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The Knight Before Chris

Page 5

by Peggy Hunter

  "I'm not apologizing,” she said finally. “But I am sorry about your mother."

  A long silence followed—a deafening, heart-wrenching stillness. “The water should be hot enough for your shower now,” Chris said finally.

  * * * *

  Water sluiced over her body as Winter turned her face into the spray overhead. Her heart ached. She'd made an attempt to make things right with Chris but knew her efforts were only half-hearted. She'd been unable to admit how wrong she was for representing his ex-wife and essentially ripping his life to smithereens. She couldn't fault Chris for not acknowledging her meager effort.

  The warm water offered some relief as she reached for the bar of deodorant soap. Not her choice for cleansing but she was grateful for the opportunity to shower and wasn't about to complain. Winter rubbed the bar of soap into a cloth and then ran it over her abdomen and slowly lifted it to her breasts. Her nipples budded and ached as she slowly, methodically rubbed the cloth over them.

  The cloth slipped from her hands as she cupped her breasts, reveling in the cascading water and slowly moved her hands over her torso. Her fingers slid over her core to her backside as she turned to let the spray of warm water glide down her back. She pressed her hands on the wall of the shower stall and arched her back.

  She felt cold air wash over her as the shower curtain was suddenly pulled aside. She gasped as she glanced at Chris.

  His eyes blazed with desire as he spoke. “Your two minutes are up,” he said.

  Winter turned and pressed her back against the shower stall. Her hands slid up and cupped her breasts as she stared back at him. “Yes,” she said softly. “But I'm not done yet. What will it take for you to give me a little more time?"

  Chris’ eyes blazed as he quickly took his clothes off and stepped into the shower. His hands braced her buttocks and pulled her against him. “What have you got in mind?” he murmured.

  "That depends,” she said innocently. “What do you need?"

  Chris growled as he dipped his mouth over her lips. “Let me show you what I need,” he said before his mouth settled over her lips.

  Water sluiced over them as Winter drank from his lips, taking everything he had to give her. Her breasts crushed against his chest as his long legs splayed on either side of hers. His iron-hard cock pressed into her belly as his fingers slid down her back.

  He tore his mouth from hers and gazed down at her. “You have no idea how much I need you,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Winter closed her eyes, unable to find the words to respond. She needed him too, more than he could ever know. His hands cupped her buttocks and lifted her with little effort. She felt his cock slide against her belly and find the juncture between her thighs.

  He wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed his cock against her folds.

  Winter pushed her head against the shower wall. Her eyes were closed against the stream of water coursing over her face. She needed him. She needed him more than she'd ever needed anyone before. So why was her body cooling? Why had his touch felt so damn cold against her skin?

  "Fuck!” Chris’ hands left her buttocks and gripped her hand as he pulled her out of the shower stall. Winter screamed when she felt ice cold water spray over her back as she leapt from the stall.

  Chris pushed her aside and reached into the shower to turn off the taps. Winter blinked as she gazed up at him, her body shivering. “What happened?"

  His voice echoed in the small room. “I guess we ran out of hot water."

  Winter grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. “You said the generator would heat the water,” she said as she grabbed another towel and wiped her face.

  "It did,” Chris supplied. “But it'll only heat the water in the tank. A small water heater only heats a small amount.” He grabbed a towel and began to wipe his face.

  Winter's gaze washed over his naked body and quickly settled on his penis. She put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle a giggle.

  Chris looked at her as he wiped his chest. “What's so funny?"

  "I guess what they say about shrinkage really is true,” she said, unable to hide her laughter any longer.

  Chris peered down at himself and then back at her. His face lit with mischief as he continued to towel himself off. “You find that amusing, do you?"

  Winter attempted to make a straight face. “Not at all, Chris,” she said. Laughter bubbled up inside her again as she continued. “In fact, I find it hilarious!"

