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Jameson Hotel: The Complete Series Box Set (Parts 1-6)

Page 40

by Aven Jayce

  “Mark, what are you talking about? Don’t act crazy,” Jules pleads.

  “It’s alright, peanut. He has the right to know everything about me,” he leans in, “just like I have the right to know everything about you, Mark Jameson.”

  “So speak,” I sneer.

  “No, you’ll start. Tell me how you made your fortune. I want to hear you say it.”

  “Oh, god.” Jules rests her face in the palms of her hands. “Can we please go back to discussing the pretty decorations and red lilies?”

  “Porn,” I state proudly. “And casinos. My father started the Fox Palace in Vegas, built a couple more, one in Reno that didn’t do as well as the others. He was also the front man for Jameson Industries. After he was murdered,” Karina winces when she hears the word, yet I continue on, “I inherited the casinos and some money, my sister got about the same, although a lot of our father’s assets were seized, including the house and all of his belongings. The casinos and porn industry were two separate accounts so we didn’t get entirely screwed. Then one of my dad’s partners, the main man behind the scenes of Jameson Industries, began rebuilding the company. He put me in charge.”

  “David Rosen,” he says. “The guy who committed suicide?”

  “Yes,” I respond harshly. “So you’ve already heard this fucking story? Talk, asshole.”

  “Shh,” Jules begs, reaching to stop my hand that’s cutting frantically into every piece of food on my plate. The steak, green beans, potatoes... hell, even the roll is in tiny half-inch bits.

  I toss my knife and say it again. “Talk.”

  He signals to his daughter to leave, but she won’t budge.

  “No, I want to know what’s going on. I haven’t told you any of this. What gives?”

  “Good show,” I whisper.

  “I’m serious, Mark,” she insists.

  “Mr. Jameson?” My hostess interrupts our argument. “None of the staff served your son the wine. I was able to track down all the bottles from the evening, and the only one unaccounted for was ordered by the older gentleman who was sitting right over there.” She points to an empty seat. “He left about five minutes ago.”

  “Find out his name and what room he’s in.” I lean back and trace a finger across my lips, waiting for her to leave so Sam can answer my question. Now, I’ve got three fuckers to worry about tonight, Sam, my son, and the old man. Four... yep, four, since my shit list with Jules keeps growing.

  “Jules, honey, your dad and I hired a private detective to find out a little more about Mark.”

  “What?” I snap.

  “What the hell?” Jules exclaims, sounding devastated.

  “We know nothing about him,” she says. “You’ve never brought him around to meet us, and it was only recently that you mentioned his last name. Once we found out, we were worried. He just appeared in our town a few years ago and built a castle in the pines, no one ever sees him downtown or anywhere besides his own property, and our friends who come here to eat said they’ve heard him mumbling about trolls. What were we supposed to do?”

  “You could’ve asked or trusted her judgment,” I spit fire. “What else did you dig up? Did you find out my mother’s been in and out of psych wards? Or that my father molested and beat the shit out of my brother-in-law when he was a kid? Oh, and did you know I used to be a porn star? Go ahead; tell me you watched some of my scenes. Did you like ‘em? Can you picture me doing that shit to your daughter?”

  “Fuck this.” Jules tosses her napkin on the table and struts off, either embarrassed or pissed to hell at all of us. Karina follows her, leaving Sam and I to glower.

  I snap for our server and request a third bottle of wine, having finished off our original and what was left of my son’s.

  “Might as well get shitfaced,” I say under my breath.

  “Might as well,” he repeats. “What are you packing?” He looks at my chest.

  “Today, my Sig P226. You?”

  “An SR9.”

  I nod. “Both are cheap, easy to conceal, and get the job done.”

  “What job is that?”

  “Protection, nothing more. What about you?”

  “Same. Ever use it?” he questions. “Or was the talk about feeling aroused from the dead all bullshit?”

  “Have you?”

  “I work with the dead every day.”

  “And being a porn star was like working with the dead every day, so yeah, maybe I’ve been aroused by them.”

