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Jameson Hotel: The Complete Series Box Set (Parts 1-6)

Page 18

by Aven Jayce

  “Do you do laundry?” I ask.

  “What the fuck, Mark? No. That’s what’s on your mind? Fucking laundry?”

  “You’ve got to think about it sometime.”

  “Argh, come on. What goes through that head of yours? You must be thinking about other things.”

  “Nope. I’m a shallow bastard, just like you mentioned at dinner.”

  “So that’s it? I was right when I asked what you guys do for fun and no one answered. Everybody ignored me because there isn’t anything?”

  I feel like being a total dick. She knows that’s not true. “I like money, pussy, and more money, then more pussy. Toss some liquor into that mix as well. Those are the best things in life.”

  A melodramatic sigh fills the room causing me to laugh. “Those items are high on my list, but I have a few other amusements in my life. You know? And I do think about other things, only most aren’t all that pleasant. My father and my brother-in-law are always circling inside my head, but I’m not going to discuss my thoughts about them with you. It’s private. Also, when I say I enjoy pussy, I’m referring to being with you, and not just to fuck. I plan on keeping you around for as long as possible, but when I get tired of you, I’ll bury you under a layer of cement in my garage like my father used to do with his ‘objects.’”

  She kicks me and makes another dissatisfied grumbling sound. “Good, now I’m an object. I guess that’s a step up from being a pussy.”

  I was hoping I didn’t need to say how much I enjoy being with her like I did earlier; she already knows I want her in my life. Women don’t need to hear loving crap vomiting from a man’s mouth all the time. Yes, loving crap. Those two words can, and do, go together. And that’s as intimate as I’m going to get right now, considering the mood I’m in after speaking to Jack. Besides, women fall for men who are dark and sinister over the pansy types who bring flowers, or worse, romantic greeting cards home. A woman will toss the latter by the wayside.

  “I love you too,” she whispers.

  “That’s not what I said a moment ago.”

  “Yes, I think you did.” She turns and twists her fingers through my hair. I’ve adjusted to the darkness and can see her spirited eyes inches from mine. “I doubt you’ll ever admit you killed Roland because of me. And it could just be a big coincidence. My mind might be in a world all it’s own when it comes to what happened to him,” she lies. I can sense that she’s sure I did it, but she needs to talk it out, like she does with everything. “Daydreaming and being okay with the possibility that a man would do such a thing is something I’m still processing. And perhaps it is some weird fantasy... to be involved with a dangerous man, to be in precarious situations, to have actual blood on my hands... it’s all about taking a chance and experiencing something no one else in this town ever will come to know in his or her lifetime... an escape from the mundane world.”

  I brush a strand of hair over her shoulder and take her hand in mine. “This isn’t a fairy tale, Jules.”

  “No,” she pauses, “but if what I think happened, did, then your love for me was plastered across the front page of the local paper like a man who paid for a romantic message to stream behind a plane. That’s what you did. You said it. You shouted it at the top of your lungs for the entire city to hear, yet it will forever remain a secret between us.”

  Norah Jones’ haunting voice crawls through my room, across my body, and seeps into my ears as our lips touch softly in the dark of night. The music is replaced for a brief moment with Jules’ final words before she falls into a deep sleep.

  “You’re wrong, Mark. This is a fairy tale.”


  UNLIKE JULES, I can’t fucking relax enough to fall asleep. It’s midnight and I’ve been lying next to her for over an hour, listening to a faint whistling noise exiting her nose every time she exhales. It sounds like a distant train signal and was adorable for about five minutes. Now I’m irritated. But annoyed about many things, not just my woman’s nose.

  I’m thinking about my parents and Sophia. My mother really fucked with my sister’s head, more so than my father ever did. I remember coming home from school and finding poor Soph locked in the basement or in a closet when she was a kid. She was alone and scared. It kills me to think back on it now, and I was just as cold-hearted to her as my mother was back then. I treated her the same way because I didn’t know any better.

