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Love Needs Another Chance (Truth About Love #3)

Page 20

by Caleigh Hernandez

  We arrive at the reception hall where the event is being held. The decor is simple and it screams Izzy to me with little accent elements that make you think of music hanging here and resting there.

  The desperation returns with a vengeance. I’m anxiously scanning the expanse of a room that could hold hundreds and very nearly does. My first pass comes up empty, but it’s halfway through my second when I spot her on the dance floor.

  “Fucking hell.” Izzy comes into clearer view and I notice the douche in a suit from the night of Izzy’s birthday part from her birthday is dancing with her. His hands resting on the small of her back.

  “What now?” Baz drawls, exasperated with my random outbursts.

  He’s looking in a different direction as if he’s searching for someone when I turn him to face Izzy’s direction. I don’t point my finger, but I lean in and grit through my teeth, “Straight ahead. Dance. Floor.”

  “Oh. Shit!” it sounds like he knows something and he’s not sharing.

  “What the fuck do you mean, ‘Oh. Shit!’ Baz?”

  He looks down and starts to fiddle with the buttons on his jacket. “Okay,” he looks up at me, “I knew she was bringing a date, but I didn’t know it was him.” He spits the words out as if he’s racing against a clock. I tamp down my anger because I know why he didn’t say anything. “Remember what you promised me,” he cautions.

  I remember. She looks gorgeous. Stunning in her champagne colored skin-tight pantsuit. I follow the lines of her legs up to the swell of her ass. Appreciating the fact that these fancy uniforms come with pockets in the pants with an opening for access to my junk, I discretely adjust. Okay, so that’s not why it’s there, but that’s what I’m using it for at this precise moment. When I proceed with my inspection, I’m immediately halted by his hand. I turn, needing to look in any direction but theirs. Hers.

  “So, who do you have an in with for a drink?” I ask Baz.

  “You really think alcohol is gonna be good for tonight?” He’s still looking in Izzy’s direction. “I’d say sober is your safest route,” I see him grimace and I’m compelled to know why.

  I’m a glutton for punishment. Dickhead has his face pressed against Izzy’s whispering something into her ear. “Oh, hell. How the fuck am I supposed to see any of that without a drink?”

  He shrugs as if it’s not his problem. It’s not. “You made me a promise, D. Plus, you remember that scholarship you got? It’s not just while school is in. You get into any, ANY,” he repeats the word with added emphasis, “you’re done-zo.”

  I hate what he’s saying, but I’m relieved when Izzy and her date leave the floor with space between them. “Baz, go ask Izzy to dance.”

  “What are you up to, D?” I swear he can see the wheels turning. If I’m going to avoid a scene and be in the same space as Izzy, I can’t have Douche Suit around.

  “I’m remembering what I promised. I want to dance with Izzy. Only way I can do that without causing a scene,” because I’m being completely honest, “is to cut in while you’re dancing with her.”

  “Is that really a good idea?”

  I growl at him. “You’re not my keeper, Baz. I’m behaving as best I can, but there’s no way I’m leaving her tonight without touching her,” the last words are barely spoken.

  “Fine. It’s your funeral if you fuck it up.” He starts to walk around, but turns around, “I’ll be helping with the burying.”

  “Of course, you will,” I scowl.

  “Oh, and don’t interrupt until after the first song with her,” he turns and walks towards her. I find a spot at an empty table off the dance floor. It’s tucked behind some decoration thingy, so I’m not in clear sight. At some point, Izzy will notice me, but for now, I can sulk and scowl without an audience.

  Baz must have been stopped by people he knows because I’m staring at the dance floor and he’s not on it with Izzy.

  “Hey handsome,” I hear coming from my left side. Instinctively, I turn to see if that was meant for me. Call it ego or narcissistic, but handsome could be my name. Yup, that was for me. Red, the full-bodied redhead standing beside me is wearing a few pieces of fabric down the length of her torso that look like her more than ample tits can pop out of with little warning. She leans into me. “Want some company?” she purrs. This needs to end before it starts.

