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The Wedding Hoax

Page 14

by Heather Thurmeier

  Playing the family man with Daisy and Helen had been fun. For a night. But it wasn’t the kind of life he could sign on for long-term. Certainly he could never agree to having a real family. He was living proof of how kids only complicated an already volatile relationship between work and home. He’d been that kid, the one who listened to his mother cry because his father had chosen to stay late at the office again. The one who’d asked his father to come to his Little League game so his mom wasn’t the only one cheering him on. The kid who heard the arguing after he was supposed to be asleep about how his father couldn’t provide for their family and be at home at the same time.

  A family like Daisy and her mom had seemed like something out of movie, not real life. At least not for a Benton.

  But that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy this while he had it.

  “I had a good time tonight,” he said genuinely as they rode the elevator to their apartment. A few months into this relationship, and he couldn’t think of the apartment in any other way than theirs. It had stopped being his almost the minute Daisy moved in.

  “I’m glad.” Her body language and tone were both stiff. Not the friendly, easygoing Daisy he knew and loved.


  “We’ll have to make sure we go out there again to visit before the wedding. I want to keep my word and bring your mom dinner next time.”

  “Okay,” she said simply.

  Was she angry about something?

  “Everything all right?” he asked, opening the door to the apartment and motioning for her to go in ahead of him.

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  He stopped outside her room, blocking her way in. Something was wrong, and he wasn’t letting her run away until he knew what. “Did I do something tonight to piss you off?”


  “Then why are you acting like I have?”

  “I’m not. You did great tonight. Played your part flawlessly. The kiss was a nice touch there at the end. I’m sure that really helped seal the deal for my mom believing our act.”

  The kiss.

  Sure. He’d said it was all a part of the act. But the truth was, he couldn’t keep his hands off her tonight. When they’d gotten to the car, he’d been overcome with the need to kiss her and he’d gone for it without thinking. And when he’d realized what he’d done, he’d said the only thing he could think of—that the kiss was just for show.

  But it wasn’t.

  Judging by Daisy’s attitude right now, maybe it hadn’t been part of the act for her, either. It certainly hadn’t felt like an act when she’d kissed him back, eagerly, hungrily…without hesitation.

  “I didn’t know you were so good at this acting stuff.” She smiled as if she hadn’t given him the cold shoulder the entire ride home. “Now if you’ll let me into my room, I’m exhausted. I don’t know how those Hollywood stars do it.”

  He stepped aside. Maybe he was wrong about her kissing him back, and it really had only been an act for her. Maybe everything he thought she was feeling was really his feelings reflected onto her.

  If that was the case, he really needed to get a grip. Fast. Because whether he liked it or not, it appeared he was falling for Daisy. Hard.

  And she deserved better.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Not ready to run away yet?” Austin asked, handing Cole a fresh drink. “There’s still time to save yourself from the old ball and chain.”

  Cole already felt his senses being dulled by the alcohol but accepted the drink regardless. He’d lost count of how many he’d had so far. His buddies, his brother, and his dad kept a steady supply of liquor coming to their table. But that’s what you did at a bachelor party, wasn’t it?

  Bachelor party.

  He still couldn’t believe it was for him. Surely it was some other poor sap getting tied down. Even knowing the wedding wasn’t real, celebrating his bachelorhood made it feel as if in a few short months, he’d be kissing his life away.

  In reality, he’d only be kissing his time with Daisy away. A couple of months ago, he would have said he couldn’t wait for that moment, but lately, he wasn’t so sure.

  He forced a smile to his lips. “Nope. I’m looking forward to the honeymoon too much. Daisy on a beach in a skimpy bikini, sounds like heaven.” At least that part was true, although they might not actually go on a honeymoon together if they decided to break up right after the wedding.

  Dread settled in his chest. He wasn’t sure if it was the thought of having to tie the knot, even if it was fake, or the thought that things with Daisy would come to an end, but something about the wedding didn’t sit right with him. Sure, he’d had some feelings rekindle with Daisy, but they were the lusty kind and not the loving kind. He was almost positive.

  “I still can’t believe you’re going through with it.” Troy shook his head.

  “Some days I can’t either,” Cole said honestly.

  “I’m going to hate to lose you to the dark side,” Parker said, taking a swig of beer. “It’s not the same with the rest of these jokers. They keep trying to steal the ladies before I seal the deal. You’d never do that to me.”

  “Sorry, man. You’ll have to find a way to carry on without me.” At least until a month after the wedding, per the contract. “I’m sure you’ll manage, or you’ll develop a deep and intimate relationship with your hand.”

  They all laughed at that one.

  “Speaking of my hand,” Joel said, “I really don’t want to meet with it tonight, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go do a loop and see who I can find in here. You might have to go home to the little lady later, but I still don’t know where my night will take me.”

  Cole’s buddies got up from the table and made their way out to the dance floor, leaving him alone with his father and Troy.

  “I don’t know why you’re going through with this. Didn’t you learn anything from my experience with your mother?”

  “I know a good thing when I see one, and I plan on being single forever,” Troy said.

