The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  “Kyle Roberts,” he said.

  I typed that in. “Right. Kyle Roberts. Don’t have to worry about him not having his maiden name.”

  “You never know. That is legal now,” Sean said.

  I fixed him with a flat stare. “So you’re saying the guy who was obsessed with me his whole life is gay now? Thanks. That’s a boost to the ego.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Sean said.

  “I know honey,” I said with a smile.

  A smile that turned to a frown as I looked at the screen in front of me. There were a lot of results, but scrolling down through the list there were none that looked like the guy I remembered. There wasn’t even a much fatter version that sort of resembled the guy I remembered. That had happened to more than a few people we went to school with.

  “Do any of these results look like him?” I asked, turning the laptop towards Sean.

  Sean frowned as he looked at the screen. He swiped down a couple of times and I watched his face closely. Considering how he was acting about this guy I figured it was entirely possible that he’d decide to not recognize his old friend. No, safer to keep an eye on his face and see if there was any sort of reaction there that would give it away rather than relying on his word.

  Only there was no flicker of recognition as he scrolled through that row of faces.

  “Nope. None of those look like him. Even allowing for him getting a little chubby over the years,” Sean said.

  I giggled at the echo of my own thoughts. “Yeah, that seems to have happened to several people we went to school with, doesn’t it?”

  “I guess he’s not on there. We’ll just have to have some more fun and forget about this,” I said.

  “Not so fast there buddy. We can try narrowing the search.”

  So I typed in the guy’s name and our hometown. I figured if anything would bring him up that would do it, but it still drew a blank. Damn.

  “Seriously Madison. You don’t have to do this.”

  I let out an exasperated sigh and turned on my husband. The man I loved. The man I’d gone on so many sexual adventures with since we got married and discovered we both enjoyed this fantasy quite a bit.

  “Are you serious Sean?”

  He blinked. Looked surprised at the sudden heat in my voice. And why not? I was usually a pretty laid back person. It took a lot to make me angry, but he was really frustrating me now!

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “We’ve done this twice already. Do we really have to do this dance again?”


  “Don’t play dumb with me, Sean,” I said. I reached down and grabbed his cock. It was rock hard despite the fact that we’d just fucked and he should be smack dab in the middle of recovery.

  “You’re hard. There’s only one thing that could make you this hard so soon after coming, and that’s if you’re really turned on by one of your fantasies that you think will ruin our marriage if you tell me about it.”

  “You know about that?”

  “Of course I do! You didn’t want to tell me about how you were turned on by the idea of other guys fucking me and it almost ruined our relationship. And when you finally did tell me it led to some of the best sex we’ve ever had. Are you really going to pull the reluctant thing again? We both know this turns you on,” I said.

  Sean looked away for a moment. He sighed and his shoulders slumped.

  “I guess it’s just that it feels a little different with Kyle. I know the depths of his obsession. With all the other guys there wasn’t history. With Kyle I can’t help but feel that if he got a chance with you it would be sort of like he was winning after all these years when I’ve been the one on top all this time,” he said. “It feels like letting him fuck you, letting him in on this fantasy, would only be rewarding him for his bad behavior all those years ago.”

  “Oh honey,” I said. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. I also reached down and had a nice feel of that rock hard cock waiting for me which earned an appreciative moan from Sean. Oh yeah, he was really fucking turned on.

  Finally I pulled away. No matter how delicious that kiss was, there was still business to attend to.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to find this guy. We’re going to get all his information and figure out how to track him down in town, and when we do I’m going to go and fuck the ever loving shit out of him while you watch and have the biggest hard on of your life. After we’re done, after I’ve built this guy up and made him think he’s getting one over on you, we’ll make it absolutely clear that you’re the only man for me, you were in on it all along, and he was nothing more than a sex toy with a pulse.”

  Sean smiled. “That does sound like a pretty nice revenge plan, but it’s still something I think he’d enjoy a little too much.”

  I patted Sean’s cheek. “Yeah, well sometimes you have to break a few eggs and all that. Judging by how hard you are I don’t think you’ll mind if he enjoys himself too much anyways.”

  “You’ve got me there,” Sean said.

  “Now let’s track this guy down. If he’s not showing up at all that probably means he has his profile locked down. I can’t imagine anyone in this day and age who doesn’t have any sort of digital footprint at all.”

  “Right, but how are we going to track him down if his stuff is locked down? I haven’t talked to him since that night. I have no idea how to reach him.”

  “What if we called his parents’ house? Not many people move around once they’re trapped in that town. It’s probably a safe bet that they’re still in the same place.”

  Sean fixed me with an incredulous look and I blushed after a minute.

  “What are we going to do? Call his parents up and tell them that we want to get ahold of their son so he can fuck his former best friend’s wife?”

  “Okay, so maybe it sounds a little ridiculous when you put it like that,” I said.

