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Accidental Surprises

Page 17

by Tia Wylder

  Well, since he last saw the very woman he sought. Chuckling to himself, he rinsed himself thoroughly before shutting off the water. He grabbed his towel, yanking it into the stall with himself so he could dry off a bit before stepping out onto the bathroom floor and soaking it entirely. He had no desire to take some dramatic spill and knock his head against the toilet before he could properly venture out into the day.

  Satisfactorily clean and dried, he stepped out of the stall and quickly combed his hair. He brushed back the still-moist strands, wiping his wet palm on his boxers as he shifted to pull them on. The rest of his clothes quickly followed, and he slapped on a bit of cologne before stepping out to face the day. His son was likely already out playing with the neighbor boy, which suited him just as well. It gave him reason to go next door, after all.

  Slipping downstairs, he pushed open the front door and stepped out into the warm and sunny day. It seemed that even the weather itself was intent upon seeing him succeed, with the succession of beautiful days they had enjoyed. He spotted James almost immediately, riding his bike while Jeffrey watched on in his usual sense of adoration. Paul approached the younger boy, leaning in to speak to him.

  “Why don’t you ride with him?” He suggested with a grin. Jeffrey fidgeted, glancing towards his house before replying.

  “My mom won’t be happy if I get my bike without her knowing. She’s always scared I’ll get hurt or something…,” he trailed off, shoving his hands into his pockets. Paul hesitated before taking the young boy by the hand and leading him towards the house.

  “Well, maybe if your mom knows that you have some excellent supervision…,” Paul trailed off teasingly, reaching out to tap on the front door. Jeffrey tightened his grip on the man’s hand, and the navy seal felt his heart grow warm at how obviously attached the young boy was to him. When Kelly opened the door, Paul couldn’t deny that the warmth inside him only seemed to spread. Her eyes were wide with delight, and she only belatedly seemed to realize she was still in her bath robe.

  “O-oh, shit,” she blurted under her breath, wrapping the garment more tightly around herself as the blue-eyed man simply looked on. “Hello, Paul. Wasn’t expecting to see you out of bed so early. Hell, I scarcely managed to get up myself,” she said softly, her cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink. He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders a bit at the unintended jab.

  “While three doesn’t exactly qualify as early, I usually don’t have good reason to get out of bed. Jeff here wanted to know if he could ride his bike, as long as I’m keeping an eye on the two of them,” he said with a smile. Kelly hesitated, looking down at her son with a faint smile. She nodded, gesturing for him to go fetch his bike. As Jeff bolted away and Paul made to trail after him, Kelly reached out to grab the man’s wrist. He paused, glancing inquisitively towards her.

  “Jeffrey, honey, I’m sure it’s fine if James keeps an eye on you. Mr. Stalone and I need to speak for a moment,” she called out, a rather strange gleam in her eye. As soon as the boy slipped away, she released Paul’s wrist so that he could turn and face her. “Something tells me there’s more on your mind than watching the boys ride their bikes. Is that cologne I smell? Does someone have a date?” She teased, or at least, half-teased. There was also a certain strange dullness in her eyes, as if something was bothering her. Paul hesitated, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt for a moment. Biting the bullet, he decided to come clean.

  “I was… actually hoping to ask you. On a date, that is. A date with me,” he sputtered out, trying to gauge her expression. She looked more than slightly taken aback, but her uncertainty was soon replaced with delight as she processed what he was actually asking her.

  “You’re asking me out?” She said carefully, as if afraid she had misheard him. He nervously tapped his fingers against his legs for a moment before nodding his head.

  “Yes. I know we left on rather uncertain terms…” he began, only for her to interrupt.

  “Yes,” she said bluntly, though he seemed not to hear nor understand her.

  “Right, and I know you’re probably still upset with me,” he continued, only for her to cut in again.

  “Paul, yes!” Kelly asserted, though he only seemed to grimace at how readily she agreed with his observations.

