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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  “You’re the last person I expected to see at one of these parties,” he said.

  “Yeah, well, let’s just say that I had my reasons for wanting to come to a swim team party.”

  Sean cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? And what would those reasons be?”

  I stopped for a moment and actually considered my answer. This was all so different. So weird. I had no experience approaching the beginning of a relationship from this angle, and so I decided that I should probably just be honest with him.

  “I came here looking for you,” I said. “I couldn’t stop thinking about that party where everything was going so well and then I just up and left like an idiot.”

  Sean laughed and shook his head. “Would it help if I told you I haven’t been able to get that night out of my head either?”

  I giggled. “Really?”

  “Yup. I think about it every time I come to one of these parties. The night you got away because of my dumbass ex-friend getting jealous of something he never had in the first place!”

  I blushed. Okay then, so he’d been thinking of me for as long as I’d been thinking of him. I suppose that was a good sign. It definitely didn’t seem like he was mad at me or anything. He held up a cup.

  “Would you take a beer as a peace offering?”

  I grinned and nodded. “That sounds nice. Maybe we could find someplace quiet where we can talk? Maybe about that night?”

  Sean frowned and I wondered if that was the wrong thing to say. Maybe it would be better if I didn’t bring that night up at all. But it had happened, and it was part of the reason why we hadn’t spoken with each other since that party night. I figured if anything was going to happen between us we needed to clear the air.

  Sean filled my cup, handed it over, and then pulled me back through the house. We ended up in a backyard that was surprisingly empty. It seemed everyone else wanted to stay inside where the meat market was going full swing. It was nice back here, though. Not exactly quiet, all the parties going on in this neighborhood shattered any silence that might’ve been in the offing, but it was nice and peaceful nonetheless.

  We moved over to a swinging bench and sat down. I took a couple of pulls from my beer. I needed the time to think and I needed the liquid courage. This still felt so fucked up. So out of character for me. Finally I couldn’t stand the silence any longer, though.

  “Look, I want to apologize for leaving that party so suddenly,” I said.

  Sean shrugged and took a pull of his own beer. “Can’t say that I blame you. If I had some creepy stalker coming at me like that I probably would’ve bailed. Besides, it’s not like you knew me all that well. What were you supposed to think, one of my friends coming up like that and acting like you were a prize to be claimed?”

  I reached out and put a hand on his thigh. That definitely got his attention. He looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow. “I should’ve known you weren’t like that, though. That it was just that guy. Sure you might have bad taste in friends, but whatever.”

  Sean sighed and stared off into the distance for a moment. The silence stretched on to the point that I almost said something again, but then he started talking again.

  “I felt bad for Kyle. He’d never been to a party like that and I figured it might be fun for him to see how the other half lives, y’know? Then it turned out he couldn’t take it. Not to mention that getting to talk to you when he’d just worshiped you from afar for so long probably did a number on him.”

  I felt my body heat up at Sean’s words. Weird that I’d get hot thinking about his friend carrying a torch for me. Then again I always got a little hot thinking of guys having the hots for me, even if it wasn’t a guy I was particularly interested in dating. That guy had been cute enough, but the awkwardness would’ve been a deal breaker even if I hadn’t also met a guy as great as Sean in the same night.

  “So he had the hots for me for awhile, huh?” I asked, looking Sean in the eyes.

  “Yup. For years, and he never said anything.”

  I moved my hand up Sean’s thigh just a bit. Damn. I was being so forward, but I had to admit that I sort of liked being the one who was doing the pursuing rather than the one being pursued. This might be new for me, but at the same time I liked it!

  “It would be a shame if somebody had the hots for someone else for all that time and never made a move. Don’t you think, Sean?”

  Sean looked down at me and licked his lips. His breathing was coming faster and faster, and as I moved my hand up I felt a definite bulge in his shorts. Oh yeah, this was turning him on just as much as it turned me on. And why not? It seemed he’d had a bit of an obsession with me as well. I might as well use that to my advantage.

  “It would be a damn shame,” he said.

  “Seems to me that it’s your friends fault for never making a move. It seems to me that a real man would take what he wants.”

  Sean leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Rockets. Fireworks. Explosions. It felt as though we were completing a circuit and electricity coursed through our bodies. His kiss was so soft and yet so firm at the same time. It curled my toes an left my hair standing on end.

  And in that moment I knew I’d made the right decision in coming out here. I needed this guy in my life. So what if I had to get just a little stalkery to get him in my life? More than anything, though, I needed a hell of a lot more of this!

  He pulled away after a brief kiss that seemed to stretch into eternity. I had trouble catching my breath. Damn had that been intense!

  “I’m so sorry,” I said.

  Sean blinked and looked very confused. “Sorry? Why are you sorry?”

  “Sorry I pushed you away that night and delayed a kiss that fucking intense. Damn you know how to kiss!”

  Sean grinned. “So what would you say to maybe going someplace a little more private for a little while?”

  I grinned right back at him. “Y’know my roommate is going to be here at the party for awhile. What would you say to heading back to my place?”