  I stared at the screen, frustrated. There had to be a way to track this guy down. No one disappeared entirely in this day and age. It was impossible. The only way to have no digital signature was to either die or go live in a drafty wooden cottage at the top of some mountain, and even there someone could probably get wifi as long as they were in the U.S. Heck, even if they died they’d still have their old stuff online.

  Then it hit me.

  “Type in the names of some of your old mutual friends. People you used to game with,” I said.

  “I really don’t talk to those guys either. Kyle was the only one I could put up with there near the end when I broke with the group entirely.”

  “I didn’t ask you if you were still friends with them. I asked you to type in their names.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said.

  I decided to ignore that sarcasm. He could pay for it later. I was far more interested in the names he typed in. More specifically I was interested in their photo albums. And as I did the searching I wondered why I was so hellbent on tracking this guy down while at the same time I knew why I was so interested.

  Next to Sean this guy was the holy grail of fantasy fulfillment. A guy who’d had the hots for me for years. Talk about the ultimate ego stroke. It was getting me wet thinking about the guy jerking off to me through the years and thinking of me as the one that got away. Add in the fact that he’d been cute enough back in the day that I might’ve given him the time of day if he hadn’t come on so strong, throw in a dash of my husband obsessing over the idea of this guy fucking me for years, and you had a recipe for one hot fantasy scenario.

  “That’s him!” Sean suddenly said.

  I stopped. I felt a tingle run all through my body. Particularly down between my legs. I scrolled back up to a picture of a group of guys standing in front of a storefront that I recognized from the old town. It was a place on the town square, I believe, though it had been a greeting card store the last time I visited.

  It looked like the business had certainly changed since the

  “What the hell is a Dragon’s Dungeon?” I asked.

  “Looks like it’s a game store,” Sean said. “Weird. They never had one in town when I was there. You always had to drive one town over to get any of the good stuff.”

  “Yeah, that’s all interesting, but you say he’s there?”

  I looked at the faces in that crowd and I thought I recognized him. There was a pretty cute guy who looked like he was in pretty good shape standing at the front of the crowd who almost looked like the guy, but in way better shape. It looked like he’d hit the gym in the years since we met.

  “That’s him, but that doesn’t look anything like the Kyle I remember,” Sean said, pointing to the guy I was staring at.

  “Huh. Looks like the geek decided to get a little fit,” I said. “Very interesting.”

  “Yup. The opposite of getting fat,” Sean said. He sighed. “I suppose this means you’re going to go through with this after all?”

  “Don’t worry honey. This guy still doesn’t hold a candle to you,” I said.

  It was true. It looked like he’d toned up in the years since I ran into him for the first time and the last time, but he still wasn’t nearly as good looking as Sean. No guy ever would be. Sean was the man I married. The man I wanted to spend my life with. The man I’d eventually have kids with when we decided we were ready.

  This guy was just a bit of passing fun, even if it would be a bit of passing fun that had my stomach twisting in knots as I thought of fucking him.

  “He’s tagged in this picture,” I said. “Definitely has a profile, but it looks like he’s got it locked down so people can’t find him.”

  “Yeah, well considering what a winning personality he had back in the day I can see why he wouldn’t want people to look him up,” Sean said.

  “Well that’s great. We know he’s still in town but we still don’t know how to get in touch with him,” I said.

  “I’m not so sure about that. Look up that game store,” Sean said.

  So I did just that. I typed in the name and sure enough it came up with hours of operation and everything.

  “What does this have to do with anything?” I asked.

  “Didn’t you notice anything about that picture?”


  “Look again,” Sean said.

  So I flipped back to the picture and looked through. I didn’t see what he was talking about. I looked through all the guys and back to this Kyle dude, and that’s when it hit me. He wore a black polo shirt that had the logo of that store on it.

  “He works there,” I said.

  “Yup. Or at least he worked there as of a couple years ago when the place had its grand opening,” Sean said. “Though if I know Kyle at all there’s a good chance he’s not going to let go of a job like that even if he is stuck in minimum wage hell.”

  I grinned. “So we could go check this place out and maybe run into him after all?”

  “It’s a better plan than calling up his parents and asking them for his info,” Sean said.

  “So we’re doing this?”

  “I think we are.”

  “Good,” I said.

  I set the computer on the nightstand and rolled on top of Sean. Positioned his cock at my pussy which was dripping wet. “Now sit back and relax baby, because I’m going to fuck you senseless and tell you about all the depraved things I’m going to do to your ex-friend when we track him down.”

  Part 4: Full Circle

  Part 4: Full Circle

  18: Play a Little Game

  As soon as I walked through the front door of the game shop I was hit with an overwhelming feeling that this was a bad idea. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I thought it was a bad idea. It was just an overwhelming sensation.

