and you were still working on taking care of the orphans for me. Our baby will grow up in a better world because of you. This baby is so lucky to have you as its father.”

  Deckland pulled her into a tight hug. He couldn’t get enough of feeling her in his arms again. He gently stroked her hair. “I think you might be giving me more credit than I deserve. Anything good that I manage to do is all due to your influence. I’m the lucky one.”

  The two of them held onto one another. Their time apart had deepened their appreciation of each other. The love between them hadn’t diminished over the weeks they were apart. Hayley no longer felt the need to try to do everything on her own. Deckland no longer thought only of himself. Their development as individuals and as a couple had only strengthened their bond. That strength would be the foundation—the building blocks—of their future. A light flutter in Hayley’s stomach made her smile. The baby was moving. Their child would have both parents. No matter what the future held in store for them, they would face it together.

  Hot Seal Next Door

  Chapter One

  Paul Stalone inhaled a deep breath of warm summer air, the scent of fresh grass clippings lingering in the atmosphere. He’d just finished mowing the lawn, it was one of the smaller things he’d missed while on active duty. The biggest source of his duty-induced melancholy raced around the front lawn, striking home the fact that at least for a time, he was truly home. A smile graced the blue-eyed man’s grizzled face, and he lurched from his seated position to chase after his pride and joy. James Stalone laughed uproariously, racing in circles around his father. Paul swung his son in circles, pulling him in for a hug before setting the boy loose.

  “I’m so glad you’re home, Dad!” James announced for what must have been the thirtieth time that day. The older man’s lips curled into a smile, and he threw himself backwards, hitting the plush grass of their lawn with a thud.

  “I’m glad to be home, little man,” he breathed, closing his eyes as the sunlight warmed his skin. It had been difficult, being away from his son for the duration of his active duty. Coming home was a dream come true, though it was one he knew could end at any given moment. He planned to make the most of the time he had with the boy who made his life worth living.

  Life as a Navy SEAL had been lonely and though he’d yet to begin scoping out a woman to help soothe his more primal desires, the thought of the woman he’d left behind lingered at the back of his mind. He remembered her name and face as clearly as the beautiful day spread before him, though he dare not contact the number he had for her. They had parted on rather unfortunate terms, and he was sure she still cursed his name as she went to bed at night. That is, if she even remembered his name.

  He tried to shake off the thought, not wanting to get caught up in the negative feelings of the past. For now, he had all the time in the world to spend with his son. Speaking of, the young boy chose that moment to flop on the ground at his father’s side. James was the byproduct of his failed marriage, though he and his ex-wife were on good terms for now. He was grateful to have her, considering the fact that he didn’t know where his son would otherwise end up. Paul hated to even consider the thought that James be shuffled off to Paul’s mother’s house, or worse, his father’s.

  It seemed typical, a man joining the service to escape his less than ideal childhood. While his past was far behind him, Paul was still sometimes troubled by his parents’ misguided attempts to contact him. He had vowed many years ago that he would be the father to James that he had never had, himself.

  Reaching out to muss up his son’s hair, Paul chuckled as James lightly shoved him. The boy sat up abruptly as a moving truck pulled into the driveway of the house next door, and Paul raised up on his elbows to watch with a quirked brow.

  “Didn’t know we were getting new neighbors,” he murmured under his breath, amused by his son’s excitement.

  “Maybe they’ll have a kid. N-not that I get bored hanging out with you, but,” James stammered. Paul chuckled, waving off the boy’s intended apologies. He sat upright, wrapping his arms around his knees as a sporty little SUV pulled in beside the moving truck. He was rather curious regarding the newcomers as well, but he managed to keep the cool and steely exterior he had carefully molded over the years. It was the mask he wore every time he ventured into an unknown situation, and though he should have felt at ease in his own yard, he couldn’t help the vague suspicion that crept over him.

  “Oh, looks like your wish is grant
ed,” he mused as a boy no older than six came racing around the side of the SUV. James cheered, nearly leaping to his feet in excitement. It was clear he was eager to go greet the other boy, but a certain nervousness held him back. He glanced towards Paul with uncertainty in his gaze, and Paul hummed softly under his breath before rising to his feet. He extended his hand towards his son, and James eagerly gripped it before beginning to drag him across the lawn. However, as another figure emerged from the SUV, the father was forced to put on the brakes. James noticed his father’s hesitation, glancing towards the older man with a curious tilt of his head.

  “Dad…?” He inquired softly, though Paul scarcely heard him. Out from the SUV stepped a tall and curvy woman, with long brown ringlets and emerald green eyes. She seemed oblivious to her new neighbors, calling out to the boy who was exploring their new lawn excitedly. Her son, presumably, but in Paul’s mind, that simply could not be so. The woman that stood yards away was beautiful, captivating, and familiar in a manner that was nothing short of heart shattering. His heart seemed to throb in his chest, and his mind tried to reason that it was impossible for this to be the woman he suspected her to be.

  Then, she shifted to look towards his son and himself. Her eyes widened a bit, and her mouth fell agape, tantalizingly. Her lips looked as soft and plush as ever, but now certainly wasn’t the time to be thinking such things. Not when faced with the woman who had haunted his dreams ever since he was deployed.

  Kelly Carpenter, the young woman with whom he’d shared the most riveting night of his life. She was a sweet girl, luscious in all the right places and with a smile that could bring lesser men to their knees. He’d taken her virginity, and short days later left town to pursue his career in the navy. He could still remember the desperate messages she had sent him, begging him to stay. He also remembered how he had callously ignored the messages, turning off his phone and not sparing it a glance for the next six years.


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