  He didn’t say anything. Just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the party, though the urgency of the moment was ruined just a little because I had to stop and let Valerie know I was leaving the party and make sure she was okay. Though she seemed more than okay in the arms of a hot swimmer dude of her own who had his hands all over her.

  I let her know that I had dibs on the dorm room this evening and then we were gone, practically running through campus because both of us felt that compelling urgency.

  I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. I wasn’t sure what it was about Sean that got me all hot and bothered. What I did know was I got an intense feeling whenever I thought of him, and seeing him hadn’t gotten that out of my system. No, it had just ratcheted up those intense feelings even more.

  I guess it was love at second sight, maybe? Only time would tell, but things were going pretty damn well so far!

  7: Dorm Date

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was walking hand-in-hand with Madison across campus to her dorm. We rode the elevator up to her floor. The girls’ floor of the dorms always looked different. It smelled nicer. Looked nicer, too. At least on the outside with all the nice decorations.

  She tapped her student ID against her door and it unlocked. I stepped into heaven. A place I never thought I’d get to visit in a thousand years. Madison’s room.

  Though I was going to have to stop thinking about it that way. Sure I was a lucky son-of-a-bitch for getting to get into Madison’s room like this, but at the same time I was getting into her room. It was obvious she was interested in me. I needed to stop gawking like this was an opportunity being handed to me and start taking control like I did when I kissed her back at the party.

  Still, I felt like some sort of old explorer moving through a forbidden temple as I stared at the surroundings. I never had trouble with the girls, but at the same time I never ran in the same circles as Madison. Partially because I spent time at the old
game table with my geekier friends on the prime party night.

  I should’ve given up that stupid game years ago. I could kick myself now that I knew what I was missing out on. Then again, who’s to say things would’ve happened this way or that I would’ve ended up with Madison, even for just one night, if I had gone to those parties earlier?

  All that mattered was I was here now!

  I was here now, and Madison was here with me. I could say all I wanted about playing it cool, but I suppose deep down inside me there was always going to be a part of me jumping for joy at the prospect of being in the same room with her. She was a princess, a goddess, the dream girl I always figured was out of my league.

  Well it looks like I was about to be called up to the majors!

  As soon as the door closed behind me Madison was on me. I wrapped my hands around her and went straight down to her ass. That tempting ass. That gorgeous ass that had launched a thousand fantasies and now it was all mine. She felt so tight, so good. Let me tell you, the experience of having her pressing against me went way beyond any fantasy I might’ve had.

  There was nothing like the real thing!

  Though as she pressed her lips against mine and I had the privilege of exploring her body I couldn’t help but think of Kyle for a moment. Oh would he be eating his heart out if he could see me right now! Talk about jealousy. It was almost a pity that he wasn’t here to witness this moment, because I know how much he would love it if he was the one who got to run his hands all over her body in this moment.

  I was the one who’d won, though. Kyle could go fuck himself!

  And yet I felt something odd. A heat that was unlike anything I’d felt with other women before. An intensity that I chalked up to making out with Madison finally as we stumbled across the room, running into her desk and nearly sending her laptop flying, and then repositioned ourselves and fell down on her bed. That heat was odd, though. Intense. And it had started when I thought of Kyle running his hands all over Madison.

  Could it be because I was thinking of my friend getting with her? Nah, that was too weird. Besides, I had other things to concentrate on. Like the feel of Madison under me. Damn did she feel good, and I wanted to be completely in the moment as we came together! The last thing I wanted was to think of that asshole Kyle who’d nearly ruined my chances with her.

  I fell on top of her and started grinding my cock against her. The heat between her legs was intoxicating. I still had a touch of the disbelief that I was actually grinding my cock against Madison. The goddess. The perfect woman.

  I moved a hand up to grab her tit, through her shirt to be sure but it was still a moment that would be fixed in my head for all eternity. Unbidden, the thought of Kyle grabbing her tit and feeling her up flew through my mind and I had to stop grinding against her for a moment because I was suddenly in very real danger of coming in my pants.

  I didn’t want to ruin the party early. More than that, though, I wondered why the hell I was thinking of Kyle in that moment rather than concentrating on the gorgeous Madison under me.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing wrong,” I said. “Just distracted by how gorgeous you are.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me back down to kiss her again, but not before muttering “You’re not so bad looking yourself, you know.”

  We rolled around on the bed for a good long while. I didn’t know if this was the only time I was going to get with Madison, and I wanted to make sure that I got the most out of this experience! It seemed that she was enjoying herself as well. Clothes were shed and she spent as much time running her hands over my body, down over my six pack as I did exploring her breasts for the first time, sucking on them and enjoying the taste.

  Finally we reached the moment of truth, though. The two of us naked in a tiny dorm bed that left little room for maneuvering. That was just fine by me, though. Anything that brought me closer to the naked glory that was Madison was A-OK in my book. Her body pressed against me everywhere and it was dizzying. Her tits were so amazing, her flat stomach, but above all of that there was the supremely distracting feeling of my cock nestled between her legs with the heat of her pussy sliding along the top of my dick as we made out.

