The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 14

by Lexi Archer

  Way too much. His cock twitched and with a whimper he exploded in the back of my throat. I swallowed several times, never missing a drop as his seed pumped into my mouth and then down to my stomach. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was so fucking hot that I felt a tingle between my legs as all the tension, all the lust, all the desire I’d felt thinking about finally meeting this guy came to a head.

  And then I was coming too. I tightened my grip on his legs and squeezed my eyes shut as I swallowed the last drop of his come while there was an entire room full of people, including my husband, just a few feet away from us who had no fucking clue that Kyle was getting what I imagined was the best blowjob of his life just a few feet away from them.

  Luckily his cock in my mouth masked the sounds I made. Not that I figured any of the guys in there would know what a woman coming sounded like if it wasn’t piping out of their computer speakers. Hey, I might get off on them looking at me, but that didn’t go so far as getting off on the idea of getting off with them!

  I pulled off and looked down at his cock that was slick with my saliva. A last bit of his come leaked out and I leaned forward and licked it off causing him to shudder again. I looked up and smiled at him and then popped up with a game in hand. I didn’t even know what the fuck it was. I just figured I needed something to show for being back here with him for so long.

  “I think this will be just fine. Maybe we can play it tonight!” I said.

  “Uh, sure,” Kyle said, just a little wobbly. “You can just have that. It’s on the house.”

  “You’re so sweet!” I said, and I turned and walked back to the front of the store, putting some extra sway in my step and feeling the gaze of every man in the room on my ass as I made my way through the room. Meanwhile Kyle still stood on the other side of that shelving unit with a stunned look on his face.

  “Guess what baby?” I said when I got to Sean. He turned and looked me up and down and it was clear he was burning with desire and curiosity about what I’d been up to back there with his former best friend. I couldn’t wait to tell him all about it, and about all the fun we were going to have this evening.

  “We have dinner plans tonight!”

  Sean smiled. A sickly smile, but that bulge in his pants was telling a different story!

  20: Reaction

  Madison did a walk through the room that would make you think she was working a runway rather than walking through a dinky game store in the middle of a blink-and-you-miss-it small town in Nowheresville, USA. Still, I absolutely loved watching her walk around the room like that. I loved it almost as much as getting to watch all the other guys in the room staring at my wife’s ass.

  There was one person in particular that I was focused on, though. Kyle. He still stood in the back of the store with a shell shocked expression on his face. Something had happened back there. I had no idea what, but I had a feeling Madison was going to tell me all about it as soon as we were out of this store and away from prying ears.

  Finally Kyle seemed to come to his senses. He shook his head and made his way towards the front of the store, his eyes on Madison the entire time. He didn’t even bother trying to cover up what he was doing. He was checking her out like he owned her and I didn’t exist.

  Yeah, I really needed to know what the fuck had happened!

  “Having fun up here honey?” Madison asked.

  “You could say that. Just pondering some things,” I said.

  “Really? Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

  “I think so, Madison, but that really depends on what happened back there with Kyle.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine which distracted me from my curiosity for a moment. Feeling that perfect tight body pressed against me never failed to distract me from whatever. It was really unfair when it came to arguing with her. She could just bust out the secret weapon that was her body and I’d immediately lose because I was too preoccupied with thinking about all the sex I’d like to have with her or all the sex I’d like her to have with someone else to stay mad.

  Madison leaned in and gave me a kiss. She wasn’t shy about the kiss either. No, this was open-mouthed with her tongue darting into my own. That had the added effect of getting the attention of everyone else sitting in the store. A couple of people shouted at us to get a room, but for the most part everyone seemed more than happy to see Madison in action even if they weren’t getting any of that action.

  Then something hit me about what I was tasting. I was intimately familiar with all the tastes my wife had to offer over every inch of her body. I was very familiar with what kissing her tasted like. And there was something different there. Something I’d tasted a couple of times while kissing her. After she’d been busy with another guy. Her eyes opened and she winked even as my eyes went wide.

  She pulled away and the grin on her face made it clear she thought she’d just pulled one over on me in a huge way. And she was right. She had. I had no doubt that I’d just tasted another man on my wife’s lips. On her tongue.

  That instant when she’d loudly said she wanted to look at some game. She’d leaned down and it looked like she was checking something out on a lower shelf back there. Only I knew what she’d been up to now. I knew why she had that grin plastered on her face as she came up to hug me. I knew why Kyle had that stunned look on his face even now that he was standing and staring at the two of us with barely concealed jealousy that was a marked contrast to the nice guy routine he’d pulled when we first walked in.

  I was tasting him on her lips. She’d given him a blowjob. And from the looks of things it had been one hell of a fast blowjob. And why not? He’d been fantasizing about that moment his entire life. I know I’d had trouble lasting when I found myself in that position over a decade ago the first time I fucked Madison.

  The little minx. My cock was so fucking hard. It was a good thing she was standing right in front of me, too. Otherwise my predicament would’ve been pretty fucking obvious to everyone in the store!

