The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 24

by Lexi Archer

  Where the hell was her other hand?”

  “Yeah, we had some pretty good times in this gym,” he said.

  “Mmm,” she purred. “Really good times.”

  She held my gaze as she said that, leaving absolutely no doubt as to exactly what she was talking about.

  Damn! How far was she going to take this? I was starting to feel that mixture of nerves and arousal again, though arousal was definitely winning the day. How far did I want this to go? How far was too far?

  We hadn’t reached “too far” yet. I didn’t know when we would reach that point, or if I’d even know it when we got there.

  I reached down and picked up my drink, took a deep swig of it. It burned as it went down, it was really more whiskey than soda. I turned back to my wife. I didn’t say anything. I wanted to see what she was planning.

  “I’ve got a great idea!”

  Abby’s face lit up as though something had just occurred to her, though I had an inkling that it hadn’t just occurred to her. I had a pretty good idea it was something she’d been thinking about since we stepped off the dance floor.

  “How about we go out and have a dance for old time’s sake?” She turned to me and there was a pout on her face. “You wouldn’t mind, would you honey?”

  David grunted as though he was trying to keep something under control. I had no doubt exactly what it was he was trying to conceal, exactly what it was he was trying to keep under control. Because I was trying to do the very same thing as my wife’s hand danced up and down my cock. I couldn’t believe this. We were in the middle of her old school’s gym, she was talking about going out on the dance floor and getting with this guy who I’d been so jealous of for so many years, and I had a pretty good idea that she was also practically jerking him off under the table.

  I still couldn’t see her hand, at least.

  I opened my mouth to respond but I had a hard time actually getting the words out. “I suppose that would be fine.”

  Abby smiled and winked at me. Then she turned to David. “Sound fun to you David?”

  David looked between us with disbelief written plainly on his face. And that look of disbelief coupled with what my wife’s hand was doing was almost enough to make me blow my load in my pants. Only that was the last thing I should be doing right now. I forced myself to move my hand up, place it on Abby’s, and stop her from continuing her up-and-down motion under the table. She grinned, her eyes twinkling, but she stopped. Apparently she didn’t want me blowing my load just yet either. I was astonished at the amount of self-control I had, especially considering how she’d been teasing me all day. Especially considering the incredibly amazingly sexy turn that this reunion had taken, but there it was.

  “Then it’s settled!” Abby said. “Come on David. Out on the dance floor now!”

  And like a whirlwind my gorgeous wife in her tight dress was moving out onto the gym floor with David. A faster song was playing this time and they were quickly dancing awkwardly with several feet in between them.

  “You’re a braver man than me,” someone said to one side. I turned and blinked. Tiffany was sitting right next to me. I’d been so preoccupied with what was going on with Abby and David that I hadn’t even realized she was sitting next to me.

  “What you mean?”

  “After all the history between the two of them? Letting them go out on the dance floor like that? Let’s just say I wouldn’t be big enough to let my husband do that if I was a married woman and he had the sort of relationship they had.”

  I shrugged. “Well she did marry me, after all.”

  Tiffany chuckled. “I suppose she did, but still.”

  She nodded out towards the dance floor and I turned back. My breath caught and I had to remind myself to take in a breath as I saw them coming together. I couldn’t believe it, and yet there it was. It was as though everything I’d been dreaming of, every forbidden fantasy I’d had running through my head over the past month since she mentioned the reunion, was starting to come together out there on that dance floor.

  They danced to some boy band that had been popular back when we were in school and largely forgotten since. I couldn’t even tell you their name, though Abby could probably name off all the members of the band, their major interests, and what clothes they wore in their Tiger Beat interview back in the day. She’d been a full on boy band fangirl back in the day, and that still carried over to some of her playlists when she was alone in the car.

  Of course I wasn’t concerned with contemporary music from my youth that had since become forgotten oldies. No, I was more interested in how they were dancing.

  They’d started out apart from one another, looking for all the world like a couple at one of those old school dances who weren’t quite sure about getting close. You know the look. Only now any awkwardness, any hesitation, had faded completely. I heard Tiffany snicker beside me as they came together on the dance floor. I was completely transfixed watching them.

  Abby threw a leg up and he caught it, and then they were practically grinding together on the dance floor. They weren’t the only ones out there grinding to this particular song, all of these people seemed to have reverted to some of their baser emotions as soon as they got out on the gym floor. Maybe there was something about being in their old haunt that was causing everybody to act like a bunch of horny teenagers again. I guess I couldn’t really tell having no basis of comparison since my ten year reunion was still a year away.

  David’s hands ran up and down Abby’s body and from the look on her face she was enjoying the attention. Though when I say they were rubbing up and down her body they didn’t quite make it to forbidden territory. He never quite tried to cop a feel of her tits, though they were rubbing against his chest quite nicely thank you very much. His hand also never quite made it down to squeeze her ass, which both relieved and disappointed me. I figured if I was going to get some fantasy material out of this forbidden dance then they might as well go all the way, but I was also relieved that he seemed somewhat reluctant to get too handsy with my wife.