  The place looked like just about every other game shop ever. Sure it was a decent looking place like you’d find in any strip mall around the country, except this one was located in an old building on the town square instead. Games lined the walls on all sides and there were tables set up all through the middle where there were people playing card games which was to be expected considering it was the weekend and all.

  There was a time when I would’ve killed to have a place like this in town. Kyle was probably beside himself when the place opened. After all, he was the one who was always going on about how awesome it would be and telling everyone how he wanted to open his own place.

  I wonder how he felt when someone else did it? Probably not too bad considering he came to work here eventually.

  A buzz at my side drew my attention away from the game shop for a moment. No one was looking up at me anyways. Everyone was too busy with their game. I smiled as I looked at the usual suspects I’d expect in a place like this. Faded T-shirts and a little extra weight as far as the eye could see.

  “How’s it going in there?”

  “Good. Not seeing him so far, but I don’t see anyone who works here. Give it five minutes,” I texted back to her.

  We’d decided to leave Madison out of the shop for a little while. I figured it would have more of an effect if she came in after I’d talked to Kyle for a few minutes. Assuming he even still worked at this place, and assuming he was even at work today. There were a lot of assumptions going into this.

  I’ll be honest that a part of me hoped he wouldn’t be here. That we could call this whole thing off. Only there was something about the way Madison talked about this that made me think there’d be no calling it off even if things didn’t work out today. No, seeing that look in her eyes made me think we were going through with this no matter how long it took to track Kyle down.

  That still terrified me as much as it turned me on.

  “Can I help you?”

  I felt a chill. I recognized that voice. It had been over a decade but I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Kyle. He must’ve come up on me while I was absorbed in texting Madison. I quickly moved the phone away so he wouldn’t get a good look at the screen or what I was doing. It was ridiculous to think he’d look at my screen and put two and two together, but I figured you could never be too sure.

  I looked up. Saw the recognition on his face almost immediately. He frowned for a moment, but then the frown quickly turned to a smile. Either he really was happy to see me or he was very good at schooling his face in front of a customer.

  “Sean! Long time no see!” he said, slapping me on the back.

  Okay then. All of this felt genuine, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit wary. There’d been that moment when he frowned, after all. That brief moment when he acted like I figured he would considering how we’d parted.

  “Kyle,” I said. “It has been a long time,” I said.

  “Never thought I’d see you in here. Last I heard you were off to college and not into the gaming scene anymore,” he said.

  I bet he was hoping he’d never see me in this town anymore. Judging by his tone of voice both going off to college and not being in the gaming scene anymore were both mortal sins worthy of being cast out of paradise. The prick.

  “Yeah, well. Kinda hard to be in the gaming scene when you don’t have anyone to play with,” I replied. “I take it you’re still hanging out with the same group of guys?”

  “Something like that,” he said. “Most of the guys still come around for our usual game night, though we do it during the week now so we don’t interrupt some of the best nights for the shop.”

  “Sounds awesome,” I said.

  This time it was my tone that communicated I thought it was anything but. I’m sure Kyle told the old group all sorts of fun stories about why I wasn’t coming back to game night after that fateful night when we both bailed, but I hadn’t ever gone back to find out what he said.

  “Yup. Took a bit of money invested from my parents, but getting this place off the ground has been great for me,” Kyle said.

  I blinked. “You’re the owner?”

  “Well yeah,” Kyle said. “This was always my dream way ba
ck when, you know.”

  I looked around again with a new respect for the place. So he’d put this together with some money from his parents. I had to admire the guy for sticking to his dream and making it happen, even if I wondered how he managed to stay in business in a town this small.

  “So what brings you to town anyways?” Kyle asked.

  “Oh you know. Visiting my wife’s family. I told her all about the old game nights we used to have and figured we could drop by the new game shop in town and show her what it was all about.”

  “A wife, eh?” Kyle said. “So is this mystery wife your old girlfriend from Canada?”

  “Actually you were the one who had the girlfriend from up north, remember?” I said.

  Kyle frowned. “Oh yeah. Guess that was me. Well I can’t wait to meet her!”

  “You have no idea,” I replied. “She’s parking the car, but she should be here any moment.”

  I glanced down at the time on my phone. Yeah, she’d be here any moment now. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when Madison of all people walked through the front door of his business. I imagined it was going to be one hell of a blast from the past. I also had to reposition myself because I was suddenly getting a little turned on thinking of that moment when he’d lay eyes on her in person for the first time in over a decade.

  “So did you meet this girl while you were off at college?”

  “Well no. She’s from around here,” I said.

  “Right. You’re in town to visit her parents. Did she go to school with us or something?”

  There was a hint of suspicion coming to his voice now. I wondered if he was starting to put two and two together even though I hadn’t breathed a word of Madison. Yet. God the anticipation was killing me. I was still a little worried about this plan, but at the same time seeing him squirming like this and almost coming to the right conclusion was driving me crazy.


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