  Kids do what they see.

  My mom would smack Sophia. I’d laugh. She’d cry. My childhood was insane.

  What’s interesting is we were also punished for swearing and we weren’t allowed to have friends over. My mother was a recluse who tried to keep us isolated from the world. We couldn’t discuss or even bring up the word ‘sex’ in the house. But my sister and I didn’t let our mother stop us from having a little fun. We tiptoed out when we got older and fucked whomever the hell we wanted, when we wanted, without giving two shits about the person or ourselves. We weren’t happy, well-rounded teens. We swore, drank, fucked, and hated life. Only Sophia was beaten as punishment. Kicked, yelled at, her hair was pulled, and she was forever pummeled with abusive comments. My mother chewed me out, but that was about it. Clearly, my sister and I weren’t treated as equals.

  It’s on my mind because of my sister’s comments during dinner, Jack’s harsh words, and my nephews’ antics. Our kids have the freedom to do whatever they want, are being raised in a very different environment, and have never been physically harmed. I’ve never laid a hand on my son and my threats to do so in order to gain some control in our relationship never seem to work.

  So then, why are these kids just as fucked up as my sister and I? Shit, I can’t stand it when I have no power over a situation. Sophia and Cove want to buffer their sons’ lives, and I want to silence my son’s foul mouth and his hatred for me, but the three kids are going to do whatever the fuck they want, just like we did. All I can do with Jack is be patient and step up my game. Show him I care instead of keeping him in the back of my mind. I can’t believe I forgot about him today.

  I’m definitely not going to have any more kids. One’s already far too many.

  “Uncle Mark?”

  A high-pitched voice escapes my watch. Jules stirs as I sit up and hit a button to respond.

  “What’s up Dax?”

  “It’s Xavier. Can you let me in? It’s important. Please, hurry.”

  “What’s wrong?” I jump out of bed and dress quickly.

  “I need your help, let me in!”

  He sounds frantic and almost in tears.

  “I’m on my way. Hold tight.”

  “Is that your nephew?” Jules asks groggily.

  “Yeah, stay here.” I kiss her cheek and race down the stairs, opening the door to see matted hair and his sneakers covered in mud.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t find Dax.” He starts to walk hurriedly toward his suite, waving me to follow. “We snuck outside to use our copters and his went into the woods. He went to find it, but never came out. I looked everywhere for him!”

  “Okay. I’m sure he’s fine. Did you tell your parents?” I follow him, in a jogging pace.

  “You have to. I just came from there, but they’re in their room. That’s why I got you. We’re not supposed to go in there when they’re moaning.”


  “When did this happen?” I try to keep him talking so he stays calm, but I can hear a shake in his voice as if he’s about to break down.

  “Over an hour ago.”

  “Jesus, Xav.”

  “Well, I was looking for him!” he whines. “I thought he was playing a joke on me, but he would’ve come out by now. I can’t find him!”

  “Okay. Alright.” We reach the door and he puts his hand up.

  “Stay back, Uncle Mark. I need to punch in our code.”

  “Make it quick.”

  “Don’t look!” He covers the keypad with one han
d and presses the buttons. The door clicks and he runs inside then heads toward the stairs.

  He follows me to the landing and points to the bedroom door. Their suite is dark and cold like mine, and just as full of the sounds of two people in the middle of a good fuck. Damn it, I don’t want to do this.

  Xavier covers his ears when he hears an ‘uh.’ I remove one of his hands and tell him to wait downstairs.

  “Okay, but I bet Dax is cold. Get my dad for me so he can help,” he whispers and rushes away.

  I walk up to the door, about to knock, standing quietly, with my hand raised. This sucks.

  I love you.

  I hear.

  I always lust for you. Every inch of you. Cove says. You ready for me, Dove? I need to cum... I’m ready.

  Crap. Do I knock or wait? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Either way he’s gonna throw a tantrum.

  Shh. Shh.