  Chris’ grin deepened as he tossed the towel aside and took a step toward her. “Maybe I should teach you a lesson about laughing at a man's misfortune."

  Winter snickered and backed against the door. She reached behind her and grabbed the knob. “Are you sure you mean misfortune?” she asked. Her gaze flitted down to his penis. “Or do you mean a man's shortcomings?"

  "I'll show you shortcomings!” Chris’ face lit up with amusement as he lunged at her.

  Winter laughed and screamed as Chris’ fingers curled in the towel wrapped around her. She managed to open the door and tear out, the cool air coasting over her body as she ran.

  Winter rounded the couch as Chris tossed her towel aside, his gaze burning over her naked body. “Come here and take your lumps,” he said menacingly.

  She giggled and shook her head. “Oh, I don't think so,” she said. “You'll have to make me."

  Chris grinned devilishly. “That'll be my pleasure,” he said as he headed for the couch.

  Winter cried when he climbed over the couch and landed on the floor in front of her. She ducked his hands and raced for the bedroom. She pushed the door open and ran inside. She turned to see Chris saunter to the door.

  His eyes blazed with desire, his smile wicked as he leaned against the doorjamb. Winter's breath came in short gasps as her nipples peaked and her core moistened. Chris’ sheer strength filled the room, and her body with need. Her gaze slid to his maleness. The shock of cold water no longer affected him.

  "Well, well,” he said softly. “Seems you have nowhere to hide."

  The game was far too much fun for Winter to give up that easily. “You'll have to catch me first,” she said, taunting him.

  Chris pushed off the doorjamb and walked toward her. Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for him to round the bed and close the distance between them. She could feel his body heat the millisecond before she acted. She flew on top of the bed in an effort to escape.

  She squealed when she felt his hands close around her ankles and pull her feet out from under her. Winter fell on the soft mattress face first, laughing as she struggled in his grip.

  "No fair!” she cried as Chris quickly planted his knees on either side of her hips and held her down with his hands on her shoulder blades.

  She felt his lips blaze over the back of her neck. “All's fair in love and war,” he growled, his hot breath brushing her skin, his tongue scorching a trail down her back and up again. His hands left her shoulders and slid down her sides. They curled over her waist and pulled her buttocks against his aching need.

  Was it love, or war?

  The thought disappeared from Winter's mind when she felt his iron cock wedge into the flesh of her buttocks. Her body hummed as Chris’ fingers slid over her, his mouth hot against her back.

  She arched her back, allowing his hands to slide over her breasts. “Sweet Winter,” he said against her ear. “You have no idea just how much I want you."

  Reason filtered through her brain long enough to know one thing, it wasn't her personal being that he wanted. It was the barracuda, the woman who had raked him over the coals for two long years; the one who had made his life a living hell.

  She knew she should stop him, push his hands away, tell him it wasn't right. But as his lips continued to scorch a path down her back, his fingers slowly made their way to her core. His weight pulled off her as he braced his knees between her thighs. She took the cue, raising her hips from the mattress and splaying her legs, in
viting him, aching for his touch.

  "Oh!” Winter felt her body convulse against him as he ran his thumb over her clit.

  "You like that?” he asked, his voice breathy against her ear.

  "Yes,” she said, trying to keep her ardor in check.

  "Do you want more?” he asked. “Do you want my fingers inside you?"

  Winter winced as she arched her back against him. “Yes,” she hissed.

  Her body cried out for more when his hand suddenly left her core and settled on her buttocks. Her face fell into the cushion of the mattress as she pressed her ass against him

  Chris slid his cock between the cheeks of her ass and pushed them tight over him. “Beg for it,” he said.

  Winter wanted to scream. He would not play that game with her! He wouldn't get away with it!

  Yes, she wanted him. Yes, she needed him. But she wasn't going to be his whore! Not now, not ever!

  Winter's fingers curled into the blankets and suddenly bucked upward. The movement caught Chris off-guard and afforded her the opportunity to slip off the bed. She landed with a thud on the floor.