  “You’re a real piece of work. How’d you end up brainwashing my daughter? She’s never been so fooled by anyone before.”

  “Really? You don’t know jack shit. Why don’t you tell me how a man could leave his daughter high and dry to sleep in her car? She could’ve been raped, beaten, killed, not to mention the cold temperatures. You’re lucky she didn’t freeze to death.”

  Finally, he turns away and shuts his mouth. I watch him squirm, trying to seem occupied by adjusting the buttons on his jacket... clearly he realizes I’m right.

  “I admit that was poor parenting on my part, but to some extent it was her choice. She said it was time to break free. Plus, it was between Karina and Jules at first. And I thought she was staying each night with friends or at the church, not in her car, only her mom was aware of that, and—”

  “What other shit did your detective dig up about me?” I interrupt, not wanting to listen to a litany of excuses.

  “About you? Nothing. Everything he found was about Paul. You, on the other hand, are a complete mystery. You didn’t exist before your divorce. The records he found were about the sales of your businesses in Vegas during and after your divorce, and building the Jameson, other than that, you’re a ghost. Why?”

  “Maybe because there isn’t anything. I made porn and that’s about it.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh as Karina and Jules return to the table.

  “So you’ve seen photos of my dad? His murder? The trials? Things about my brother-in-law and his family?”

  He nods.

  “Enough,” Jules says. “I’ve had it with both of you. I expect this shit from Mark, but Dad... what the hell? You’ve never acted this way before.”

  “You’ve never kept a secret from us before.”

  “Oh, trust me, I have.” Her face is a deeper red than the lilies in the room, her knuckles whiter than the snow falling outside our window, and her voice harsher than the winter wind. I’m fucked. We’re all fucked.

  “For Christ’s sake, what’s wrong with the two of you?”

  “Peanut, we just—”

  “No.” She points to her father. “Don’t call me that. I’m so furious right now that I think you all deserve a stab in the ass with my blade.”

  “What?” her parents say in unison as I start to laugh. That’s my woman.

  “Don’t laugh, Mark,” she boils. “Shut your mouth before I knock your teeth out and make you swallow them so they cut into your colon as you shit them out.”

  “Julia!” Karina shouts. “Act like a lady!”

  “Why, because I have a vagina between my legs? Screw that shit. Mom, listen to me. I love this man, and he doesn’t control me. We have a wonderful, supportive, caring relationship.”

  Sam laughs and tosses his napkin on the table. “Jesus, you sound coached, sweetheart.”

  She points again. “And he treats me better than any man I’ve ever known. We share a love that no one will ever understand, so don’t judge us or judge me. Next time you want to know something about him, fucking ask, and if I don’t want to tell you, then respect our privacy... damn it! Damn you! All of you!” She tosses back a glass of wine, refills it, and starts to chug another. I reach to take it away, but she gives me her best, fuck off, asshole, look.

  I can’t keep from laughing. She’s flat-out adorable when she’s being such a badass. A strong woman is a smoking hot woman and after those words and her expression, I sure as fuck won’t
be able to stand with this erection anytime soon. But shit, Jack’s getting up to leave... I excuse myself, making sure my stiff cock is concealed under my suit jacket.

  “Hey,” I call out to him. “Wait a sec.”

  He stops and approaches me, leaving Emma behind.

  “I’m taking her to the lobby. Her mother’s on the way,” he says as I motion him off to the side.

  “Did that old guy say anything to you when he gave you the wine?”

  He shrugs.

  “I’m serious. Every detail’s important.”

  “The only thing he said was ‘have fun, sonny boy.’”

  “That’s it? Nothing else?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Okay.” I pause and scan the room, then grip his shoulders and whisper, “I need you to pay attention to everything and everyone around you. Be careful until I figure out who he is. Don’t talk to him, go anywhere with him, and if you see him, walk in the opposite direction.”

  “I knew it.”

  “Jack,” I say in my lowest voice, taking out my pocketknife. “I can’t watch you twenty-four hours a day.” I slip it into his hand. “It’s only for an emergency and don’t even think about using it on me or I’ll beat your ass.”