  I look to see if I have an audience and I’m thankful I don’t, but that won’t last long and Red here needs to go. “Thank you, but I’m waiting on my girlfriend,” I politely decline. Not exactly a lie. I am waiting for my girlfriend. Red doesn’t need to know that I’m waiting for Izzy to be my girlfriend again.

  “You sure?” she asks rubbing her tits against my bicep. “We can find a hidden corner if you’re not into having an audience.” Woah. I push back my chair, the legs scraping against the hardwood floor of the hall.

  “Thank you, again,” this time there’s a bit of sternness to my tone, “but it’s not the audience that’s the problem. It’s the company.” I don’t want to be mean, but Red needs to leave five minutes ago.

  I’m saved by the Baz when he walks up and sits in the seat next to me. I don’t know if he’s fucking with Red or me, but he places his hand on my knee and Red’s eyes go wide.

  “You’re no fun,” she pouts and leaves in a huff.

  “Thanks,” I tell Baz with a sigh of relief. “Red was not taking the hint.”


  “I didn’t bother with names. I remember,” I ensure him. Realizing that he’s here and not on the dance floor, I switch topics. “Wait. Why aren’t you dancing with Izzy?”

  “She had some things to take care of for the presentation.”

  I feel like a deflated balloon. Ha! Or like the redhead I just sent packing.

  “Stop looking like you just got kicked in the nuts. I told her I’d find her after the presentation.” He’s staring at me with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, now you’re happy?” He’s shaking his head, but I’m anxious for any time I can get with Izzy. “She knows you’re here. And I’m pretty sure if you mess with Johnny—”

  “Who the fuck?”

  “Her date. His name is Johnny. Dude seems cool. Old, but cool. Don’t be a dick.”

  “Did you really just say that?” I can’t hide the incredulity in my voice.

  “Of course, I did. But nothing has changed,” he declares. “Izzy is still yours to lose even if she’s here with another man. And, as I was saying, if you mess with Johnny, you’d be fast-tracking yourself to Loserville. So don’t. I’m not babysitting you tonight. So think twice before you do anything.”

  “No me digas nada,” I mumble.

  “Like hell,” he starts to raise his voice, but after a breath, he continues at a normal volume, “I won’t tell you what to do. You’re going to fucking man up and act right.” He cracks his knuckles in his right hand and then his left, bouncing his head from shoulder to shoulder. “Or we can go at it,” he rolls his shoulders back. “But right about now, the word scholarship should be floating somewhere in the vast space inside your skull.”

  “Whatever the fuck ever,” I push up from the table, “I’m going to get a drink.”

  “Grab me a soda while you’re at it,” he tosses at me as I walk away. There are several drink stations set up around the room. I go to the nearest one because after Sebastian’s speech, I need to avoid triggers and Izzy and her date, Johnny, would definitely be those triggers.

  The presentation was entertaining with the top recordings and videos submitted played for all in attendance. Some were just a bit too out there for me, but what do I know? After the audio-video presentation, the top executives at Izzy’s record label honored their grant recipients picked from those we heard, awarding the best in composition, lyrics, song, and video. I didn’t have to remind Baz about Izzy. I’m
sure he could tell my agitation and anxiousness just by the shaking of my leg during the presentation and award ceremony. At one point, he tossed a crumbled up napkin to me on the ground and I kicked it around as if it was a soccer ball.


  “I’m going,” he interrupts. I do my best to avoid eye contact with the group of broads at the table next to us. They’ve been trying for some time, but I’m singularly focused on my opportunity to be with Izzy.

  The area around the dance floor erupts in an applause. I look to see what’s caused the commotion. “Ha ha,” I have to chuckle to myself. There’s Baz showing off the dance skills Lito insisted we learned. I’ll never tell them that it’s been more beneficial off the dance floor rather than on. He used to tell us when we groaned during every lesson with him, A man must be able to twirl his wife around a dance floor like she’s a queen.

