The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 15

by Lexi Archer

  “I was thinking about all the times I walked up to this house to go to one of our weekly game nights way back when. All those times when I would've killed to be going out with you instead, and now here I am walking up to this house hand-in-hand with you."

  "It's funny the places life takes us, isn't it?" I asked.

  "Yeah, pretty damn funny," Sean replied.

  Sean knocked on the door. Kyle must've been waiting on the other side, because it opened almost immediately. It would've been funny, but I was so nervous. And when I saw him standing there in a tight T-shirt and a pair of equally tight jeans, particularly when I noticed the bulge sticking out of those tight jeans, I almost lost it. I almost threw myself at him right then and there. The way he looked me up and down he felt the same way.

  But I didn't do anything of the sort. No, I was supposed to be here with my husband. I was playing the part of the good wife who was anything but good behind closed doors. It wouldn't do for me to attack him right in front of my husband and give up the game.

  Not yet, at least.

  "Madison," he said. "Sean."

  The way he said my husband's name it sounded like he had a different sort of four letter word in mind. I bit my lip and shook my head. Apparently our little encounter in the game store earlier in the day had emboldened him just a little. I wondered if that was maybe a mistake, but it had been so fucking hot. There was no way that I couldn't do it.

  "So what are we having for dinner?" Sean asked.

  "I'm actually not much of a cook, and I thought back to the traditional feast you have on a game night."

  We stepped into a dining room. Only the table in this dining room was like no dining room table I'd ever seen before. It looked more like something from Las Vegas with raised edges all around. There were strange markings for some game I didn't recognize.

  "Is that a custom gaming table?" Sean asked, actually sounding impressed for a moment.

  I looked at the thing with a new set of eyes. If that was something that could impress him to the point that he forgot about how much he didn't like this Kyle guy then it must be something impressive indeed. At least if you were into the whole gaming thing, which I wasn’t, but I’d play along to get Kyle in the sack.

  "None other than," Kyle said. "You like?"

  "Is that pizza?" I asked.

  Sure enough there were a couple of greasy boxes set out on this expensive looking table. I guess it wasn’t so expensive that he didn’t mind getting some grease on the felt.

  "Well what else are you going to have on a game night? Kyle asked.

  I looked at Sean who grinned and shrugged. Pizza. In my experience that wasn't the best thing to have when you were going to have a night of strenuous activities, but then again something told me that for all that he looked pretty good, Kyle wasn't exactly too smooth or experienced when it came to the ladies.

  Either way, it was there so we’d have to make do. It's not that I hated pizza. It just didn't seem like the right thing for the night of fun I had planned. I had no intention of playing sort of games Kyle was thinking about.

  "So what do you say?" Kyle asked. "How about we dig in!"

  I only had one piece. Sean also seemed to be limiting himself, though Kyle didn't have any problem with digging in. I wondered how he was able to keep himself in shape if he ate like that. Maybe he was the kind of guy who only ate like this one night a week. Or maybe he just had a freakish metabolism. I seemed to recall him being skinny even when I first met him years ago.

  Finally we were done and leaned back in the chairs.

  "So what sort of game did you have in mind for tonight Kyle?" I asked.

  Kyle looked at Sean, suddenly nervous, and then back to me. I wondered exactly what had caused that look. Had he chosen something that was a little raunchy? I knew there were games like that out there, though I'd never played one. No, I'd always been far more direct when I wanted to have a little bit of sexy fun. It seemed silly to have a game that was built around loosening inhibitions when you could just go for what you wanted.

  "Actually, I was going to take you up to my game room and see if you wanted to pick something out," he said. "I figured since you're the one who's trying this out, maybe you should…"

  A light went off in my head and I realized exactly what he was getting at. He was clumsily trying to get me up to this game room so we could have a little bit of private fun. And he was trying to do it without letting Sean know what he was doing. It was a cute if fumbling attempt, and I almost wanted to laugh. I almost wanted to reach out and pat him and let him know that it was okay.

  But that wasn't part of the role, so I didn’t.

  "I think that would be fine. Sean, you wouldn't mind staying down here while I go up with Kyle all alone and pick out a game, would you?"

  Sean looked at me and grinned. "No. I don't think I'd mind that at all."

  "Well then," I said, standing up. "Why don't you show me to this game room? I'm interested to see what you have!"

  I tried to load that with as much double meaning as possible. It was a double meaning that Kyle seem to pick up on. He grinned and stood as well. It was pretty obvious that he was turned on. His cock stood out, rock hard. It strained for me. There was no way Sean couldn't notice that thing reaching out for his wife.

  It was a pretty good thing that we were both in on this. If Sean was the jealous type and I was actually looking to have an affair then this would be the point where Kyle would've gotten beaten for being so obvious.

  Luckily this affair was one where the training wheels were still very much on.

  We moved to a set of stairs. I made sure to go up in front of him. I wore a tight dress. Actually the same one that I'd bought back when I had my encounter with Sam the intern. The dress left nothing to the imagination. I knew the curve of my ass was obvious under the bottom of that dress. And I wore a thong so everything was on display for him.