  “I would be upset too, if the tables were turned, I just think,” he paused as she gripped him by the front of his shirt, pulling him in for a chaste kiss. His eyes nearly bulged from his skull, and he stared at her with a certain sense of awe.

  “I mean… yes, I’ll go out with you. While things certainly weren’t ended on the best terms, I’d be lying if I said I’m happy they ended at all. I’ve been trying to play it cool, but… I would love to go out for dinner with you, or… maybe see a movie? Can Roberta watch the boys?” She said rather haltingly. Paul was unable to stop the dopey smile that spread across his face, but he was quick to nod and acknowledge her question.

  “I’m sure she’d be thrilled. Maybe a bit of an early dinner? I hate to keep her too late, but I’m sure something can be arranged,” he muttered, trying to think of the best way to pose his question to his housekeeper. She’d done double duty as a babysitter before, though it had never been with two young boys.

  “Early is fine. Actually… I should be ready around six, if that’s fine? I just..,” she trailed off, looking as if she wasn’t sure if she should say the next statement. “I want to look nice for you,” she said suddenly, her cheeks reddening once again. Paul felt his own cheeks grow warm, and before he could think, he was already replying.

  “You always look nice, Kelly,” he asserted, pausing at the look she gave him. It was a look he had not seen in some time, and it sent pleasant shivers down his spine. “But, of course, I’m willing to give you some time. I’ll have to arrange things with Roberta, in any case,” he said nervously, shifting away from her. She watched him go, an almost predatory gleam in her eye.

  “Until six, then,” she called out.

  The next three hours passed in something of a whirlwind, with Paul agonizing over his appearance and calling Roberta in for a late shift. He wasn’t sure how to answer when she teasingly inquired as to how late he would be, simply muttering that it was a wait and see sort of situation. She had laughed, but agreed to be over as soon as possible. James seemed to catch on to the shift in his father’s demeanor almost immediately, and as soon as Kelly stepped out of the house in a nice cocktail dress, the two young boys seemed to put the pieces together.

  “You two are going on a date?” James demanded, an altogether excited look gracing both of their young faces. Jeffrey grinned, bouncing on his heels as they waited for an answer.

  “If… if that’s alright with the two of you. I probably should have cleared it up first,” Paul mumbled, fidgeting with the wrinkles on his one nice pair of pants.

  “Of course, it’s alright! Mom always seems so sad and kinda lonely, and we both really like you, Mr. Stalone! I think it’s great,” Jeffrey said loudly, just as Kelly approached behind the two boys. She quirked a brow, considering her son with a faintly embarrassed expression.

  “Good to know we have your approval,” she said somewhat blandly, glancing towards Paul with an apologetic look. Jeffrey wrang his hands, laughing nervously under his breath.

  “I didn’t mean that she’s always sad and lonely. She has me, after all! Who needs some… some really super awesome, and super nice guy?” The youngest boy tried to amend, but Kelly simply laughed, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.

  “Alright, alright. I think you’ve done enough damage. You and James behave yourselves for Miss Roberta, okay?” She murmured warmly, pulling her son into her arms. He squirmed, not wanting to seem uncool in front of the other ‘men’.

  “I’ll keep an eye on him, Miss Carpenter,” James grinned, cheekily. Jeff groaned, but Kelly smirked, sweeping James up into her arms as well.

  “What a sweet boy,” she crooned, much to the boys’ mutual humiliation. She laughed aloud as she
released James, and Paul could only watch on with a content smile on his face. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so complete, and seeing Kelly dote on his son only served to stoke the fire inside of him. “Well, Paul, I guess we should be going?” She inquired shyly, seeming a bit too nervous to meet his gaze. He smiled warmly, looping her arm in his own and leading her towards his car.

  “You guys behave! We shouldn’t be out too late,” Paul called out.