  With as much attention as he’s drawing them, I really hope he mellows it out for the second dance.

  It’s fun watching Baz push Izzy around the floor. She smiles and laughs with his silly antics that Lito couldn’t stand and, if things went completely to shit between Izzy and me, I know their friendship will last. I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he does Izzy. I’ve never seen him so comfortable.

  I stand up after the song switches. That’s my cue. “Excuse me,” I hear a small voice coming from behind me. I turn to see one of the ladies from the next table. “Would you like to dance with me?” I look back to her group of friends.

  Fuck. I hate to disappoint her after she’s clearly worked through her nerves to ask. Ugh. Fuck. Fuck. Lito always said, “Cuando una mujer te pregunta a bailar, tu bailas.” Of course, I’m sure he didn’t have this scenario in mind when he drilled into ours.

  “Here’s the deal—” I stop waiting for her to give me her name.

  Lainey,” she fills in the blank.

  “Normally, I wouldn’t turn down a lady’s request dance, but,” I scan the floor for Izzy and Baz. When I find them, I point in their direction, “Do you see that couple on the dancing?” She nods. “That woman there is my forever and I can’t prove that to her by spinning you across that dance floor.” I can see the disappointment in the way her shoulders slightly drop. “But how would you like an opportunity to dance with someone almost as hot as me?” She looks up and chuckles. “I’m going to go cut-in their dance now. When he comes back here, you ask him to dance. I can guarantee he won’t say no.”

  She looks a bit disappointed still, but I see how her eyes light up as Baz twirls Izzy again.

  “Good luck,” she says as I start to walk away.

  Pushing myself through the crowd without knocking anyone over was more difficult than it should’ve been, but I was anxious to get to them. To her. I pause at the edge waiting for Baz to bring her closer. He must’ve seen me waiting because, in the next moment, he spins her out of his arms and into mine. I take advantage of her shock and start moving us away from the crowd.

  We don’t say anything for what seems like forever. The smile that graced her face when she danced with Baz is gone, her eyes swimming in sadness. “Izzy,” I urge her to look at me. When she doesn’t, I lift her chin up with my finger.

  “We shouldn’t be dancing. I have a date with me tonight,” she tries to shrug out of my hold, but I catch her off guard with a quick couple of turns. Using the moment to tamp down the anger rising to the surface.

  “I’m well aware. I saw,” I deliver as flatly as possible, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “Why’d you bring him, Izzy? Is this part of my punishment?” I hear the venom creep into my voice. It’s not deliberate, but I know it stings when Izzy flinches in my arms.

  “Oh, FUCK YOU!” she spits back, looking around to make sure we don’t have our own personal audience. “You’re not a child, Diego. I’m not your mother,” she delivers through gritted teeth. “If you must know, Johnny is here because I don’t trust myself with you .” I continue to guide her around the dance floor; her confession makes me feel lighter on my feet.

  “You sure about that,Izzy?” I use her name like a curse word. “Because some of the last words you said to me were ‘Fucking or nothing.’” I throw her words back at her. “Since we’re not doing nothing maybe we should be fucking.” I slide my hand to her ass and press her into my shaft now standing at attention. I feel it the moment her body betrays her. “Do you remember that night you told me about your number?” Looking in her tear-filled eyes I see she remembers the night. “Do you remember what I said to you afterward?” Her eyes jump in question. It’s just my luck. She was asleep. Talking in her sleep even. “That night while your naked body was curled up into me with your leg draped over mine, you promised me something.”

  I look to see if any of this sparks a memory. It would be so much easier if I didn’t have to plead with her when I’m already knee deep in shit. I feel my body deflate just a little when there’s nothing. She just stares at me with her eyebrows pulled up, waiting for me to make my point. The slight twitch on her temple tells me she’s losing her patience and I just want to kiss her and make this—us—better. “Fuck.”

  “What is it, Diego? What did I promise you?” she hisses.

  This is quickly backfiring. I knew it was a shot in the dark for her to remember. I all but knew she was asleep when I poured my heart out to her with those few, but powerful words.