  Yeah, walking up the stairs was the perfect opportunity to show off without seeming like I was trying to show off. I lived for this sort of moment ever since Sean and I started exploring these fantasies. I got such a fucking thrill imagining Kyle walking behind me, staring at my ass and my pussy which was already soaking wet.

  God how I wanted him to just come up behind me and rip that thong aside. Shove his cock deep inside me. Only he didn't do anything of the sort. No, my husband was right down there. They didn't exactly care for each other even though they were covering it up for their own reasons. Sean because he desperately wanted to see me fuck this guy, and Kyle because he desperately wanted to seem like a good friend so he could fuck me.

  Talk about a convoluted and fucked up web we were weaving, but in the end it just added to the overwhelming hotness of this scenario.

  Finally we reached the top of the stairs and I sighed. I'd almost hoped he would be overwhelmed by lust to the point of doing something, but I figured that moment would come soon enough. He was a pressure cooker and I knew he was going to blow at any moment.

  "So which way to this game room of yours?" I asked.

  Kyle gestured and looked me up and down. I felt another thrill. This dress left nothing to the imagination up top either. I wasn't wearing a bra, and my nipples were straining out. They were desperate for him. God how I wanted him to reach out and grab my tits. To pull my dress down and reveal everything to him. All it would take in this dress was a quick tug and everything would be proudly on display.

  Only he didn't. He licked his lips. He did a hell of a lot of staring, but that was it. Damn it. Did I need a neon sign asking him to go ahead and make a fucking move or something? How much more obvious did I need to be?

  "Are you sure your husband isn't going to follow us?" he asked.

  Well then. Apparently he was going to get a little more bold. Nice to see that he could grow a pair when he needed to.

  And that was an interesting question. Was I sure my husband wasn't going to come up here? No. I had a very strong feeling that if we w
ere up here for more than maybe five to ten minutes Sean would come looking for us. That he’d figure exactly what Kyle was hoping would be happening was going on. And he’d desperately want to see that.

  I desperately wanted him to see it as well. Of course I wasn't going to tell Kyle that.

  "I'm sure that he’s going to be just fine down there on his own for a little while," I lied.

  Funny how easily lying to these guys came to me after all this time. Sometimes it was necessary, though. And after all, it's not like it was a huge a deal. They were getting to fuck me. I figured most guys probably didn't care if there were a few little white lies thrown in as long as they got in my pants at the end of the day. Besides, Kyle had to know that I wasn't going to leave my husband for him or anything.

  Then again, considering how oblivious he'd been about all things to do with the ladies up until now I almost wondered if he did think there was a chance I’d leave Kyle.

  My reassurance that Sean was likely going to stay down there seemed to be enough for Kyle to finally get the balls to make a move, though. In an instant he was on me. There was a loud thump as I hit the wall and he paused, looked towards the stairs with a look of terror.

  Yeah, he might be getting a little more bold, but he hadn’t gotten over the fear that my husband would somehow find out about what we were doing. Almost I wanted to tell Kyle exactly what was going on, that he was being used as a pawn in the sex games I played with my husband, but that would ruin the fun. There were so many things I could say to put him at ease that would've given up the game.

  So I kept my mouth shut.

  Not that it was too difficult to keep my mouth shut. Not with his lips suddenly hungrily devouring mine. I opened my mouth to his and he clumsily moved his tongue into my mouth. Obviously this was a guy that didn't have much experience with kissing women, but he was enthusiastic.

  And I finally got my wish. The thing I'd hoped for ever since I first walked up the stairs in front of him in this dress. Ever since I bought the thing. He ripped it down, exposing my breasts, and his hands were all over me. Feeling me. Running all over my nipples and giving me the pleasure I'd so desperately been looking forward to.

  And I was so wet. He pressed against me and I wrapped my legs around him. His hard cock grinded against my thong clad pussy, and almost I worried that he would come in his pants rather than being able to wait for the main event.

  We stayed like that for a moment that seemed to last forever. His tongue exploring my mouth, his hands exploring my body, his cock rubbing against my married pussy even as I responded to him. Even as I kept my legs wrapped around him and tried to pull him closer. Even as my head spun as I fantasized about that moment when his cock would finally ram home inside me.

  And meanwhile Sean was downstairs, his cock rock hard, thinking about us doing exactly this sort of thing. I'm sure he heard that bump. Knew it for exactly what it was. I'm sure he was down there wondering how long he should wait before he came up the stairs.

  I desperately hoped he would have enough self-control to wait just a little while longer. After all, if he came up right now then all bets would be off. I had no doubt that Kyle would notice my husband creeping up the stairs. That it would put an end to the festivities before they even began and so I prayed for Sean to keep quiet even as I was continually under assault from this man who was attacking me with a hunger fueled by years of pent up desire.

  He pulled away and stared at me in disbelief. His eyes moved down my chest and devoured my tits. I wondered how many times he'd fantasized about them over the years. It was really fucking hot watching the look on his face as his deepest fantasy was finally fulfilled.

  "You were going to show me to your game room?" I asked breathlessly.