  I pulled back and looked deep into her eyes. “I’m more than ready if you are.”

  She bit her lip, looked down to where our bodies were almost, but not quite, coming together, then looked back up and nodded. I cocked an eyebrow.

  “Should I get a condom?”

  I held my breath while I waited for an answer. I’d be more than happy to dig a condom out of my pocket if that’s what she wanted. Still, there was a part of me that hoped for the pleasure of fucking her with nothing in between.

  “You’re clean, right?”

  Hope swelled inside me. “As a whistle. Same for you?”

  “Yeah, definitely,” she said with a grin and a kiss. “Also on the pill, so how about it?”

  Well then. She wasn’t going to have to tell me twice! I rolled on top of her with a groan and positioned myself at her entrance. It was so wet, so tight, and so wonderful precisely because it was Madison. Sure I’d been with other girls before, and that had been fun, but it was nothing compared to this perfect moment when I got the dream girl.

  I pressed inside her, and as I pushed inside her once more I found my erotic imagination being filled with thoughts of Kyle. I wondered what he would think if he could know this moment was happening. I wondered at what he would feel like if this was some strange alternate universe where he was pressing his cock deep inside Madison instead of me doing the same. I shook my head and tried to pull myself back into the moment, back to that delicious feeling of her pussy wrapping around my cock, but I couldn’t shake thoughts of Kyle.

  It made me jealous, but at the same time it got me so turned on. I wasn’t getting turned on by Kyle. No, I was getting turned on at the thought of Kyle fucking Madison!

  Okay then. That was new. Definitely a little weird. Okay, so maybe it was more than a little weird. Why was I thinking of Kyle fucking Madison, and why was it getting me so hot and bothered?

  And then I realized I had a completely different sort of problem. I wasn’t sure where this obsession was coming from all of a sudden, but I did know that it was turning me on to the point that I was in very real danger of having a premature problem. Damn it. The last thing I needed was to come so fast that I left Madison with a bad experience that didn’t encourage her to come back for more at a later date.

  I buried myself inside her and I was back in the moment. Staring down at her with my arms on either side. Watching her beautiful chest that I’d imagined so many times and yet it was so much more gorgeous in person rising and falling with the intensity of the feelings running through her. It felt odd that I would inspire feelings in this goddess, but at the same time I wasn’t going to knock it!

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I lied. “Just a little overwhelmed by the moment. Never thought I’d be here.”

  To be honest I was more overwhelmed with thoughts of other guys fucking her. How fucked up it was. How it was distracting me from what should be the greatest sexual moment of my admittedly short sex life.

  I put those thoughts out of my head. I pulled out and pressed inside her. Slow at first, but before long I was pounding inside her and her eyes were closed as she bit her lip and threw her head from side to side. She let out quiet little gasps that were so fucking hot. The sight of her tits bouncing under my thrusting was so fucking hot. And then she threw her head back and she was coming. At least I was pretty sure she wasn’t faking that.

  When she came down I leaned in and kissed her. “Promise that was real?”

  “Oh that was totally fucking real,” Madison gasped. “And here comes another oooooooooh fuck!”

  She threw her head back and screamed so loud that I was sure they’d be able to hear her all the way down the hall. Even with the solid brick construction of the
dorm in between her and everyone else! And I didn’t care. Her moans were intoxicating to me. They encouraged me to pound her harder and harder.

  Besides, I figured if she was coming this quickly then it meant I didn’t have to worry if I was in very real danger of going off prematurely myself. And so I just let it happen. I pounded into her a few more times, reveled in the sight below me of Madison writhing in pleasure, and finally I buried myself in her and emptied my load.

  Stars danced at the edge of my vision. I very nearly passed out from the intensity of blowing my load inside a girl I never thought I’d get a chance to have a conversation with, let alone fuck. But it was happening, and it was wonderful.

  And I couldn’t help but think of Kyle doing the same. Rather than distracting me, that just ramped up the intensity beyond anything I’d felt before with a woman. I let out a scream of my own to go along with Madison’s.

  Then it was done. I held myself over her, my muscles tensed, for the space of another breath. I rolled off to the side and had to catch myself as I very nearly rolled out of the tiny bed. Madison cuddled up next to me and kissed my cheek. That felt nice.

  If anything the cuddling together was almost better than the fucking. The fucking had been pretty damn good, but cuddling afterwards gave me hope that there might be a hell of a lot more where that came from. That we might be settling into something truly special and longterm rather than simply enjoying one another’s company for the space of an evening.

  “Damn,” I said.

  “Yeah? I take it it was good for you?” Madison said.

  “Hell yeah! I still can’t quite believe that actually happened.”

  Madison moved up on her elbow and leaned over me so she was staring down into my eyes. That had the added effect of smashing her breasts against my body which was very distracting.

  “Why would you say something like that? Is it because I left that party? Look, I really am so…”


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