  She grimaced at him when she got to her feet. “You fucking son of a bitch,” she said. “You'll never make me beg for anything!"

  Chris lunged forward and grabbed her. She cried out as he pushed her back down on the bed, this time on her back.

  Chris made short work of her struggle as he forced her arms over her head. He grinned triumphantly, never saying a word.

  "Bastard!” she cried as she struggled against him, loving his power, his sheer force as he held her down.

  "Uh-huh.” His mouth dipped to take an erect nipple into his mouth. His teeth grazed against it before he sucked it into his mouth.

  She made a half-hearted attempt to escape his grasp and Chris’ hands held her with equal force. He knew she wanted to be dominated and was more than willing to give her what she needed but his grip let her know all she had to do was say the word and he'd back away.

  For the first time in her life, Winter felt secure with a man. She knew he was willing to take her to new heights but wasn't going to push her beyond her comfort zone.

  Her body relaxed beneath him as she struggled to free her arms. “Let me touch you!” she pleaded.

  Chris released his hold on her arms and groaned when she slid her hands over his back. Her hands settled on his firm buttocks and curled into the flesh, pushing him against her aching need. “Fill me with your cock!” she pleaded as she bucked against him. “Chris, I need you!"

  "I need you, too,” he said as he wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed into her core. “Sweet, sweet Winter,” he whispered urgently.

  Winter howled in sheer pleasure as she felt the blunt force of his cock open her. Every fiber of her being felt complete as his cock filled her depths, taking everything she had within her, splitting her wide open in sweet agony.

  "Chris! Oh my God!” she cried as he moved against her, digging deep into her core and then, slowly, methodically, pulling away. Her mind reeled in pleasure as her body screamed for more. She drove her hips forward to meet his thrusts, their bodies smacking together in a carnal dance.

  Chris grabbed her legs from his waist and pulled back from her. His cock fell away as he kneeled between her legs.

  "No!” she cried, her body pulsing with need for him.

  "Don't worry.” She felt his knees against her thighs as he moved closer to her. His hands gripped her ankles. “We aren't done yet."

  She winced when his hands slowly pressed against her ankles, pushing them aside, opening her core to him. His hands held her feet in place as his cock nudged against her.

  "You want me to fuck you, don't you?” he asked, his cock pulsing against her slick opening.

  "Yes,” she said.

  Chris’ hands pushed her legs wider. He leaned over her slightly. “What? Not sure I heard you."

  "Yes!” she cried.

  She felt the sweet pressure of his cock against her slit. “What was that?"

  She couldn't take it anymore! She didn't care what he was after, what he wanted from her. She needed him right now!

  Her voice vibrated off the walls of the bedroom. “Fuck me!"

  Her plea was met with sheer joy. He filled her with his cock, pulsating, filling her completely. Tears sprang to her eyes when Chris let her legs fall onto his shoulders as his hands slid over her abdomen. She lifted her hips with every thrust, taking every inch of him as his balls slammed against her.

  Chris leaned over her as his fingers massaged her stomach. With every thrust he made, his fingers slid closer to their connection. When his touch settled over her clit, Winter felt her body climb toward a pinnacle.

  "Give it to me,” he said through clenched teeth. “Give me everything you've got."

  Winter's body seared with extreme pleasure, lifted to his touch, so near the perfect completion. She felt it build with every stroke.

  Her hand dove between them, finding their source, touching the base of him as he drove into her. She wanted him too; she needed him to give her everything as well. Her fingers formed a V around the base of his cock as he drove into her.

  Winter felt the sweet agony as her body gave itself up to him. Her hands left his body and gripped his buttocks, pulling her close to him as the explosion wracked her body.

  Chris winced; a guttural oath escaped as an orgasm wracked his body. He pulsed against her, filling her core with his white-hot force.

