The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 13

by Lexi Archer

  A bell rang behind me. Someone stepped through the door. I didn’t turn because I was pretty sure I knew who was walking through that door. The reaction from everyone in the store was more than enough to give that away. Heads turned and then their eyes went wide. Mouths hung wide open. I grinned.

  Madison had entered the building.

  Kyle’s reaction, though, was particularly delicious. He turned towards the door. His eyes went wide just like everyone else. He looked between me and Madison, but mostly he looked back to her. Oh how he looked at my wife. His eyes raked up and down her body and it was obvious that all of the lust, all the heat, all the pent up desire he’d felt for her more than a decade ago when we parted for what I thought would be the last time was still there. It was roaring back in a major way.

  He still wanted my wife in a major way. He just didn’t know she was my wife. Yet.

  “Hi honey!” she said, walking over to us and giving me a very long and lingering kiss right in front of everyone. I’d always been a fan of public displays of affection. I figured why not let the world know that she was with me? But I’d never enjoyed a little bit of PDA more than I did at that moment with Kyle’s jaw dropping just a foot away from us.

  Eat your heart out, asshole.

  And I was so fucking turned on. I couldn’t help it. The idea of him getting so turned on at Madison being right there in front of him was too much for me. I was projecting myself into his head, imagining the lust that had to be taking control, and it was so fucking hot.

  “Madison?” Kyle said.

  She turned to him and blinked a couple of times. God she was playing this up perfectly and I loved every minute of it. There wasn’t a shred of recognition on her face.

  “I’m sorry, have we met?”

  “Let me do introductions baby,” I said. “Madison, this is my old friend Kyle who I used to game with. I think you also met him at a party once?”

  That frown was back for the barest of moments. Oh yes, he was happy to see Madison, but he wasn’t happy to see her here in my arms. Well that was just tough. I’m sure he’d change his tune here in a little while when he found out exactly what my naughty wife had planned for him anyways.

  Once more I wondered if that was really a good idea. If we really should be playing with something this dangerous. I couldn’t shake that feeling that something wasn’t quite right about this, but at the same time I was so turned on that there wasn’t a chance I wasn’t going to go ahead with this.

  The obsession was there. The obsession demanded satisfaction. Besides, Madison seemed to be really into it and she’d been so good about playing along with my fantasies over the years. I figured I owed it to her to play along with her getting off on this for a change.

  Time to twist the knife just a little. This was the culmination of a whole hell of a lot of fantasizing. I’d imagined this moment for quite some time and now that it was actually happening I felt tingly all over.

  “And Kyle, this is my wife Madison.”

  19: Dangerous Game

  God I felt so hot walking into the game store. I’d never considered these types of guys my type before, but the way they stared at me certainly had me hot and bothered. Maybe I was more into this whole voyeur thing than I’d thought.

  Of course the sexual energy I was getting from the guys sitting around the tables in the back of the store was nothing compared to the thousand-watt stare I got from the only person in the store other than Sean who I recognized. Kyle. In the flesh. And the way he stared at me made it clear, if only for a moment, that he was still very much into the idea of getting into my pants. For the briefest of moments there was nothing but pure lust on his face as he looked me up and down.

  Then he got control of himself and it was all fake smiles. Which was a pity. Well then. It was time to turn up the heat just a bit. Let him see what he’d missed out on for all these years. I walked over to Sean and gave him the biggest most passionate kiss possible. It had been awhile since we sucked face in public like this, and man was it hot knowing I had this audience watching and probably wishing they were my husband!

  “Hi honey!” I said.

  There was a definite spark going on between Sean and this Kyle guy. Both of them might be all smiles, but it was the sort of smiles where you could tell that neither one of them was particularly happy that the other was there in the store.

  “Madison?” Kyle said.

  Show time. I looked him up and down and tried my best to pretend that I had no idea who he was. It’s not like it was that hard. I’d perfected the bitchy dismissive look back when I was still in school even if I’d tried my best to get away from that in the years since. Still, all that practice was put to good use as I tried to seem like I had no idea who he was. From the way his face tightened as I looked him up and down it worked. I blinked a couple of times for good measure.

  “I’m sorry, have we met?”

  “Let me do introductions baby,” Sean said. “Madison, this is my old friend Kyle who I used to game with. I think you also met him at a party once?”

  Kyle frowned. An actual frown. I guess we were getting to him. Good. I didn’t necessarily want to do this part of things, but Sean had been clear that he wanted to knock the guy down a few pegs before building him up and letting him know he was about to get the opportunity of a lifetime.

  Well I was the one who wanted to give him the opportunity of a lifetime. Sean still seemed ambivalent about this whole thing, but it’s not like he could very well tell me he wanted to stop. No, after all the things we’d done together he couldn’t very well pull the plug on this one. Especially when it got both of us so fucking hot!

  “And Kyle, this is my wife Madison.”

  I giggled just a little. It was show time again. It was too bad there wasn’t an award for Best Actress in a kinky swinging couple’s fantasy scenario, because if there was I’m sure I’d win it no questions asked.

  “Oh right! You’re the guy from that one party, aren’t you?”