  “We won’t wait up,” James called after him. The two adults reddened, but said nothing as Paul opened the door for Kelly. She slipped into the car, fastening herself in. The navy seal braced himself as he circled around the car, unable to believe that he had actually scored a date with the woman he so adored. He fought the goofy smile that threatened to alight his face once more, sitting in the driver’s seat and adjusting his mirrors.

  “I can’t believe we’re actually trying again,” Kelly murmured, reaching out to rest her hand on the center console. Paul smiled, resting his hand on top of hers.

  “We’re going to have a great time. I can feel it,” he said soothingly, as they pulled out of the driveway. A quick shift of gears, and he was driving in the direction of one of the fancier restaurants in town. He’d managed to snag a reservation in spite of how late notice his call had been, but he only viewed that as another sign of the gods smiling down upon them. As Kelly gently squeezed his hand, he wondered how their date could be anything but wonderful.

  A pleased gasp drew itself from the woman’s lips as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot, and Paul quickly moved to open the car door for her once more. He grinned, guiding her towards the door of the establishment with all the grace of a royal couple. She couldn’t hide her delight even if she tried, at that point, and for once, Paul felt as if he had done something right.

  They were immediately led to their seats upon stepping inside, and Paul leaned in to speak quietly into her ear.

  “Money isn’t an issue. Get what you want, I’ll cover it,” he asserted. She blushed, glancing towards him with a bit of uncertainty before nodding her head. The two each ordered a mixed drink to get the evening started, and Kelly clinked her glass against his with a sly smile.

  “To tonight, and hopefully many more,” she purred. Paul couldn’t deny the desire that flooded his veins, and if only to abate it just slightly, he tossed back his drink. He immediately ordered another, almost expecting Kelly to get upset. Instead she only giggled, sipping her first drink.

  “So… Jeffrey seems like a nice kid,” Paul murmured, feeling the drinks ignite a bit of courage within him. He waved down the waitress, ordering yet another drink. Kelly was beginning to look a bit disconcerted, but he needed all the confidence he could get.

  “He’s a sweet boy. He’s never really had any men in his life, but…,” she trailed off at the strange look in Paul’s eye.

  “He turned out alright for it,” Paul murmured, glancing over the menu. As much as he didn’t like to think about it, he had been considering Jeffrey’s age, and potential time of conception in the time he’d been waiting for Kelly to get ready for their date. He’d come to some rather startling conclusions, thoughts that drove a bitter and cold pike straight into his heart. It would do little good to make himself miserable over it, however. Just because Kelly probably hadn’t been as true to him as she’d said when they first met. Granted, he knew she was a virgin when they first made love, but he was feeling less certain that he’d been the only man she was with from that point onward.

  “What do you mean, alright for it? Jeffrey is a wonderful young man, and… well, you can’t always count on a man to be there when you need them,” Kelly said, somewhat sourly. Paul’s eyes widened, and the implication hit him like a ton of bricks. It was clear that she was still upset that he had left her behind. If she was going to brood over the past, two could play that game.

  “I mean, as far as letting some random guy bed you, it couldn’t have worked out any better,” he said brusquely, his eyes narrowing upon the menu. A look of shock crossed Kelly’s face, though Paul seemed a bit too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice. When he glanced towards her, he was torn between satisfaction and despair at the look of sorrow in her gaze. However, the sadness shifted to something much more bitter and acrid, relatively quickly.

  “Some random guy…?” She repeated, tightening her grip on her glass.

  “It just seems strange that you would shack up with some guy immediately after I left. After all, the date of conception… hell, you were probably seeing this guy while you were claiming to be in love with me,” Paul muttered, finding himself growing sluggish and irritated. He hadn’t intended to say that, but the woman was pressing every good nerve he had left in his body. If she wanted to know the root of the problem, he was more than willing to discuss it. He doubted she would be particularly forthcoming, however. She never had been. His annoyance was but a drop in the bucket, however, when he looked up and met Kelly’s gaze. She looked torn between being unimaginably hurt and unspeakably angry, tossing back her drink and moving to shift out of the booth. “Where are you going? We need to talk about this if we have any chance of moving forward,” Paul asserted. Kelly laughed, slamming her glass down on the table.