  Besides, what they were doing out there on that dance floor right now was more than enough to get me going. It was more than enough to have my cock throbbing. Throbbing to the point that I worried I was in very real danger of blowing my load.

  “Oh my,” Tiffany said. “Are you actually enjoying the show? Interesting.”

  I turned and grinned sheepishly at her. What could I say? I suppose the way I was reacting to watching my wife practically dry humping her ex-boyfriend out on their old high school gym floor was giveaway enough. Most men who saw their wife doing that would probably be out on the dance floor in an instant with fists flying to protect her honor, but I was just leaning back in my chair and enjoying the show.

  I guess it was pretty obvious to anyone who knew what they were looking for.

  And what a show it was. Their faces were almost together. It looked as though they were on the verge of coming together for a kiss. He was staring into her eyes, a smoldering look that was filled with ten years of waiting, ten years of fantasizing, ten years of frustration. It was exactly the kind of look I’d fantasized about seeing ever since Abby first mentioned her reunion.

  And Abby. Damn. Back when she was trying on her dress I mentioned that it was the quintessential “fuck me” dress, and now she was rubbing that “fuck me” dress against him while staring up at him with what could only be described as “fuck me” eyes. Her mouth was open as their lips almost brushed but never quite came together. She was visibly panting, her chest heaving and pressing into his. I wasn’t close enough to see, and the black dress would have obscured it anyways, but I had no doubt that if I was close enough I’d see her nipples straining out through the thin material of that dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra tonight so they would’ve been obvious. I was sure he’d already discovered that fact feeling her tits pressing against him.

  They were grinding together so intensely that I almost would’ve thought they
were fucking out on the middle of the gym floor, except I knew that was impossible. I knew his pants and her dress were safely between them. Only he wasn’t moving to the beat anymore. Neither of them were. Her breath was coming in more and more ragged gasps, made obvious by the way her chest was heaving whenever she pulled away from him for a moment.

  I leaned forward and stared intently as his movements became more erratic. As his thrusting went from a dance to simply pressing against my wife. He was breathing heavily, his arms were wrapped tightly around her, and she held his shoulders in a white knuckled grip as they stared at one another. Whatever the hell was happening, it was obvious that it was intense. It was obvious that this dance was the culmination of ten years of frustration on both their parts, and I couldn’t be more turned on watching it happen. I couldn’t be more aroused watching my wife grinding against this man.

  Something seemed to change between them. That white knuckled grip got even more intense, she buried her face in his chest and he was leaning down pressing his own face against her hair. They went from those erratic almost spasmodic movements on the dance floor to not moving at all. They held one another tightly, not moving to the beat, not noticing anyone moving around them.

  Thankfully I seemed to be the only one who noticed what was really going on. Maybe everybody who saw them figured they were being overcome with emotion at been together for the first time in so many years, but I knew something else was happening. I had a strong suspicion that a lot more than overwhelming emotion was passing between them. I had a feeling that my wife was coming against him. And if I didn’t miss my mark I had a pretty good suspicion he might be doing the same thing.

  I desperately wanted to reach down and pull my cock out, to start stroking it, but I couldn’t. And maybe it was that denial that made this moment all the more hot. I was surrounded by so many people, and if I started jerking off under the table that would be a little too obvious. It would definitely be a hell of a lot more obvious than the little show they’d just put on.

  “Looks like they’re having some fun,” Tiffany said. “Is that the kind of fun you imagined her having when you came to this reunion?”

  I jumped. Her voice was almost in my ear. It was a soft whisper. Though I was glad she was leaning so close to me where nobody else could hear. Of course as worked up as I was feeling a woman’s breathy voice in my ear was almost enough to make me blow my load. I turned and raised an eyebrow at her, but she was leaning back and smiling. The confirmation of what I’d just seen, knowing that someone else had been watching and come to the same conclusion, turned me on even more. Abby and David only had an audience of two, but having more of an audience than just me somehow made it even hotter.

  “To be honest I don’t know how I feel,” I said.

  And that was the truth. I’d just watched my wife grinding against her old boyfriend on the dance floor. I’d just watched them share a surprisingly intimate moment. Fire raged within me as I thought back to that moment. A burning arousal the likes of which I hadn’t felt in years was coursing through my body. My pulse had picked up. My breath was coming in shallow ragged gasps. My stomach was still twisting into knots, and down below my cock was throbbing in time with the blood that was pumping through my heart as though I’d just run a hundred meter dash or something. I was as worried as I was aroused, but it was obvious that arousal was winning the day.

  It all happened in the space of one a cheesy all but forgotten boy band song. A song that had been omnipresent when I was in school. A song I hadn’t been able to escape at dances or on the radio in my car. Only when listening to it all those years ago and dismissing it with the sort of derision that all teenage guys used to dismiss every boy band that ever existed throughout history I had no idea that someday in the future, just a decade ahead, it would be the soundtrack to one of the most intense sexual experiences of my wife. Of my life. Honest slip-up there.

  It’s funny how life works out sometimes.