  “Something like that,” he muttered.

  “The one where you asked me out?” I reached out and put a hand on his chest. His eyes zeroed in on that spot where our bodies made contact with a laser focus. “That was so cute!”

  I turned to Sean. “Wasn’t that cute honey? I thought it was cute.”

  I did have an ulterior motive for putting a hand on him like that. I wanted to get a feel for that chest, and touching it seemed like the best way. The thing was rock hard. God I just wanted to pull his shirt up and lick what he had hidden under that shirt, but of course I didn’t do anything of the sort. That would make the sort of scene I wanted to avoid. For now.

  “Yeah, well, I try not to think about that night,” Kyle said.

  Something about the tone of his voice told me that he thought about that night quite a lot. I was so wet thinking about him sitting up late at night thinking about what might’ve happened if I’d taken him up on that opportunity. Yeah, he probably imagined what it would’ve been like to take me home and fuck the shit out of me that evening, and I’d been too preoccupied to realize just how hot that could be.

  Then again it took exploring these fantasies with my husband for me to truly appreciate just how hot that could be.

  “So you work here?” I asked.

  “Actually I’m the owner,” he said. “This store is my baby!”

  “A business owner! That’s pretty impressive. You must be rolling in the money!”

  Kyle blushed and looked away, and I took that opportunity to reach out and give Sean’s hand a squeeze. At the same time I glanced down between his legs and smiled at what I saw down there. He’d strategically moved up against a display so it wouldn’t be obvious that he had a raging hard on as he watched the interplay between me and his former best friend. Yeah, he liked this even if he did seem a little reluctant.

  Which was just awesome as far as I was concerned.

  “Well the place hasn’t quite made money yet,” he said. “Bu
t I’ve been able to keep the doors open and that’s what really matters!”

  Kyle turned back and looked me up and down again. A thrill ran through me. There was something about his gaze that made even his eyes brushing up and down my body, paying particular attention to the low cut V-neck shirt I wore just for this occasion to give him a nice view of my tits, that felt so fucking hot. I think it was the knowledge that I was giving him the show of a lifetime that really did it for me.

  “You have to show me around this place. I’ve never been to one of these places before and Sean has been telling me all about the fun games you guys used to play!”

  Kyle looked to Sean who suddenly seemed preoccupied with something on the shelf in front of him. The shelf he was using to cover up the fact that he had a very embarrassing situation developing between his legs.

  “Mind if I steal your wife for a moment?” Kyle asked.

  Sean looked up from the box he was inspecting as though he hadn’t been listening in on every moment of our conversation. He blinked as he looked between the two of us. Though there was no missing the double meaning behind what he said.


  “I’m going on a tour of the store with your old friend here Sean,” I said.

  “Right, that’s fine. I wouldn’t mind you stealing my wife at all,” he said.

  Sean seemed distracted, but he’d obviously been paying attention if he could turn around and recite what this Kyle guy said to him right back. Yeah, that was all an act. I’m sure his ears were tuned in to everything we said while he pretended to read the same copy on the back of that game over and over again.

  I shot him a warning glance as Kyle took my arm and we moved towards the back of the game store. I didn’t want him giving away too much too soon, and playing along with that sort of double meaning felt like it was going way too far. Besides, if anyone was doing any seducing I wanted it to be me!

  We moved into an area in the back of the store that also had the added benefit of being hidden from view. I caught a couple of guys at the tables playing their card games or whatever the hell it was they were doing trying to catch a glimpse of my ass, and I gave it an extra wiggle. It was weird. I never thought I’d get excited about being checked out in a place like this. It was nothing like the clubs I was used to, but it was still pretty damn hot!

  “So what sort of game were you thinking of trying out?” Kyle asked.

  “Oh I don’t know anything about any of these. The last board game I played was Monopoly, and that’s been years ago,” I said.

  Kyle grinned. “Yeah, well board games have come a long way since those games you played.”

  He stood in front of a row of games that I had absolutely no interest in, but I moved in front of him as though I was trying to get a good look at them regardless. And in the process I also happened to rub my ass right against his cock which was obviously tenting out. Yeah, this was a guy who was very happy to see me!

  The moment passed without comment, but I did have the pleasure of hearing him breathe in sharply. I’m guessing that wasn’t something he was expecting when he came back here with me, but whatever.

  “So what’s this game up here?” I asked, pointing to one on a top shelf.

  Kyle took the hint. He reached out and put a hand at my waist as though to steady himself as he reached up for the game. At the same time he pressed his cock into my ass and it felt like he was hiding one hell of a fun surprise down there! I took in a sharp breath of my own as I felt that monster pressing against me, and I gave a little wiggle to let him know that I more than appreciated what was on offer. He responded by putting some pressure on my hip and grinding his cock against me as he pulled the game down.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” he asked.

  I figured now was as good a time as any to go for the gold. After all, we’d had the fun where Sean got to break the guy down a little bit. It was time to turn that around and have a little bit of fun now. So I turned around so that I was facing him. My tits brushed against his chest and it sent bolts of electric pleasure running through my body. God this was so naughty. I don’t know what it was about this guy, but somehow this felt more naughty than any of the other fun times I’d ever had with a guy before.