  “Thanks,” he says with a giant grin, sauntering over to his date like he’s the toughest guy in the room.

  “And Jack,” I call out. “You better be telling me the truth.”

  The hostess catches me on the way back to the table as Jack and Emma leave the room. I feel like a net’s about to fall over my head, snaring me in my own home.

  “Mr. Jameson, the older gentleman paid with cash and the front desk has no record of him. We don’t believe he’s a guest at the hotel.”

  “Of course,” I scowl. “Fuck... if you see him again, call me right away.”

  “Will do.”

  She walks off and I take a moment to shake hands with a few of my guests, asking them if they’re enjoying the food and their stay. The longer I spend bullshitting with people around the room, the less time I have to spend bitching with the Barringers.

  After a few minutes, Jules gestures that I should return. I can feel the wine kicking in as I make my way back to the table. I’m drunk, not sloshed, just drunk. And I can tell the rest of the group is too. With red cheeks and upturned lips, the liquor is choking out the hatred we all feel for one another, at least for the moment.

  “Now,” Jules says in a calmer voice and a deep exhale. “We’re going to have an enjoyable dessert then Mark can show you around his place before you turn in for the night.” Her nails dig into my thigh, silencing any comments I might have about them staying here. “No more arguing, no remarks or questions, no leader of the pack, alpha-male wars, or wrestling matches to see who’s king of the hill.”

  “It’s king of the mountain. And since my hotel is at the top—”

  “Shut up, you fucker!” Her face twists. I laugh hysterically and Sam cracks a smile. “Damn it, one more word Mark... one more.”

  “Hey, I’m trying to lighten the mood.”

  “Well ain’t that a switch. Lighten the mood? After telling my parents you were a porn star?”

  “It’s okay,” Karina says. “Your dad and I have gone through this information a hundred times—up, down, left, right, inside and out.”

  “And?” she questions.

  “Well, everyone knows you can’t choose your family.”

  “No fucking shit.” I drink.

  Sam leans forward to continue. “Although, he does seem a bit crazy.”

  “He? Don’t treat me like I’m not here.”

  “Yes, however he’s unbelievably handsome and has money,” Karina teases, nearly spilling her wine as a drunken laugh escapes her mouth.

  “But, he also has a short fuse,” Sam says.

  Her parents are deliberating about my character right in front of me? Fuck that.

  “And, the porn was and is a concern.” Sam lifts his wine glass and pretends he’s giving me a toast.

  “More was than is.” Karina pats his hand before grinning at her daughter. “We want to make sure he’s clean. I suppose it’s too late now since the two of you already live together, but...”

  Oh, what the hell, I feel like being a total shit again. “I can whip out my dick if you want to inspect it.” I reach for my zipper and Jules quickly slaps my hand.

  “And besides that area,” Karina points to my cock, “his mouth is atrocious, just filthy, but so is yours, so perhaps you have found the man of your dreams.”

  “Well, we’re no saints,” Sam says as Karina nods in agreement. “And you have to understand our actions were out of love.”

  “That’s laughable,” I mutter.

  “Mark, hush,” Jules demands. “So you know his background, but wanted to hear it from us?”

  “Yep,” Sam says. “If he denied these things or made up some other cockamamie story, then we’d be worried. I can’t fucking stand liars.”

  My fingers tap anxiously at the table. Tappity-tap, tap, tap, sounding like the old asshole’s pattering cane. Fuck, what is it about her dad? Besides the fact that he’s a dick like me, maybe the unease is because we’re close in age.

  “I can feel the tension around us,” he proclaims. “The veins in your neck are throbbing.”