  “Guess what we’re going to be doing tonight honey?” Madison asked.

  “What?” I asked, though I had a pretty good feeling I knew exactly what we were going to be doing tonight.

  “Kyle invited us over to his place so he could show me the ropes with some fun games!”

  I eyed Kyle. He had a weird smile on his face. A smile I’d come to know all too well in the years Madison and I had been doing this. That was the smile of a man who thought he was pulling a fast one on me. A man who thought I was completely oblivious to what my wife was doing. Well he was in for one hell of a surprise later tonight when everything was revealed, though it rankled to have him think he was pulling one over on me even for a couple of hours.

  “Really now? You didn’t want to spend time with your family tonight?”

  “I think staying over at Kyle’s place will be a lot more fun. Don’t you Kyle?”

  He licked his lips and swallowed. Looked her up and down in a pretty fucking obvious way. It was clear he wasn’t cut out for this sneaking around sort of thing. It was a good thing this was happening with us where I was a willing participant. If he tried to have an affair with any other married woman it would be so fucking obvious what was going on that he was sure to have an angry husband breathing down his neck.

  “I think we’ll have a pretty good time,” he said.

  “There, it’s settled. You don’t mind, do you honey?” she asked.

  “Not at all,” I replied.

  “Good, it’s settled then! Where do you live Kyle?”

  Kyle looked away for a moment. When he looked back he had an embarrassed blush creeping up his face. He was pale enough from his life working in a game store which didn’t involve much direct contact with the sun that the blush was pretty obvious.

  “Actually Sean should have no trouble finding the place. I’m still living in my parents’ place.”

  “You live with your parents,” Madison said, he
r voice suddenly flat. Maybe there was a touch of incredulity thrown in there for good measure, and why not? I had to turn away so he wouldn’t see the smile spreading across my face.

  “Well it’s not quite like that. They spend a lot of time down south in their summer home so I pretty much have the place to myself. They’re not there right now,” he said.

  He was talking fast. It was obvious he could see this slipping away from him. Not that I thought for a moment that Madison would actually give up on this even if he did still live with his parents. We were interested in one night of fun with the guy, after all, and not anything long term.

  “Well I suppose that would be okay if they’re not around,” Madison said. She turned to me and smiled. “Should be a blast from the past for you. Right honey?”

  “Right,” I said.

  And with that we turned and made our way out of our town’s first and only game store. I felt a strange churning in my stomach as we walked along. Part of me was so fucking turned on at everything that had just happened, but at the same time there was another part of me that was just plain nauseous thinking about it. I really needed to get this under control. All these conflicting feelings were like one hell of a blast from the past. Back when we first started this and I was still unsure about going through with it.

  “So that was interesting,” I said.

  “Oh yes it was,” Madison said. “Did you like the little surprise I had for you when I kissed you?”

  I thought back to that strange taste. That had been interesting, to say the least.

  “It was certainly a surprise. I’m more surprised that you were able to blow him without anyone in the store noticing, to be honest.”

  Madison grinned, a gleam in her eye. “Well you have to remember I have a lot of practice doing that sort of thing in public without anyone being any the wiser,” she said. “You of all people should appreciate that. You’re the one who started me on the path that taught me how to do that sort of thing.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” I said. “Still takes some getting used to from time to time, even after all these years of doing this.”

  “You mean you have to get used to the idea of your wife blowing your friend like that?”

  “He’s not my friend,” I said, heat coming to my voice. “We might be using him for some fun, but whatever happens you need to remember that we haven’t been friends for years and we won’t be friends after this. Tonight is all about the fantasy.”

  We got into the car and I leaned back against the seat. God this was so hot and so worrying at the same time. I wished I could get over this like I’d gotten over all the other fears that consumed me when we did this sort of thing, but in this case I just couldn’t shake it.

  “Are you having doubts again?” Madison asked.

  Her hand snaked across the middle and she started rubbing my cock. I looked around in a panic, but most everybody walking along the sidewalk was busy doing their own thing. None of them so much as glanced into our car. Still, it was risky having her feel me up like this. It’s not like we were a couple of teenagers where the cops would chuckle and send us on our way. No, this was the sort of situation where we’d probably get hauled into the jail for a little while on a public indecency charge.

  “Madison, we really shouldn’t do this,” I said.

  Her hand slipped inside my pants. Wrapped around my cock. It took every bit of control not to come in my pants at that delicious contact. Despite my reservations all I could think about was Madison down on her knees behind that shelving unit with Kyle’s cock disappearing down her throat. All I could think about was Kyle staring down at the object of his obsession for so many years as he blew his load and she swallowed every bit of it.

  At least I assumed she swallowed every bit of it, though it was amusing to imagine him blowing his load all over one of his displays.