  Kyle took the hint. He let me down, and reluctantly I unwrapped my legs from around him. God that felt good having his cock pressed against me. I knew from earlier that it was a decent size. About the same as my husband. But his was different. It was always interesting noting the differences between men. On the one hand it was always the same thing. It was always a long cock with a head. And yet there were differences in color, texture, size, so many things that added variety to the experience.

  I suppose that was a first rate slutty thing for me to say, commenting on the differences between other men's junk, but I'd become something of a connoisseur over the years thanks to the nature of my husband's fantasy.

  I couldn't resist having a feel as I walked down the hall. I reached down and rubbed my hand against his cock and he groaned. A groan, I might add, that was no doubt loud enough that it could be heard even all the way downstairs where my husband was waiting in anticipation.

  Yeah, there was no way he didn't hear that.

  "The game room is right in here," Kyle said.

  We stepped inside and my breath caught for a moment. Sure I wasn't into this whole gaming thing, but at the same time I could appreciate someone who obviously had a passion for their hobby. And as I looked at the shelves full of games I had to admit that Kyle certainly had taken his passion and made it into an obsession. Not that I could knock it. I was no stranger, after all, to becoming a slave to an obsession. An obsession that I was a slave to even as I looked around the room and all I could think about was fucking him so hard that it knocked some of those games off their shelves.

  More importantly, though, there were beanbags set all around the room. At another time I might have giggled at how ridiculous it looked having beanbags in a room that obviously belonged to an adult, albeit an adult who had a very young skewing obsession. In the moment, though, all I could think about was that those would be very convenient. It brought me back to my school days. To a couple of times when I'd done very naughty things in very similar circumstances on beanbags just like that.

  Anyway it was fitting. Sean was having a bit of a regression moment coming to the house where he used to play games and being here with me of all people. The girl who was the object of his fantasy. Kyle was also getting a chance to be with me, the object of his school obsession. A crush he'd obviously held onto for over a decade.

  And so why not do it on a beanbag? It was convenient enough. It was a blast from the past, and just about everything about this evening seemed like one hell of a blast from the past.

  I looked over to him. Grinned. And his eyes raked up and down my body again. Took in my breasts, took in the rest of the dress which molded itself to my tight body. To the curve of my ass.

  I shivered in anticipation as he advanced on me again, and figured that if there was ever a time for Sean to get his ass up here it would be now!

  22: Sneaking

  I sat at the table and twiddled my thumbs. There was really nothing else to do. I was hyper aware of every sound from outside the room. Those sounds were my only connection to what was going on in other parts of the house.

  I glanced around and thought at how ridiculous the circumstances were that brought me back to this room after so many years. I figured that night when I abandoned the game to go to that party, that fateful party that ended up bringing me and Madison together, would be the last time I saw this place. Especially after the way Kyle acted that night.

  There was no doubt in my mind that game group would take his side over mine. I'd always been a bit of an outsider. The guy who actually had a social life outside of game night. The guy who did sports and things like that. They always thought I was a little weird. Compared to most in that group I guess I was a little weird.

  And now here I was. With Madison of all people. The girl I'd fantasized about for so long. The one I'd loved for so many years. The woman who I'd explored my deepest and darkest fantasies with, and we'd always come out on top stronger than ever.

  It was that strength that gave me strength now. I reminded myself that we'd been on so many adventures like this before. That no matter what happened, it was still us against the world.

  So I sat and listened to the familiar creak from the stairs out in the li
ving area. It was a sound I'd heard so many times that it became part of the background noise, and yet it had been so long since I heard that background noise that it hit me with one hell of a wave of nostalgia even if the memories from this place had been somewhat tainted in the years since.

  I heard a thump and a groan, faint as it drifted down the stairs, and imagined what could be happening. Were they on the floor in the upstairs hallway? Was he pounding at my wife right now? Was I going to miss the show because I didn't want to go up there and ruin the show before it really got started?

  No, I didn’t want to do that. So I sat at this expensive gaming table, still twiddling my thumbs, doing my best not to touch my cock which was so rock hard. Which needed satisfaction.

  I hadn’t jerked off in a week. It was enough to completely cloud me with lust. But I got more out of this fantasy if I had a full magazine, and so I'd kept my hand off my dick. It was so fucking hard when I did that. It was so fucking hard to keep Madison off of me. She seemed to understand when I didn't want to come, and she delighted in teasing me. In trying to get me off.

  It was a fun game of cat and mouse that led up to the big game this weekend. A game that was probably happening upstairs in Kyle's game room. I wondered which room had been converted. Maybe his little brother's room?

  If that was the case then they’d wind up right above the dining room. I held my breath and listened. Heard the faint sound of somebody walking around up there. His little brother had always delighted in playing loud music back when we had our game nights trying to ruin our fun, and it had taken me going up there and threatening to beat the crap out of him to eventually end that.

  Now, though, the paper thin nature of the ceiling was working in my favor. I heard some thumping around. I heard what had to be the sound of two bodies coming together. And then the sound of two people falling down against the floor. That was pretty damn obvious. There was no mistaking that sound.

  They were up there. They were doing something. And if they were in that room then it meant it was time for me to sneak up and witness the fun. Witness Kyle finally fulfilling one hell of a fantasy for both of us!


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