  Our shoulders rise and fall together in steady breaths. He glares at my neck then down to where my concealed gun rests. He’s pushing me again, seeing if I’ll snap, testing to see what’ll take for me to boil over. I thought this game was over, but if he’s not backing down, neither am I. “You know, Sam, younger guys are like minnows, undeveloped and useless, swimming aimlessly in circles, but they do come in handy because you can use them as bait. And older men remind me of seahorses, the slowest fish on the planet. They’re easy to walk away from and ignore. But you... you’re more like a hagfish. You kill your prey by covering it in slime. You live off decaying corpses and when you come across a large carcass, you dig inside and eat your way out. And if someone tries to eat you, he’ll gag on the slime you’ve shot inside of his mouth. But trust me, I’m good at eating people. Think of me as a troll... and I’ll eat you, for supper,” I sing.

  “Don’t go there,” Jules says. “Mark stop, Dad, stop.”

  “Nope, you’re wrong about one thing,” he responds. “The slowest fish are dead fish.”

  “I used to be a call girl,” Karina blurts out, trying to distract the two of us. “It’s how I paid my way through college. We’d be hypocrites to be too upset over Mark and his past, or how he acts today because of it. Right, honey?” she says to Sam.

  “Wha-what?” Jules’ mouth drops open... “Oh, wow.” She pauses, then a few seconds later she tries to respond, pauses again... opens her mouth... speechless... utterly speechless.

  The table is quieter than the dead guy in my septic tank. Karina tightens her lips and looks to her husband for assistance. He shrugs, I shrug, and poor Jules says, “Gah!”

  No one speaks.

  Minutes pass, and still, nothing. Not a word.

  After four slices of pumpkin pie and a carafe of decaf coffee, we’re still waiting for something, but none of us are exactly sure what that something is—perhaps an apology, a confession, more details, or wanting to turn back time to know less. Less is better. Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t stand it.

  I inhale deeply as everyone waits for the only voice of reason to save the evening. Sam leans in, Karina looks up, Jules grimaces and shakes her head, and I say brashly,

  “So... how ‘bout them Cowboys?”


  THE DOOR OF OUR SUITE slams shut and Jules attacks. It’s a full on, palm smacking, cheek reddening, groin bashing, maximum impact, one-sided brawl. I set my hands on my hips and take it, which pisses her off even more.

  “How dare you!”


  My head turns and I smile. This shit gets me erect quicker than a li
ck and suck from her mouth. I fucking love it.

  “I can’t believe you find this amusing!”

  I wipe the grin off my face, spread my legs, and clasp my hands behind my back, presenting my body for whatever punishment I deserve.

  “Five minutes! It wasn’t even five fucking minutes before you and my dad were at war!”


  My hair falls forward with that one. Fuck, I hope she hits me again.

  “Rude, Mark. So fucking rude.”

  “Well, your dad—”

  “Don’t talk.” Her finger is an inch from my face.

  I bite my top lip and bow my head, listening to her throw a fit.

  “I can’t believe they hired someone to dig up shit on you. Do you think the guy was snooping around here? They, or he, better not be looking for more. Argh! I need to talk to my parents. Gah!”

  I shake my head. “I’m sure the detective found whatever he needed online and that was enough to please them. They could’ve found the same crap on their own if they searched hard enough. It’s not like my father’s murder and the other shit with Cove is under lock and key from the world.”

  “But the porn, Mark! Seriously! Did you have to go there? I had my fingers crossed that just once you’d put on your big boy panties and act like a man instead of a foolish dick fairy.”

  “I don’t own any panties,” I hiss. “What the hell is a foolish dick fai—”

  “Shut up! What the fuck were you thinking when you said, can you picture me doing that shit to your daughter?” she says in a deep voice, mocking my inability to stay in control. “You couldn’t act like an adult for one fucking night. You couldn’t do that for me? For me!” She stomps upstairs and I run after her, grabbing her arm at the top of the stairs.


  Okay, that one hurt... I think my lip’s bleeding. My tongue glides across it, tasting blood. Fucking hell, that got the pre-cum flowing.

  “You done?” I ask. “Wait, where are you going? Put the fucking suitcase down.” I reach for it, but get pushed away.

  “I’m not staying here tonight.”

  “Where ya gonna go? You’re not taking one of my trucks.”


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