  * * * *

  Winter woke and pried herself out of Chris’ arms. He moaned softly but didn't wake up. She padded out of the bedroom to the kitchen. She poured a glass of water and took a long drink. She peered at the clock on the wall. It was just after midnight. It was Christmas Day.

  She walked back to the bedroom and looked down at the sleeping man in her bed.

  "Merry Christmas, Chris,” she said softly.

  She so wanted to crawl back into the bed, to touch him, make love with him again. But she knew she couldn't. Her conscience had let her get away with far too much already. No matter how much she wanted Chris Donnelly, the honorable, if not ethical, thing to do was to back away.

  She quickly dressed and stuffed what few belongings she had into her suitcase. She grabbed a sheet of paper and scribbled a few lines before she donned her coat and boots.

  Snow fell heavily as she walked out the door. She winced against the wind as she began to walk. With any luck, she'd be able to dig her car out of the snow and head back to the city tonight.

  Chapter 7


  I've decided to grant your wish and let you spend the holidays alone.

  I wish you only the very best for the future. Merry Christmas!


  Chris held the note up to the firelight and read it a second time. She left? What the hell?

  He crumpled the note and tossed it into the fire before he walked to the bedroom to retrieve his watch. He held it in front of the hearth. It was just after one in the morning.

  The bed felt cold when he woke half an hour ago. He thought Winter had gone to get a drink of water but when she didn't return, he crawled out of bed to find her. The winter wind battered the windows as snow flew around.

  What the hell was she thinking? Did she really think she'd be able to find her car and get back to the city during a storm like this?

  There was no question about it. He had to go after her. Her sweet scent still lingered in the cabin, so she couldn't have been gone long.

  Chris's heart pounded as he quickly dressed before he filled a hot water bottle from the kettle steaming over the fire. He grabbed a wool blanket and shoved everything into a backpack. He put two teaspoons of instant coffee into a thermos and used the rest of the hot water from the kettle to fill it.

  Chris located a flashlight and tucked it into the back pocket of his jeans before he got into his coat and boots.

  Snow billowed through the door when he opened it, driving into his face, sending a shi
ver down his spine.

  He had to find her. God! If anything happened to her...

  The words echoed in his mind as he pulled the door closed behind him and peered into the night. If something happened to her ... what? What did she mean to him?

  He wasn't sure.

  If nothing else, Jimmy would never forgive him if something happened to his sister. That was reason enough to go after her. There was no need to analyze his feelings for Winter any further.

  Chris stood at the door for a moment before he walked to the small shed beside the cabin. He pushed the door open and pulled the flashlight out of his pocket.

  "There it is,” he said softly as spotted the toboggan against the far wall. If Winter was hurt, it'd be easier to drag her back on it than carry her through the deep snow.

  The flashlight did little good against the blinding snow driving against him as he trekked down the hill. With each step he took, his boots filled with more snow, making it harder to walk.

  He stopped and leaned against a tree as he pulled one boot off to empty it. With his weight on one foot, it sank deeper into the snow. He removed the backpack and placed it on the toboggan as he struggled to get his foot back into the boot.

  "Fuck, Winter!” he howled in anger. “When I get my hands on you..."

  The words trailed off when he heard, rather than saw, the toboggan slowly slip away down the hill. He lunged forward in an attempt to catch it. Suddenly, he felt the cold bark of the tree slam his forehead. The world began to spin in a blinding whirl of white snow and visions of Winter before everything went black.

  * * * *

  Chris moaned as Winter leaned over him. His eyes focused past her to the roaring fire as she cleaned the gash over his right eye.

  "Am I dead?” he asked as his gaze settled on her.

  "I wish,” she said angrily.

  Chris winced when she pressed white gauze over his wound. When he reached up, she softly slapped his hand away. “Lie still,” she said. “You have a cut on your forehead. I've got to dress it."

  "What the hell happened?” he asked.

  Winter's eyes pierced him as she pursed her lips. “Seems you did battle with a tree,” she replied. “The tree won."


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