  Sophia hushes him and I turn away and pace. I don’t want to hear my sister fucking someone. Damn it, hurry up.

  I love you... Dove... yes. He whispers.

  I love you too. Cum, Babe. Cum.

  Ug. Disgusting... my little sister. It’s so nasty to hear this. I love listening to people fuck, but not her. And I don’t blame Xavier for not wanting to knock on this door. The poor kid.

  Fuck. It’s about time.

  That was nice.

  Finally. I tap at the door and hear a gasp.

  Shit, Cove. I knew we were going to wake them.

  “It’s Mark. I need to talk...”

  That fucker.

  There’s rustling in the room as the two of them get dressed.

  It must be important... Mark, what’s wrong?


  The door swings open and Cove’s hands are clenched, ready to strike. His face is red from either the fuck or his obvious anger that I’m here.

  “Dad!” Xav runs up the stairs. “I can’t find Daxton.” He grabs his father’s hand and pulls him out of the room.

  “What do you mean... Soph, get out here, quick!” Cove shouts. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “We went out.”

  “What? What do you mean you went out... where?”

  “Outside, to play. He’s in the woods.”

  Sophia appears in a state of panic, rushing past me and up to her son.

  “Try reaching him with the walkie-talkie App,” she says to Cove then turns to her son. “Do you remember exactly where?”

  He nods and we follow him, asking questions along the way, each of us trying to stay composed for the sake of everyone else, only I can tell my sister’s beside herself, becoming visibly upset. Cove tries his son’s cell watch but gets no response. And then Xavier tries as well.

  “I got Mom and Dad. This isn’t funny! You better come out now or the mountain lions are going to eat you!”

  “Oh, my god,” my sister gasps. “No, don’t say that to him. Don’t scare him.”

  “Fuck, Mom. Dax isn’t afraid of anything.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” Cove says. “He’s probably hiding because he doesn’t want to leave.”

  “Dax, come out and talk to us. It’s rainy and cold,” Cove says into his cell. “I’m sorry if you’re disappointed.”

  No answer.

  “Call his watch. If he doesn’t have the walkie-talkie App turned on then maybe we’ll at least be able to hear a ring.

  “Right here.” Xavier points toward the tall pines that line the edge of the hotel parking lot. “This is where we were playing.”

  “What were you two doing over this way?” I ask.

  “Using the roofs of the cars as landing pads. But he flew his copter into the trees. I went inside to go pee while he was searching for it and when I came out he wasn’t here.”

  Cove calls his son’s watch, but there’s no sound from the woods. He starts to walk in, looking at the ground for footprints.

  “I already did that, Dad. I think a mountain lion ate him.”

  “Xavier, stop it, please. That’s not funny,” Sophia requests with her hand over her mouth, turning her head frantically in all directions. “Daxton... Dax!” she shouts.

  “Mark, you got a camera out this way?”

  “Maybe not this far, but I can check.”

  “Go do it,” Cove commands.

  “Xavier, why did the two of you go out? Why?” my sister cries. “You’re not supposed to be outside!”

  “You let us out this morning,” he says softly.

  I touch my sister’s bare arm as she stands wearing only a thin tank top, pajama bottoms, and no shoes. Drops of rain trickle down her face, mixing with her tears.

  “We’ll find him, don’t worry.”

  She nods and I head back inside, running to my suite to check the camera footage. Xavier said this happened about an hour ago so I’ll be able to bring it up quickly.

  “Jules!” I yell upon entering my living room.


  “Get up. I need your help.”

  I hustle to my office and open the security footage on my desktop computer, searching for the west side camera.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, walking into the room.

  “Daxton’s missing.”

  “Oh Jesus.” She pauses. “You don’t think that woman, Mera...”

  “No. I don’t. And don’t mention her to my sister. He’s just lost in the woods. I need you to do me a favor.”


  “Get dressed quickly, and take some clothes from my closet outside to my sister and Cove. Grab two sweatshirts and find some socks. Everyone is in the guest parking lot. Far west.”