  I see the impatience crinkling the corners of her eyes and desperation takes over.

  I grab the back of her neck with my right hand, still shuffling us around the dance floor. A break in the song provides the perfect opportunity for what I do next. Planting my foot, I turn her, slowly dipping her towards the ground. I tease Izzy with my breath at the swell of her breasts. Keeping my eyes on hers, I breathe her in. Her pantsuit is complete without the typical dress shirt, exposing the valley between her tits and a hungry groan escapes past my lips. It’s with a heated breath, I drag my attention up and across her collarbone to her neck.

  Izzy shivers.

  I stop at her right ear.

  “I asked you to promise me I’d be your last number,” I whisper in her ear, whipping her back upright, all the while keeping time with the music. We continue dancing off to the side of the dance floor into a dark corner.

  “Izzy,” her name a flimsy warning before I kiss her.

  It doesn’t take long before Izzy is opening up to me and matching the pull and twist of my tongue on hers. Every nerve in my body is hyper aware and it’s all because of her. She tangles her hand into my hair and tugs. The action creates a matching sensation in my balls.

  The kiss breaks when the music stops, we stare at each other before Izzy shatters the spell. Pushing back from me, Izzy holds her hands out in front of her. “See?” she lets out a frustrated sigh. “Diego, I can’t…you can’t…” Her face set with the resolve to get her words out. “Maybe I should’ve had you make the same promise.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Gravity

  March 2007

  Sasha’s unexpected uncontrollable fury was only dissipated by the knowledge that despite her displeasure with Izzy being in attendance Johnny, her date was making me miserable. She wore her delight at my agonizing expense as if it was priceless jewelry. She even took every convenience to paw at me, making sure Izzy was a witness as often as possible.

  The night dragged on and I didn’t have the same wherewithal to arrange for watered down drinks. Instead, I found myself ordering two at a time and tossing them back as if they were water. I knew that a level head was important to keep my tongue on a leash and my hands to myself, but every stolen glance in Izzy’s direction required a determination I no longer believed I had.

  “Diego Santo,” my name is a hiss coming from behind me. I don’t recognize the male voice, can’t imagine someone sneering my name. But then again, it could be another

  I turn to the spite-filled voice and sure as shit, there’s Javi Bastos from the Greenwich Palace FC. I catch Izzy’s gaze over Bastos’ shoulder and she raises her fists up as if she’s ready to go a few rounds. Her offer to handle this guy for me cracks a smile across my face.

  “Seems like that fine piece ass you had for a wife is available. How about you give me a glowing introduction and I won’t embarrass you on the pitch this coming Tuesday?” I know he’s trying to get a rise out of me, but I can’t wipe the smirk the memory of how Izzy handled our first encounter with this hack.

  “He’d love t—” Sasha starts before I interrupt.

  “By all means, Bastos. I’m sure she’d love to finish your first encounter from a few months ago.” The reminder wipes the snide grin from his face. Delivering the coup de grâce, “I’m sure she’d love to get you on the ground.”

  As expected, the barely legal hot head can’t take what he dishes out. He lunges for me and with Izzy still in my line of sight, I do the sensible thing and move away from his charge. Unfortunately, for him, it meant colliding into Sasha and emptying the contents of her glass all over her white with black lace dress. Izzy quirked a brow up at me and shot a favorable smirk in my direction…and then it faded.

  “Bastos, you fucking ape,” Sasha gritted under her breath. “You’ll pay for this.” Her hiss could barely be heard by me, so I have no doubt she looked like she was keeping her cool while he was fumbling to grab napkins to come to her rescue. It’s obvious he’s beside himself with what happened by his hands. He turns to me with threat in his eyes.

  “You’re a dead man, Diego.”

  I raise my cup to him as in a toast. “See you in hell, Bastos.” I drain the contents and take pleasure in his discomfort. I can tell by his clenched fist, he’d really like to hit me, but I think better of pushing his buttons any further. “This Tuesday,” I deliver with a wink.


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