  “Don’t you like it when I’m naughty like that with other men Sean?” she asked. “You’re the one who brought this fantasy into our life, after all. It doesn’t seem fair that you’d get mad when I start fulfilling your fantasies.”

  I sighed. “I know I shouldn’t get mad. I’m just still suffering from a little bit of worry over this being Kyle.”

  “Well you don’t need to worry. It’s not like I’m going to leave you for him or anything crazy like that, and by the time we’re done with him we’re going to make it clear you’re the one in charge.”

  “I guess,” I said. And then I did something really difficult. I reached down and grabbed her hand. Pulled it out of my pants.

  “Why’d you do that?” she asked.

  “For one I don’t want the cops coming after us,” I said. “For another if you’re going to have fun with Kyle tonight then I want to make sure I’m fully there. If you have me blowing a load now I might not enjoy it as much later.”

  “If you say so,” she said.

  “So what exactly did you tell him, anyways?”

  Madison shrugged. “Pretty much the same thing I always tell a guy when he’s worried about you but we’re not letting him know you’re in on it. I’m a naughty girl who loves pulling one over on her husband. That sort of thing.”

  “It’s an old strategy, but it checks out,” I said. “So you think he fell for it?”

  “Hook, line, and sinker,” Madison said.

  That left me wondering, though. This was a game we’d played with other guys before, but I wondered if there was more to it this time around. Madison had been seized by the obsession. I could tell because it had happened to me so many times that I knew the signs in another person. In a way it felt like she was pulling one over on me. She’d gotten me to agree to go along with this, after all.

  I wondered if there was maybe more going on under the surface with my wife than what she was letting on, then dismissed that thought. That was paranoia the likes of which I hadn’t dealt with since the night I nearly lost her, and I wasn’t going to start down that road again. I’d long ago learned that the obsession wasn’t the problem. My insecurities were the issue.

  It had been a long time since I’d even felt any of those insecurities, and it was weird they would come back now of all times. I’d just do what I’d done with them every time they came up, though. Ignore them.

  I pulled the car out and started down the road. We had a few hours before we had to be at Kyle’s, after all. Plenty of time to go and see the family for a little while.

  “Tonight is going to be interesting,” I said.

  “You’ve got that right. I’m so fucking turned on, and I know you are honey,” she said.

  “So how are we going to work this out so I get to see everything going on?”

  “What makes you think you get to see everything going on?” Madison asked.

  Immediately those worries and insecurities came roaring to the surface. I didn’t get to watch? That hadn’t been part of the deal. What the hell was she going on about?

  All those thoughts must’ve been pretty fucking obvious from the worried expression on my face because Madison laughed and reached out to run a finger along my cock again.

  “Don’t worry Sean,” she said. “I’m just fucking with you. I’ll figure out a way. If all else fails you can just sneak in at the door and watch, but I think we’ll be able to come up with something a little more interesting than that.”

  “If you say so,” I said. Those worries were still there, but Madison had never done me wrong up until now. Tonight was going to work out, and it was going to be fucking hot. Arousal was starting to win out over worry.

  And I realized I couldn’t wait for tonight!

  21: Game Night

  I felt a surprising mixture of emotions as Sean pulled the car up to a house that looked pretty similar to just about every other house in this town. It was well-maintained, which was a difference from some of the other places in this neighborhood. This town had fallen on hard times since most of the manufacturing jobs left, leaving meth as the principal export.<
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  I looked at Sean. Smiled an uncertain smile. For all that I'd acted confident earlier in the day at that game shop I was nervous. Goosebumps rose all over my body. I shivered in anticipation.

  "Are you ready to do this?" I asked.

  Sean shook his head. "I'm not sure if I'll ever be truly ready for this one. This is the big one."

  I reached out and put a hand on his thigh. "I know. And thank you for doing this."

  He shook his head again. "I should be the one thanking you for doing this. After all, this fantasy is the one I haven't been able to stop thinking about for years!"

  I grinned and leaned in to kiss him. I also moved my hand out to stroke his cock. I couldn't help myself. I was so turned on. I knew I needed to save it for Kyle, but I couldn't help myself. Sean was being so cute. He had this jealous possessive streak that I hadn't seen in him since that night years ago right before we got engaged. Back then it had annoyed me, but now that I knew the roots of that jealous streak it just had me hot. So fucking hot!

  I pulled away from the kiss. "We should really get going."

  "Yeah," Sean said. "If we don't go now then I'm going to drive you off to a motel somewhere so we can work out this pent-up energy ourselves."

  "We wouldn't want that," I said. "Tonight is all about having fun with Kyle, but remember that you're the only man for me."

  "I know," he said.

  I took in a deep breath. Let it out in a long slow controlled breath that I usually saved for when I was at the gym. I looked up at the house. There was a light on down on the first floor. I wondered what he had ready for dinner. I wondered if he'd cooked.

  Finally I got out of the car. Took Sean's hand and we walked up hand-in-hand.

  Sean chuckled. "You know this is a little crazy."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked.


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