  The song faded out and launched into another one. This time it was some grunge hit that had managed to linger on the radio despite that style of music going out of style a good decade before we got to high school. It was definitely a change from the pop boy band song, and it seemed to break whatever spell Abby and David were under. They pulled away from one another suddenly looking embarrassed. Abby glanced over to our table and I saw a blush rise to her cheeks.

  Or was that a flush of sexual arousal? I didn’t know. I had no way of knowing. I desperately needed to know.

  David also had a flush rising to his face. At first I thought it might be arousal on his part as well, but I quickly realized that no, he was definitely looking embarrassed. He glanced down at his pants and Abby followed his gaze.

  I licked my lips. Now this was interesting. This was very interesting indeed. There was only one reason I could think of why both of them would be staring down at his pants like that. Why he’d be embarrassed about something going on down there. He was either hard or something else.

  I desperately hoped it was something else, but at the same time I didn’t dare to hope.

  David looked around at the crowd, though nobody was looking at them. Nobody except for me and perhaps Tiffany. Then he made a beeline for one of the doors on the opposite end of the gym. Abby turned and took a much more leisurely stroll back to the table where she sat down and grinned at me. She leaned past me and smiled even wider. I turned to see Tiffany looking at her.

  “Slut!” Tiffany said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Tiffany,” Abby said.

  Only even as she said that she grabbed my hand under the table and moved it to her thigh. Moved it up, up. At first I thought she might be wanting me to do something very interesting with my fingers under the tablecloth, but instead of moving my fingers up under her dress she moved them over her dress. I arched an eyebrow as I looked at her. What was her game?

  The game became painfully obvious when my fingers made contact with something wet on the front of her dress. Something slightly sticky and wet. I looked at her, my eyes going wide, and my eyebrows shooting up so quickly that it was a wonder they didn’t achieve orbit.

  Abby smiled and nodded in answer to the unspoken question plastered across my face. My cock throbbed. So I’d been right. I’d been absolutely right about exactly what was going on out on the dance floor. Abby had been grinding against him and he’d blown a load against her. I could hardly believe it, and yet there was the sticky evidence right at the tip of my fingers.

  My cock throbbed. I couldn’t help it. I very nearly came in my pants as I felt that delicious confirmation that he’d come while grinding against my wife. Come with such ferocity, and in such great quantity, that it soaked through his underwear, soaked through his pants, and got on her dress. I was lightheaded. I saw stars dancing in front of me.

  Thankfully David showed up at the table distracting me momentarily. That distraction was all it took to bring me out of the fantasy world and into the real world. I noticed he wasn’t looking at me directly. No, instead he was concentrating on the dance floor. I wondered if he was embarrassed about what happened, worried about how I might react after seeing them dancing together like that, or just looking out there and reliving some very recent memories.

  As I saw him standing there looking sheepish I realized this was the perfect opportunity to keep up the charade and have a little fun at his expense.

  “Looks like you two had some fun out there on the dance floor,” I said.

  David jumped at my words and a guilty look passed across his face as he looked over at me. It was all I could do to keep myself from giggling maniacally as I saw that look on his face. He looked like a guy who was worried he was about to get shot by a jealous husband. Who knows? Maybe that was the kind of thing that happened all the time out here in the middle of Redneckistan. I had no idea having grown up in the city.

  “It was a pretty good time,” Abby said. “Reminded me of old times, but isn’t that w
hat reunions are for honey?”

  “Yeah, a pretty good time,” David muttered.

  I’d hoped that wouldn’t be the end of the fun, but after that a bunch of things started happening at once. People started going out to the DJ’s booth and talking about the memories from when they’d all gone to school together. They had at the usual memorial for people who’d passed since they graduated. They started handing out funny prizes and stuff.

  No more dancing. No more fun. Just people socializing. And I noticed that through it all David spent most of his time firmly planted with his crotch under the table where nobody would be able to see it. Maybe he hadn’t gotten as cleaned up as I thought.

  Whatever it was, aside from a little bit of playful flirting back and forth it seemed like the fun was over for the evening. I figured the fun would be over for the entire weekend, but then towards the end of the night the class president picked up the microphone.

  “So our reservation at the school only goes until about 10 o’clock tonight,” he said.

  There was a wave of jeers and boos as he said that. It seemed that nobody was particularly happy that the night’s festivities were going to be ending so early. Not that I could blame them. I’d gotten used to parties not even really starting until 10 o’clock, and they were shutting this one down already?

  The class president, I think his name was John or James or something like that, I hadn’t really been paying attention when he introduced himself, held out a hand and quieted the crowd. “I figured all of you would react like that, so I was wondering what y’all would think about going to a bonfire out at Woody Acres?”

  Immediately the jeers turned to shouts and whoops of delight. I glanced around the room and was astonished at how everybody seemed to know what this place was, and everybody seemed really fucking happy that the party was going out there. I had no idea what he was talking about, but from the way Abby was looking at me with a hopeful expression I had a good feeling that I was going to find out what Woody’s Acres was before the end of the night.


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