  “Actually I had something else entirely in mind, Kyle,” I said.

  Kyle swallowed and glanced over his shoulders. Towards the front of the store where Sean was looking at games as though he was completely oblivious to what I was doing back here with his former best friend. Of course nothing could be farther from the truth. I’m sure he was up there sporting a rock hard cock thinking about what I might be getting up to back here.

  I also noticed that he was still practically humping a display up front and turned so the other guys in the store wouldn’t be able to see the awkward situation that had no doubt developed between his legs.

  “What are you doing? Sean’s right there,” Kyle hissed.

  Well then. Apparently the arousal wasn’t breaking through his fear just yet. I didn’t for a moment entertain the notion that he was reminding me of my husband out of some sense of duty. No, I’d seen the way the two of them looked at each other. Like two cats growling with their tails lashing. There was no love lost there.

  It was time for some bold action. Not that I’d never been bold in the past. This was probably the fastest I’d ever moved, though. We only had a couple of nights in town, and I wanted to make the most of that time. I was too turned on. I needed to seize the bull by the horns, or by the cock.

  So I reached down and did just that. His cock was rock hard, and his eyes went wide as my hand ran over that hard lump. “I know you want me Kyle. I know you’ve been thinking of a moment just like this for years, right?”

  He looked over his shoulder again and then back to me. Nodded. It seemed the moment had overwhelmed him to the point that he’d lost the capacity for rational thought or for forming words. Good. I wanted him to be putty in my hands.

  “Is there a more private area where we could maybe have a conversation?” I asked.

  “What about…”

  “What about Sean? Well what about him?” I asked. “I get turned on by the idea of being naughty while he’s oblivious to what’s going on, and you’re the lucky winner today. You want to be the lucky winner, don’t you Kyle?”

  Of course what I didn’t have to tell him was that Sean was in on the whole thing. That he got turned on by the idea of me coming back here and having fun with another man while he was oblivious to the whole thing. I’d have to tell him about that eventually, but for the moment I wanted him to think he was a stud I just couldn’t resist.

  He glanced over his shoulder again. Turned back to me and sighed.

  “You have no idea how much I want this to happen, but I can’t get away without making the guys suspicious.”

  I fixed him with what I hoped was my best “are you fucking serious?” look. It must’ve worked pretty damn well because he held his hands up and started talking fast. It was obvious he didn’t want this opportunity slipping from between his fingers. Not that it was going to. For good measure I moved my hand up and pushed it into the band of his pants. Down until I was grasping the hard flesh of his cock which felt like it was a pretty good size.

  Not as big as Sean, but still pretty nice!

  Kyle’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head and for a moment I thought he might pass out before I had a chance to really have some fun. He stumbled against a shelf and a couple of people looked over in our direction, but we were hidden by some shelving so they couldn’t see what was actually going on in here which was probably a good thing.

  “I can’t believe I’m turning this down, but there’s no privacy here. All I have is a back room that everyone can see. There’s not even a door because I need to keep an eye on the place.”

  “Well then what are we going to do about this Kyle? The opportunity of a lifetime is grabbing your cock and you’re telling her to take a hike,” I sai
d, putting just the hint of a pout into my voice.

  Kyle licked his lips. “What if you came to my house later? We’d have plenty of privacy there!”

  I smiled. “That would be nice! Maybe we could have dinner or something? You and Sean could catch up!”

  The flabbergasted look on his face was just too delicious. He went from thinking he was on top of the world to supremely confused in a matter of seconds.

  “Wait, you’re going to bring Sean along? You’re not going to, like, just sneak away or something?”

  “Well of course I’m bringing my husband along. Didn’t I just tell you I get off on having fun with other guys while my husband is right there and oblivious? It wouldn’t be much fun if he was on the other side of town, now would it?”

  “I… guess not?” Kyle said. It was obvious he was supremely confused. Good. I wanted to keep him on his toes. Then that confusion was replaced with a cocky smile and his cock twitched in my hand. Briefly I worried that he might be about to blow a load just from my hand on his cock, though that would be more hot for me and embarrassing for him.

  “Yeah, I guess that would be fine. We’ll just have a little dessert of our own while your husband is oblivious!”

  I wanted to lean up and brush my lips against his, but that would be too much. Besides, our heads were over the shelving unit so that would be pretty fucking obvious. I could try something else, though.

  “What’s this game down here?” I asked.

  The confusion was back on Kyle’s face, though it didn’t last for long, I leaned down towards the shelf and to anyone out there in the store it would look like I was checking out a game on one of the lower shelves. That’s not what it looked like at all to Kyle, though.

  No, I got down on my knees and quickly fished his cock out. I had to work fast or this wasn’t going to work at all. He didn’t have time to say anything as I wrapped my lips around his cock and then moved my throat down until his cock was buried to the hilt inside me. God he tasted so good. I got off on knowing that this was something he’d probably fantasized about for so long, and from the way he nearly collapsed as his cock disappeared down my throat it was obvious it was too much for him as well.


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