  “I thought we had already moved on, Paul. You’re the one stuck in the past! You’re the one who can’t get past this idea of… of owning me,” she shouted. Paul could feel the eyes of everyone in the restaurant upon them, and his first instinct was to get belligerent. However, he knew just how well that’s worked for him in the past. Instead, he allowed the alcohol to settle in his gut as he tried to think of a way to properly resolve the dispute. Before he could come to a conclusion, however, Kelly was already stalking towards the door. Desperation formed a deep pit in his stomach, and he couldn’t believe just how thoroughly he had managed to screw up the date.

  “Kelly, wait! I can… Please! Let’s just talk,” he cried out, staggering after her. She turned around, considering him for a long moment before offering him the one finger salute. A collective gasp washed over the nearby tables, and the other patrons began to whisper amongst themselves.

  “Have fun with your hand tonight,” she called back. He stopped dead his tracks, an embarrassed flush alighting on his cheeks as she walked out the door. As much as he wanted to follow her, he knew it would do more harm than good at that point.

  As such… he turned back to their table with a defeated sigh, settling back in the chair he’d been seated in. He gulped back his drink, wishing that somehow, someway, he could just get things right for once. It seemed the gods weren’t as in on his plot as he thought. Oh, well. At least he had tried.

  Chapter Six

  When he came home alone that night, Paul wasn’t particularly surprised by the news that Kelly had picked Jeffrey up early, offering little explanation as to why the date had ended so soon. He wasn’t particularly thrilled to divulge such information to his son, either, but he knew it was bound to come up at some point. For the time being, he simply wanted to drag himself off to bed where he could properly feel sorry for himself.

  He hadn’t intended to be so callous when he first asked Kelly out. He supposed the idea of the woman he loved in another man’s arms had wounded him more than he liked to think. He genuinely liked Jeffrey, regardless of who the boy’s father might be. In spite of the way he acted, he was still rather fond of Kelly as well. He’d never been one to handle his drinks particularly well, and he should have known that dipping into the heavy liquor on the first official date would end badly.

  “Dad, Miss Carpenter looked really upset,” James piped up, trailing behind his father. Paul simply groaned, leaning against the wall and pressing his face into his palms. “What… what happened?” The young boy inquired gingerly, reaching out to touch his father’s hand.

  “We got into a bit of a… dispute, regarding Jeffrey’s father,” Paul admitted, wishing he could take the words back as soon as they spilled past his lips. James considere
d him with wide eyes, looking from the older man, to the pillow fort he had likely been playing in a mere half hour prior.

  “Why does that matter? Jeffrey is a good guy, and Miss Carpenter seems nice enough. It sucks that he doesn’t know his dad, but…,” James trailed off, looking as if he wanted to say more. Unlike his father, however, it appeared that he knew how to keep his mouth shut.

  “I’m going to bed, son. I’ll head next door and apologize tomorrow, but going over tonight is only going to make things worse,” Paul muttered, continuing to slink in the direction of his bedroom. He could feel his son watching him, and while he was certain his dignity had long flown out the window, he didn’t particularly want his son spying on him while he moped.

  After all, moping was the entirety of what he planned to do that night. While the previous day had seemed as if it would hold more promise, and he had carried the hope of not sleeping alone that night, things seemed to rarely work out as they should.

  Shrugging off his button-down top, some minutes after agonizingly trying to unbutton it, he flopped face first into his mattress, sighing softly under his breath. He liked to think tomorrow would turn out better, but at that point, he just couldn’t be sure. He resolved that he would certainly apologize to Kelly for the tragic misstep he had made. He simply had to get through the night. Surely, it wouldn’t be that difficult.


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