  “Don’t worry, Dad,” Cole replied. “I’ll go into it with my eyes open, and if things get bad, I know what to do. I won’t drag out the inevitable.” If only he could tell his dad that he’d never have to get a divorce because he’d never really get married to begin with.

  “I wish you’d start thinking with your head for a change instead of your heart. There’s no room for feelings in business.”

  “I run the bridal magazine. It’s all about the feelings there. It’s bound to reason that some of it would rub off on me eventually. If you want me to stop thinking like a guy in a romance novel, then put me where I really want to be, Prime Outdoors.”

  He father laughed and patted him on the shoulder, leaning in so close Cole could smell the beer on his breath. “That’s sweet. You really think she’s going to let you head the adventure magazine after you’re married. No wife, in history, has ever given her husband the keys to free-rein travel once the ball and chain go on the ankle, or the ring goes on the finger.”

  “Daisy isn’t like that. She understands what I really want in life.” And she did. She knew he wouldn’t be tied down and if he ever got the travel-and-adventure magazine he really wanted, then he’d be on his way around the world.

  “I’ll take the magazine for you, Dad,” Troy said, leaning forward. “I’m ready to jet set around the world any second you say go. I don’t have anything holding me back.”

  “You also don’t know anything about world travel. You could barely find your way out of college, for Christ’s sake. Maybe I should buy a kid’s magazine for you to start on, huh? Finger painting, where to find the best pizza, and lessons on proper napping techniques. That sounds more up your alley.” He belly laughed again while Troy and Cole shared the same pissed-off expression for a change.

  Before his father could belittle either one of them further, his buddies wandered back to the table. “This place is dead. We’re heading somewhere a little more exciting.
You up for Binge?” Parker asked.

  Binge was the loudest, most obnoxious club in the city. The women wore little more than absolutely necessary to cover their bodies, and often that didn’t include underwear. Cole usually went there if he wanted a sure bet for the night. It definitely wasn’t the kind of place he should be seen in now, even if it was his bachelor party.

  And even if it hadn’t been his bachelor party, the thought of going to Binge still felt wrong. The idea of hitting on anything in a short skirt made him think of how Daisy would look at him when she found out where he’d been. He might not be legitimately committed to her long-term, but the thought of being the source of her unhappiness didn’t sit well with him.

  He climbed out of the booth. “I’m good. I think I’ll head home for the night.”

  “You’re ending your bachelor party already? Lame.” Austin punched him in the arm, and Cole swayed on his feet, catching himself against the table.

  “It’s three. Not exactly early, so don’t ride me about it.”

  “You need someone to dump you on your doorstep?” his father asked. He continued with a mumble Cole almost missed. “Can’t even hold his alcohol.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage,” he said, looking in his wallet for some cash to pay a taxi.

  “I’ll go with him to make sure he gets home,” Troy said

  Cole said good-bye to his buddies and his father and went out to the street with Troy to hail a cab. “You really don’t have to come with me, you know? I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “Actually,” Troy said, suddenly looking a little awkward. “I was hoping I could crash at your place for a while. I found out mine is being fumigated, and we’re all supposed to be out for a bit.”

  A cold sweat beaded on Cole’s back. It wasn’t that he wanted his brother to sleep somewhere unsafe, but he also didn’t want him at the apartment with Daisy. If they showed up unannounced, Daisy would be in the spare room.

  “Sure,” Cole said, hesitantly.

  “Unless there’s some reason I shouldn’t live with you. Something you’re keeping private?”

  Cole didn’t like the tone of suspicion in Troy’s voice. “It’s fine,” he said cheerfully, trying to overcompensate for his earlier hesitation. “I gotta make a pit stop before we leave, or I’ll never make it home,” he said quickly. “Grab us a cab, and I’ll be right back.”

  He bolted back into the club as fast as his inebriated legs would allow. As soon as he passed through the front door, flashing his hand stamp at the bouncer, he leaned against the wall for balance and pulled his cell from his pocket. After what felt like forever, Daisy picked up.

  “You gotta move your stuff into my room and make it look like you never slept in the guest room.”

  “Hello to you, too. And exactly how much did you have to drink tonight?”

  “Too much. But that’s not the point. Troy needs to crash with us, and he’s coming home with me. Now.”

  “What?” Daisy said, sounding distinctly more awake. “I can’t get all my things into your room that fast.”

  “We can’t let him find you in the guest room, or he’ll know there’s something up with us.”

  “Fine. I’ll do what I can. Take a taxi and get him to drop you somewhere for coffee or pancakes, oh, or tacos. Taxi drivers always know the best places to eat in the middle of the night, don’t they? You’ve got to stop somewhere, or I won’t have time.”

  As he hung up, a new thought occurred to him—with Troy in the guest room, Daisy would have no choice but to share Cole’s bed.


  Daisy woke to a strange weight on her chest. She panicked. Where was she, and why was something touching her? Something that was distinctly warm and muscular. Her fears were confirmed when she cracked an eye open. The weight on her chest was Cole’s arm, his head on the pillow beside hers, his breath coming out in deep streams against her bare shoulder. Her nipples beaded with the sensation.