  She rushes out and I check the area on screen from two hours ago, advancing ahead from there.

  The kids are playing in the lot for some time, hitting and scraping my quests vehicles. Fuck, I hope there isn’t any major damage to anyone’s car. And Daxton... he walks on the hood of a Prius. Damn him. Next, the copter flies into the thick pines. Dax heads in that direction while Xavier runs toward the hotel.

  I’m surprised he didn’t just take a piss in the parking lot.

  Five minutes later, Xav is back, flying his copter and calling for his brother. He looks continually toward the pines and after a few minutes, lands the toy and walks into the woods himself.

  I fast forward, keeping an eye on the woods and the lot. Guests come and go. Two middle-aged women park and walk inside then a young couple arrive and do the same. A man gets in a Land Rover and drives off with a small dog. Asshole. I don’t want pets in my place.

  More rain. Darkness. Silence. And more rain.

  Xavier finally reappears from the woods, muddy and wet, running toward the side door. I continue to watch, but there’s nothing. No movement other than rain and leaves falling from a few ash trees.

  Fifteen minutes later the four of us are on the scene.

  Fuckin’ A. Where is that kid?

  I leave my suite and walk quickly through the hotel, once again, trying not to disturb my guests or cause a scene, and hoping to God my sister didn’t call the cops. I know I’m a piece of shit for thinking so, but I don’t want the fucking cops here. Not now, not when I’ve got so many guests here, not ever.

  “You find him?” I call out, feeling nauseous when I see Sophia’s face. She’s standing at the edge of the pines with Jules by her side.

  “I’m calling the police,” she says when I approach.

  “Give it a few. He’ll show up.”

  “Mark,” she pleads.

  “Daxton!” I shout. “I’ll give you five hundred dollars if you come out of these woods right now!”

  I hear branches break and short legs running my way.

  “I’ll take the money, Uncle Mark,” Xavier yells, running toward me.

  Shit, for a second I thought that did it.

  My sister pulls her son into her arms and holds him tightly. He squirm
s and breaks free, sprinting back into the woods toward his father’s voice.

  “Dax!” Cove calls for his son from deep within the forest.

  “How big are these woods? Where do you think he is? Oh...” she sobs. “He must be cold... Dax!” Her hands cover her face and she breaks down. “Mark, please... call.”

  I look at the ground with my hands in my pockets and sigh.

  “We need flashlights,” I state.

  Jules takes out her cell. “Call,” she whispers. “Do it.”

  “We just need some light and we’ll find him. Cove and I will find him.”

  Jules shakes her head and places the call while giving me her best you bastard look.

  She’s right.

  “Cove!” I holler. “We need to talk!”

  “Okay!” The voice echoing through the woods becomes louder as his figure moves toward us. I listen for a response after each of his calls to his son, but the only reply is from the drops of rain hitting the pines.

  It’s chilly and pools of water are starting to form around our feet. The rain comes down harder and Xavier runs from the woods, shivering and complaining about the weather.

  “Can we go back inside? I’m cold.”

  “Soon,” I say. “Did your brother mention anything about running away?”

  “No!” My sister smacks my arm. “He’d never do that, no matter how angry he was at us.”

  “No,” her son replies. “We’d never leave Mom and Dad.”

  “And you guys know not to go anywhere with strangers?”

  “Of course, they do,” she scolds.

  “Yeah. Like Mom said.”

  “Then he’s here.”

  “Of course he’s here.” She admonishes my thoughts. “He’s here,” she says with a forceful stomp of her feet. “Daxton Snow Everton! Get your butt out here right this minute!” she shouts.

  Xavier’s eyes widen in total shock at her tone. “Whoa, Mom. You never yell at us.”

  “I’m not angry. I’m frustrated.”

  “Hey, farthead,” he speaks into his cell phone watch. “Mom’s fucking furious.”

  “No, I’m not. Tell him I’m not angry.”

  “Mom and Dad are crazy in the head!”


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