  Why was he cuddling with her? Did he even know that he was doing it? Could she get out from beneath his arm without waking him? Did she really want to extricate herself from the warmth of his sleepy embrace?

  She sighed. No. Not really. If felt good to snuggle with him. Great actually. The ridges of his biceps were smooth under her fingertips. His chest was even better. He mumbled something in his sleep, his arm constricting around her, pulling her tight to his chest. He nuzzled his face into the side of her neck.

  “Mornin,’ Dee,” he mumbled.

  She lay still for a moment, debating on what to do. “Morning.”

  “Thanks for the cuddle.”

  “I didn’t cuddle you. You cuddled me.” The need to make sure that was clear in his mind forced the words from her mouth before she could stop them.

  “Either way. It’s a good way to wake up. Although I could think a few even better ways you could wake me up if you ever felt so inclined.”

  His tone was seductive and teasing at the same time—a combination that had always delivered a lethal blow to her inhibitions. But not this time. If she planned to keep from falling any harder for Cole, then she needed to put the brakes on this situation now.

  Wiggling out from under his arm, she sat up. “If we’re going to share a bed, then we need to lay down a few terms and conditions.”

  “I can think of a few things to lay.”

  “Are you still drunk?” she asked. His comments were more straightforward than usual.

  “It’s entirely possible. But not too drunk for a good time, if you’re hinting you’re interested.”

  “Cole, that is exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t make sexy comments. You can’t imply things. And you definitely can’t snuggle up anytime you’re lonely.”

  He rolled onto his back and rubbed his hands into his eyes. “It’s way too early for this kind of conversation. Can’t we talk about this another time? When I’m not hungover?”

  “No. You’re the one who mixed things up last night for us, and now I need rules. One: there will be no touching or snuggling of any kind in this bed.”

  “Lower your voice before my brother hears.”

  “Two,” she whispered. She hadn’t thought she’d been that loud but Troy overhearing wouldn’t be good. “Some form of pajamas must be worn at all times.”

  “I don’t do pajamas. I’m not a child.”

  “What you have on now will suffice.” She waved a hand at his currently bare-chested and boxer-briefs-clad body. She’d have to learn not to look at the bedroom eye-candy buffet every time she came to bed. “Three: no flirting, suggestive hinting, or innuendos. What happened before is irrelevant, since it will not happen again.”

  “What about when Troy’s around? We are supposed to like each other, remember?”

  “It’s not a case of liking you, Cole. Of course I like you. Who wouldn’t?” That sounded a little more like she had a crush on him than she’d meant. “It’s simply about the times we spend alone. When Troy is around, we can act like we’re supposed to, but when we’re in here, I want things to only be truthful. Okay?”

  “Okay, truth.” He went up on his elbow. “I don’t understand why you’re so against having fun while we’re together.”

  “Because this isn’t fun to me. I want at least the possibility of a real future, a life together with…someone.” She sighed and rung her hands together in her lap, finding it harder to say the words out loud than she thought it would be. “I know I’m not ready yet, but someday I want a family. I want a husband and kids and a dog.”

  “Wow. That’s…a lot.”

  “Not for some guys.”

  He rolled onto his back. “Can I go back to sleep now?”

  She got up from the bed. Before she’d even reached the door, the sounds of snores crept up from Cole’s sleeping form. She took another second to drink in the scenery before forcing herself out of the bedroom and into the bathroom to shower.

  Living with him had been a challenge before, but resisting him now that
she had to share a bed with him was going to be downright difficult. Hopefully it wouldn’t be impossible to follow her rules.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Working late again tonight?” Tonya asked, coming into the back workroom to grab her coat and purse. “Isn’t your fiancé missing you yet? I think you’ve stayed late every night for the last month. Poor neglected Cole.”

  “Zip it,” Daisy said, rolling her eyes at Tonya’s attempt to tease her. “He’s just as busy as I am. In fact, he’s been getting home later than I have.”

  The magazine had gotten progressively busier the closer they got to the wedding. The articles included in each issue were more and more involved and time consuming, forcing Cole to go in early each day and stay late each night.

  As much as Daisy tried to convince herself that she didn’t mind seeing less of Cole, every night when she climbed into his bed alone, a sting of loneliness shot through her. During these months since getting engaged to Cole, she’d grown used to seeing him, to spending time with him. She’d started to enjoy their quiet nights in the apartment together.

  Now when she went back to the apartment each night, it was only Troy waiting for her with more and more questions about her relationship. She tried asking him a question a few times—when was he moving out?—but so far, he’d been successful at making up more excuses on why he couldn’t move back home.

  “His brother still living with you?” Tonya asked.

  “Yes. Any time he wants to move back into his own place would be great with me. Cole thinks he’s suspicious, and I have to agree.”

  “That’s not good. Didn’t you say that you’re sharing a room with Cole now? That has to be a definite perk in all of this. He is absolutely delicious.”

  Daisy swatted her on the arm playfully, yet she felt mildly annoyed. “Hey, that’s my man you’re talking about.”

  Tonya cocked an eyebrow at her. “Is he now? And here I thought your relationship was a scheme. A hoax. ‘Nothing but a business agreement,’ if I were to quote you.”


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